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Gold & Diamond Ring recovered from the water in Baltimore County, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)
Yuriy with his girlfriend's ring!

Yuriy with his girlfriend’s ring!

I must tell you, the 100% success streak looked to be in jeopardy! This was the first time I initially came up empty during a recovery attempt, but due to the fact that Yuriy was so certain that the ring was lost in a certain area of a popular beach hang out, we decided to give it another try. I’m glad we did! Here is Yuriy’s take on the experience in his own words.

My girlfriend, some friends, and I went boating on Carlo’s (a friend of mine) boat to Hart Miller Island. We were throwing a football around in the water and my girlfriend realized that her ring had fallen off. Without seeing it hit the water it was difficult to pinpoint an exact location. We attempted a search but it was futile. The following day I decided to try to Google for “ring finding services” and came upon the Seeming too good to be true I emailed all the finders in Maryland and received prompt responses from all of them. Jim’s response was unique because he was ready to go that instant with his 100% success rate. One big issue is that I do not own a boat. I quickly contacted Carlos who was kind enough to make the drive with me to meet Jim and his friend Lance to search for the ring. While driving it all seemed too good to be true that there are people who do this and I was a little concerned about being mugged. When I met Jim and Lance that concern went away, they are two genuinely good guys. We boated out to the location where the ring was lost and they searched for about 3 hours. The location was filled with a lot of trash and the first search was unsuccessful. They were nice to offer a second attempt and we agreed on the following weekend. After the amount of trash I thought that the chances of the 2nd attempt were slim.

Only Jim was able to come out the 2nd time and my friend Carlos was once again kind enough to provide the transportation. Jim began his search and I began texting my girlfriend who at this point in time was on vacation with her family. All of a sudden Jim comes up to me and asks me, « is this it? ». It was surreal when he showed me my girlfriends ring! We celebrated and I texted my girlfriend we found it. She didn’t believe me at first so I sent her a picture. She was ecstatic. Even now it all seems too surreal.

Big thank you to Jim and Lance for searching for the ring.  These are two great guys and I would recommend everyone to not hesitate to contact them to help you find what you’ve lost. Also, great to be part of their continued 100% success streak!

Out of the water, safe and sound!

Out of the water, safe and sound!

The ring was in knee high water unfortunately surrounded by bottle caps, pull tabs and other junk!

The ring was in knee high water unfortunately surrounded by bottle caps, pull tabs and other junk!







Lost Engagement Ring Baseball Field, Brookside Elementary School, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Krista & Kyle         Ring in Grass

Kyle called this evening as he had been playing catch ball with his finance when Krista took off her glove and realized that her engagement ring was missing.    He then asked me if I could find the ring.

I meet up with Kyle and Krista at the school and they showed me the approximate area where the ring went missing and within 40 minute Bingo, Ring was reunited once again on Krista finger.

Thanks Kyle and Krista.

Lost Wedding Ring Returned after Three Years, The Hamptons Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Gavin    Gavin Ring

Received a call from Gavin this afternoon wondering if I could find his lost wedding ring which he lost three years ago in his back yard while playing with his kids, I told him I would  definitely have a go, if it’s in the ground I will find the ring.

I ask Gavin why it took him this long to contact Ring Finders he told me that he had given up looking for the ring he had rented a metal detector himself with no luck, and he did not know our service was available until his friend told him this morning to give Ring Finders a call.

After about an hour and a half of searching his yard bingo found the ring buried two inches in the ground, Gavin and his wife are very happy to have the ring back on his finger after laying in his back yard for three years. Thank you Gavin.

