San Diego Tag | Page 8 of 9 | The Ring Finders

Lost ring at Mission Bay found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

My wife and I were packing our car for a short trip out of state, when I received a call for help finding a class ring at Mission Bay. Sahba was playing a game with her husband and a group of friends two days previous, when her ring came off and disappeared into the sand at De Anza Cove beach.  They all searched on their hands and knees and even using a sifter, but, without success. We met them on our way out of town and hoped for an easy return. It wasn’t all that easy, even though they knew the exact area and it wasn’t all that big. LOTS of iron and other junk made it a slow process. After gridding and cross-gridding, it finally came to light. A pleasure to meet you two and thank you for the reward.

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Ring lost in Bonita found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

John called me hoping that I could find his lost wedding ring. He was heading out to Brazil to met his wife in a couple of days and didn’t want to have to explain why he wasn’t wearing his wedding ring. He had been playing with his son at a local park and while reaching up high to catch a soccer ball kicked by his son, the ball smacked his hand and popped the ring off and into the grass. He searched for some time without success before he gave me a call. We met at the park and he showed me the search area and demonstrated what happened. I started a grid and expanded the area as the ring was being elusive. I then changed my search direction 90 degrees and after a few passes, I got the sound I was looking for. I looked down and it was in plain site! Hard to believe we both missed it visually, but, the grass it was in was a bit brown which camouflaged a yellow gold ring to the casual naked eye. John can now make his trip without worry. Great meeting you John and thank you for the reward.

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Lost wedding ring in La Jolla Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Mike was playing with his dogs in his yard when, after making a sweeping motion with his hand, his wedding ring flew off. After searching the area visually, then raking and looking again, he bought a metal detector to find it. After that failed to produce the ring, he gave me a call. The search area wasn’t particularly large, but, it had lots of trees, bushes, plants, grass, etc. It wasn’t even all that junky. Just a few ferrous and non-ferrous targets to investigate, but, after an hour and a half of changing coils, gridding and regridding, still no ring. I had Mike take my test ring and re-enact his motions. I even did it myself with the same general results. The ring should be in about a 10 foot square area. I went back over that area for the umpteenth time and found the same iron remnants of an old fence post that had been blasting my ears, but, this time after hitting it at a slightly different angle, I heard and extra little non-ferrous blip with my trusty E-trac. After scrapping away some leaves and running my pin pointer over the area, I found the target that had eluded us. It turns out that it had landed right on top of the old fence post base. That’s what was masking the ring signal. All good in the end. Mike was very happy, as was I. Pleasure to meet you Mike and thank you for the reward.100_1403 100_1404

Time Capsule found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Tracey contacted me about a time capsule that she and her father had buried back in 1997. Inside were various « treasures » from various members of her family, including photos and letters from loved ones now deceased. Tracey knew the approximate location and had attempted to find it a year ago, but, without a metal detector, she was just guessing as to the exact spot and came up empty. The container was supposed to be a small steel box, maybe a foot squared or so. She was uncertain as to the contents other than the photos and letters. One of the interesting parts of this is that it was buried in a remote area of a public park! No telling if it was still there or not. Parks get relandscaped from time to time or maintenance crews might accidentally dig it up or bury it further, so, this was anyone’s guess.

We hiked to the spot which turned out to be just above a drainage ditch. The ground was on a slope, very rocky, and covered in leaves, branches, and other debris from the eucalyptus trees and various trash from park goers over the years. There wasn’t any obvious sign of where it might have been buried, so, I began my search systematically from one end of the search area to the other. Not a big area, maybe 10 X 20 feet, but, LOTS of target sounds, both ferrous and non. I started with the ferrous since it was supposed to be a steel box. After a couple of promising sounds that turned out to be chucks of pipe, I couldn’t find any large targets with my E-trac/ NEL 15″ Attack coil combo. I started in on the smaller ferrous targets. Just junk iron. Next was non-ferrous with similar results at first. I finally got a low conductive signal next to a tree. It was reading 12-09 on the E-trac. That normally is a wad of foil or similar. It didn’t seem like a large target, but being next to the tree it was hard to tell for sure. I started digging…..down a foot and still there…….got out the hand digger…..poked down a bit more and hit something that sounded hollow. Hmmm, could be, or maybe just a pie tin. Kept clearing the dirt and roots away until I could find the edges of the object and got the top cleared off. Yup, looks like a metal box to me! I carefully worked my digger and my fingers around the edges of the box until I could just reach under it. Ooops, nothing left of the side of the box. My fingers just went into a cavity. Not a good sign, as this indicated to me that the box had gotten flooded and rusted out. I finally worked it out of the ground and my suspicions were correct. Even though the box had been wrapped in plastic, the bottom was almost completely gone along with most of the sides. Since the lid was in pretty good shape, I flipped the box up side down on the ground so we could carefully pick through the contents without them spilling all over the place. Most items were water damaged, but, some may clean up. The photos and letters were wrapped separately in more plastic, but, they were waterlogged as well. The photos didn’t look to good, but, the letters might clean up. Tracey has a bit of work to do in that area! With careful rinsing and drying, they might survive. Even with the damage, Tracey was very happy to find the time capsule and recover the contents. I was happy to be a part of it and thank you for the reward.

