Finders Category | Page 430 of 433 | The Ring Finders

Lost my diamond engagement ring at the beach in Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

On a nice summers evening I get a call from a young lady who lost her diamond engagement ring at Spanish Banks while relaxing in the water.

She was recently engaged and lived out of town, she was here to spend some time with her family and show off her diamond ring.

The ring didn’t fit perfectly and while she was in the water it slipped off her finger to the sand below. Devastated, she and her parents searched in waste deep water, but there was no chance in finding the ring.

As they were leaving the beach her father thought of telling the lifeguard about the lost ring encase someone might find it at low tide the next day.

This was a good thing as the lifeguard gave them my flyer, I showed up at the beach the next morning at low tide and her and her family were there to greet me.

I listened to her story and where she believed her ring was lost, she based the location to the area where the floating dock was beached.

I started my grid search and after close to 2 1/2 hours I had no ring, I could tell that she was were getting worried. I sat down and talked to her about the location once again and she said I was in the right area as she lined up the lost ring with the floating dock.

Then it hit me, the floating dock had close to a 30 yard chain on it to keep it in place. This changes everything as the high tide location would have been 30 yards further out.

I start my new grid search and after 1 hour I found her beautiful diamond ring. The smile tells you the rest!

I love my job!

Lost something? Contact me ASAP!

Gold & Emerald Ring lost at Spanish Banks Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

My wife and I are packing to go to the UK when I get a call from a friend of mine who tells me that his sister just lost her gold & emerald ring that was given to her by her grandmother.

He said they were playing in the water and she felt the ring come off her finger and sink to the sand below. Panic set in then the realization that the ring could be lost for good.

As they were searching for the ring in the water my friend remembered that I had a service that could help find it. When I get the call he explains what happen, of course I head out ASAP.

When I showed up they were having a barbeque and my first thought was I better find that ring because that chicken looks really good!

She walks me to the area the ring was lost, the tide had come in and it was around waste deep. The good thing was that they marked the area and the distance out to where the ring was lost.

After 20 minutes of grid searching the area I got good signal and as I lifted my sand scoop I could see her beautiful gold emerald ring.

Everyone was happy and it was nice to help a friend, oh and the chicken was amazing!!!

I love my job!

If you have lost your ring and want it found …Contact me ASAP

1980 High School Silver Grad Ring Found In Aldergrove Lake

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This story was about a 1980 silver high school grad ring that was lost in a lake in Aldergrove BC. Its hard to see the ring but she’s holding on tightly to it!

This was a good hour drive from the city and when I arrived to search for the ring I was surprised that when I got close to the middle of the lake my detector was beeping like crazy.

This limited my search and I knew if she had lost it in the middle of the lake I’d have no chance of recovering the ring for her. That being said she had put me in a good area and within 4 minutes I found her ring… She found her smile!

Note: 3 blogs down I talk about this lake and you can see that there is no water in lake as it had been drained. In this picture you can see the water behind her…

I love my job!

If you’ve lost your ring contact me ASAP…I’d be happy to find it for you!

Lost Diamond Earring/South Surrey/White Rock…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This story is about a lady who lost her diamond earring in her garden, it was lost for over 1 year. Her husband was driving to work one morning and on the radio he heard an interview on my  »Finders » service and wrote down my number and called me.

He told me about his wife’s earring and how much it bothered her that she lost it in the garden and she couldn’t find it. She knew it was there some where, but where?

Of course I was up for the challenge but I knew it would be a tough one as diamond earrings have to be the hardest thing to search for as there is very little gold on the post, so that makes it very difficult to find.

When I arrived the lady showed me the area of the garden where she believed her earring was lost. She tells me that at one time she was digging around a shrub and felt her earring get caught on a branch, but she never thought to check and see if it was still there.

Due to the time (1 year +) she wasn’t sure which shrub it was… Now the search begins!

I start with my Whites V-Sat gold detector and spend a good two hours along side of the bushes and no luck. Unfortunately the shrubs were close to the side of the house as you can see in the picture above and this was impossible to search as my detector was picking up the metal framing.

My next step was to move the dirt away from the house so I wouldn’t have any interference with my detector. I made 6 piles of dirt and searched each pile, the last pile I received a faint signal and as I was sifting through the dirt I found her earring…

I Love my job!

Yellow & White Gold Chainsaw Pendent Found In Surrey BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Years back I get a call from a man who lost what he described as a yellow & white gold chainsaw pendent that was custom made for him as he owned and operated a tree service in Surrey BC.

He tells me that after he and his team cut down a tree in the clients yard they were cleaning up the stump and his pendent fell into the wood chips.

He and his team searched the wood chips for over an hour, even the client came out to search. The next day the man rented a metal detector and searched for a couple more hours, but no luck.

His wife remembered seeing a story on my service in the local newspaper the week before so they contacted me and I was excited to go on a search.

When I arrivedI listened to his story and I started my search in the area he had searched for hours. I got a signal in about 2 1/2 minutes and out from the wood chips came his gold chainsaw.

It was very cool, the yellow gold was the engine and the white gold was the chain and saw. He was so excited and couldn’t believe I found it so fast. You can tell by the smile that he was happy it was found!

I love my job!

If you have lost something and want it found… Contact me ASAP… I’d be happy to find it for you!

