Find your lost ring in the snow…Vancouver, BC
Lost your ring, cell phone, keys… Don’t wait until it’s too late. Call ASAP 24/7 Chris 778-838-3463.
I received a text message late last night asking for help to find a lost man’s 22 karat diamond ring. I saw the text message when I woke up early this morning and let him know to call me as soon as he saw my message.
7 AM I got the phone call and listen to where he believed his ring had come off his hand. He told me it was about a four block walk from his house to the bus station. I could already imagine how hard this search was going to be, for the fact that we just got snow a few days ago. After talking, I heard him mention he was wearing gloves… that changed everything! My next questions were when did the gloves come off and do you remember where, he did fortunately.
He told me two times he had slipped and fell, he said one time close to his house, crossing the road he slipped and fell when he got onto the sidewalk he took his glove off and dusted the snow off his pant leg and jacket. The second time was closer to the bus terminal four blocks away same thing, he took his glove off to wipe snow off of his pants and jacket.
I started my search where he first fell close to his house, and literally the first minute I found it wedged into the road, just the brim of it showing. Sometimes we get lucky and it doesn’t take long to find what we’re looking for, other times it could take hours and hours. I’m always grateful for these quick ones and for the fact that nobody else found it before me. I love my job. I get to find people Lost smiles and hear their stories.
Watch video of the search above…