Finders Category | Page 295 of 433 | The Ring Finders

Lost Texas A&M Ring Canyon Lake, Texas found by John Volek TRF-Houston

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Texas A&M Ring Canyon Lake, Texas
I was contacted by Kelly, a Comal Country Deputy Sheriff who was looking for someone to help find her brothers Texas A&M Class Ring…
Kelly posted a comment amongst some of her friends on Facebook, and a fellow Police Officer responded that they new just the right person.
I spoke to Kelly a short time later and she explained that her brother Brian had lost his new Texas A&M Class Ring in a swim area in Canyon Lake.
Kelly put me in contact with Brian, and he provided additional details on his ring and the location lost. Brain indicated he was having a get together with some of his former military brothers at Canyon Lake.
Brain said it was during this event that he lost his new ring. Brian said while swimming in the lake, he felt his ring slip off and drop down to about the 8-foot mark. Brian said he tried effortlessly to recover his ring that afternoon.
Brian indicated he returned the following day with some dive gear and made another effort at recovering his lost ring, but he had no success.
I am guessing it was during this point, that his sister got wind of the situation and started her own investigation!
Kelly and Brian both provided photographs of the search location…and Brian was very confident he had a very good idea of where the ring had come off his hand.
I contacted my partner Carl to see if he was up for a 6 hour round trip dive adventure to Canyon Lake…
We made final arrangements with Brian to meet him at the location on Sunday morning to search for his lost ring.
































The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

« Don’t Wait-Call Now! »

AWS Template 2014




                                         Don’t wait… Call now!


Lost Friendship Ring in Rosenburg, Texas found by John Volek TRF-Houston

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Friendship Ring in Rosenburg, Texas
I was contacted by Donavin a resident of Rosenburg, Texas who was looking for someone to help him find a very important friendship ring,
Donavin reported he had been playing baseball in his backyard when he had the mis-fortune of losing a silver friendship ring.
Donavin said he had been playing baseball another ring flew off of hos right hand…Donavin said he search for hours and was not able to find that lost ring. Donavan said it was at the point he took of his friendship ring, tied a piece of fishing line to it, and threw it to see how far his other right might have flown.
Donavin said immediately after throwing the promise ring the fishing line broke…and he was now faced with trying to find two lost rings in his backyard.
Donavin said he spent a number of hours searching for the lost ring and successfully found the first ring, but his friendship ring was still buried somewhere in the year.

I set out the following day to help Donavin find his Lost Friendship Ring…





























The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

« Don’t Wait-Call Now! »

AWS Template 2014




                                         Don’t wait… Call now!




Texas A&M Class Ring Lost at Pirates Beach in Galveston, Texas found by John Volek TRF-Houston

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Texas A&M Class Ring Lost at Pirates Beach in Galveston, Texas
I was contacted by Kathleen a resident of Bryan, Texas who was looking for someone to help her find her lost Texas A&M Class Ring…
Kathleen reported she had been vacationing on Pirates Beach in Galveston, Texas when she had the mis-fortune of losing her prized possession, her Texas A&M Class Ring in the Gulf of Mexico.
Kathleen reported she had been throwing a football with friends when her ring flew off her finger and landed in knee deep water. Kathleen reported she searched for her lost in the water but had no success at finding her ring…
Kathleen said upon returning home to Bryan, Texas she searched the internet to see if anyone could possibly go back and search for her lost ring…Kathleen said her search took her to Houston Metal Detecting Services – The Ring Finders (Houston, Texas) Kathleen said, it was at that moment she felt like their might be some hope!
Kathleen was able to send some photographs with some very specific land marks to get us back to the location the beach where she lost her ring, always the deciding factor in pursing recoveries on the beach.

Based on the location and recovery details, I knew this would again be a two-man effort minimal…I reached out to a good friend Carl Sedita and laid out the details.
After looking over all of the details, we made the trip down to Pirates Beach, to take back Kathleen’s lost ring!


























The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

« Don’t Wait-Call Now! »

AWS Template 2014




                                         Don’t wait… Call now!




