metal detector rental Santa Monica Tag | Page 59 of 78 | The Ring Finders

Engagement Ring Dropped in Sand while Proposing .. Hermosa Beach, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I got a late call from Damir asking me for help. He had just proposed to his fiancé, Ellie on the sand in Hermosa Beach. In the excitement of the moment Ellie dropped the diamond engagement ring in the sand.
Dry sand is unforgiving and will hide a ring from searching fingers forever. I did not waste time discussing anymore on the phone. Just asked them to text me the address and I’d be there within 45 minutes. I also told them not to worry. If they can get me on the general spot, we could find the ring.

When I arrived at 14th Street in Hermosa Beach I could see a police car on the beach with Damir and Ellie standing there in the cold breezy night air. I introduced my self, looked at the 20 x 20′ area. I decided to start the grid diagonally, just because? Straight line to the opposite corner, BAM! Diamond Engagement ring in the scoop. Everybody was amazed, the police officer had a look that I’ll never forget. Similar to the look people give when somebody does a magic trick. It was cold so we all took a few quick photos and headed home. It was almost midnight and everyone concerned will sleep good this night.

Lost Electronic Car Key.. Dockwieler State Beach, Playa Del Rey, CA. .. Recovered from Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Jimmy and his wife Kimberly had come to Dockweiler State Beach to enjoy the evening with a fire on the beach. SoCalif. beaches have 100’s of fire pits on our beaches and they are in most cases very well kept.

That evening Jimmy played frizby with his daughter. He believed his Mercedes electronic key fob with several important keys fell from the pocket of his jacket while running around near the fire pit site.
The next day he returned to the location with a rake. After several hours of raking ( have you ever raked a football field?) Somebody suggested he call TheRingFinders. That’s when I got involved. We met on the beach and he showed me a large ( 1/2 football field size area )

I was sure that I could find it but not sure how long it would take. Sometimes you pick the right place to start your grid and it’s a short search. Jimmy had wanted me to start in one place and his wife was sure it was in another place. They had a dinner reservations so they couldn’t stay.

I can concentrate better on my grid while searching by myself. Thirty minutes later, Bingo ! Keys in the scoop.. His wife was right which made her happy and Jimmy was happy he didn’t have to tell his boss he had lost the work keys. .. It was a good search because I also had a chance to check out my XP Deus in some highly mineralized conditions with a lot of iron bits ( mostly nails ).
I called them with the good news and dropped the keys off at their house.

We don’t write up our no find stories. I have many, if the item isn’t there, it can’t be found. I will try anyway just because I know I can find it, if it’s hiding there. Love the challenge!



White Gold with Black Opal Ring Lost .. Huntington State Beach, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Laurel called me at about 8:30 pm after she returned home from a day at the beach that turned out to be ruined by the loss of her special white gold with a black opal engagement ring.
She put her ring into the pocket of her shorts for safe keeping. Before realizing the ring was missing she had been running in the shallow surf and up on the dry sand near their towels. They spent several hours searching the sand near where they were laying on the beach. After giving up and returning home to Brea, CA.

After talking to Laurel it sounded like I could attempt this search without her and her husband driving 30 miles to show me the location. As it was late and only a couple miles from my home.
The beach closes at 10pm. So I left right after the call. Walked out on the beach where Laurel had left a stick in the sand. I suspected that the most likely place for the ring to fall from her pocket was when she put her shorts on the towel area. If not it would take some time to grid the location. Picking a place to start is difficult sometimes but this time I was lucky. A few minutes and the beautiful white gold with black Opal ring was in my scoop.
I called Laurel with the good news. She and her fiancé, John drove to meet me late that night to retrieve the ring that was actually her engagement ring. She said that she wanted to be wearing it when they got married in August. It was so special to be able to help them.

