Lost engagement and wedding rings in yard, St. Augustine, Fl…..Found!
Mrs. Connie called me Friday afternoon from St. Augustine with a very special request. Apparently on Wednesday Mrs. Connie had walked down their driveway to check the mail box and as she was walking back to the house she spotted some weeds and palm debris in one of her flower beds. She carefully set her mail and glasses on the edge of the concrete and proceeded to pull the weeds and pick up the debris. Then she said she walked over to the fence and with her left hand she threw the sticks and weeds. And as she swung her arm in a side ways motion, she felt her rings come off of her finger. (Usually when ever Mrs. Connie would do any type of yard work she would leave her rings inside the house but not this time!) Mr. Bill, Mrs. Connie’s husband, had this ring made special for their wedding and the rather large diamond was from his late mother’s wedding ring, so you can imagine the pain they felt in not being able to find the lost rings!
The next day they purchased a small metal detector from a local store and tried their best to locate the rings…but they turned up empty handed. Their search for help led them to theringfinders.com and a member in the St. Augustine area. That member was not able to help them so Mr. Bill clicked on one of my stories and they decided to give me a call—and thankfully they did.
After meeting this very special couple and getting more specific details on how and where the rings were lost, I started my search. Mr. Bill had cut down the thick brush and grass and I was confident the rings were there, but my first pass of the target area turned up zip, zilch, nada! Again I figured I needed to expand the search area and sure enough I got a nice platinum signal, 20 feet from where she tossed the debris. There hidden in the long grass was Mrs. Connie’s lost diamond engagement ring! And then no more than four feet away was her wedding ring, just waiting to be found. What an honor it was to help such a lovely couple and to see the huge smiles on their faces. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to help you and thank you for your generous reward! God Bless you both! Mike McInroe—grateful to be a member of theringfinders.com