Lost Diamond Wedding Ring in Vancouver Garden…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

One week ago I received a call from a young lady explaining to me that her mother may have lost her diamond engagement ring in her garden. After talking for a few minutes she said that she wasn’t clear if her mother lost the ring in the garden or if it was lost in her house.I told her that I wouldn’t be able to make it until the weekend, five days later, so that if her mother could check the house good and cannot find it I would come to search the yard on the weekend.Well come Thursday I received a call that they didn’t find the ring in the house and that they needed my service, so we arranged a meeting for 11 AM on Saturday morning.When I arrived I met a very lovely lady named Wendy who told me why she thought the ring could be lost in her backyard. She goes on to tell me that she was doing some yard work and watering the plants and pulling out some bushes and branches which is a very good way to lose a ring.This diamond engagement ring was very special to Wendy because she lost her husband last year as you can imagine the ring meant the world to her. She told me that ring was given to her in 1967 when her husband, boyfriend at the time proposed to her. She remembered that her husband was making payments on the ring… $10 a week and she had the payment sheet showing all the payments he made until it was paid off.I have to tell you I was really praying that I would find this ring for her, so I began my search in the area in the backyard that she showed me where she was pulling branches and watering plants. Wendy had to go in the house to get a battery for her hearing aid and within minutes I had found the ring!  I was so excited and couldn’t wait to show her what I’d found. When Wendy came back outside I showed her her ring and she was so happy! A I have the best job in the in the world! I get to make people smile…Every ring has a story and that story ends when the ring is lost…What I do is get to help continue that story by find that lost ring…This story was a love story about a lady who loved her husband very much and will miss him dearly.Thanks for reading my blogs!If you have lost something and need it found…Call me ASAPYou can watch the video of the search below.

Lost Wedding Ring… Corona Del Mar Beach, CA… Found in Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Friday, August 8,2013

This evening I was using my detector on the beach as most the people were leaving to return home from their day at the beach. Jenny’s brother walked up to me and asked me if I can find metal or a ring with my machine. His sister had just lost her diamond wedding ring and he wanted to know if I could find the ring after they had searched for it over a half hour.

Jenny had carefully put her cherished diamond wedding ring in a hand bag at the beginning of her day at the beach with her big family group. As they were packing up to return home she went to her hand bag to get her ring back on her finger. It was dark when she reached into the bag to retrieve the ring and as she pulled her hand out  the ring fell into the sand. Everybody took a shot at finding the ring, digging through the sand with their fingers. It is nearly impossible to feel a small ring in most types of dry sand.

When I got there Jenny was really upset and crying out of control. She could barely tell me how she lost the ring. I told her not to worry, I do this all the time and it will be an easy search.. I set up my machine to find this white gold ring and was unaware of how small it was. I was listening for that nice gold sound and I found a couple coins, but no ring. My next move was to set my detector to accept all metal and picked up a screw and a hair pin. No ring.  Then I made some more fine adjustments to the sensitivity settings. It was my time to start worrying. I had annouced to all the onlookers how easy this was going to be and they were begining to look nervous after 20 minutes.. This time a heard a broken tin foil sound, telling everyone that this is tin foil but I’ll dig it to remove it from the search area. Even though it was dark, I could see Jenny’s ring in my sand scoop. She was standing in front of me and knew that I had found the ring. When I gave it to her she put it on and I couldn’t get her to take it off to take a photo of it.. Big hugs and congratulations from the whole family.. They do not know how I almost missed this small ring. It was probably deep and standing on edge or maybe there was a piece of tin foil in the same hole ? I’ve got to stay humble, there can be many variables to searching for jeweler. End result: Happy smiling faces and everyone knows about our group called The RingFinders.

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Lost Wedding Band at Jericho Beach, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a phone call from a friend that I work with that told me that his friend lost his wedding ring at Jericho Beach when he was swimming. He goes on to tell me that he’s at the beach the next morning searching for it because his friend couldn’t be there as he had to work… Then it hit him…I know  a guy who finds lost rings! (Me) He tells me that his friend had lost his ring while they took a swim and that he was married for over 25 years so it was extremely sentimental.

