The Ring Finders Blog | Page 9 of 987

Find your lost ring in the snow…Vancouver, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost your ring, cell phone, keys… Don’t wait until it’s too late. Call ASAP 24/7 Chris 778-838-3463.

I received a text message late last night asking for help to find a  lost man’s 22 karat diamond ring. I saw the text message when I woke up early this morning and let him know to call me as soon as he saw my message.

7 AM I got the phone call and listen to where he believed his ring had come off his hand. He told me it was about a four block walk from his house to the bus station. I could already imagine how hard this search was going to be, for the fact that we just got snow a few days ago. After talking, I heard him mention he was wearing gloves… that changed everything! My next questions were when did the gloves come off and do you remember where, he did fortunately.

He told me two times he had slipped and fell, he said one time close to his house, crossing the road he slipped and fell when he got onto the sidewalk he took his glove off and dusted the snow off his pant leg and jacket. The second time was closer to the bus terminal four blocks away same thing, he took his glove off to wipe snow off of his pants and jacket.

I started my search where he first fell close to his house, and literally the first minute I found it wedged into the road, just the brim of it showing. Sometimes we get lucky and it doesn’t take long to find what we’re looking for, other times it could take hours and hours. I’m always grateful for these quick ones and for the fact that nobody else found it before me. I love my job. I get to find people Lost smiles and hear their stories.



Watch video of the search above…

Gold Platinum Ring lost Jensen Lake Neighbourhood St. Albert Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Last evening, Mike contacted me to inform me that he had just lost his gold platinum wedding band of 17 years. While disposing of garbage, he slipped on ice and, upon regaining his footing, inadvertently dislodged the ring from his finger, which subsequently fell into the snow. Despite an extensive one-hour search, he was unable to locate the ring.

I have agreed to meet with Mike this morning.

Upon meeting Mike at his residence, he demonstrated the area where he believed the ring might have landed. However, it is important to note that such assumptions may not always be accurate. I conducted a preliminary search of the area without success and subsequently explored the opposite side of his driveway. To our delight, I discovered the ring approximately 12 feet from the location where Mike had anticipated its presence. Another happy client thank you Mike.

Gold Chain and Charm Lost in Clearwater, Fl. Yard…Found By Owner!!

  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)


Steve Thomas

Dunedin Ring Finder

“It’s Only Lost Until I Find It!

Lost a ring or other metal valuable at the beach including the water or in a grassy or sandy area? Jewelry slip off of you while working outside, playing with the dog or swimming? Don’t waste time and money purchasing your own metal detector to try to find your lost item. Please contact me ASAP at (843) 995-4719 or @dunedinringfinder. I offer a FREE metal detecting service, reward optional but appreciated upon recovery!

Recently Mitch was doing some yard work including blowing the yard as well as the large concrete pad his RV was sitting on. Shortly after he returned inside, he realized that his gold chain and an attached gold sailboat charm were no longer around his neck. After a search outside near the RV, the chain was found lodged in a crack between the concrete pad and a concrete step leading away from the pad. Mitch searched the pad and the small yard area but was unable to locate the small gold charm. He was unsure about how the chain came off of his neck but the charm was one that slid onto the chain and apparently that’s how it became separated. Mitch figured that the necklace had come off as he was working under and blowing around the edge of the large RV.

Mitch’s wife Durene found my contact information on a local social media page and Mitch emailed me to find out about my metal detecting services. I was out of town at the time but I told Mitch that we could set up a search as soon as I returned. On the day I returned to town, I already had another search set up for that morning about two hours away and I called Mitch on the way back from that successful search and left him a message that I could search for him that afternoon. I did not receive a return call from Mitch so I decided to stop by his house to see if he and Durene were home. As it turns out when I arrived, Mitch had been pressure washing the RV pad as well as the front sidewalk and driveway and had not seen my call. Mitch took me back behind the fence to the side yard where the RV was stored and I began my ground search for the charm around the RV. Since it appeared that the necklace had been blown just off the concrete pad as Mitch was blowing around and under the RV, he guessed that the charm must have been blown off the pad and further out into the yard. I searched for about 45 minutes with Mitch assisting on the digging but only found a couple of coins (including a 1941 nickel!) and some scrap metal. I had just completed my search around the RV when Mitch, who was behind me standing on the pad, called to me and held up his gold sailboat charm that he had just found in a crack in the concrete pad! He had already searched the pad for the charm but he guessed that when he pressure washed it the charm was pushed up out of the crack. This is the second or third time that the owner I was searching for found his own jewelry! After a happy Durene came out of the RV to hear the good news, she gave me some of her homemade candy.

Mitch and Durene, thank you for contacting Steve Thomas, Dunedin Ring Finder to help you find your lost gold charm! Safe travels and look forward to your blog posts!

Lost ring in Salt Lake City: Found

Bill and Hanne were married 60 years ago. Hanne’s feelings were hurt when Bill stopped wearing his wedding ring about 20 years ago, but she never asked why, and he never volunteered the reason. Today I got a call asking me to bring my metal detectors to Hanne’s home to see if I could find an heirloom item that Bill said he may have lost in the yard. I searched for two hours, and I didn’t find that item, but I did find a beautiful two-toned gold ring that seemed to have been in the ground about 20 years. When we showed that ring to Hanne, she recognized it immediately. It was her husband’s wedding ring. She realized that the reason he had stopped wearing it 20 years ago was because he had lost it in their yard, and he had never had the courage to tell her. Bill passed away a few years ago, but I’m sure he would be happy to know that his ring has been found and is now in his wife’s possession.

