metal detecting service Los Angeles Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Sand at Playa Del Rey Beach…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

I received a call from Eitan about his lost ring. He was at the beach with his children when while they were playing in the sand, he threw some sand, and his ring went with it. I left right away to insure that he stayed in the spot, and that I could have the best opportunity for a successful recovery.

When I arrived at the beach, it did not take long to find Eitan, and I could see that he had been hard at work with a sifter going through the sand. He showed me the area he believed the ring to be lost, and I got set up to search. Before I got started, a gentleman who had been passing by wanted to know what we were doing, so Eitan and I let him know about the ring. He got excited about the search, and stood around talking to Eitan while I searched. I searched in the area that was given as a possible area of loss, but it wasn’t to be. I then began working my way back to where Eitan had his bags, and had already sifted the sand. I got the signal I was hoping for, dug, and had the ring. I held it up, and before Eitan could come and retrieve it, the gentleman that was talking to him ran over and hugged me. That recovery made everyone happy. This is a wonderful service for sure.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Lost Cellphone Found in Sand at Newport Beach, CA. .. Returned to Greatful Owner

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)



















Call.. Stan ” The Metal Detector Man ” available to help you Now 949-500-2136

…I found a new Cellphone in the dry sand at Newport Beach, CA. It was locked with no contact information anywhere on the phone. People should put their email address or another phone number somewhere on their phone. They might find out how honest people are if there is a way to return a lost phone.

When I returned home I was able to see Instagram message request on this phone. There was a email address from the person asking for permission to send a message. I sent that person an Instagram message asking him if he knew anybody that recently list a Cellphone Newport .

The guy got online and found Christie who had lost her phone. He past off my contact information to Christie and the next day she met me to retrieve her phone. Thanks for the internet and a guy named Oscar who took the time to search his last communications. To help get the phone back to it’s owner.




Lost Mercedes Car Key Strands Couple in Laguna Beach,CA. .. Ringfinder Saves the Day

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

***  Ricky called me from Laguna Beach, CA. with a desperate request to help him find his only Mercedes car key. It would take five days to and more that $500 to replace the key including the towing fee. To make things worse,  he was on vacation and lives in Las Vegas, NV.

I only asked two questions #1 .. were the keys lost in dry sand and  #2.. can you be there to show me the general location. He said the sand was not wet when the keys were lost but the overnight tide had come up over the area. I met Ricky a half hour at Picnic Cove , Laguna Beach, CA. where he showed me he had set his pants on the sand the night before. He believed his electronic key had fallen out of the back pocket when he picked them up. Although he didn’t discover the keys missing until he got back to his car more than a half hour later.

The tide was receding but still difficult to search. I did a preliminary scan of the upper beach. These were actually a single electronic key fob without any other keys. It’s hard to predict if the key fob would settle under the sand or be pulled further down into the surf. Regular keys or a heavy mans wedding band would normally go straight down into the sand. I couldn’t guarantee that the key fob would still be in the area.

I stayed at the beach for four hours till the tide was low. After a thorough grid search, I found the key 40ft. to the south and approximately 40ft. down the slope under 4”or  5” inches of sand. I rinsed them off in fresh water then texted Ricky the good news. He wa
s there with a big smile and the real miracle was, the key still worked to start his Mercedes after 14 hours in salt water.

I learn something with every type of search and it was certainly special to help him and his lady. Get on the road again.

Key searches can be a problematic because people usually lose them while on a long walk or jogging. Many times other people find them first and don’t know how to return them to the owner. “Suggestion” put a name tag on your Keys and Celphone with you contact information.  There are a lot of honest people out there. Give them a chance to find you.


“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE” call now  949-500-2136 .. I will answer promptly.

Lost Gold Wedding Ring at Beach Party Volleyball Game .. Dockwieler State Beach, Los Angeles, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













Metal detecting service available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metallic jewelry.. 949-500-2136

…. Mark was attending a company beach party at Dockwieler State Beach with more than 25 coworkers. They had a friendly volleyball competition where Mark’s gold wedding band flew off his finger. He immediately knew when it came off and it went directly into the sand. 

For the next few hours several of his colleagues tried to find the ring in the sand. Mark did realize that he would have a better chance to find his wedding ring, if he rented a metal detector. Little did he know, this beach is a highly mineralized sand. Most metal detectorists avoid this area like the plaque.

Mark could not find a place to rent a metal detector but he did find my contact information on a google search. After hearing his story, I was able to make sure he could be there when I got to beach. 

The party was still in progress when I arrived. Everyone was excited to see me find the ring that they had attempted to find. Mark showed me where he was standing as he took a powerful swing at the volleyball. There was a lot of frustrating small signals but I was sure the gold ring would be much stronger. After a doing three cross grids two hours had passed. It was dark and all the people had gone home. 