Lost Key Fob .. Seal Beach, CA. .. Found in Rabbit Hole

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

When Peter parked his car in a Seal Beach city parking lot to go surfing, he thought he could hide his electronic key fob under some loose dirt in the planter next to his car.
When he finished surfing, he went to retrieve his key fob and there was a freshly dug hole and no key to be found. He believed that it was a rabbit or some kind of rodent responsible for taking his key.
Peter called requesting my help. He couldn’t meet me but gave good directions which put me exactly to the scene of the mysterious disappearance of a $500 key.
It was not a location that I could use my larger metal detector so I started with my handheld pinpointer. My first thought was that a dog may have dug out a gopher hole possibly throwing the fob into the surrounding plants or landscaping.
Returning to check the hole, I dug down another foot where there were three separate holes. I was about to give up but probed into each hole with my Garrett carrot pinpointer. I got a signal but figured it had to be a water pipe. It just seemed impossible for the key fob to be 16 inches deep.
I just had to see what it was. Yes! It was the missing key fob.. I called Peter to give him the good news and he met me the next day. I still can’t believe this story

Diamond Wedding Ring Lost in Sand .. Dockweiler State Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Lucy and her husband Jason were at Dockweiler State Beach spending a few days in the RV park with their daughter and son.  The day before contacting me Lucy had put her white gold diamond wedding ring in her back pocket. The same pocket that she keeps her IPhone.

Several times during their day on the beach Lucy had pulled her phone from her pocket to take photos. She told me that she had been in shallow surf and on the dry sand from the RV parking area to the water (towel line).

One problem was they had to check out of the park by noon. I was able to meet them just before check out time so she could show me the large search area. I also noticed that the beach rake had groomed a lot of the zone. I got a good reading of what could be at least a two hour grid search. We were confident that the ring had been dropped in the sand.

I explained that this would be time consuming and I had to help they lady in Marina Del Rey first as it should be an easy search. They were understanding and decided to wait in the day parking lot.

Returning in less than an hour, I went directly to the top of the dry sand. I picked an area at random that looked likely to start my process of elimination. Within 15 minutes the beautiful diamond wedding ring was in my scoop. Amazing, considering the huge area and the possibility the rake machine could have dragged it down the beach.
I called Lucy and Jason with the good news. They had just parked their RV and were walking out to meet me. Everything worked out well and there were plenty of smiles and hugs. Plus they could drive home before the LA traffic got congested.

Unique Gold Ring Lost in Sand .. Marina Del Rey, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Claire called me as I was driving to another lost ring call at Dockwieler State Beach. She said that her daughter had lost a gold ring that was a duplicate to her ring. It actually had her mother’s ashes embedded in the setting. Her daughter was devastated at the loss which occurred the night before while she was swinging her arms standing on the dry sand at the beach.
They knew the general area and a beachfront resident was keeping watching over the location. I told her that another person was waiting to meet me.

I was able to reschedule the search for the ring at Dockwieler State Beach as it was a large search area.
I went to meet Claire at Marina Del Rey Penensula. We walked about a block down the beach walk where we could see that the beach rake had made one pass very close to the location of the loss.
I set up to do a grid search. As I was swinging my detector on my first line, I saw a glimmer of yellow gold in the sand. It at the top of a small mound caused by the tires of the tractor or rake machine. The tires actually pushed the ring to the surface.

It was an easy search because Claire’s daughter felt the ring fly from her fingers and her mother was able show me a general location. Claire was very excited and immediately called her daughter, Scarlett to give her the good news.

Lost Wedding Ring in Sand .. Newport Dunes Resort, Newport Beach, CA. .. Recoverd and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I had been out on my local beach which is almost my backyard. As I was putting up my metal detector after practicing with a new high frequency search coil, Armando called requesting help to find his wedding ring. He lost it throwing a football in the sand at the beach.
I was available and it sounded like an easy search if they were still at the location. I’m located in Newport Beach on the coast centered between more than 200 miles of beaches, so my first question was, what beach?
When Armando told me he was at Newport Dunes, I was so surprised I almost dropped my phone. That is where I live and he was just a block away from where live.
I jumped on my Segway, meeting Armando and his wife Brianna in record time. They showed me the area which was easy to identify because of the finger marks in the sand and some sifting tools they used in search for the ring. Beginning my grid search, the first pass was about 15 ft. Half way back on the second pass, next to a sifting basket, I was able to get a great signal that was Armando’s tungsten carbide wedding ring. It would have been terrible to lose this as they have only been 4 months.
Total time from the phone call was less that 15 minutes. I wish they could all be that easy.