I happen to have the day off so I rushed out there to help him find his friends lost ring. When I get there the tide is slowly coming in and he shows me an area where he believes the ring was lost.

After 10 minutes of searching I found a silver native carved ring so I popped it out of the sand and left it were it was found so I could come back and film it. Later Marty goes to move the bag closer to shore and see’s the ring. He thinks its the native ring that I told him I found the day before at that beach…I told him that I found that one but I thought that he told me that it was a white gold ring that I was looking for…




Well we decided to call his friend to see what his ring looked like and this was the match! I don’t get to meet his friend but here is the picture of  a good friend, who did what he could to do to help find his buddies ring for him…




He also made a donation to my charity(Children’s Hospital) because I wouldn’t except anything for my time…Thanks Marty!!!Lost something? Call me ASAP!I love my job!


You can watch the video below…

Lost Keys … 1000 Steps Beach, Laguna Beach, CA. … Found in Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I got a call from Peyton’s grandfather who had found my number on The RingFinders website. He asked me if I could help them find a special set of keys that were lost on the beach two nights before. I was only a few minutes drive from 1000 Steps Beach, So. Laguna Beach, which is a beautiful beach and it would be nice place to search. The call came at 2pm and I met Peyton with his friends at 3:30pm. This beach is more or less isolated and there are not many guys detecting on a daily basis, also they do not use a beach cleaning machine on this beach. All these factors were a plus, to make this search successful..

Peyton is vacationing in Laguna Beach with his friends and were on the beach late at night when he decided to take a swim. He had these keys on a lanyard around his neck so he took it off so he wouldn’t lose them in the water. He laid the keys with his clothes at the crest of the beach. The tide was lower at this time of night. After swimming he put on his clothes and forgot about the keys until a few hours later. He a his friends spent the next morning and two more days looking for the keys and it should of been easy with the lanyard, but it was not easy.

After hearing his story of how he lost the keys and Peyton showing the general location. I started a spiral type grid search from top of beach to the surf.  The tide had come over this crest of the beach several times over the past few days and I thought the wave action could have pulled the keys with the lanyard down into the surf. The other possibility is the waves could have pushed the keys further over the crest of the beach onto what we call the towel line. It took about 25 minutes and I probably made 7 or 8 passes of 40 feet, when I got the 12-33 reading and a strong audio signal on my Minelab CTX 3030 metal detector. The keys were under 10 inches of soft fluffy sand that had been pushed up by the 6 ft. plus tides of the past two days. It is not an exact science knowing what the surf does with the sand. One day it pushes the sand in and the next day it takes the sand away from the beach.  It has to be good enough just to know that beach erosion works both ways and plan accordingly.

Peyton had been disapointed with himself for losing the keys, but now he was very happy to have these special keys back in his possession. I got the pleasure of helping him find the keys and search on a beautiful beach. The walk back to my car was only 200 steps up to Pacific Coast Hwy. ( not 1000 steps )

Metal Detecting Service for a Lost Wedding Band in the Ocean at Kits Beach, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call the other day from a young man who lost his wedding ring in the ocean while swimming, he tried for a few hours to find it but the tide was fast moving in and the depth was getting to deep to continue the search.

He remembered a friend of a friend who lost their ring and how they found me on The Ring Finders Directory, so he got on line and found the directory and called me.

From his description of where the ring was lost I knew I’d have to hit it hard at low or a little before. Lots of people metal detect the swimming areas everyday at low tide.

I decided to make a night of it and arrived at midnight at Kits Beach and searched the dry sand until 6am. I found a little over $20 in change 1 iPhone 4s that was returned back to the owner later that day, 1 Tungsten wedding band(still looking for the owner) 1 big Heart pendent and long chain and loads of bottle caps, pull tabs & booby pins.

At 6 am I tested the water and it was cold but I knew I better get at it and search for the lost white gold wedding band. After 15 minutes in the nice but cold water I got a good signal and after checking the scoop I saw the glimmer of white gold mixed in with the rocks and sand.