Just Mark and I were the only persons on the beach. This simple search was beginning to look like a “no find”.  As a last resort,  I went 90 degrees from the spot where Mark hit the ball approximately 40 feet outside the right side boundary lines.  My thoughts were if this was unsuccessful,  I would have to go back to my car to get a different detector that might be more efficient in this highly trashy/ mineralized sand. THEN ! Boom, a great signal there in my scoop was Mark’s wedding ring. I found the ring on the first couple passes outside the area where the ring was most unlikely to be.  I did waist some time going over the primary search location three times. Only because it was unstable with a lot of false signals.  We often say, “Don’t Forget To Search Outside the Box.” Lately I have more respect for rings recoveries in volleyball courts. Rings lost playing volleyball can go a lot further and in unpredictable directions.. This was certainly a good example of searching outside the box.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “  … For your best chance of a recovery, Call Now .. 949-500-2136

Lost Platinum Wedding Ring at Huntington Beach in Sand .. Found after Owner Gave Up Search

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













If you lose your valuable in a place where a metal detector can be used, I am available to help, call now. .. 949-500-2136.

*** Heather and Justin were at Huntington Beach, CA. for the day with their young daughter. As Heather was packing up their things her platinum diamond wedding rings slipped of her finger falling into the dry sand. 

She and Justin couldn’t find the rings and it was getting late with the chilling wind also frustrating them. Heather called me asking if I was available to help them. Just as I was getting directions to their location. Heather said, “Oh! my husband just found the engagement ring. I will call you back in 20 minutes.”

It was a short phone conversation but I did know what lifeguard tower they were near and that the rings were lost in dry sand. I was sure that they were not going to be able to find the smaller ring with their fingers. I was out doing errands and didn’t want to drive home to wait for a phone call. It was closer to go to the location that Heather gave me. Surely, I would be getting another phone call.

Arriving at the upper parking area at Huntington Beach, I could only see one family walking off the beach pulling a wagon. Heather had not returned a call possibly they had found the other ring and left the beach? I decided to walk down to the beach to do some recreational detecting. That’s what I do most everyday.

Walking down the steps with my detector, I met the couple coming off the beach. The guy pulling the wagon looked straight at me then asked me if I could help them find a wedding ring. I told him,  that’s why I’m here. I am the guy your wife called about an hour ago. Right away Heather started apologizing for not returning the call she promised me. 

We followed the wagon tire tracks back to the place on the beach where the loss occurred. Location and timing made it easy to find the platinum diamond wedding ring with a professional type metal detector. We had Heather’s irreplaceable original wedding band back where it belongs , the one that was put on her finger the day she and Justin got married.

It’s a shame that people walk away from lost keepsakes that can be found by a RingFinder. I can’t tell you how many times I been told, “I Didn’t Know This Service Existed”.. This time my experience with past searches that I would be needed to help find the elusive small ring. It hard to explain, I just had a gut feeling that I should go to the location even though I had not got a return phone call.

“ I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ available now … 949-500-2136

How to Find a Gold Ring Lost in a Grass Field … Dana Point, CA… Using a Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













Metal detecting service available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metallic jewelry.. 949-500-2136

***  Jim called me after finding my contact information at metal detecting specialists directory. He had lost a large gold ring that was past down to him by his father. The loss happened earlier in the afternoon while playing a friendly game of football on a grass field in Dana Point, CA.  Jim didn’t feel the ring come off his finger, but he did notice it missing just after the football game.

He and his friends spent several hours searching the 50 x 30 yard grass field. He went to a local sporting goods store purchasing a metal detector that just frustrated him trying to use with so much metal trash in the old park.  It was already dark before he called me, but I agreed to meet him to see the location. The most important factor of most searches is to get the best idea of where the loss happened. It was so late that this search might have to be done the next day when it was daylight. Some public parks have 10pm closing hours.

It was already 9pm before I could begin the search. Jim had been at the park for over ten hours. He said he couldn’t leave knowing the heirloom ring that his dad had given him was in that field. It meant the world to him.

After choosing to start at the most likely end of the grass field, where there was a little lightning, progress was a little slow because of many trash targets. Two hours later, I was getting close to the end of the search zone. I was getting tired and had resorted to only checking the strong signals. It was looking like this search would have to continue tomorrow. It was possible that my grid lines were not straight, the ring could have missed. 

Then I got a strong double signal as my coil passed over a larger non ferrous object. With my high power search light I could see the gold ring in deep grass. I asked Jim to come over to answer a question about where he thought the ring could be. Then I asked him to look down. He blew up with an emotional reaction that is hard to describe. This ring that his father had give him was so important he was willing to do what ever it took to find it.  It took two hours to find finishing at 11pm. Persistence pays off again!


