Ring Lost at South Mission Beach, Found and Returned

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Greg was camped in the dry sand close to a volleyball court at South Mission Beach. He planned on joining the fun on the court, so, he dutifully removed his watch and wedding ring and put them in a zippered pouch before heading into the game. Game’s over, he packs up and heads to the car. Goes into the pouch to retrieve his watch and ring, only to find a slight opening in the zipper. The watch was there, but, the ring was missing. I get the call, get some details, and arrange to meet him the next morning so he can show me the exact area where they had been.

It had been super hot and humid all week, and I’d planned on going out in the evening to do some detecting anyway, so, I figured South Mission was as good a place to hunt as any, and I might even stumble across his ring. So off I go to cool down and try to get lucky in the treasure department. I start in and around the volleyball court in question and am not finding a single target. Oh, Oh, not a good sign. somebody has probably already been there ahead of me. I continue to fan out and search the outer areas away from the court and start to find a few coins. An hour or so later, bingo, I get lucky and find a ring. It was described to me as a tungsten carbide with a gold inlay. I texted and called Greg to get a more complete description, as this ring was titanium. Except for the type of metal, he described it to a T, so, it had to be the one. It was interesting to find out that they had been married exactly 2 years to the day! I found it on their anniversary and the date was inscribed inside the band! Now that’s a ring that wants to be found! A pleasure to meet you Greg, and thank you for the reward.

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