Most Recent Discovery Category | Page 54 of 379 | The Ring Finders

Lost White Gold Wedding Band at Outrigger Canoe Club Beach…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a text from Kai who lives in Aina Haina on Oahu.  His text said Happy New Year and if I could help him find his ring in the dry sand at Outrigger Canoe Club Beach.  He had it in his hat but at some point it went missing on the beach.  I told Kai I could grab my gear and head down.  He said he was a guest at the club and that he could get me parking there.  I rushed down and Kai met me in the parking garage.  We headed down to the beach where I met Kai’s lovely wife Larissa and a few friends.  Kai drew a grid in the sand for me to hunt and I began.  This area hadn’t been hunted for awhile so I had to clean up some tin, two pennies and a quarter.  Then I got a nice solid slightly high tone and after two scoops there was Kai’s White Gold Wedding Band in the scoop.  I said this isn’t it is it?  Oh yeah that’s it and an applause went up on the beach.  Great way to start the New Year.  Aloha to Kai & Larissa!

Avalon NJ Lost Gold Blessed Mother Medallion Found by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


I received a text late last night from Yvette who told me about how she lost her Blessed Mother medallion  while on the beach in Avalon, NJ the day before.  The medallion belonged to Yvette’s grandmother and had been blessed by the Pope. I met Yvette and her friends on the beach to get the details and began my search. The beautiful medallion was found a few minutes later. Yvette was very happy to have it back and able to wear it again with great joy.

Avalon NJ Beach Ring FinderAvalon nj, jersey shore ring finder, Ring Finder South JerseyAvalon ring Finder, NJ Ring FinderNJ lost Ring Finder, Call Ring Finders, Avalon NJ

Ring found at Volleyball court

  • from Phoenix (Arizona, United States)

I received a call from a woman franstic about her lost ring.  She was playing volleyball and jumped to spike a ball, and when she hit it her ring flew off.  The game was stopped and numerous people looked for the ring, but it was not to be found.  Her husband decided to go to the local store and buy a (CHEAP!) metal detector to look for it.  First off, it was not high quality.  Secondly, they did not really know how to use it. S till, it beeped on a few things and they dug, but no ring.  Then, after 4 hours, they called me.

I arrived and set up my Equinoz 900.  I used a regular park setting, with no special settings required.  It shoudl have been an easy search, right?  I knew it was there, it was a clean area, and it could not be too deep yet.  So I started searching.

I searched back and forth, just not believing my lack of finding it, for almost an hour.  I had confirmed with her where she was standing, how she hit the ball and where it should have fallen.  Then, I decided to use logic that has served me well int he past.  « If it is not where you are searching, elimiate that area and search where it should not be.  Because it must be somewhere, and that is all that is left ».  I expended my serach.

It was a large volleyball court.  I searched the whole thing on the side she was facing.  Nothing.  then, I even decided to search the side she was on, behind where she hit it.  Of course, it could not be there, but it was not where it was supposed to be so I wasn’t going to stop with what I had done so far.  I searched.  Nope, it was not there either.  So I expended the search AGAIN.  if it is not where you searched, search somewhere else.  I went BEYOND the volleyball court, about 40 feet form where she spiked the ball at the net.  Lo and behold, just as we moved to that area, the ring was sitting right there.  Not under any sand, not hidden from view.  Just in a spot where it should not have been.  yet it was there, and it was found.

Although it sounds like captain obvious, I know searchers who search where something « has » to be and then when they don’t find it they eventually have to give up.  Because they know if can’t be anywhere else.  yet if it is not found, it MUST be « somewhere else ».  My expansion helped me find it, and the owner was very happy.  I have her picture, and she is showing off her rinf that was now back on her finger.  ALthough it was hard to locate, I had a fun search.

Ring found in attic

  • from Phoenix (Arizona, United States)

I received a call from SHow Low, about 4 hours away.  I don’ t normally care about the distance, since I do this more for fun than for the potential of profit.  So I took the assignment.

A man lost his ring in the attic.  He heard it hit the plywood, then go into the foam insulation.  Looked for 3 months but could not find it.  Hence the call to me.

I arrived and the first thing I did was remove my normal loop from my Equinoz 900.  It was too big for the space between the joists and would have too much interference.  I couldn’t « swing » it and keep it in the gaps, so I put on a smaller loop and worked it that way.

