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Amazing Lost Ring Story – Found Moments Before Big Snow Storm

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


My husband was helping me carry groceries from the car one evening when I noticed he seemed upset about something. I asked him what was wrong. He said that while I was shopping he was working on the computer and noticed that his wedding ring was missing from his hand.

I told him not to worry about it, after all hadn’t he recently scoffed when I had my own ring repaired that he couldn’t understand why we still bothered to wear wedding rings since we’d been married 25 years, everyone knew we were married, and it wasn’t like we would ever split up. A marriage is not a ring, I reminded him. A ring is just stuff. But John was clearly deeply upset. So I headed outside with a flashlight to search in the snow in the spot where he thought he’d been standing when the ring fell off his hand.

John is blind, and for many who are blind losing things is a regular part of life. One does not notice the gloves left behind in a friend’s car or the red-and-white cane left on the seat of a city bus. One is unable to see the phone that slips out of a pocket to fall silently into the snow or the keys that drop without a sound. Losing things is one of the recurring indignities of losing your vision and so it is for John. Misplacing things leaves him tense and frustrated, as if blindness has just scored another point leaving him scrambling once again to keep possession of the things in life that are most valuable to him, the intangible most of all.

John thought he may have lost the ring while playing with his guide dog in the snow but when I searched the spot with their footprints I didn’t see anything glinting in the flashlight beam. He was afraid the ring may have slipped off his finger while they were at work on campus, maybe while taking a mid-day break to play a game of tug-of-war outside the physics building. In fact he wasn’t sure when he lost the ring as he can’t see his hand. It may have been gone for weeks he feared.

That night he was sleepless over the loss of the ring. Even though I kept assuring him it was no big deal, it could be replaced, he was not consoled. Blindness was winning again.  First thing in the morning I started calling around to rent a metal detector, but soon realized this was not a feasible plan.  We’d be dragging the detector all over the city as there were several spots where John thought the ring might have fallen into the snow. And there was no guarantee we’d even figure out how to use it properly.

I kept putting on my coat and boots, going outside, searching the spot on the hill where John said he’d been standing when he thought the ring might have slipped off his hand. I’d get down on my hands and knees, search every inch of the frozen grass and snow, searching again and again. I had to find that ring! I had to see my husband happy again.

While searching for a local store that rented metal detectors, one of the hits that came up on Google was www.TheRingFinders.com. I exchanged a few messages with Dan Roekle and it was clear he was our best bet for finding the ring.

Dan and his kids came over to our house after work with their metal detector and other equipment in tow. We didn’t think there was much chance of finding the ring that evening as it was already dark, not to mention bitterly cold. But Dan wanted to get started and at least get a look at the first search site. Anyhow a Midwestern blizzard was bearing down, predicted to dump a half-foot of snow on the city, obliterating any tracks of where John and his dog had been.

I turned on the house lights, opened the garage door to flood the driveway with light and passed out flashlights. A group of us huddled in the cold to watch as Dan dropped a wedding ring made of the same metal as John’s onto the frozen trampled ground. The detector chirped, its screen lit up with a digital reading, and Dan began slowly making his way up and down the hillside, maneuvering the detector over snow and ice, listening for a tone similar to the one triggered by the test ring.  The detector softly chirped every few moments as Dan passed a tree and he theorized that landscape stakes or discarded nails from a roofing job were to blame. “There’s a lot of metal in this hill,” he said.

It was clear John and I would have never been able to locate his ring with a rented metal detector. He’d been guiding the detector over the ground for only about five minutes when it chirped loudly and Dan announced a reading in the range of the test ring. “We’ve found it,” he said with certainty and you could almost hear the gasping of all the frozen breaths. His son Carter knelt in the spot where his dad and the detector pointed, and with a water-proof pin pointer worked to zero-in on the precise location of the ring in the snow. Carter scraped and dug through the snow and ice and within moments held it up as a whoop arose.

I may have been the most astonished as the ring had been pressed into the frozen earth in the exact location where I had searched on my hands and knees many times that day without spotting it. It was the spot where John had been standing when he pulled off his gloves after playing with his dog and leaned over to pick up the harness.

Thank you, Dan, Carter and Kylie!

Judy and John



Lost Ring Burlington Vermont

  • from Barre (Vermont, United States)

Hi. I recently joined The Ring Finders service and am very excited to start helping people find their lost jewelry. I can also help you look for just about anything important or valuable with metal in it, such as keys, property markers, water supply shutoffs, tools, etc. Don’t forget, the sooner we start looking, the higher the chance for our success! Mother Nature and possibly someone else could get to it before we do. On the other hand, I have found rings that were lost decades ago, too. They were down in the ground several inches, packed with dirt, but cleaned up beautifully. So, don’t give up!

