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  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Young couple was building a snowman ⛄️ in a school sports field yesterday and the young man took his gloves off at one point. He then realized after a while he lost his platinum wedding band in the snow. They purchased a metal detector but had no luck. They reached out to me late last night and I made arrangement to meet them at the area very early this morning with all respecting COVID-19

I started off by circular gridding the snowman. Then at one point I continued in a half moon grid as it was evident I wasn’t required to check down the slop. A half pass later, I heard the double tone with a 16 number on the Minelab Equinox 800! I cleared the snow away and saw the round ring shape in a portion of the snow I had just moved.

I then asked to do a video for the blog for good luck ….and here’s what happened!! Video link below

Another #PAYITFORWARD donation coming into the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! In turn the clients receive a tax receipt for their donation!!

Thank you Aman & Harman for calling upon my services!! I love using my detecting skills/passion to help other on lost sentimental/valuable items!!




  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

2nd 🇨🇦 CANADA DAY 🇨🇦 Ring recovery request came in just as I was finishing up the Lake of Bay ring recovery!

Lauren had messaged “Hello. I was pointed in your direction in help of finding my lost white gold and diamond ring. July 1 at Wasaga beach area 1. I took it off momentarily and placed it in my sons cap. He then put it on his head and it fell out in the sand, I realized immediately but was unable to find it. It would be in the stretch of beach you see in the photo below. It could be between the water and approx 3/4 of the way to the sidewalk. It may have even stayed in his hat and fell out but we did not leave this area. Please let me know if you can help“

I message Lauren back that I was just cleaning up from a ring recovery in Muskoka and then I would give her a call.

I left the Muskoka area and called Lauren on the phone to get the details. I was on my way but time was of the essence at Wasaga Beach #1! I was crazy jam packed and the heat was incredible! Lucky to have had free parking for the day and found a spot close by!

Unfortunate, she she did not GPS the location but she did have a photo of where they were sitting! That was a huge help!  When I arrived I FaceTimed Lauren as to the location.

When I was speaking with her, a lady beach goer that was sitting beside Lauren came up to me and said “are you looking for what I’m thinking you’re looking for?” and I said “yes I am and I’m the phone with the owner right now!”

The lady assisted by advising me where Lauren’s beach towels were!

One of the other ladies offered to video as I started my grid search. The second target in under 2 minutes I knew it was something sweet! Solid 6 on the Equinox800 and only 2 inches down! I pulled out my pinpointed and cleared the sand away…exposing the ring!

Check out this video of me finding the ring and then FaceTime in Lauren back!!! PRICELESS!!

I FaceTimed Lauren again and put the ring up to the phone! The tears & screams of joy from Lauren and her husband were heard!

I then made a plan with Lauren to meet her on my way home to return her beautiful engagement ring back to her!

Lauren was aware I have a “pay it forward” program on top of my call out fee. They made an extremely generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation which goes to help breast cancer patients with their financial support. (Wigs, medications, taxi, daycare, food, rent, etc) Lauren will then receive a tax receipt for the amount!!

Lauren’s smile says it all!!!




  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Gerard was in Wasaga Beach for his Brother’s bachelor party. All of the guys were throwing a football in the water. Gerard dove in the water to try and catch the football. As soon as He came up from the water He noticed his tungsten wedding ring was missing.

Gerard’s heart sunk with immediate panic setting in. After a few hours of looking, he finally gave up.

Gerard called his wife Angellie, to tell her the bad news. After a few minutes, his  wife came across One of my Facebook pages with my “The Ring Finders” blog stories, “Metal Detecting for Charity” and told him to contact her to see if she could help.

I responded immediately to Gerard’s FB PM. After he gave me the details of his lost wedding ring, I contacted some of the other detectorists that were at the location already to see if they could help. They were busy with another ring search and the water conditions were deteriorating.

I advised Gerard that I would drive up to Wasaga the next morning and because he called immediately, I advised him I was confident I had a great chance to recover it.

I arrived very early Sunday morning. Saw some of the other detectorists out and started a very close/tight grid search shoreline to 100’ out before the first sandbar as per Gerard’s perimeters! Four hours later, I had it!!!

I immediately headed back to my truck and decided to call Gerard with the great news that I recovered his wedding band!! I told Gerard his prayers worked and that I found his wedding ring!!!

He said he felt like I won the lottery! The van load of Bachelor patty goers immediately turned around and met with me a short time later.

As soon as I stepped out of my truck we started recording and I was holding up Gerard’s wedding ring!! He couldn’t help but give me a big hug! LOVE THAT!!!!

I advised Gerard because he was a Newlywed that I was forgoing my charge and asked him to “PAY-IT-FORWARD” with a nice donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation’s on-line link with the amount of his choosing! The Foundation will in turn send him a tax receipt!

Gerard thanked me for my hard work, determination, and most of all my kind heart.

Gerard said “Alison is truly an amazing woman and I am forever be grateful to her.” Thank you l!!

I am very honoured to se a very generous donation from Gerard & Angellie was immediately sent in!! It sure made me feel that my efforts were truly gratefully acknowledged!! Thank you so very much Gerard & Angellie!!

I love my passion for this hobby and use it to help others in need!! I have raised over $7,000 in the last 4 years with my metal/scuba dive detecting through The Ring Finders dot Com!!! 98% of the population have never heard of this GLOBAL SERVICE of dedicated detectorists helping others locate lost rings/jewellery/keys/cell phones and many other items!! PLEASE SHARE!!

