ring found Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring Found in Gambier, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

Shortly before the holiday break, I received a call from Dottie (from Massachusetts) who found me on the Ring Finders website. She explained that her daughter had just called her from college (in Ohio) and was pretty upset. Her daughter was on her way to class when she slipped in the snow and lost her Signet ring! It was a very special ring and Dottie hoped I could help. We made arrangements to meet her daughter Stephanie on campus an hour later. When we arrived, Stephanie and her friends described what had happened and showed us where she lost the ring. We turned on our detectors to get to work and BEEP, BEEP!! First swing of the coil and there it was! Stephanie and her friends couldn’t believe we found it so fast! We took a few pics and messaged Dottie. Everyone was happy! The whole thing took less than a minute, but that feeling lasts forever!

FOUND! Ring of former Empress of the Imperial Court of San Francisco!

  • from Pacifica (California, United States)

I was scrolling through my notifications on Facebook recently when I noticed one of my friends tagged me in someone else’s post. I clicked to see what it was and actually two of my friends had recommended me to help find a lost « item » in a park. I inquired further and found that the lost item belonged to former Empress of the Imperial Court of San Francisco, celebrity drag queen and legend of the LGBTQAI+ community of San Francisco, Ms. Donna Sachet!
Anyone who has had « celebrity » clients can tell you there is an extra sense of anxiety that comes with finding items for them. And this case was no different.

I met Donna and her dog, Peanut, at the location and together we walked over to where she was seated on a picnic blanket tossing a ball for Peanut the day prior. She shared with me a photo of the large gold ring and told me she was presented with this ring when she won the Empress contest years prior. It was important to her. I understood the importance, it marked an accomplishment. An accomplishment that recognized her work in the community. Over the decades, Donna Sachet has performed as a singer and has raised and donated thousands upon thousands of dollars for various organizations in San Francisco, not the least of which was an organization that I worked for for over 3 years in the early 00’s – The AIDS Emergency Fund.

I had been working for events that raised funds for HIV/AIDS and/or Breast Cancer organizations for many years already by the time I moved across the country from NY to San Francisco. It was through my work in NY  that I was able to secure a job in SF before I even arrived from NY. That job then lead to the AIDS and Breast Cancer Emergency Fund where I stayed for over 3 years before G.W. Bush cut government funding through the Ryan White CARE Act forcing the Emergency Fund to restructure. Unfortunately for me, that restructure did not include a position for me.

As a woman I always found it difficult to be recognized or seen when in a crowd of cute gay men working or meeting some of the folks who helped us raise money, so I didn’t expect Donna to remember or recognize me from those days. But our long list of mutual friends made sure we connected to help her find her ring.

I was running my new Legend and the ground at the park was  extraordinarily trashy. It took a while for me to adjust to the Legend since I’d only been out with it twice before and this was it’s first ring hunt. After close to an hour, Donna left, with tears in her eyes, thinking she would never again see her Empress ring.

Fortunately, I don’t give up easily. I put my hat on backwards, changed from my sunglasses to no glasses (a risky decision usually), put my headphones on (which had been off so Donna could hear the signals too) and within 20 or so minutes I located the ring.

I suspect it’ll be a while before Donna forgets me now!

Empress Ring


Lost Wedding Ring Found in West Salem, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

Yesterday evening just before 5pm, I received a text from Karissa who had lost her custom-made wedding ring in her front yard two weeks earlier. She found me on The Ringfinders and was hoping I could help locate her ring. After confirming some details, we headed out and arrived at her place around 6:15pm. After brief introductions, Karissa lead us to the general area she believed the ring should be. While discussing the events that had lead to the loss of the ring, we discovered she’d also lost her Apple watch! So, we got to work! After thoroughly searching the target area, we decided to expand our search radius. Around 7:30pm, Karissa and her husband had to leave to take their little one for ice cream and she told us we didn’t have to keep looking, but we could if we wanted. I told her as long as there’s light we’d love to keep at it! She defined the property lines and thanked us. I told her we’d text if we found it, or when we were leaving, whichever came first and off they went! We continued to gradually and methodically expand our search area and at 7:55pm we had a solid tone in the leaves between some trees. We had found the Apple watch! We text her a picture and she confirmed! By this time the sun had set but, luckily for us, the moon was pretty bright so we decided to focus on the area where we found the watch! It wasn’t too long before I heard that beautiful, unmistakable tone! I called my partner over to shine some light on the spot as I gently ran my pinpointer over the leaves. I turned over a handful of leaves and there it was! Woohoo! We texted Karissa with a picture and the excitement that came back in the next few texts was awesome! It’s why we do this! She said they’d be home soon. We packed up and waited in the car until they got back. When they did get back, she jumped out of the SUV and rushed to us beaming from ear to ear! We handed her the ring and the watch and she still couldn’t believe it! How exciting! After a brief chat, lots of thank yous, a few pics and tons of smiles, we headed out! What a great way to wrap up a weekend!