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Ring lost in the sand on San Diego Bay Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Zack left an urgent message on my cell phone voice mail stating that he had lost his 4 day old wedding ring in the sand across the street from where he was staying on his honeymoon. When I finally heard the message, I called him back for the details and arranged to meet him there at 11pm. We both arrived a bit early and Zack escorted me down to the area were he had lost it 3 hours earlier. He had been brushing sand off his hands by rubbing them on his pants when the unthinkable happened……the ring went flying into the sand and disappeared. Zack contemplated renting or buying a detector but found The Ring Finders online and decided to give us a try. Initially, I was told it was a silver ring, so, I expected a high pitched screamer for a target on my E-trac. Right after I fired my machine up, I get a low pitched, solid 12-06 moaner in my ears on my first swing. I asked again about the metal it was made of, and he said « silver, but it has some gold in it too ». Great, now I need to scoop virtually all non-ferrous sounds, starting with this one. Well, in this case, first time was the charm, as this 12-06 was his ring! So much for it being mainly silver. A happy Zack couldn’t believe I found it so quick. Getting me to the right spot was the key here, so, good job Zack! I hope you and your new bride enjoy the rest of your stay here. Great to meet you and thank you for the reward.

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Ring Lost at Silver Strand Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Alisha contacted me about her lost wedding ring. She had been to Silver Strand State Beach with her family last Sunday, and lost it out in the surf. She was in waist deep water when it slid off her finger and into the sand below. The visibility of the water at the time was poor, and try as they might, they were unable to retrieve it. Heartbroken and discouraged, she figured it was lost forever. Just contacting me gave her a small ray of hope, as I explained what needed to be done. We agreed to meet at the location where she could show me the search area. Having not taken any specific landmarks or photos to show the exact area, we would just have to do our best. She even waded out into the surf to give me an idea as to how far from the beach and how close to the breakers she had been. The conditions were not good. Very close intervals between waves that would sometimes overrun each other producing very powerful water flow and made it hard to keep your place to grid and/or scoop. After gridding both directions for about an hour and a half with my trusty Excalibur, I had only found 6 targets. 2 iron sounds that kept falling through the scoop until lost, 3 pieces of scrap metal, and finally, a ring. I headed up on the beach where Alisha was doing some business work while she was waiting, and asked to see a photo of the ring again. When she brought it up on her phone, I knew I had THE one! A happier person you will never see. I was pretty happy myself! Both for making her happy, and also,  that I didn’t have to go back out in that surf to get pounded again! With a beautiful sunset, it ended a beautiful day and a continuing ring story. A pleasure to meet you Alisha and thank you for the very generous reward.

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Ring Lost at South Mission Beach, Found and Returned

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Greg was camped in the dry sand close to a volleyball court at South Mission Beach. He planned on joining the fun on the court, so, he dutifully removed his watch and wedding ring and put them in a zippered pouch before heading into the game. Game’s over, he packs up and heads to the car. Goes into the pouch to retrieve his watch and ring, only to find a slight opening in the zipper. The watch was there, but, the ring was missing. I get the call, get some details, and arrange to meet him the next morning so he can show me the exact area where they had been.

