At approximately 6:30pm, on Tuesday December 10th, 2024, I received a call from Chris. Chris told me that he had just lost his wedding ring and wanted to know if I could come up and find it. I then asked Chris, if he could tell me what happened and where did he lose it.
Chris explained that he had been cleaning his wife’s car off and his hands were cold and wet. So, before getting into the car, Chris shook the snow off his hands and once inside the vehicle, he noticed his wedding ring was missing. I asked Chris if he had felt or seen the ring come off. He hadn’t! But, he knew where he was standing when he shook his hands and had been searching the snow, in that area, but it was fruitless. No wedding ring was found.
His wife, Erin, then put a Facebook post out, on a local Windham, Maine community page, .
Once Erin had done that, she started getting many referrals, to call me. It was at this point, that Chris called me. Chris wanted to know if I could come search tonight. I suggested I could do it the next day, but then remembered that I was having a crown put on, a broken tooth. I also remembered that tomorrow’s weather was going to be heavy rain and very high winds. I wouldn’t be able to search tomorrow. The day after that, I was already booked, in Auburn, Maine and Friday I was taking my mother to her Dr’s appointments and then my wife and I needed to be in Portland, for 5:00pm. Saturday, I have tentatively scheduled a search, in NH. This means if I didn’t go tonight, I probably wouldn’t be able to search for Chris’s ring until Sunday. So I told Chris that I would search tonight but just need to load my equipment up and drive the approximately 40 minutes or so, to Windham.
I left Saco at 6:50 pm and arrived at Chris’s home at 7:30pm. I then asked Chris to show me the area that he had been cleaning the car and where he had shaken his hands. Chris showed me and I could see the disturbed and packed down snow, of where he had unsuccessfully searched. I would search this area first and if I wasn’t able to locate the ring, I would start expanding the search area.
I started searching, at the road and worked my way, onto the lawn, approximately 10’ deep. No ring but lots of high conductivity metals, where gold is considered a low conductor. So, I turned around, took a 1/2 step, to my left and headed towards the road. Still no ring. Turned around and headed back onto the lawn and still nothing. Turned around, heading back to the road and almost immediately received a very loud target. The VDI was reading higher than normal for gold but it was such a great sounding target. I slowly put my pinpointer into the snow and located the target. I started gently pushing the top layer of snow, off the target, when I caught a glimpse of something yellow and metallic, under the bright lights of my headlamp, that I was wearing. I looked up at Chris and said, “I found your ring”. Chris was almost in disbelief, “Really”, he asked. I then had Chris come over and I showed him the very small piece of yellow, showing in the snow. Chris was now smiling ear to ear and couldn’t believe I had found his ring, approximately 5’ from where he thought it was and where he was searching. Chris kept thanking me for coming so far to help him and he also told me that the wedding ring, was his deceased father’s ring p, that had been passed down to him. WOW, another Heirloom Ring recovered and returned. I am so happy to have been able to help Chris and Erin, in their time of need. As I always say, every ring has a story and Chris’s ring now has another story, to go with its history. I get to add another smile, to my “Book of Smiles”.