dive detecting Tag | The Ring Finders

Platinum Wedding Band Lost Jumping off Cottage Boathouse Roof, Lake of Bays, Baysville, Muskoka, Ontario Lakes

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Lost platinum wedding band jumping off boathouse roof.

Adam and his family were enjoying a lovely weekend at the Family cottage on Lake of Bays in the beautiful Muskoka’s cottage country. It also happened to be his wedding anniversary.

Adam decided to jump off the top of the boathouse into the water below. When he surfaced, his platinum wedding band was missing.

One of Adam’s Friends across the lake had mentioned me, as I recovered another lost wedding band for one of their mutual Friends in Otty Lake, Ottawa.

The water depth where the ring ended up was unknown but Adam felt it was definitely over 10’ deep.

I proceeded to use my Dive BLU3 Nomad air supply system with a hose length 30’ depth. Unfortunately, the Nomad unit was not operating properly as I was taking in water. I then switched to my smaller unit the NEMO for a hose reach 10’ depth. I managed to hear the tone of the platinum ring with a reach of 3’. Do I completed some temporary repairs to the Nomad unit and went back in the water.

After a few minutes back in the water I re-located the tone of platinum and recovered his wedding band.

I’d like to thank Adam and his family for their generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! Not only did he receive his wedding band, but he also received a tax receipt for his donation!

Please check out my YouTube channel, like and subscribe. Video link to this ring recovery below;



  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Joel took his kids for an afternoon outing at Emerald Lake Trailer Resort & Water Park in Puslinch, Ontario.

He went down the water slide and felt his wedding band slip off his finger into the water below.

We are grateful to obtain permission from the owners to look for his wedding band near the end of the day not to disturb the patrons! Emerald Lake is a private trailer resort as well as a water park open to the public! Check out their website at emeraldlake.ca

I proceeded into the water with my floating battery operated air system called the DIVE BLU3 NOMAD. The nomad has a 30 foot hose and pumps air on demand down through the hose to my regulator! With a weight belt at slightly negative buoyancy, I am able navigate with ease to operate my underwater metal detector to find Joel’s wedding band!

Unfortunately, the visibility was extremely poor due to the silty bottom! There were numerous targets such as trash, small pieces of jewelry, pop cans, and pull tabs.
My metal detector and pin pointer helped me zone in on a solid loud target after approximately 40 minutes in the water!

HURRAY!! This target was Joel’s beautiful gold wedding band! Joel and his Wife were absolutely thrilled to have his wedding band back on his finger!

Happy to help recover Joel’s precious wedding band and grateful for permission from the owners at Emerald Lake Trailer & Water Park!

Check out the video on this return;

#scubadiving #diveblu3 #swimming #snorkling #EmeraldLake #puslinch #trailerpark #divedetecting #lostring #lostringinwater #cambridge #waterpark #ontarioringfinder #metaldetecting #ontario



  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a call from Gayle that her Daughter Jenna was kayaking on Lake Manitouwaba, Sequin the previous summer and lost her heirloom engagement.

The Dive BLU3 Nemo floating battery operated air system, underwater circular gridding technique alongside my underwater metal detector made this a quick 15 minute ring recovery!

Jenna and Family were all thrilled!

Thank you Jenna for your generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!

Check out the underwater video view!

Sentimental ring lost in 15’ of cottage lake water Severn, Georgian Bay, Huntsville, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Had an emergency call from a girlfriend I hadn’t seen in a couple of years as she lost a very sentimental ring into a Georgian Bay lake in beautiful cottage country of Muskoka, Ontario. (respecting her privacy / area not to be named)

She tossed a line into the water to tow her SeaDoo back to the dock. Unfortunately her ring flew off her hand into 15’ of cold water. She had the smarts to immediately note two landmarks and called me immediately!

I was excited to head up to her location with brand new gear to test out along with finding her precious ring.

I made arrangements for the following weekend even though waters were roughly 12C. I met her at the marina and headed to her beautiful home!

All my gear was set up, checked and off I went with her as my spotter. My new DIve BLU3 Nomad Hookah system worked great alongside the new underwater metal detector the Nokta Makro “Legend”, and my underwater circular gridding tool.

On the 3rd outing after I moved my circular gridding tool closer to shore, I had a solid double tone! I was hoping this was it because I was starting to get cold! Second grasp of silty debris and I had the beautiful ring!! Now the surprise…

Check out the video;

I came up and handed over my gridding tool and detecting, went into her dock area and then the surprise!! Priceless! She was absolutely thrilled!!!

I am extremely grateful for the incredible donation she made to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation as well as her wonderful hospitality!

#muskoka #severn #georgianbay #cottagecountry #lostring #lostinwater #divedetecting #hookahdetecting #diveblu3 #diveblu3nomad #noktalegend #pinkpowerally #treasurehunter #OntarioRingFinder #TheRingFinderDotCo


  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Brampton residents Kultaran and her husband joined a group of Friends at a beautiful cottage retreat near Coboconk, Ontario on beautiful Shadown Lake of the Kawartha Lakes Region!

Shadow Lake is known for exceptional boating and fishing but is a very weedy lake.

The couple could not meet me on site as they had plans but we received permission from the gracious cottage owners whom the Husband assisted me by being my safety spotter.

I attempted the recovery with a lazy “D” grid pattern using the DIVE BLU3 NEMO hookah system which has a 10’ hose depth. Unfortunately, I had to switch to my scuba gear after 1 hour as I had deeper depth to move out to. Within 30 minutes I was able to locate the ring in 1 1/2’ of muck!!

Next, came a phone call to surprise them that I located and recovered his stunning 18k white gold massive wedding band! The 11 diamonds were sparkling!

Check out the video of this incredible recovery;

Few days later I met up with Kultaran to return her husbands stunning wedding band!

