Mike McInroe, Author at The Ring Finders

Gold diamond wedding ring lost inside Airbnb, found by Florida Ring Finder…Kissimmee, Florida!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Prompt Metal Detecting Service available now…Mike the Florida Ring Finder is here to help you in your time of need! Call or text me at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Kennedy and her family were spending some vacation time here in sunny Florida at an Airbnb when early Sunday morning her young 2 year old daughter decided to collect her mom’s rings and hide them throughout the house. When Kennedy woke up she found one of her diamond rings on the kitchen floor and the other one tucked snugly in a corner of her daughters bed blankets. And the diamond wedding ring was no where to be found. Kennedy was beginning to feel desperate knowing they only had a few more days of vacation before heading back home to Michigan. Later that evening she typed into Google « Help me find my ring » and up popped one of my successful ring recovery stories and she sent me a text asking for my help. House searches are not always easy and thankfully there were a lot less toys and cloths and furniture and shoes, etc to look through being as it is a vacation rental. I started in the kitchen and using a very strong flashlight I searched carefully making my way to the 5 bedrooms upstairs…checking bathrooms and closets, under beds and in blankets. An hour and a half later I made my way downstairs and began in the laundry room where there were piles of cloths and suitcases. Ten minutes later…BINGO! There, behind a large suitcase, simply hiding down by the baseboard was Kennedy’s lost diamond wedding ring! Kennedy writes, »Mike and theringfinders are so kind and are life savers. Being from out of town on vacation, I had a limited time to find my wedding ring after my toddler hid it in our Airbnb. Mike was so helpful and found it within two hours. I am so thankful! »

Kennedy and her mother were so delighted and were beaming from ear to ear, saying how thankful they were for my help. How I thank God for allowing me to find her ring and to help bring relief and joy to their hearts!

Have you lost something and need help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!
Mike McInroe…looking for an opportunity to help you!

Lost – Lady’s diamond wedding ring, Palm Coast, Fl – Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Brittany and her husband were visiting the Palm Coast area on Valentines Day and while driving along on highway A1A the unexpected happened. As we are all aware of how emotions and feelings can lead us to do and say things that we later regret…that is exactly what happened on this particular day. It was towards evening and thankfully they were not traveling at a high rate of speed when Brittany threw her diamond wedding ring out of the car window and into a grass area along side of the road. Her husband immediately pulled off of the road and into the nearest driveway and the two of them tried to find her ring…but her thrown ring was no where to be found!

Later that night Brittany tried to find help and went online to search for something or someone that could help her in her time of need. It was around 10:30 pm that I recieved her call asking if I could help her and after hearing her story my wife and I decided to make the one hour drive to Palm Coast and meet Brittany and we prayed to God we would be the exact help that she so desperately needed.

Brittany showed us where she « thought » the ring was thrown and I set up some cones and began doing an overlapping grid search of the 500 square foot area. Both Brittany and my wife were using very strong flashlights but the night dew was making everything wet and the grass and leaves glistened and sparkled making it almost impossible to find her lost ring. Along most any road there is allot of buried trash items giving signals that sound very similar to what a gold diamond ring would sound like so I had to investigate each shallow signal just to be sure. After 45 minutes I got a really strong signal that registered shallow and my head light exposed her beautiful lost diamond ring just laying there among the wet leaves and grass! Brittany was ecstatic and so relieved to have her ring back again! A lesson well learned, hey?

How we thank God for allowing us to be a blessing and encouragement to Brittany and her husband and we look forward to helping others who find themselves in need or our help and expertise!
Call anytime or text and leave me a message and let’s talk. 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…a ready member of theringfinders.com

Lost diamond earring found in home in Winter Garden, Florida…found by metal detector specialist Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding your lost ring or other sentimental item, call a professional metal detecting expert. Mike’s metal detecting service is here for you…call or text anytime, day or night, 24/7 at 321-363-6029!

Here is a short review by Abhi and what all transpired with his wife’s lost diamond earring! Abhi writes, « I am beyond thrilled that we met Mike! What a pleasure and blessing it was to work with him. My wife lost one of her treasured diamond earrings a few weeks ago going back and forth between our kids rooms at night as they were not feeling well. There was a lot of tossing and turning! She took her earrings out, placed them on the night stand and a few days later only found one of them there! After extensively and exhaustively searching our home, we decided we needed some professional help. Mike came to our house and was incredibly patient and thorough, asking amazingly detailed and thoughtful questions. He was looking EVERYWHERE! Even diligently taking tissues out of the trash bin, one by one, to make sure no stone was unturned! We ended up finding the lost diamond earring underneath a rocking chair cushion tucked all the way in the back corner which was only seen due to the large industrial flashlight he was carrying. He was amazingly sincere, patient and ultimately got the job done. Thank you Mike! »

How I thank God for allowing me the wonderful opportunity to help Abhi and his dear wife! Maybe someone else has experienced similar situation and needs help locating a lost ring, piece of jewelry or other metal object! Do not hesitate to call, text or leave a message. The number is 321-363-6029…give me a call and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…eager to help you in your time of need!

