Lost Platinum & 18k Gold Wedding Ring Recovered in Morrisville N.C. on 3/31/15

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

On 3/29/15 , I was contacted by a Mr. Michael C. about his wedding ring he had lost while playing with his Dogs in his back yard.. We discussed the lost ring and all the details of where he had lost it and how.. After speaking to him I agreed to meet him the next day on 3/30/15 to do the search and find his ring.. I assured him it would be a easy search and I would be able to find his ring pretty quick since he was sure of the area he lost it in.. We had agreed to meet between 6:00pm & 6:30pm , 0n 3/30/15..

But the next day before I was to go out to do the search, I had decided since I had time before meeting him that I would go metal detecting in the woods first to pass some time before I had to meet him.. Thats when I had a problem of my own , I was about a mile back in the woods detecting and when it came time to head back to my truck so I could meet Mr. Michael C. to do his search I had relized I lost my truck keys in the woods somewhere.. This was a problem since I could not go anywhere with out my keys and I could not call him to let him know what happened since I locked my phone in my truck and could not get in to call anyone.. I search the woods again for my keys and decided to walk home when I could not find them.. When I finally got home , I emailed Mr. Michael C. late that night to let him know what had happened and to apologize for not being able to make it to do the search.. The next morning on 3/31/15, I had a friend give me a ride back to my truck with a spare set of keys so i could pick my truck up.. That same day I had spoke to Mr. Michael C. again since I had my phone again and truck back.. He was very understanding as to what happened and we agreeded to meet that day between 4pm & 4:30pm.. When I got there it was around 4pm and I met with Mr. Michael C. about ten minutes later when he had got there.. He walked me through what he was doing when he lost his ring and I even got to meet his 2 dogs he was playing with when he lost the ring.. I showed him the equipment I was going to use and explained this search would not take long as i was going to be able to find it fast using my long range electroscope called the Regulator..  I began my search using the Regulator long range electroscope and instantly got a hit on a line of bearing to search.. I grabbed my metal detector and in less then 3 minutes I had found his ring.. I was happy to have helped him out and he was very happy to have it back.. I also want to thank him for the generous reward he offered.. That much of a reward was not neccesary because I was not used to getting that much for a reward.. Its not about the amount of the reward I am offered that gives me pleasure in helping others out.. My reward is the pleasure I get when I see the smiles on a persons face when I return their lost item back to them..

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3 Replies to “Lost Platinum & 18k Gold Wedding Ring Recovered in Morrisville N.C. on 3/31/15”

  1. Mark Rubey dit :

    Nice ring recovery! Did you go back and find your keys? 🙂

    1. yes i did go back and find my keys.. it took over 14 hours of searching to find them.

  2. Chris Turner dit :

    Yes great recovery! and did you go back for your keys or was it to large of an area?

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