Please see my listing in the Vermont section of the above directory, for more information and to contact me.

Thank you,  Mike


Gold Chain Lost & Found On Studland Beach

  • from Bournemouth (England, United Kingdom)

For Mike Biddlecombe of Christchurch Dorset, the exciting prospect of a new metal detecting hobby nearly turned into a disaster on his very first day!!
After sharing an interesting conversation over a coffee in Swanage with another Metal Detectorist, Mike was keen to take up his new hobby and soon purchased a new CTX 3030. He took his new machine to Studland Beach with the prospect of finding treasure on the new exposed shallow sands after recent storms had uncovered large areas. Like any new Detectorist using a brand new complex machine and being a novice the machine sang a cacophony of sounds on every sweep. A few items 1940’s coins turned up and plenty of trash too- a few tips and machine tweeking were desparately needed!
In the frustration of digging hole after hole, bending down, sifting sand and losing targets Mike tugged at his gloves several times to remove them and clean his finds. What Mike didnt realise until he left the beach that removing his gloves he had also pulled off and lost his gold bracelet which he’d owned for some 40 years! He tried using his machine to locate the item but yet again the series of sounds and chatters just confused the matters.
After meeting Mike on the beach I grid-scanned an area twice the size of a tennis court. The sand level had dropped through the storms considerably and I found 26 coins from 1940’s til modern. This coin shooting would have been good fun on any other day but today we had a significant recovery to make! I’d almost given up having covered the probable area and thought I’d give one more scan along the furthest edge. As any Detectorist knows gold chains make difficult targets to detect, however due to the colossal size of each link of his 65 gram chain the CTX moaned as I hit the target.
Mike and I met a few days later and very relieved he is pleased to make a donation to the Margaret Green Animal Sanctuary in Church Knowle Dorset.IMG_1929IMG_1932

Lost Keys Lac Ste Anne County Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Mat 1   Mat 2

I received a call this afternoon (1:00 pm) from Mat in regards to his lost car key somewhere in his yard.  He asked me if I could find keys in snow.  I told him if they are there I would find them for him and made arrangements to meet up at 3:30 pm.  I arrived at Mat’s acreage and he showed me where he had been plowing snow with his quad and that he had been stuck a couple of times. He told me approximately where he thought his keys might have fallen out of his pocket and that he had already spent two hours on his hands and knees looking for them with no luck. He then decided to go on line and found me.  I took my trusted Spectra V3i and pro-pointer to where Mat got stuck and within three minute I found his keys buried in about three inches of packed snow.

Another happy client! Thank you Mat for trusting me in finding your keys.


Lost Silver Wedding Band Recovered In Raleigh, N.C. on 1/21/15

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

On 1/20/15 , I received a call from a lady who explained that her husband had lost his sterling silver wedding band while tossing some pine cones etc, into the woods behind their town house.. The ring had slipped off his finger while he was tossing them.. I agreed to meet them the next day on 1/21/15 around 12PM to do the recovery.. When I got their , they showed me where they lost the ring and I began my search.. When I began my search I first checked the area with my long range locator/electroscope to see if i could get a hit on the possible area the ring was in.. My electroscope did get a hit and I began my search again this time using my Garrett metal detector in the area of interest.. The first hit in the area turned out to be a copper tubing which read a 84-85 on my detectors readout.. The second hit read on my detector to be a 54-55 which was to low of a readout to be real silver so i did not go after it since I was looking a silver ring.. The final and third hit rang out loud and clear at a 88-89 readout which is what I tend see most silver rings hit on my detector.. Sure enough the ring was found.. They was happy to have the ring back and I was happy to be able to help..

favs 001 favs 002

White Gold Engagement Ring Recovered In Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland

  • from Terjarv (Finland)

Laura celebrated her 40th birthday with friends and bathed in a hot tub and made snow angels in the snow. Later the same day, Laura noticed that her engagement ring was gone. So next day she tried to search for the ring with a spade and rake.

I spoke with Laura on the phone and told her that I can come to Muhos to search for the ring, she was wery relieved to hear that.I packed my XP Deus and my Pinpointer in the car and started early because i had a three hour journey ahead of me.

I arrived at Laura’s house and she showed me the place where they’ve been bathing, I took my metal detector out of the car and studied the area first, and began to search. It was plus degrees and the snow was really heavy and after a few minutes I got a really good signal, was quite sure it was a gold signal. Started searching with Pinpointer And there was the ring!

Showed Laura the ring and she was really surprised to see the ring and hugged me and Thanked me several times.

afterwards she told me that she had not even been able to tell her husband that she had lost the ring until I called and told her that I could come and search for the ring.