Karissa with her ring and watch!

The Ring and Watch

Gold Wedding Ring Recovered – Raleigh

  • from Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)

I got a call this afternoon from a distraught husband. He’d been out playing with his dog and « my ring just flew off my hand! » He said he had lost quite a bit of weight, so the ring was already loose on his finger — playing with the dog just provided the opportunity for it to come off. He knew exactly where he’d been standing and said he saw the ring fly off, heard it hit something, but then lost track of it. He had borrowed a friend’s metal detector to try and locate the ring, but had not had any luck figuring out the assorted beeps and buzzes from the detector, so we made arrangements to get together to find it.

The ring had been lost in a fenced-in kids’ playground area covered in wood mulch. Recreating the ring’s « flight path, » I started searching in a grid pattern, working my way further and further out. After maybe 20 minutes of searching and no ring, I started the search over again, back where he had been standing when it came off. It turns out that the ring had come off, hit a plastic barrier in front of him, and ricocheted back to land almost at his feet. Apparently in searching for it initially, he had pressed it down into the mulch as he walked around. Really glad to reunite the husband and his ring!

Lost Wedding ring found and returned Calgary

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

Adam gave me a call yesterday telling me that last winter while walking down the back alley by his work he slipped and fell and when brushing himself off he lost his wedding ring. He tried finding it but no luck. Rented a detector in the summer and still no luck. I’m pleased to say that after about 45 minutes I found his ring and returned it to him.

Cobalt – Meteorite ring found in Littleton, CO

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Joseph was working at a clients house when he placed his cobalt/meteorite ring into his pocket as he was going to be working with some harsh chemicals that may cause damage to his ring. During the day he went outdoors to get a bucket of water from the hose bib, he also drove to the local Home Depot to get some supplies. Later that day he noticed his ring was gone so he returned to the house and searched it with no success. After a couple of days Joseph found my profile on TheRingFinders.com and contacted me. We setup a date for me to come and search for his ring at the house where his ring went missing.

Upon my arrival Joseph told me the story of the rings disappearance. We talked with a neighbor in case the ring fell on to the street in front of their house. They had not found a ring so that option was off the table. We then visited the yard and he showed me around the areas of the yard that he had been in. Before I grabbed my detectors I decided to look in Joseph’s truck even though he told me that he had searched it pretty thoroughly already. We both searched under the drivers seat with our cell phone flashlights. I then started reaching behind the plastic covers on the seat anchor brackets, the only way to search them as you can not see the brackets due to the covers. It was there that my fingers felt a familiar shape, the ring. Joseph was more than a little surprised that the ring was there and he was also very thankful to get his prized wedding band back.

Ring recovered 6-5-2019


Lost ring, found in Maine Lake

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)
  1. I received a call from a gentleman who lost his wedding ring off the dock at his parents camp on Toddy Pond. I drove up the following day donned my scuba gear said a prayer for St. Anthony’s help and made the recovery quickly utilizing only my pin pointer in about 9 feet of water. Since both the owner of the ring and his father are in the business of marketing eye wear to optometrist’s I will be donating a portion of his generous reward to the Camden Lions Club to help their work with those whom are visually impaired.

Lost ring while playing Volleyball at North Ave Beach Chicago

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received call to go to a volleyball court to locate a mens wedding band. Married for only 3 weeks. While playing his ring came off. Used my XP Deus and located ring in about 1 minute.

Lost 18 K Diamond Ring found and returned in Dolton, Illinois

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

In Chicago I was contacted to search for a ring that was lost when she was throwing stones at amorous opossums in the back yard. It was a collapsible 18K ring with diamonds. Less than 30 minutes and I found it. I was using my XP Deus  and was surprised to see that it rang up at 78 using 18 kHz. It seems that 18K can come in very high.

Marriage saved. Lost ring after being married 1 day returned on Michigan ave Chicago

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call at about 9:30 AM on Saturday from a friend of a person who had lost his new wedding band on Michigan Ave in Chicago. He had been walking on Michigan  Friday night and he had been flicking the ring with his thumb. Since he had just gotten married, he was still getting use to the ring. Married not even 1 day!!! I found it in about 10 minutes in the shrubs along Michigan Ave. Marriage Saved!



