I received a call from Bill about his wedding ring lost in the sand down in Holgate, on LBI. He was on the beach early that day with his wife, and decided to leave due to the fact the wind was blowing about 30 knots, which made it very unpleasant. They have been married for 44 years, so this ring was extremely sentimental needless to say. We arranged to meet later that day where he was staying at Hurleys in Holgate. Bill had explained every detail leading up to the ring being lost, as we walked up. The beach is extremely narrow in this area, and he was fairly certain where he was set up, especially with flags and a lifeguard chair right where they were. I searched the first spot and the ring wasn’t there. We tried another spot and nothing again. This isn’t a spot where someone would get confused as to the location, which had us both totally bewildered. Then I searched the steep path back to the h
otel, and nothing again. We checked the road, parking lot and trunk of his car again. His wife had came down, looking very sad, figuring this precious keepsake was gone forever. Bill kinda wanted to through in the towel at that point when I decided to have his wife show me the location, just to get a different perspective on things. Her spot was exactly where Bill showed me, so back down I went, searching one more time. Bill had placed the ring on his pinky, so I knew it was somewhere, and most likely on his path back. With the wind blowing so hard from the NE, I swung the coil up onto the dune slope every path this time, and BINGO!!!! There it was on about the 4th pass. Everybody was pretty much in shock at this point, which was over an hour into the hunt. Bill had came over looking into my scoop in total amazement. What happened was, the strong blowing wind pushed lots of sand onto the dunes, making a flat area hours prior, where he had walked, into the new slope of the dunes. Bill KNEW for sure it slipped off his finger, and I knew I wasn’t leaving till it was found.