Testimonials Category | Page 6 of 58 | The Ring Finders

Lost IPhone, Seaside Park NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

find lost ring lbiJune is a great time of year, weather is warming up, school is getting out for the summer, the beach scene is almost in full swing, graduations, prom, etc. That’s when Hailey had a horrible mishap. She was at the Jersey Shore for the weekend after the prom, enjoying the beach life, when her phone totally disappeared somehow, in the soft sugar sand of Seaside Park NJ. She reached out to me NJ Ring Finder, wondering if there was anything I could do to recover her phone. Everyone knows loosing your phone can wreak havoc, especially when its not totally backed up. I had been in the area already, so after getting the details, I headed right over to the spot she had figured it was lost. Just a short while later I had her phone, her drivers license, and some money, that was stashed inside the phone case, safely in my finds pouch. We agreed on a location to meet a few hours later. Hailey was so grateful to have her phone, and her belongings back, after a long and nervous separation.

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Wedding Ring lost on the Beach, Surf City NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey

It was a beautiful afternoon at the Jersey Shore when Bill and Barb decided to spend the day on the beach in Surf City LBI. They were in town for a wedding and decided to soak up some rays when things went wrong. Barb had placed her wedding ring in the side pouch of their beach bag, and a little while later Bill needed a napkin for his hands. Not aware of the rings presence, he pulled out a napkin, and the ring obviously came out with it. He knew about my NJ Ring Finder service on LBI, and quickly reached out to see if I could assist in recovering the ring. Obviously I shot right down to his Surf City location ASAP, and after getting the details, within minutes their precious ring was in my scoop.

Follow my metal detector recovery stories on Facebook 

Lost and found gold wedding band Sandbanks Provincial Park

Received a text from James yesterday about having lost his gold wedding band, on Monday, while camping at a Sandbanks Provincial Park camp site. While tossing a ball back and forth with his friends, he went to catch the ball and felt his ring being knocked off his finger. This was right at the edge where sands stops and weed beds begin. James went and purchased a metal detector and tried to find his ring. Unfortunately, cheaper metal detectors cannot be submerged (the head portion) deep enough for his recovery. After arriving at the camp site, quickly Facetimed with James to get further details. 30 minutes later, found the ring and it’s now in the mail to Ottawa. Life is good.

Lost and found Samsung cell phone at Sandbanks Provincial park

Received a text from Alyssa yesterday about her having lost her new Samsung cell phone while swimming at Sandbanks Provincial park the day before. She had the phone within a protective water proof case and lanyard but it tore off when she got pounded by a big wave. The first issue is that both days have been very windy, with high waves, and sand bars at this location do travel quite quickly, possibly burying her phone deep in the sand. The other issue is that Alyssa could not be there to show me where she had lost it, being in the GTA area, which makes the task more difficult. However, with the magic of GPS and a quick video conference with her while at the beach, we were able to narrow down the search area considerably. Fast forward two hours of searching, I was able to recover her phone. Even better, the phone was still on and in perfect working order. I will be shipping the phone back to her first thing Monday morning. Another successful story. Life is good.

Lost and found wedding band at Roblin Lake Ontario

While conducting a successful ring recovery at Roblin lake earlier this week, I happened to find a wedding band. I decided the next day to post pictures of it on our local Facebook page just in case it was lost by local folks. Well, within 5 minutes of post being active, I had found the rightful owner of the ring. How did I know? There was a special inscription inside the band and they knew what it was. Met them shortly after and returned the ring. Life is good.


Lost Ring Recovered in North Dakota.

  • from Chisago City (Minnesota, United States)

On Wednesday, July 17, I received a text wanting to know if I traveled to a very distant location. I told them that I didn’t know for sure, I would have to look on a map. This was a request from a fellow coworker of a family member. So, I told them that I would do it. I took off and made it to the location by 7:00 PM. my concern was to have enough daylight to make things a little easier.

They had told me that the caller’s husband had been concerned about losing his ring, so he took it off and put it in a compartment on his jet ski.  As you know that non-moving jet skis have a little stability issue and was pushing off from a dock and the jet ski rolled over. The compartment that held the ring popped open and the ring fell out. While it was a terrible incident, it was a blessing that it happened in a location that was only in 3 1/2 feet of water.

I went into the water at the location described and as you can imagine a boat launch that has been in operation for many, many years had debris from those years. A bottle cap or pull-tabs here and there, fishing weights, boat trailer parts and the many other items that you would think would be associated with well used boat launch. It was a much more difficult hunt then what I was thinking. The things that were going right were that the location was a small area, and the water was shallow in that location. There was small and medium size cobble or round rocks on the bottom that was making scooping a signal very difficult. What I was thinking was going to be a 30-40 minute turned into a 2-hour recovery.

I had brought 2 detectors with me, a Minelab Equinox 900 with a 10-inch coil, and a Garrett AT Pro with a small D coil. After hunting for an hour and a half, I decided to switch over to the AT Pro to help discriminate the different targets.  This move was my saving grace. It allowed me much more control over the targets and pinpointing those targets was key.   After about another 30 minutes I found the ring. What a beautiful sight it was to see it in my scoop.  A white gold men’s wedding band, just like described.