Wedding Ring Lost Pool Side Alvin, Texas found by John Volek TRF-Houston

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Wedding Ring Lost Pool Side Alvin, Texas

I was contacted by Crystal a resident of Alvin, Texas who was looking for someone to help her find her lost Wedding Band…

Crystal reported she lost her ring a few days ago while relaxing with her family in their pool. Crystal said her wedding ring and band flew off her finger while playing water volleyball with her family. Crystal said she was hitting the volleyball when she felt her ring fly off of her finger.

Crystal said the volleyball game came to an immediate stop…with everyone searching for her lost rings in the grass. Crystal said her son found the her engagement ring in the grass near the pool, but the wedding band could not be found.

Crystal said after several days of searching, she rented a metal detector and tried to find her ring with no luck…A little additional internet searching led her to Houston Metal Detecting Services – The Ring Finders – Houston, Texas.








The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

« Don’t Wait-Call Now! »

AWS Template 2014




                                         Don’t wait… Call now!


Electronic Car Key and House Keys Lost at Playa Del Rey Beach…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

I received a desperate call from David. He had gone to the beach for the day, and when he decided to go in the water, he buried his keys in the sand so no one could find them. The problem was that when he was ready to leave, he moved his towel, and then forgot where the keys had been buried. He called his father who found me on the Ring Finders site, and told his son to give me a call. I told him I would come right away.

When I arrived David and I found each other, and he took me to the spot where he had been during the day. He showed me where he had been, and I could see where he had been digging in the sand, so that is where I began my search. The keys were not in that area, so I began to expand the search. I was finding a few metal items such as bottle caps and foil, but not the key. I continued working back away from his original spot, and then all of a sudden a real nice signal in the headphones. I scooped, and there were his keys, about 15 feet from where he thought they were. I was glad to have been able to help him out.


Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call immediately! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search in the sand, in the grass, dirt, or in the water, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Lost wedding rings Victoria B.C. Recovered and returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

Jan was at Gonzales beach today with her grandson and husband. She took off her rings to apply sunscreen and forgot them on her towel. When they packed up to head home picking up the towels the three rings ended up in the sand and hidden from sight.

Steve, Jan’s husband told me he never saw his wife cry so much after they searched, with no luck. Several hours they went on the internet and found this web site. The call came as I was just sitting down for dinner with my daughter and wife. I made plans to search at 7:30 p.m. and within 3 minutes all three rings were back where they belong. Jan was shocked that it only took two scoops to recover her three rings.

I love my job.

Lost ring found by Metal Detector at Cardiff beach CA

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)





TheRingFinders Metal Detector Service helped reunite a lost wedding band at Cardiff beach. OPEN NOW; Call 760 889 2751


I received a call from John Hughes a fellow member of Theringfinders asking if I could do a search for a lost Platinum ring in the surf. I was already scheduled to hunt at 3:00am for another lost ring close to this location so that was no problem.

Upon arriving to the scene of the first lost ring for the 3rd time it was evident that the beach has naturally pushed in sand burying it even deeper. I swung the whole area & did not dig 1 target. So on to the next Beach I went…

By 4:45 am during low tide I was at Cardiff beach swinging my Metal Detector in the location given by the owner of the ring via google maps.I had already been bit several times by mosquitoes in merely minutes and also to make this search seem inevitabley painful is that this Ring was lost 3 days prior in 5’-8’ surf! I guess you could say it’s a shot in the dark but after the 15th mosquito bite I heard a signal that made my ears ring..I took 1 scoop in the wet sand while begging the sea gods & king neptune for this to be Johns platinum ring…((Boom)) good Karma had prevailed!

Me,John Hughes and his daughter met the owner of this special ring also named John,later in the day.He was so relieved and very greatful to have this sentimental item back on his finger where it had been for over 20 years of marriage! Irreplaceable a ring can be.

This search did require luck,Knowledge,Good Karma but I must thank the Gods of the sea for their help in this recovery.

Lost Dental Post Found In Detroit Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

The Tooth Fairy’s Outta Luck Today!