It only took 15-20 minutes because David remembered to take notes and references to where the ring was lost and that helps me a lot.




I love my job!

Lost something…Call me ASAP!


Watch video of the search here…

Lost Ring … Del Mar Beach, CA.. In Surf at High Tide

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Saturday – July 20, 2013     I received a call from Kathleen in Del Mar, CA. after she found my number on  » The RingFinders  » website.  She and her husband Jeff had been to the beach a couple days before at 6:30pm, which was about high tide.  Jeff was boogie boarding in the surf when he took a big wave and when he recovered from a wipeout he was missing his wedding band. While  talking with with Kathleen, I explained that it is a difficult search, because the detector can only detect ring size metal to a depth of 6″ to 8″ inches. Depending on surf conditions the sand can move more than a foot of sand in one tide. Kathleen gave me good directions, which made it easier to start hunting.

I drove to the location, arriving about 12 am. two hours before low tide. Setting up a grid search of 75 yards parallel to the beach. After five passes towards the receding tide I got my first and only signal.. There it was and I knew right away it was Jeff’s ring. It was just about 5″ or 6″ inches deep. I had been slowly swinging the detector for about 30 minutes overlaping each swing as not to miss a ringsize area. Missing a 3 inch area could make a 30 minute search turn into hours of hunting. I always tell people that I’m searching for,  » Just don’t watch me work, because it will drive a normal person crazy » It’s a slow and methodical process.

I text Kathleen a photo of the ring and asked her to call. She immediately called back with an excited voice. We set up a meeting and Jeff was outside his home waiting at 1 am when I drove up. I handed him his ring and he told me how he lost it. He is vacationing from Louisiana and is not familiar with westcoast surf.  Jeff said the wave picked him up smashing him under the water. When he came up he had sand in every orfice. Then he noticed the missing ring.  He just knew it was gone forever and probably half way to Hawaii by now.  He explained to me,  how he had told all his friends about his surfing experience and the loss of his ring. I only wish I could tell Jeff’s story the way he told it.  Now he can tell them a better story.  » The Recovery of his ring »   It was a pleasure to meet Jeff and talk to his wife on the phone and I am realizing that there are so many nice people in this world.. I love helping people with a skill that has taken me many years of experience and research to learn.. ( And Lots of Luck )

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Lost Ring… Bolsa Chica State Beach, CA… In Surf

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Monday   7-15-13

I got a call this afternoon at 4pm from Joshua. He had been at Bolsa Chica State Beach last Friday 7-12-13.  Between 9 and 9:30 pm. Friday night he was in the surf about knee deep water when he felt his ring slip off into the water. I was able to get good directions from Josh and I calculated the approximate tide conditions at the time he lost the ring. The tide was about 3 ft high when he lost it. There had been 6 high tides of 4 to 4.5 ft during the 3 days sense losing the ring. I decided to try catching the falling tide this evening it will be 1.7ft at 10pm.  I started at 6 pm.

This beach has soft sand and slopes at a steep angle. It also has a lot of black sand that makes it a challenge for metal detecting. I wasn’t about to go into the wet surf as long as the tide was still going out and my past finds have been fairly close to where they were dropped. While waiting for the tide to fall I went away from the main search area. At 8:15pm..  Bam ! I got a signal and it was Josh’s ring , 7 inches deep..  The ring was 50 yards south of where it was dropped, but did not seem to wash down into the lower surf. Basically it just got pushed 50 yards south. I sent a photo of the ring to Josh and we set up a meeting to return his ring. He told me the ring was very sentimental because, he had bought in Jerusalem, Israel several years ago on vacation.

I was nice to meet Josh and I’m glad to be able to return his ring.. I had to stay possitive because 3 days in the surf is tuff. The waves and the sand change by the hour and 8 or 9 inches is more or less the limit of most metal detectors for ring sized objects.

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