Lost gold ring while planting flowers in Lake Alfred, Florida…found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service…just for you if you lost a ring or something precious to you.  Don’t wait until tomorrow…call or text me now at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Mr Chester was planting some new plants in his front yard and using a post hole digger and other tools he managed to get the holes dug deep enough to hold some new soil and using his hands he began setting the first plant.  Only minutes into the planting process he felt his large gold ring slip off of his finger and he immediately picked it up, brushed it off and put it back on his finger…thinking that now he would be more careful.  Ten minutes later Mr Chester again noticed that his beautiful gold and diamond ring was not on his finger and this time he figured it had to be deep down in one of those holes he had just dug and filled.  Not wanting to totally pull up the plants and sift all the dirt, he got to thinking about other ways to locate his lost ring and that thought led him to search online for a « Ring Finder » and up popped theringfinders.com and one of my successful ring search and recovery stories.  He called me and we made plans to meet up at his place the following Saturday.  Mr Chester was 99% positive that he lost it in the dirt while planting so that is where I concentrated my efforts.  I recovered two small items of aluminum and the 3rd signal was strong and repeatable which proved to be Mr Chester’s lost gold ring!  It truly was an honor and privilege to meet Mr Chester and to be able to help him find what he thought he would never see again.

Have you lost something and need my help?  Call or text me ASAP and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…super thankful to be a member of TRFs!

Lost gold ring in the lake, Winter Garden, Florida…Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

My name is Mike McInroe and I am a Lost Item Recovery Specialist!  I find metal items on land, in the water, in the grass, woods, houses, vehicles and under ground!  If you need my help please call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk…I am here to help you!

Olivia lost her ring in Lake Avalon early in the morning on New Years Day when her future brother in law, Enzo, put her over his shoulder and jumped off the end of the dock and into the lake!  She has had this ring for the last two years and it has her initials engraved on it.  This is her most prized possession as it is a family tradition for generations that once you graduate from high school the family gifts you a gold signet ring to celebrate your hard work and their love and appreciation for you!

Olivia wrote:  « Later that day Enzo, my future brother in law, found theringfinders information on line and gave Mike a call.  Mike did an amazing job at finding my size 2 gold pinky ring in the black mucky lake water.   He managed to find it in less than 8 minutes!  He was super kind and a very personable guy.  I am so thankful for him coming out and saving my most prized possession.  I really didn’t think I was going to see it again.  I would definitely recommend him to get the job done! »

Mike McInroe…proud member of theringfinders.com


Lost ring in the grass in Longwood, Florida…found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you have lost something and need help or information on how to find a lost metallic item…call or text Mike, the Florida Ring Finder at 321-363-6029…anytime!

As the weather cools here in sunny Florida, it seems like even the critters are looking for ways to stay warm and as Sean attempted to chase an insect out of his front door and into his front yard, he felt his gold wedding ring slip off of his finger and in a second it just disappeared.  He just knew it couldn’t have gone too far but the more he searched the more he realized he needed a metal detector.  His first attempt at renting and using a cheap detector proved more frustrating than helpful and all he was left with were holes in the grass and a bill for the rental.  And then he came across theringfinders.com web site and after reading a few of my recovery stories he decided to give me a call.  The next day I met Sean and he explained what happened while showing me the exact area he was standing when he lost his wedding ring.  I set up my Deus 2 metal detector and began my first sweep along the driveway and as I returned up towards the front door I got a clear medium tone just behind a small Christmas sign decoration and as I probed with my pin pointer I could barely make out Sean’s lost gold wedding ring.  Sean could not believe it was there…so close…yet so well hidden in the fading winter grass.

Have you lost something recently or even years ago and need a ring finders help?  Call or text me ASAP…don’t wait…call now 321-363-6029 and let’s talk.

Mike McInroe…offering hope and help in your time of need!

Lost gold pendant in Apopka, Florida…Found with a metal detector by Florida ring finder Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

My name is Mike McInroe and I am a Lost Item Recovery Specialist.  I find metal items on land, in the water, in the grass, woods, houses, vehicles and under ground!  Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Jacob lost a very sentimental pendant and here is his story.   » I called Mike looking for some help.  I lost a family heirloom!  What do I do?  I called Mike with The Ring Finders.  He was very attentive.  On the holiday weekend of Thanksgiving, he answered my call first thing.  He reassured me that it will be alright.  He said I am finishing lunch and I will be on my way!  What a relief to have technology these days to go on Google and find qualified, honest help to find my lost prized possession.  My grandfather had his 10k gold necklace and pendant made from all his 10k gold, smelted a long time ago to make the necklace and PENDANT I had lost in my backyard full of debris and ferns…a place that is very hard to locate small objects like this.  But within 30 minutes, Mike had found my lost pendant.  What a relief!  My most prized possession found in a very thick fern in a bunch of thicket.  So happy to have called.  If I didn’t, my pendant would have been lost FOREVER.  To those who think they can’t, they certainly CAN!  From my family and my heart, thanks Mike.  You made my day, week, month and year!  I hope this helps those in need of your services, to give it a shot.  You never know if you item is gone.  It might just be lost.  Mike can find it.  He found mine and many others!  Thanks Mike!!! »