I had a few beeps, and decided to check them, even though they said they were (Nails or braces).  Sure enough,t hat was what they were.  Then, I got a solid beep, in between where nails should be.  I pulled back the insulation and viola.  the ring was sitting on the drywall for the ceiling below.  total time?  Well, 4 hours driving up, 10 minutes setting up and changing loops, and then 3 minutes to find the ring.  Hey, if it is there, it should not take long to find.  The owner was ecstatic and also impressed with the discriminati9on on the machine allowing me to ignore all the iron from the joists and focus on the ring.  We finalized the trasnaction and then I headed back 4 hours towards home.  ALthough actually I spend the night up there first,  as one can’t go to the mountains without spending some ime hiking and enjoying the beauty.

As easy hunt.  But only if you know what you are doing, trust your machine, and can use a small enough loop to get it where you need to go.  I almost though of using my pinpointer instead of the machine, and would have done that if after 15 minutes I had not found anything.  It doesn’t have the discrimination though, so I’m glad I had my Equinox.  Mission acconplished, and another smile for the wall.  🙂

Lost White Gold Wedding Band at Honu Lagoon Ko Olina Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call from Aloha Security.  They had the contact number for Angelo who was on vacation from Half Moon Bay, California and just lost his White Gold Wedding Band at Honu Lagoon.  I called Angelo and he told me he was playing volleyball with his daughter Jaymie and he believed his ring had come off while diving for the ball.  He assured me it was either in the wet sand or no deeper then ankle height water.  I told Angelo I’d pack my gear and head right down.  Take a little longer then 1/2 hour.  When I arrived Angelo his wife Lauren and Jaymie were waiting.  Angelo drew a box in the sand for me so I started dry and worked towards the wet.  Just as I worked into the wet shoreline I got a nice « 47 » scream on the Manticore.  I had to scoop three times to get the target out of the hole but when I rinsed the scoop it was empty.  As I moved toward the hole I saw the White Gold Band laying on the surface and scooped it up for Angelo who had been watching the hunt.  Vacation saved and a big Happy New Year Aloha to Angelo, Lauren & Jaymie

Wedding Band Lost While Walking the Dog… FOUND with Metal Detecting Service in Homewood, Alabama!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Tuesday evening (December 26th, 2023), I received a text message from Amy stating she had gotten my contact info from LeeAlice (I had just found her husband’s wedding band the prior Friday).  Amy had lost her wedding band and wanted to arrange a phone call to talk about my ring finding service.  I was at dinner, but told her I would call as soon as I was done.

Amy explained that about 4 days prior her hands began swelling, so she took off her engagement ring and wedding band and put them in her pants pocket.  The next morning, Amy took her dog for a walk around her neighborhood in Homewood, Alabama.  During the walk, Amy was talking on her cell phone and reached in her pocket.  She felt the rings in there and took them out.  Amy briefly looked at them and then put them back in her pocket.  When she got back to her house, she went to put the rings on, but the wedding band was gone.  Amy went back out to where she took the rings out of her pocket and tried raking the leaves near the street to find the band, but had no luck.  I had the whole week off from work, so I told Amy that I could be out first thing in the morning for a search.

I made the 1 hour and 45-minute drive to Birmingham and met Amy around 9 AM on Wednesday morning.  I grabbed my detecting gear, and we walked out to the first spot Amy wanted me to search.  There were a few trash pieces among the leaves, but no ring.  We then walked to the next spot, which was an alleyway between the neighborhood streets.  I covered the entire right side of the alley.  This was the side Amy walked her dog on.  There was more trash in this area, but again, no ring.  I then started searching the leaves on the opposite side in case the ring rolled over there.  About half-way down the alley, I spotted Amy’s wedding band laying in plain sight on the asphalt (it had now been there for 6 days)!  I pointed at it with my orange Garrett “Carrot” Pro-Pointer AT.  Amy caught a glimpse and was so happy and relieved to have her ring back!  Amy gave me a big hug and thank you.  She told me that she was actually going to have me head back after I searched the first side.  I always like expanding my search area and make sure I rule out all possibilities.

We took some pictures and headed back to Amy’s house.  We chatted for a few minutes and then I was back on my way to Huntsville.  I thank God for another safe trip to Birmingham and back.  I also thank Him for directing me to Amy’s ring and give Him all the glory!  I wonder what the next adventure will bring…

Platinum Wedding Band Lost a Second Time… FOUND Again by Christina McCree in Hoover, Alabama!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Thursday evening (December 21st, 2023), I received a text message from LeeAlice stating her husband, Jamie, had lost his platinum wedding band again and asked if I could help find it again.  I said absolutely!  This was actually my first repeat client.  Jamie had lost his wedding band over a year ago near the water spigot at their old house in Homewood, Alabama.  This time he lost it while laying mulch and bagging leaves at their new house in Hoover, AL.  I scheduled Jamie’s ring search for the following afternoon.  Coincidentally, I was heading to the Birmingham area in the morning for a different ring search, so this worked perfectly!