It had been super hot and humid all week, and I’d planned on going out in the evening to do some detecting anyway, so, I figured South Mission was as good a place to hunt as any, and I might even stumble across his ring. So off I go to cool down and try to get lucky in the treasure department. I start in and around the volleyball court in question and am not finding a single target. Oh, Oh, not a good sign. somebody has probably already been there ahead of me. I continue to fan out and search the outer areas away from the court and start to find a few coins. An hour or so later, bingo, I get lucky and find a ring. It was described to me as a tungsten carbide with a gold inlay. I texted and called Greg to get a more complete description, as this ring was titanium. Except for the type of metal, he described it to a T, so, it had to be the one. It was interesting to find out that they had been married exactly 2 years to the day! I found it on their anniversary and the date was inscribed inside the band! Now that’s a ring that wants to be found! A pleasure to meet you Greg, and thank you for the reward.

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Lost Keys found at Ocean Beach

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

I was leaving a successful fun day detecting at Coronado and about to head home, when, I noticed a message on my phone. Johnny asked about my service in finding his keys lost in the sand at Ocean Beach. We agreed to meet in a half hour at the location. I arrived a bit early and played around a bit until Johnny got there. When he arrived, he showed me where he had been the day before when the keys were lost. There were a few people in that area but I started on an open section and proceeded toward the occupied zone. 15 minutes later, I was in an area about 10 feet in front of their blanket, and got a nice big, high signal on my E-trac. One scoop later and I had his keys in hand. Good to meet you, thank you for calling The Ring Finders, and thanks for the reward.

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Ring lost at Ocean Beach found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Troy and Sara were enjoying a day at Ocean Beach. Troy decided to take a swim. He did so with his wedding ring on. Not one of his better decisions that weekend, but, as it turns out, not his worst one either! (He drowned his phone the next day!) Troy wasn’t exactly sure where the ring came off and didn’t really know who to call at that point. They decided to post a lost ring ad on Craig’s list and saw my ad there. They called me with the details, but, since they live in the L.A. area and were back home.  they couldn’t meet me at the beach at 2:45 am (low tide)……not that they would have wanted to meet at that hour if they lived here! Troy gave me his description of the area, and knowing that beach pretty well, I felt I could conduct a search without him. Braving the elements, alright, it was  a nice, warm, calm, moonlit morning, I started my grid pattern with my trusty Excalibur 15″ WOT combo. Surf was rather rough but since he lost the ring at high tide, and I’m hunting when the tide is 6 feet lower, it should be in the wet sand. After searching for a couple of hours, and having my grid lines wiped out continuously by rogue waves, I’d come up empty. I returned to my starting point and headed the other direction, but, that took me out of the designated search area. I made 3-4 more passes and was about to call it a night (morning?) when I got a nice signal half way from my glow stick marker and the surf. Bingo! Yahtzee! Uno! Troy’s ring is in the scoop! I emailed Troy (his phone was drowned remember) and told him the good news and that I would contact him when I woke up at noon. They made the trip down to San Diego that night and were reunited with the ring. A pleasure to meet you both and thank you for the reward.

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Wedding ring lost at Coronado Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Chase called me asking for help recovering his wedding ring lost in the surf at Coronado. He was out boogie boarding the day before when a wave stripped the ring off his finger in knee deep water. He saw someone on the beach with a detector and asked for help, but, the guy didn’t have a water machine, so, couldn’t help Chase. The guy (Chase didn’t get his name) recommended that Chase give me a call. Thank you, whoever you are! Low tide was just 1  1/2 hours away, so, we made arrangements to meet there ASAP. I met Chase and his wife on the beach at the location of the loss. Oh, did I mention that they had only been married a few days and that they were here on their honeymoon?! This ring just had to be found! I started a grid at ground zero and expanded out from there in all directions. After an hour and only 5 pennies to show, I started at one end of the probable search zone and headed back over the area I already searched doing a slightly different grid pattern. Another half hour into it, I got a real weak target sound in my Excalibur’s headphones on the slope in the wet sand. I figured it was just another penny but didn’t want to leave anything in doubt since I was searching in all metal. I dug down 14″ and the target was still in the hole! Using my Vibraprobe 580 pin pointer, I located the target right in the bottom and grabbed a handful of sand. Well, out popped his gold ring! It really surprised me that it had sunk that deep in less than 18 hours. A very happy couple to have that ring back in time for their flight back home today. A pleasure to meet you both, congratulations on your marriage, and thank you for the reward.

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