South Jersey Ring Finder Tag | Page 2 of 3 | The Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Band Ventnor NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


How to find a lost ring in the sand

Brian was at the back of a home in Ventnor, NJ, which was nearing completion. Suddenly, a wasp attempted to sting him, but he managed to swat it away. However, in the process, his wedding band slipped off and landed in the sandy mixture on the ground. Brian attempted to locate the lost ring using a metal detector but was unsuccessful. As a result, he reached out to me for assistance. I arrived at the scene, and after conducting a thorough search, I successfully located the missing ring.

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See more stories of lost rings in the sand on my website!

Cape May NJ Lost Wedding Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


David lost his wedding band during a day on the beach with his family in Cape May, NJ. He thought the ring slipped off and fell into the sand when he moved his family’s beach chairs to a new location. He called me the following day and I met him shortly afterward. I was able to find the ring quickly, and he was able to get back to enjoying Cape May!

Checkout my website for some testimonials and stories about

lost rings in Cape May, New Jersey!

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Ring finder new Jersey

Lost Wedding Band Avalon NJ Found by John Favano Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring on the beach?

Don’t wait to call!


Boyd left the beach in Avalon, NJ, forgetting that he put his wedding band on the top of his backpack. He sent me an email asking for help locating the ring with my metal detector. We met up later that evening in Avalon and spoke about the area that it might be in. I started the search where he thought they were sat, but it wasn’t there. Boyd spoke to his wife and she thought they sat a little closer to the water.  I continued the search. After metal detecting area for about 25 minutes, the band was found!

Check out my website with more information about finding a lost ring in the sand.

Ocean City NJ Wedding Band Lost In The Sand Found by John Favano Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?



June, who follows the Ring Finders South Jersey Facebook page, called me when John lost his wedding band. I was a few minutes south of Ocean City, New Jersey, when she called, so I was able to meet them quickly after the call. John told me that he took off the band and placed it on his lap. He realized that he had taken it off almost immediately after he stood up, but it had already dropped in the sand. After a few swings of the metal detector in the area, the ring was recovered. John and his family were able to enjoy the rest of the day on the beach!

Ocean City Ring Finder

How to find a lost ring in the sand.

find lost wedding band in Ocean City NJ  How to find lost in the sand Ocean City New JerseyMetal Detectorlost wedding band in the sand Ocean City NJ

Ocean City NJ, Lost Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call Now!


Allison called me about a very special lost wedding band that belonged to her mother.  She was tossing a football to her children while on the beach in Ocean City, NJ, when the ring slipped off and fell in the sand. We met shortly after her call, and she showed me the area where she threw the ball. It wasn’t long before the ring was found with the metal detector and close to her heart again!

Find ring in sand Ring finder ocean city njOcean City NJMetal Detector Ring Finders Ocean City NJ

!Read more stories about lost rings in the sand!


Avalon NJ Lost Engagement Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?



I received a call to search for a lost engagement ring in Avalon, NJ. After meeting up with the family on the beach. They gave me some details on how the ring might have been lost. I started the search with my metal detector and the ring wasn’t in the area. We then spoke again about where the ring could be and using my pinpointer (hand held mini metal detector) I was able to locate the ring in a pocket of a sweatshirt after searching everything that was in their beach cart!

avalon-njmetal detectorAvalon

Check out some other lost ring stories here.

Find your lost ring in the sand!

How to find a lost ring in the sand in Avalon NJ.


Ring Finders South Jersey Finds Lost Wedding Band in Red Bank, New Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Have you lost a ring?

Don’t wait I am just a call away!

Call now! 215-850-0188

Read about other lost rings found with my metal detector Ring Finders South Jersey

Lost ring in leaves found!

Dana sent me an email regarding Todd’s lost wedding band. Todd had to secure a fence near the back of his yard in Red Bank, New Jersey because one of his dogs is a successful escape artist. Unfortunately, the ring came off in the process, but he had an idea on the direction it might be, and that’s where I started to search. The wedding band was found shortly after, buried under a thick pile of leaves.

lost ring in leavesring lost in leaves found with metal detector new jerseyfind lost ring in new jerseyring finderfind lost wedding band new jersey

Wedding band that was lost is found in Red Bank, New Jersey by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

Find a lost ring in LBI

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Lost Ring Recovered North Wildwood New Jersey by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?



See the reaction when the ring that was lost in the sand is found in North Wildwood NJ.

Stephanie lost a very special ring at the bonfire in North Wildwood, New Jersey the other night. It was a ring that her mother gave her when she graduated high school. She didn’t realize it was missing until she got home, so she called me the next morning to help find it. She remembered that she took off her glove at one point and felt something drop on her shoe. She disregarded it because when she looked down a tube of lip balm was near her foot and just assumed it was that. I got to the beach before her and started to search near the bonfire. I got the signal pretty quickly and was able to return it before she knew it was found. We were all thankful for a small blessing on this holiday weekend!
Check out my website for more stories and info.. Ring Finder North Wildwood NJ

Facebook Ring Finder

Find my lost ring in the sand


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Marmora NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call Now!


Matt lost his wedding band in his backyard in Marmora, New Jersey. He wasn’t sure if it fell off while he was chopping wood or while walking around in the yard. He did a Google search when he realized it was lost and found the Ring Finders South Jersey website. He reached out to me later that evening and I got some additional detail to help find the ring. I met him the next afternoon and started the search. A few minutes later, the metal detector gave off the signal I was looking for and the ring was returned!
Check out my website::

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Ring Finders South Jersey Recovers Lost Jewelry At the Jersey Shore

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Here is the link to the story

Ring Finders South Jersey Recover Lost Jewelry at Jersey Shore

Read More: Ring Finders South Jersey Recover Lost Jewelry at Jersey Shore |


metal detector