Another Happy ending.

Turns out – I guess I do go out that far after all, who knew….

Happy reunion

I had to sneak into one photo.

OK it was a 5  1/2 hour drive one way.

I also have a God daughter that lived along the route, and I could make nervous that I was checking on her.

Life is so good.





Prayers answered!

  • from Fernandina Beach (Florida, United States)


Got a call and off I went!   Lost the ring on the beach and was so upset!   She said a prayer and after a 3 hour search, I was able to dig up her ring!    So glad I could help!    God Bless!!

Lost and found silver ring at Roblin Lake Ontario

Received a text from Hope late this afternoon about having lost her silver ring while swimming with her three young kids yesterday. This ring has immense sentimental value as it was given to her, from her fiancé, whom suddenly passed away last year. We met at the lake within the hour and both went in the water where she estimated having dropped the ring while playing with her kids. Although there were many signals, we were able to reunite her with her precious ring within 40 minutes or so. She was extremely happy and surprised to have her ring back on her finger. One of my most favorite recoveries thus far. Life is good.

Missing Ring Recovered – Reposted from Facebook page.

  • from Chisago City (Minnesota, United States)
Prayers have been answered!
It’s been a very long and emotional week. A kind samaritan loaned me her metal detector and after hours of searching with no luck, I hit the internet for help. I was able to find a website called The Ring Finders. Feeling apprehensive, but desperate about it, I sent a text to a couple specialists in Minnesota. Within moments, Paul texted me back saying he was loading up and would be to Mille Lacs within 2 hours.
I got him familiarized with the area and on day one he spent 4 hours looking. No luck. He was such an incredible, positive human that he reassured me, « Don’t worry! It hasn’t gone anywhere! It’s here. »
Day 2 he came up again, we both searched for hours, coming up empty handed. He was still positive – « don’t worry, we will find it! ».
Day 3 my husband and I took our pontoon out to the exact spot we were at during Flotilla – about 45 feet from what the GPS coordinates said on my Navionics App and where we were looking (sorry fisherman, GPS lies!). Paul was kind enough to loan us a metal detector until he came back out, so we searched for another few hours. No luck, except for a couple cigar stickers from our group – we knew we were close! I text Paul that night to tell him our findings, explaining we were off by about 45 feet, but I could help get him out to our spot when he came up again.
Day 4, Paul texts me, « are you going to be around today? », of course, I was ready to head out and look again for the ring. Being the positive person he is, he said « are you ready to hear what a ring sounds like ». Of course! Let’s find some gold! Moments later he texts a photo of my ring in his hand!!!!
The cheering squad on the beach is going wild (you know who you are❤️). I’m going crazy, sprinting through the shallows to hug this amazing person who has found my missing ring!
I cannot thank Paul from Ring Finders enough, he is a true angel on Earth!!! If you have anything missing in this lake PLEASE CALL HIM!!!!! His tenacity, dedication and positivity is commendable. TOP NOTCH!!!
To everyone that helped during Flotilla that afternoon THANK YOU. What a call to action and I am so grateful you took time to help. To everyone else that offered advise and suggestions on my previous post, thank you also.
God is good!

San Diego Ring Finder Metal detector professional here to help find your lost rings & Jewelry

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)


The Ring Finders service rescued another Precious wedding ring from the mouth of the sea using a waterproof metal detector in San diego, California. CALL 760 889 2751 Curtis Cox

This search & recovery I put high priority not only knowing that it was lost in the hungry Surfline~Ocean but especially with the wave of newbie Pirates learning how to metal detect these days…This could of been forever gone so timing was urgent!

  After communicating with Diana via Email who was on her way back home to Austria. I gave it my all that same night for an hour yet could not find it due to the rising high tide,Angry surf and me between the cliff that was already dangerously bashing against upon arrival so I called it quits.

Early next morning I searched from 5-7:00am scanning every inch of the beach during low tide to no avail. Later in the afternoon through emails I had to update Diana with the unfortunate outcomes. Then I realized she was further North of where I’ve been searching…Which is GREAT news for me ;).  Immediately I bolted back there that evening and swiftly located her precious wedding ring buried nearly 10” deep along the shoreline using my trusty 13 year old metal detector!  I was thrilled afterwards with excitement to get home and let her know her ring is now safe.

  (Below is a testimonial Diana wrote;)

I am deeply impressed with the work you’re doing for silly people who take their most valuable jewelry to the beach. I was in Carlsbad for a work conference and in a break decided to go for a swim at the beach. Luckily I didn’t go too deep in the water as the waves were quite strong but it was enough for loosing my wedding ring. I didn’t notice it until it was time to go back. Searched the sand area like crazy and eventually gave up. 

Next day I went back to the beach to look for it again and a group of people told me about Curtis and his successful ring finding experience. After a couple of emails exchanging details and 2 days later I got the best news that Curtis found it. I got the news a few hours before meeting my husband so luckily I had better news for him. 

We are both very happy that we got the ring back as in our culture this is quite important.