Do you need help finding something?  Call a member of theringfinders.com near you and let us assist you today!  Call or text ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding rings in the sand at Flagler Beach, Florida…found with a metal detector by Florida ring finder Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Do you need a lost item recovery specialist to help you find something on land, in the water, grass, yard, woods, in your house or vehicle or under ground?  Call or text Mike McInroe ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!  I am here to help you!

Candice and her husband, Jason, were enjoying a much needed break on Flagler Beach over the Thanksgiving holidays and late evening on Thanksgiving eve she and her husband were relaxing on the dry sand when the unthinkable happened…she felt her diamond engagement ring and wedding ring come off of her finger and watched them disappear into the soft beach sand.  They searched desperately for hours and they simply could not find them and a heavy sadness came over Candice that crushed her heart and spirit.  (It is for this very reason that I joined theringfinders.com and that is to be able to help give hope and practical assistance to those who find themselves in these kinds of desperate situations.)

Jason called me at 12:35 am Thanksgiving morning and I could hear the pain and desperation in his voice as he briefly told me what happened.  It took me only 10 minutes to get my equipment packed up and at 2:00 am in the morning I met Jason and Candice and in the pitch dark of night we walked out onto the sandy beach.  Thankfully they had marked the area where she thought she dropped her rings and after a 5 minute grid search I got a sweet signal that I figured had to be her lost rings.  I made a circle in the sand around the signal and gave Candice my Garrett Pro Pointer and told her to find and retrieve her own rings…and what an absolute thrill and joy it was to see her melt and cry tears of happiness and total relief!  Jason gave me a huge bear hug and Candice just knelt there in the sand and cried.  How I thank God for allowing me to be used by Him to help this dear couple in their time of need!

How can I help you?  Call or text me anytime day or night at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…honored to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost diamond ring in yard, Hastings, Florida…found with a metal detector by ring finder Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

My name is Mike McInroe and I am a Lost Item Recovery Specialist!  On land, in the water, grass, yards, woods, houses, vehicles or under ground…please call ASAP anytime at 321-363-6029!

Makayla called me to ask if I could help her find a very special ring that was lost in a small animal pen behind her house.  Before attempting any search I always ask some very specific questions to help me determine the likelihood of actually finding the lost or misplaced item.  Thankfully Makayla assured me that her friend actually felt the ring come off and it was in a very small area and they had not disturbed the area for fear of burying it further in the straw.  Apparently while spreading the straw out, her friend actually felt her ring slip off of her finger and it immediately disappeared…especially since the ring was a gold ring and almost the very same color as the straw.  They began looking through the 12 inch thick straw and after a while they gave up and decided they needed a metal detector and that led them to the internet and theringfinders web site.

It only took a few minutes to locate the lost diamond ring in the straw and the young couple was thrilled to have their precious ring back again.

Have you lost something and need a ring finders help?  Call or text me ASAP…don’t wait!  Call 321-363-6029 and let’s talk.

Mike McInroe…ready to help you in your time of need!

Lost rings found in the house in Orlando Florida…found by Florida ring finder, Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you have lost something or need information on how to find a lost metallic item…call or text Mike, the Florida ring finder at 321-363-6029…any time!

Elefteria tells her story… »I had lost not just one ring but TWO rings while laying on the couch.  Hours later my husband and I searched for hours in the couch and around that area.  I was so upset when we couldn’t find them as my wedding and engagement rings were passed down to me from my grandparents.  We searched again the next day and still nothing.  I found Mike online and decided to take a chance on his ring finding skills after reading so many successful reviews.  I’m SO glad I did!  Mike came to the house and was super friendly, optimistic and thorough.  He asked me to explain again what happened and then he went to work doing a preliminary and extensive check around the area of the couch.  Then he went to work on both couches where I thought the rings might be lost.  He flipped the couches, used a flashlight and a special camera tool and searched every crevice.  It was not looking very promising.  He seemed pretty sure that they weren’t in the couch so he looked again behind the couch where we stored things.  Just when we thought it was a lost cause, Mike found them hovering on the plastic of the air filter we were storing on top of a bin behind the couch!  I would have never seen them, but Mike did!  It was such a relief and I was so so grateful for his extra set of eyes, patience and thorough searching.  Don’t hesitate to hire Mike! »

Have you lost a ring, jewelry, keys, phone, or other metal keepsake or object?  Call or text me…or a ring finder near you and see how we can help!  321-363-6029

Mike McInroe…more than happy to be a member of theringfinders.com