Lost Wedding Ring .. Dana Point, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Janene called me asking me if I could help her find her diamond wedding ring. She had a stressful day and the last time she saw her ring was when she parked her car down the street from her home. She didn’t realize the ring was missing until the next day. Somewhere between where she parked her car or possibly in the house she believed her ring was lost. I agreed to come to her place explaining that I could help her eliminate the outside areas but my large detector probably would be of no use inside the house. Nevertheless we could check the trash and other places that could conceal a ring with my pinpointer (handheld detector)
After doing the front lawns and landscaped areas outside we went through two big bags of trash with no results, we went into the house starting in the bedroom. I began by checking a shag rug. I had asked Janene what she might have been doing the evening of her loss. She folded and put laundry in her drawers. This is the kind of action that may lead to the loss of her ring. Or there have been other times when I’ve heard that a ring lying on a counter got knocked into a open drawer.
Sure enough the beautiful white gold diamond wedding ring was in the drawer with the clean clothes. A very happy lady that gave me credit for staying positive and pushing her to check the drawers.

Gold Masonic Ring Lost at County Line Beach, CA…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I was on my back home from finding the earring earlier when I received a call from Jeff. He had been surfing, but had brought the ring he had received from his late grandfather with him. So as not to lose it he put in his tight fitting wet suit. He came out of the water and began to remove the wet suit, when the ring popped out and landed in the sand. He searched for about an hour, but was unable to find it. He then searched the internet, and found me. I was about an hour away, and told him I was on my way. He had time constraints, seeing his friend was getting married tomorrow, and he had to be at the rehearsal later in the evening.

When I got there Jeff led me down to the spot of the loss. He had piled stones to mark it, and it assured me that we would be able to make a quick recovery. I could see that some of the shrubbery had been moved around, and the sand had been piled up in the center of the area. I proceeded to search where Jeff thought the ring may have landed. It wasn’t there, so I worked my way back. I searched the pile of sand where it looked like Jeff had done most of his  own searching, it wasn’t there either. I then started to work back almost behind where he had been standing when I received a good repeatable signal, dug once and missed it, dug a second time and in my scoop was a nice big gold Masonic ring, the ring he found among his grandfather’s belongings after he had passed away. This was so important to Jeff, a precious memory of his late grandfather, who he had just found out was a Mason , which also meant a lot to Jeff. I could tell the pride he had for his grandfather, and this made for a wonderful recovery. Also he still had time to make the rehearsal.


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Tiny Diamond Stud Earring Lost in Backyard in Los Angeles, CA…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Lisa called last night wondering if I would be able to find her daughter’s diamond stud earring. I inquired as to where and how it was lost, and of course how long ago. Apparently her daughter was playing volley ball in the back yard when she went up against the net. At that time her earring hooked in the net and pulled off of her ear. She saw it fly off and land in the grass, but found searching for it an effort in futility. The loss happened about 45 minutes before Lisa’s daughter found me on the Internet, and the call was made. We arranged to meet today at about 11:30 AM.

I arrived just a bit early, and was able to park and enjoy the coffee I bought at the fast food restaurant on the way. I called Lisa to let her know I was outside. She led me to the area of the loss. They had cordoned off the area her daughter saw the earring fly into with volley balls (nice touch). The thatch was good and thick, perfect for hiding jewelry. I then asked to see the twin to the lost one. When Lisa showed it to me, I got a bit concerned; it was so small my pin pointer could only barely pick it up if I touched it, and my detector could only pick it up at about 1 inch. I proceeded real low and slow checking every faint sound. I then got a nice faint repeatable  signal, and went in with the pin pointer and my fingers, gently moving the grass around when I saw the thin pin shaped shank of the earring. I grabbed it, held it up, and handed it to a very surprised Lisa. This was a very precious item for her daughter, and she was very happy to know she would be able give it back to her. A real nice beginning of the day.


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.