Ring Recovered 17th January 2015



Lauras ring


Lost Silver Pendant on soccer field….Found! Sanford, Florida!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

DSCF2277DSCF2271How many people have been given a very special gift only to loose it shortly after receiving it?  Jared got a unique gift from his mother for Christmas–a silver pendant– and lost it two days later while playing soccer!  He is a good friend of mine and knows that I enjoy helping people find their lost rings and things.  And the field where he lost his pendant is just across the street from where we live so I figured in my spare time I could begin a grid search of the 70X50 yard field.  So early the next evening I set up my Whites DFX in Coin and Jewelry mode and started down the middle of the field.  And as it was a very recent drop and the pendant being silver I figured it would give a loud signal and be just under the grass.  Sure enough on my 5th pass down center field, there hidden in the grass was Jared’s pendant!  So glad to help out and thanks Jared for the reward!

Looking for something you lost?

Give me a call–ASAP!

White gold wedding band found in Denver, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

On December 13th David and his wife had a small gathering of friends at their house, one of their friends brought their dog. David being the kind of guy he is, didn’t want the dog to be left alone in the back yard so he spent some time playing with the dog. While playing with the pup David noticed that his wedding band was missing and he went back inside to see if it was there, no luck. The whole of the party then went into the back yard and searched for David’s missing ring, no luck again. Photos from earlier in the day show that David had the ring on so the window of opportunity for the rings loss were narrow. David spent several hours over the next few weeks searching the back yard. Due to snow fall and the holiday season the search for David’s ring had to take a back seat till warmer weather.

On January 16th David found my profile on TheRingFinders.com and he contacted me about searching for his ring. We set up a date and time for me to conduct the search of Sunday the 18th at 10:00AM. Upon arrival at their home David took me to the back yard and gave me a run down of the events. My search area was the side yard which was pretty small and the back yard a nice size yard for an older home. I knew the search wouldn’t take too long as the yard wasn’t expansive. I pulled out my V3i and prepared it for the search, upon starting the machine I could hear all kinds of electrical inference from the overhead power, phone and cable lines. Luckily I had my trust old MXT with me as well so I prepared that machine for the search. After a few potential targets that turned out to be pulltabs my MXT let out a signal that was truly different than any of the others, the pinpoint let me know it was a surface target. I pulled back the grass and there sat a pretty silver colored ring. I pulled the ring from it’s hiding place and hollered for David. He was quite happy to get his ring back and was quite surprised at the speed of recovery, this search lasted less than 5 minutes. David mentioned that this recovery saved him 50 or so years of grief from his wife. We talked a bit, shot some photos and I was on my way home by 10:30. It was a great way to start off a Sunday.

Ring recovered 1/18/2015

  David and ring Davids ring

Found Wedding Ring in Norwood, MA

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

Two days before Christmas, I received a call from Dana, because her husband, Sean, had lost his wedding ring while they were moving.  Sean had stashed his wedding band in his shoe, which was with a change of clothes, for fear of damaging it.  While carrying the clothes, Dana tripped and the ring flew out of the shoe and dropped on the lawn.  The couple searched for the ring without any luck.  Dana searched the internet and found me on The Ring Finders website.  The day after Christmas I searched the lawn and found the ring in a few minutes, the quickest recovery I’ve ever had!  Dana and Sean were delighted to have the ring back.


Lost Gold Ring at Natatorium War Memorial…FOUND!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

TeuilaFriday, December 19, 2014

As I was returning from Metal Detecting on Scuba I surfaced in about 10 feet of water and began snorkeling into the beach.  As I approached two young ladies I noticed that panicked look one gets when they lose something treasured.  I asked the first young lady if they lost something and she responded that her friend Teuila had just lost her Gold ring and she was stressing.  That’s when I raised my Excalibur from under water and said « Maybe I can help.  Where did she lose it? »  They showed me the general area and as I started the box search I asked, « Is this too far towards shore » and Teuila said, « Probably. » so I made a 90 degree turn and on the second sweep of my detector I had what could only be a Gold Ring tone.  I knelt down and stuck my head in the water and through my mask the sun was glinting off a pretty gold ring.  I stood up with ring in hand and yelled over to Teuila.  « I might have your ring. » Shocked it happened so quickly she came over to where I stood and I said, « If you can describe the ring in my hand it’s yours. »  She immediately described the ring and I reached out and dropped it into her hand.  Then without hesitation she gave me the biggest hug I’ve had in a long time.  A few cheers went up from the tourists in the water that realized I just found her ring.  She said, « What are the odds that you would be here exactly when I needed your talents? »  I pointed up and said « The Big Guy upstairs must of wanted you to have that ring. Glad I could help. »