Thank you Kultaran for your generous donation the the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation for my “pay-it-forward” program! She receives a tax receipt from the Foundation!!



So thrilled to

Young lady lost a custom silver ring off the dock into Lake-Of-Bays, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a phone call from Parker asking questions if I am able to come up to Lake-of-Bays near Baysville, Ontario in the Muskoka Lakes region which is beautiful cottage country!!

Parker had tried on her mothers custom silver ring which was custom made in Vancouver by an acclaimed artist. She put the ring in her baseball cap For safe keeping on a table on the dock. Forgetting it was there she put her baseball cap on and heard the ring hit the dock and felt it dropped into the water. There happens to also be a crib of rocks which supports the dock.

I headed up early early Canada Day morning and surprised the roads were not heavily travelled. Saw a doe with her two babies at the side of the road. Prepped and tested my dive gear As it was underneath the dock and about 6 to 8 feet deep in the location of the drop area. I did some searching and the visibility was poor at times after I used up one tank I came out of the water and asked Parker if she actually heard the ring hit the water after hitting the deck which she did hear. She said no, then I suggested we start checking in between the dock boards.

Parker’s Mother let out a loud scream “oh my God, here it is!” Sure enough there was the ring stuck in between the two dock boards underneath a table where Parker’s grandfather sat when I arrived!

Here is a short video;

Asking as many questions as possible is very important to figuring out where the loss item could be! I always learn for every recovery!

Parker and her mother were very happy to see the beautiful custom ring back!! They were very generous in a donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! I have a “PAY-IT-FORWARD” campaign which I use my metal/scuba dive detecting hobby to raise money for this wonderful charity in assisting patients financially!!

Thank you very much Parker & Mom for contacting me, for your kind hospitality and for your generous donation!!


Man loses wedding band in waters of Pike Lake, Minto, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received an online message from Jeff R of Brampton inquiring about the ring finders services.

Jeff was swimming with his 2 Son’s at Pike Lake. He was lifting one Son up onto the floating raft and he watched his 14k white gold wedding band slip off and fall into the waters below. Jeff went into Pike Lake office to inquire if they knew anyone that could help find his wedding band. The office staff suggested to call/message me as I had helped find another lost wedding band the previous year.

I advised Jeff that I charge to go out with my scuba gear and that when I find the clients item I ask them to « Pay-it-forward » in making a charitable donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation in which I snowmobile for. Jeff accepted my terms. Unfortunately, Jeff had to work but I was very fortunate that 2 great Friends from the ring find at the same location last year Heather & Greg K were available to assist in safety spotting for my dive. Heather was also kind enough to do a « Live » Facebook feed!! They have been great Friends every since that day!!

After 5 minutes with my Minelab Excalibur 2, approximately 17′ depth in the murky waters below I had a solid wonderful tone and BINGO…there was Jeff’s ring. He had given me the identifying marks and happy to confirm it was his!!

Here’s a link TO THE VIDEO;

I finally met up with Jeff this past week with his lovely wife a brand new baby Girl. Very happy to assist in returning his beloved blessed wedding band. Jeff mentioned his hand felt naked without it and was very happy to have his wedding band back on his finger.

Pleasure to meet this lovely young Family and honoured to help return Jeff’s wedding band!!


Man lost 18k white gold latched wedding band Farlain Lake, Penetang, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a message from Laura M whom was visiting here Family cottage on Farlain Lake, Penetang, Ontario. Here Husband and 2 Sons were visiting the Family and were flying home to Calgary, Alberta soon. She asked if I was able to locate in 8′ waters with a murky bottom. I quickly replied I could and was available immediately after work.

Severe thunderstorms had rolled in Ontario that afternoon. I had just finished another ring find in the water and the rain came down. I arrived at the cottage, met the Family and brought all the gear down to the bottom. Turns out her Brother-in-Law lost his gold wedding band over 10 years ago as well.

I had sent a message earlier in the day to mark the location with a rock and floating jug to cut down the area to search. The thunder and lightening started so we waited it out for about 10 minutes…and proceeded to gear up. I also brought a magnet for the kids to try magnet fishing….they loved it!

WOW, it was a very silty bottom with 6-8″ of muck so hard to keep a good grid pattern direction. Just over an hour later…..my trusty Minelab Excalibur 2 toned off with a sweet crisp tone. BINGO BANGO!!! There is was!!

Here is a link to the video from my YouTube channel;


I started to look for the 2nd lost wedding band of the Brother-in-Law but the darkness was setting in! I’ll be back!! Very happy clients before they head home to Calgary, Alberta! Lovely Family!!


Newly engaged couple engagement ring falls into 8′ murky bottom! Penetang, Honey Harbour, Penetang, Cognashene Bay, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Newly engaged Bride-to-be Keeanna was hanging out with great Friends at a cottage on Cognashene Bay in Penetang (Midland) area when her stunning 14k white gold 1.42k diamond engagement wedding band fell onto the dock and through a crack into the water below.

They had a neighbour who was a diver come over to try to find it but no luck. Lucky they googled and found The Ring Finders and contacted me.

I met her Parents Michele & Jaimie G and the Penetang Bay for boat pick up. What great people….the winds and waves were fierce for a 15-20 minute boat ride. Geared up and jumped in. I had already arranged with the parents for a video for the surprise (below link)

Link to video *******

The depth was about 8-9′ but the bottom was mushy & murky….I used the « Scuba Tector » to start as they mentioned is was pretty clean bottom. After pulling some coins, nails, a lead weight, Justin’s West Jet name tag LOL, out I thought best I pop up and grab my Minelab Excalibur2….2nd tone BINGO BANGO!!! and the surprise begins…..

Wishing Keeanna & Mike a very happy wedding June 2019!! AWESOME CLIENTS XO