Found Diamond ring at 3rd Beach in Vancouver… Delivered to the owners front door.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Its hard to see the picture of this young ladies beautiful diamond engagement ring she’s holding (Sorry about that!) but its easy to see how happy she was to get it back!

This story starts with a phone call from her husband who tells me that he was at the beach and lost his wife’s diamond ring while holding it for her while she went in the water for a dunk.

He goes on to explain that he was rolling the ring between his fingers and it flew out of his hand into the sand. He immediately started to search for it as he didn’t think it would be to hard to find but after a little over an hour he and his wife gave up.

On there way back to the car they stopped off at the lifeguard station to let them know about the lost ring. The lifeguard passed them my flyer and said to call me if they wanted to find their ring, so they did.

The man tells me how to find the area the ring was lost, I stop him and asked if he can show me the area in person as this will ensure a quick recovery.

He tells me that it was fireworks night and that parking would be crazy as so many people come out early to get a good spot on the beach.

I told him I understood and he gave me great instructions on where it was lost, when I get there it was starting to get busy with people and I quickly walk to the lifeguard tower then go ten yards to the right then 12 yards towards the water.

I could see where the two of them were digging around in the sand as it was piled up in spots. I started up my detector and within 20 seconds I found her diamond ring.

I call them and tell them the good news and drive to their home to return the ring. When I get there her husband laughed and said that I was better then Pizza Hunt because I deliver.

I received a nice reward and a big smile.

I love my job!

Thanks for reading my stories.

If you need my help please call me ASAP

Spanish Banks Beach in Vancouver… Men’s Gold wedding band lost but now found.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This story begins when I receive a call from a young lady that told me that her husband lost his ring at the beach last year in early spring. They both saw the ring fly of his finger and disappear into the sand.

They searched for hours sifting the sand but couldn’t find the ring, the lady came back the next day and searched for hours with a rented metal detector but no ring…

Feeling like there was no chance, they were going to post on the Craigslist and came across my add in the Lost & Found.

I love my job!

Visit my website and read the testimonial for this story at…

Thanks for reading my stories.

If you’ve lost something and want it found…Call ASAP

They contacted me and gave me the area where the ring was lost.

When I arrived at the beach I contacted her to make sure I was in the exact area, I was and I found the ring in 30 seconds…

Why would it take me only 30 seconds to find the ring and they searched for hours and didn’t find it?

I guess an example would be… I could buy a jet plane, but it doesn’t mean I can fly it. I’ve been metal detecting for many years and I know how operate my equipment and how to find things.

I called and got their address and drove the ring to their place, she was very excited and was going to surprise her husband when he got home from work as he didn’t know his ring was found .

Vancouver, Kits Beach Lifeguard lost his wedding band!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Over the years the lifeguards at the Vancouver beaches have been very supportive of my service  »Finders » I have helped two lifeguards in the past 14 years find their lost wedding bands in the ocean at low Tide.

This picture is of a lifeguard who lost his wedding band at Kits Beach while working on a summers day. He lost it at high tide and when I met up with him he gave me the area he believed he lost the ring.

I had to wait a few days for a good low tide and when I started the search of the area it took me close to 3 1/2 hours to locate the ring.

Why so long you say? Well I have to grid search a very large area due to the fact that he put me close to the area but not in the exact area the ring was lost…

I really enjoy helping these people that save lives!

I love my job!

Lost… Large gold ruby ring at a duck pond in Langley BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

He lost his large ruby & diamond ring at a duck pond in Langley, he like most others searched for hours trying to find the ring but the very long weeds and muddy ground made it impossible to find.

It laid hidden for a few weeks until the man came across my flyer at the beach for my Finders company and called me, we met… and the search was on.

It was muddy and the weeds were hard to search through but he knew the area it was lost in and it was just a matter of time, a little over an hour and I found his heavy gold ruby ring.

If you are reading this and you’ve lost something and have a good idea where… Call me and I’d be happy to help find it for you!

I love my job!

The Ring of Love/Lost in Port Moody/Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Everyone I’ve met and who knows that I treasure hunt always ask what my best find would be… I’ve traveled around the world and found many treasure’s over the years.

The picture of this young lady holding her late fiancées ring that I found for her would be my best find and will always be my best find, for the story that was attached to that ring and how I felt when I found it and returned it to her, will always live with me.

Like I say every persons ring has a story, this story was about a young couple who were looking at some property to buy and while holding hands the young lady slipped and pulled her fiancées iron engineers ring off his finger and into the over growth below.

They searched for his ring but gave up, he went back to his school were he graduated engineering and had another ring made. Everyone who graduates Iron engineering was presented with a ring that was made from the iron of the bridge that collapsed in memory of those who died and to pursue perfection in their craft.

Sadly the young man past away and the parents wanted to keep his ring to remember him by as did the young lady. She remembered that years before he had lost his original ring while they were looking at property.

As fait would have it a story was done on my service  »Finders » and she called me to search for the ring. I remember her telling me the story of the ring and how important it was to find it as both her and his family would have something to remember him by.

I found that ring and writing this story years later still brings tears to my eyes as I know what it meant to her to have it found and the goose bumps I got when I picked it up from the ground and gave it to her.

I love my job!
Thanks for reading my stories.