I met Jamie Friday afternoon after I finished up the first ring search in Irondale, AL.  Unfortunately, that was a no find, but we’re praying that the ring turns up somewhere in their house.  Jamie showed me everything that he was doing a few days prior.  Raking and bagging leaves, and then laying/throwing down mulch in the flower beds.  I felt like the throwing motion would be the most likely cause for his platinum wedding band to slip off, so I decided to start my search there.  I got out my Minelab Equinox 900 and got to work.

I covered the mulch on the right side of the house, but only had two signals from the extension cord power supply for their Christmas lights.  I then moved to the mulch on the left side of the house.  I received a good signal in front of their two cats (Quail and Cotton) that were sitting on the porch.  I took out my Garrett Pro-Pointer AT and scanned for the target.  About 2-3 inches deep in the freshly laid mulch was Jamie’s platinum ring staring back up at me!  I think that Quail and Cotton knew that dad’s ring was there the whole time lol 😊

Both LeeAlice and Jamie were in the house at the time, so I took a picture of Jamie’s ring laying on my hand with the cats in the backdrop.  They both ran out of the house and were so relieved and excited that Jamie’s ring was found, again!  We took some photos, chatted for a bit, and then I was back on the road to Huntsville.  I praise God and thank Him for another successful ring recovery and safe trip to and from Birmingham.

I had another successful search for Amy’s (friend of LeeAlice) lost wedding band the following Wednesday, blog post coming shortly…

Lost Gold and Diamonds Wedding & Engagement Rings at White Plains Beach…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a text from Audrey who lives in Makakilo on Oahu. Her text said she found me on Facebook and that she lost her Gold & Diamonds Wedding and Engagement rings at White Plains Beach the day before.  It was getting late, but I didn’t want the beach to experience a metal detectorist or another high tide so I called her and we agreed to meet as soon as I could get there.  When I arrived Audrey was waiting and she took me to the spot on the beach.  Most of the area was dry but it did extend down into the wet sand.  This beach has a tremndous slope and it will pull a ring down into never never sand.  First target was a piece of pull tab.  Then on the second leg I got a double target with a 27 on the Manticore.  The high tide did bury the rings as it took four scoops to get the first one which was the engagement.  Then a mere 8 inches over I had popped out the wedding band.  Mission accomplished and a very happy local girl with tears of joy on her face.  Aloha to Audrey and a Happy New Year.

Metal detector personnel here in San Diego Don’t buy or rent we help find lost gold Jewelry

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)


Metal detector service in San Diego here to help find lost jewelry.Who Ya gonna Call ? Curtis Cox @ 760 889 2751


Received another urgent phone call on September 8th,2023 to help find a very sentimental diamond ring. Ashleigh asked me about my charges or fees?? So I explained that I work on a reward basis meaning it’s entirely up to you. She sounded relieved about that especially that I could help her immediately. So I stopped what I had planned that second and burned gas to get the beach located in Carlsbad less than 20min to help her. Everything was wonderful,,I was able to recover the precious ring buried in the sand quickly. We celebrated,Took some photos,,They asked for my Venmo info for compensation which I sent just after to Mrs.s Yob but Never got a response back or at least a penny fuel for expenses. The END!

Gold Bracelet recovered in Summerland CA.

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)


I got a call the week before Christmas to see if I could locate a very expensive gold bracelet that had been lost during a boutique gathering at a popular shop in Summerland. The bracelet was lost during the evening and wasn’t inventoried until the next day. Unfortunately, the grounds it was lost on are covered in loose gravel that is raked every day before the business opening. To further compound the problem, the greater Santa Barbara area had experienced 3 days of pounding rain which had caused flooding throughout the area and had turned the gravel area into a muddy gravel area.

Since this was a business with hundreds of items for sale I would rely more on my pinpointer and I began the process of moving on my hands and knees slowly dragging the pinpointer in the muddy gravel. With no discrimination, I was finding every bit of metal in the ground and gravel but I finally got a strong signal and dug down into the gravel and out of the mud came this beautiful gold bracelet with diamonds. Mission accomplished!

I was able to make the return to the store owner who then contacted the vendor to tell her of the good news that the gold bracelet was found and would be returned. If you happen to loose a ring, bracelet or other piece of jewelry do what they did and contact me, Dave MacDonald at 805-290-5009 so we can get your keepsake back where it belongs.