Lost Diamond/Garnet Gold Ring flys away

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We are off to a an exciting 2025, so many calls this year already.

This afternoon we got a call from a lady who said 3 days ago she was working in her very large front yard, clearing weeds and frozen plants clean-up.  At the end of the day she realized her Ring Guard and her Diamond/Garnet center Ring were gone off her hand,

Very distraught, she search and searched, she even purchased a metal detector and it totally confused her because she had no one to teach her how to use it.  She had her husband and children out searching but no luck.  Her husband finally said ”just hire a professional”.  So she searched the internet and found The Ring Finders and called us.

As luck would have it we were only 20 minutes away having just finished another Ring find.  So we immediately went over and did our search.  After just a few passes through the yard and flower beds, when I got a solid 45 Gold Signal on our Garrett AT Pro.  We were able to put a big smile on her face that made our day….we love our hobby.

Lost Hearing Aid While Shoveling Snow, Rosslyn Neighbourhood Edmonton

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

This afternoon, Dale contacted me to inquire if I could assist him in locating his hearing aid. He had lost it approximately one hour ago while shoveling his sidewalk and his neighbor’s. The retrieval of his hearing aid was of paramount importance, as he had recently experienced a significant loss of hearing. Furthermore, the replacement cost was substantial. I informed Dale that I required his other hearing aid in order to calibrate my detector to his hearing aid. Within fifteen minutes, I successfully located his hearing aid in the neighbor’s yard.

Lost Gold Ring Found In Back Yard London

  • from London (Ontario, Canada)

After a slip and fall down the back deck stairs, this gentleman’s ring flew like a rocket and went missing for a few days…that is until he looked up the ring finders and called me. It’s never where you think it is, and that turned out to be the case here. Completly on the opposite side of the yard from where most of the search was completed. Glad to be of service for another satisfied smile!



  • from Santa Monica (California, United States)

Kristen called me several weeks ago regarding the loss of her house in the Palisades fire. As soon as residents got the go ahead from the police to return to their properties, we met and I followed her to the site, we looked for several hours for her diamond jewelry with no luck. She felt like there must have been an explosion because there was debris from her closet scattered in different areas, I did however find a few pieces of jewelry, and a large pure silver coins. Then she had me search for two sterling silver Tiffany trays, she had bought for her daughters. I searched and sifted in both of their rooms, and within an hour found them both. I was sad that I couldn’t find her better jewelry, but she was happy to have her daughters trays back which the jeweler will be able to restore.

40th Anniversary Ring Lost While Brushing off the Dog in Scottsboro, AL… FOUND!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee.  Call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7 at 610-504-6135.

I received a call on Wednesday (January 29th, 2025) from Alice stating that back in October her mother-in-law, Judy, had lost her ring while standing on her front porch in Scottsboro, Alabama.  Alice’s nephew had tried looking for it with a metal detector, but unfortunately, he was unable to find it.  Alice had recently come across my ring finders Facebook page (The Ring Finders – Huntsville, Alabama) via Google and she thought they’d give it a shot. I told Alice that I’d be more than happy to help look for Judy’s ring.  I work my normal “9-5” job during the week, but said that I could come out on the weekend.  We setup a search for Saturday.

I met Judy at her home in Scottsboro at noon on Saturday, February 1st.  We talked for a few minutes first, because we had both realized that my father-in-law, Lindell Sr., actually works for the company that Judy’s son, Steve, and daughter-in-law, Alice, own.  Small world!  I asked Judy to show me what she was doing when her ring came off.  She said her dog had rolled around in the yard and had some dormant Bermuda grass on him.  He was standing on the steps of her front porch, and Judy began brushing off the grass with her right hand.  She then felt one of her rings fly off and heard a ping on the metal railing on the right side, but she couldn’t tell which direction her ring went.  This was a very sentimental ring that was bought during a cruise to Mexico for her 40th wedding anniversary.  A beautiful and irreplaceable yellow gold ring with a ruby.

I began searching with my Minelab Equinox 900 metal detector.  The shrubs were very full, so it was a close quarters type of search.  I did my best to swing the coil around the foliage.  Then I got down on my hands and knees and began searching in and around the shrubs with my handheld pinpointer, the Garrett Pro Pointer AT.  I had searched the entire right and left sides of the landscaping, plus the front of the yard.  I only found various bits of small flexible metal, which was probably used in the construction of the house.  The landscaping had a metal edging around the entire border.  It gave off a loud tone.  The border was covered up with a mondo/monkey style type grass.  I knew I needed to manually search the entire boarder, because the metal could easily mask the ring.

I carefully searched through the monkey grass.  I cleared the right-side border, but no ring.  Next, I started searching the left side and I had gotten about part way down when I finally saw it… that yellow gold beaming back at me!  I was so happy and relieved that the mystery was finally solved!  It took an hour and 45 minutes, but Ms. Judy’s gorgeous red ruby ring was found!  I got in a couple of quick photos and rang the doorbell.  I told Judy that it was a tough search, but… we got it!  I opened up my fist to show her the ring.  She was so excited and gave me a big hug!  We both thanked God for answering our prayers.

I’m truly blessed that I get to go on all these fun adventures and meet such wonderful people.  Until the next one…please take care and God bless!


*****PHOTO UPDATE*****

I received this photo on Tuesday afternoon (February 4th) of Judy and her son, Steve.


Lost wedding ring found in the snow and returned to its rightful owner!!

  • from Coventry (Rhode Island, United States)