I got a text from Jae late Thursday evening and she said she had lost her gold pendant in a local public park. She and her friend had looked all evening until around midnight that night. The pendant was made from the engagement ring her grandfather had given her grandmother in 1942. So it was very sentimental to her and all she had left of her grandparents. The grass in that area was pretty deep, so finding it by sight was nearly impossible. I got there by around noon the next day on Friday. She had the area marked where she noticed the broken necklace. I had marked out a block for my search that was about 75 feet by 50 feet. That search area bordered a sidewalk on one side. Being a public park I assumed the ground there would be very contaminated with metallic trash and other items, and it did not dissapoint. Fortunately, with the Manticore metal detector I was able to differentiate between what was on the surface and what was deeper. That still lengthens the search time because every target has to be inspected before moving on. I completed the grid search in the block I had marked out and found nothing except pull tabs and a nickle. So I moved down a little and marked out another block, this one a little smaller. About halfway through that search area I was about 12 feet from the sidewalk and I got a 41 on the Manticore that was on the surface. The grass there was about 3 inches deep so I pulled out my pinpointer to locate whatever it was. The pendant was there, completely covered with grass and was not visible to the eye. My total search time was about 2 hours.
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