My most unusual request has to be this so far. The pictured gentleman was on his phone and when he sneezed his tooth came out. After talking with him he mentioned how much it would cost to have it replaced and was worried that someone may find it. I said even the tooth fairy couldn’t make the exchange on that and I for sure will give the tooth back should I find it cos’ it’s not something I ever wanted in my collection! That got him laughing and more at ease. I knew I would be looking for a mid range number cos’ of the metal composition and it was very small. Also the shape of it resembled an earring post. When I got on site it was full of gravel and after about 10 min of searching the detector signaled a solid +38 and after removing a large stone there the tooth was! He was super thrilled and couldn’t believe it could be found and now he can avoid the replacement.
So no matter what someone asks you to help them find, do your best to be the reason you made someone’s smile better!

The BIGGEST Diamond Ring I have ever found and the Hardest Hunt. 3 days in Tall grass

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call at about 7:00PM to look for a 18K diamond ring that was lost throwing a small stick. They knew exactly where in their back yard!! (In the grass) They were so emotional about it, and it sounded like a easy hunt, I went out immediately. I arrived before nightfall. A couple of things that I had not been told about. Grass was 3 to 4 feet tall, near a retention pond, and it included cattails!! Needless to say I did not find it.

I returned the next morning with a scythe (Yes I know how to use it! I’m OLD and cut grass with one along the highway for the county when I was a kid) a rake, and both my CTX and XPDeus detectors and all my coils. I cut some of the grass and started to search. After several hours of hard labor, I asked them to rent a industrial weedwacker. I cut more grass all the way to the retention pond and searched. 7 hours later…Nothing!

Returned the next day with Ron Shore another Ringfinder. I knew the ring was there and was very frustrated, but stubborn. We hunted for about 4 hours. Nothing. Both becoming frustrated. This seemed like an easy hunt. So I decided to start from scratch. I ran a gridline starting at the waters edge and worked my way back to where she had been standing. I checked out EVERY signal with my handheld pinpointer. Not 5 feet from where she was standing I found the ring. I marked the spot and told the woman that we decided to quit hunting since Ron and I were exhausted. I told her I had marked a spot that I had received a signal but I was too tired to look and would she check it out.. BINGO!!!!

Here is what was interesting and a lesson I learned. Ron was using the the AT Gold with a nell coil and I was using my CTX with my 17 Inch coil for coverage. Since I knew it was a very Large 18K ring ( Bigger than a mens College ring) I assumed the signal would BLAST us. NO way. The signal I got didn’t lock on and jumped around from 34 to 38 no solid red. Ron had the same issue. He said he would never have dug that signal. Perhaps the unique shape of the ring with different layers created the issue.

The lesson is to start at about 5 feet BEHIND the point of standing and grid Forward. Rings that are lost while throwing sticks generally are about 10 feet from the starting point. Rings are generally NOT where they think.

A Wedding Ring Goes Swimming At Mactaquac, NB

  • from Fredericton (New Brunswick, Canada)

So I got a call from Marie-Andrée that she had been at the beach with her family and her child reached up to grab her hand and pulled her wedding ring off of her finger. They searched for over an hour in the exact spot with no luck, then found me through The Ring Finders site. I told them I could come immediately and to try to secure or maintain the site. She said they had to leave to take their child home, but her husband would return and show me where it was lost. I headed home to gear up and arrived an hour later, her husband and his friend arrived about 10 min later and showed me the area. We carried my gear down to the beach and I went into the water to do a quick search as he was very sure of the exact location using guard tower, buoys, and water height as triangulation references. Initial search found no targets, so I set up my markers and gridded off a 20′ X 20′ area, searched NS/SN then EW/WE, only turning up a loonie and some sharp garbage/junk. He was very sure of the area so I switched to all metal mode on my Garrett AT Pro International and swept the area again, finding only one rusty snap dome. then expanded my search outside the original grid going around the square. On my second layer out my headphones screamed and I knew what it was. Using my scoop I took a bite out of the bottom and the signal was gone on recheck, look in the scoop and I see a brilliant flash of circle. I called them over and told them I needed another piece of equipment, if they could mark the spot while I retrieved it. I grabbed my GoPro made the attached video. They were very excited as were the people around, who had been observing the search. I packed up and after some photos, he headed home to return the ring to his wife’s finger where it belonged. She sent me a nice thank you and photo of the ring on her finger. Thanks for calling on me and allowing me to reunite you with your lost ring and add a very cool chapter to its story.