“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ .. Available to help now .. 949-500-2136

Lost Ring Santa Monica In front of Private Beach House .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













Metal detecting service available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metallic jewelry.. 949-500-2136

***Received a call at 8pm asking for help finding a ring lost in the dry sand at Santa Monica Beach, CA. Dave’s father called me after his son and his friends spent half the afternoon searching for Dave’s gold wedding ring had come off his finger while throwing a football.

It was already dark and most the public parking lots are closed after sunset. We were lucky that they have private parking area in front of their beach house. We were still dealing with the public beach morning cleaning crews, so I set up to meet them a 9pm. If they were available to walk me out to the general area of the loss it could be an easy search. It would not be wise to wait for the next morning.

It was perfect to park so close to the location of the loss. If the private parking wasn’t available the next best option would require a long walk. 

Dave walked with me out to the main beach and it didn’t take long to find his wedding ring. He was very relieved to have his ring back where it belongs. Also, as most these quick searches go. He was amazed at how easy it seemed to be using a metal detector. I took a few minutes to explain that not all metal detectors work well in salt/ mineralized sand and metal detectors take time to learn how to use them. It’s always best to get a person that has experience using a metal detector.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “  Available Now .. 949-500-2136

Lost Platinum Diamond Wedding Ring in Children’s Playground ..Santa Monica, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













If you lose a valuable at the beach or a public area please call as soon as possible.. 949-500-2136

Annie had lost her platinum diamond wedding band while pushing her son one of the playground rides at a local park. She called me from her home in Santa Monica,CA. Which was only two blocks from the park.That would be an advantage because she could meet me at the location.

When I arrived Annie showed me the area where she felt the platinum ring slip from her finger. There was plenty of sand that could hide a ring. It shouldn’t have gone further than 15 feet but you never know.

I began the search using a detector set on a higher frequency because those  smaller rings with stones can be elusive. After about twenty minutes I found the ring probably 15 or 20 feet out from where she felt it leave her finger. She was actually standing on it while watching me grid search the location.

Again I got the reward of seeing a big smile and seeing how happy Annie was to get her precious symbol of her marriage. Her husband was responsible for finding TheRingFinders website and giving Annie my number to call.

I gave Annie some temporary plastic ring sizing spiral deals to help her to remember to get the ring sized.


Lost Diamond Tennis Bracelet .. Dana Point, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

The day after Mother’s Day I was at a local beach going some recreational metal detecting when I received a call from Teri. Her daughter told her that she had lost the wedding tennis bracelet yesterday while at the family Mother’s Day picnic at Dana Point, CA. Her daughter had not wanted to ruin her Mother’s Day so, after searching all night she called her mother, Teri.
Teri was able to check her car, then went to the park to search the grass. She called me after finding my contact information on line. We discussed how I could search the lawn area to eliminate the possibility of the bracelet being there. Timing is important as the lawn mower or a person may find it before they can.
I met Teri and began a grid search of the grass area which was approximately 100 x 100ft. I told her that if it didn’t show up they could concentrate searching the other places her daughter had been before noticing the bracelet was missing. Towards the end of my search I could see how nervous she was getting. Then I saw her walk off towards the car. Five minutes later, I heard her yelling, I found it. It was in her car that she had search more than three times. Fourth time is a charm. A very happy mother and daughter.
It was a beautiful piece of jewelry with a diamond on each link. It was a gift from Teri to her daughter on her wedding day. Finding sentimental items with a detector is nice, but giving people the confidence to keep looking is part of the process also. I’ve got many stories of people finding their jewelry in odd places after I eliminated the hiding places like sand, grass or water.imageimage

Diamond Wedding Ring Lost in Sand .. Fisherman’s Cove, Laguna Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Bob called me after finding my name in TheRingFinder website. He was attempting to rent or buy a metal detector to find his wife’s diamond wedding ring. His wife, Erin had been enjoying the day at Fisherman’s Cove with her friend. Taking off her rings and placing them in the cup holder of her beach chair while applying sunscreen. Not remembering that the rings were there, she picked up the chair and walked up to the house 100 yards away. That was when she realized what she had done.. Erin and her friend Melissa spent a couple hours sifting through the sand and were able to find one ring.
It was getting dark and the tide was rising. When I arrived. She was pretty sure that it was in the sand or possibly on the footpath to the house.. I took care of the sandy area nearest the water first trying not to hurry as that could cause me to miss the ring.. 15 minutes later I got that white gold tone and scooped up Erin’s beautiful ring.
Bob was elated, he got on the phone to call his wife with the good news. He told me she was so upset about loss that she had to stay home.. The phone call was well taken.. It was a awesome search. Bob called, text me the address, we both arrived at the location at the same time and after a few questions started the search and within a few minutes scooped up the ring.. I love to see  smiles like Bob has in this photo.. Another special moment to share with people I could help find something that means so much to them.