Lost wedding rings Victoria B.C. Recovered and returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

Jan was at Gonzales beach today with her grandson and husband. She took off her rings to apply sunscreen and forgot them on her towel. When they packed up to head home picking up the towels the three rings ended up in the sand and hidden from sight.

Steve, Jan’s husband told me he never saw his wife cry so much after they searched, with no luck. Several hours they went on the internet and found this web site. The call came as I was just sitting down for dinner with my daughter and wife. I made plans to search at 7:30 p.m. and within 3 minutes all three rings were back where they belong. Jan was shocked that it only took two scoops to recover her three rings.

I love my job.


2 Replies to “Lost wedding rings Victoria B.C. Recovered and returned”

  1. Steve dit :

    Don was absolutely amazing! He found the first ring in less than 15 seconds and then found the other 2 rings in 45 seconds! We were so happy to find them, there were high fives and the beach party beside us gave us a big cheer. Way to go Don and « theringfinders.com ».

  2. Griff dit :

    Great work Don!

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