Here is a link to the awesome return video!!

Happy cheers of surprise from the Bachelor Party goers on the recovery phone call were the ABSOLUTE BEST!!!!



Visiting Family in Ontario Man loses wedding band in the waters of Georgian Bay, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a Facebook message from a City of Brampton co-worker Jayne L that her Vancouver, British Columbia Cousin Joel W was in town visiting Family back in Ontario. The Family gathered at their Mother’s home in The Blue Mountains, Thornbury, Ontario.

Joel and the Family were having a great time. He was out in Georgian Bay on the paddle board when he suddenly fell off. Joel watched his tungsten wedding fall off his finger to the depths below approximately 350′ from shore.

A few weeks passed and Jayne and her Mother (Carolyne’s Sister) were up visiting her Aunt Carolyne, (Joel’s Mother). Aunt Carolyne told them what happened to Joel’s wedding band. Jayne immediately advised her Aunt about her co-worker Alison that is registered with The Ring Finders and does land and water ring searches. Jayne left me that message to contact her Aunt ASAP.

I called Carolyne the next morning and made arrangement to be at her location in a few hours after getting my scuba tanks filled in Parry Sound.

Here’s a link to the video from my YouTube channel;


The underwater scuba detecting ring recovery took approximately 50 minutes. Much to the astonishment of Carolyne it was pure joy as that day August 13th was Joel & Victoria 7th wedding Anniversary!!



Contact me if you require my services for lost ring(s), keys, cell phone etc. On LAND, FIELDS, BEACH, AND WATER!

I charge to go out to cover my expenses, flat rate plus milage for scuba gear, when I find your item I ask the client to « PAY IT FORWARD » by making an immediate on-line donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation in which I snowmobile for. I am passionate about my metal/scuba detecting hobby <3

If you care to make a donation, please follow this link




Young man lost wedding band in water Tiny Township, Penetang, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a message from a young man Logan McD that I went to school with his Parents and they suggested he contact me to help find his lost his wedding band lost in waters of a private beach in Tiny Township (Penetang).

I headed up after work as severe thunderstorms were moving into the Ontario area. Met Logan at his Father-in-Laws home and quickly proceeded to the area. After 15 minutes… Minelab Excalibur 2 went off and had the ring in my sand scoop. Proceeded quickly back to shore and had to rush off to another water ring recovery a little further north.

Here’s a link to the video from my YouTube channel;


Grateful to Logan’s Parents my old High School Friends Sandy & Christy for the recommendation and Logan’s donations!!


Canada Day celebrations Husband of one month accidentally lost his wedding band Centennial Park, Etobicoke, Toronto, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a message from Chantal that her Husband of one month lost his 14k gold wedding band in a grassy area of Centennial Park (Etobicoke) Toronto as they were celebrating ALL DAY for Canada Day!!

They had 20 people searching the areas where he was sitting and throwing a football.

I started a grid pattern but there was an absolutely INSANE amount of pull tabs and bottle caps…..after 3 hours BINGO I had a nice crisp tone on my Minelab Excalibur2….then I started the surprise video!! Priceless.

Here’s a link to the video from my YouTube channel;


She was OVER THE MOON and tears of joy! I love it when I make them cry!!


Newly engaged couple engagement ring falls into 8′ murky bottom! Penetang, Honey Harbour, Penetang, Cognashene Bay, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Newly engaged Bride-to-be Keeanna was hanging out with great Friends at a cottage on Cognashene Bay in Penetang (Midland) area when her stunning 14k white gold 1.42k diamond engagement wedding band fell onto the dock and through a crack into the water below.

They had a neighbour who was a diver come over to try to find it but no luck. Lucky they googled and found The Ring Finders and contacted me.

I met her Parents Michele & Jaimie G and the Penetang Bay for boat pick up. What great people….the winds and waves were fierce for a 15-20 minute boat ride. Geared up and jumped in. I had already arranged with the parents for a video for the surprise (below link)

Link to video *******

The depth was about 8-9′ but the bottom was mushy & murky….I used the « Scuba Tector » to start as they mentioned is was pretty clean bottom. After pulling some coins, nails, a lead weight, Justin’s West Jet name tag LOL, out I thought best I pop up and grab my Minelab Excalibur2….2nd tone BINGO BANGO!!! and the surprise begins…..

Wishing Keeanna & Mike a very happy wedding June 2019!! AWESOME CLIENTS XO


Canada Day Man lost wedding band at Wasaga Beach, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received an email through the ring finders late evening on Canada Day that Aneta & Tom had been building sand castles and throwing a little football around the waters of Wasaga Beach. The Wasaga Beaches are 14kms of fresh water beaches 1 through 6.

I met them there after being in the water at Wasaga Beach #1 for approximately 11 hours with the Minelab Excalibur2 and my T-rex sand scoop.

We walked aways to the location of the sand castles area where they were sitting. I widened my grid area and then decided to head into the water. Aneta went back to my truck for my headlamp to make the search easier. My first target about mid calf deep was Tom’s 14k white golf wedding band approximately 30′ from shore!! So as I normally do….I waited till she arrived back, started a video and proceeded back out to retrieve it….that was a quick one. A very happy couple as the wedding band is very sentimental. The couple graciously sent in a donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Found!!

Here’s the late night video…