lost wedding band Tag | The Ring Finders


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Received a call from a guy stating his wife had lost her gold/silver ring while they were driving down the road and she was waiving at a cousin

I said “I’m on my way!!” I make the drive up to the lost ring location and meet up with the couple. They give me the general area to look and after about 45 mins later I found her ring!



Ring count for 2025: 9 (6 recoveries)

GOLD – 2 (2- recoveries)

GOLD/SILVER – 1 (1-recovery)

SILVER – 4 (3- recoveries)




Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinders.com


Engagement Ring Tossed Out of Car Window into Highway Median in Spring Hill, Fl….Found and Returned!!!

  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)

Steve Thomas

Dunedin Ring Finder   lostringdunedin.com

“It’s Only Lost Until I Find It!

Lost a ring or other metal valuable at the beach including the water or in a grassy or sandy area? Jewelry slip off of you while working outside, playing with the dog or swimming? Don’t waste time and money purchasing or renting your own metal detector to try to find your lost item. Please contact me ASAP at (727) 477-4270 or @dunedinringfinder. I offer a FREE metal detecting service, reward optional but appreciated upon recovery!

Sometimes we do things in the heat of the moment that we later regret. An argument related to an upcoming wedding, an engagement ring gets tossed out of a car window on US 19 and it can’t be found. Jeff searched frantically including using a friend’s metal detector to search the grassy side of the road and when he couldn’t find the ring, he found me on social media. I will admit that I was very doubtful that the ring was still there. Oh me of little faith!

Jeff, thank you for trusting Steve Thomas, Dunedin Ring Finder to find and return the engagement ring back to the finger of your fiancé and a generous reward! Good luck and Godspeed to you both!


Webster Groves Wedding Band

  • from St. Louis (Missouri, United States)

My wife lost her ring in the yard a couple months ago and we had lost hope after another metal detector said it might be a lost cause since our yard had so many random bits of buried metal. We were impressed by Jeremy’s experience and efficiency. Highly recommend! »

Ring lost at Pacific Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Kentrel was playing a game of Frisbee football in the dry sand at the beach. Afterward, he discovered his ring was missing from his finger. He looked all about without success, headed home to hopefully discover that maybe he hadn’t brought it to the beach that day. Nope, it was still missing. A friend recommended he try and find a metal detector and he ended up at TheRingFinders.com website and my contact info. We arranged to meet in about 45 minutes, so, I grabbed my gear and headed out. We met, Kentrel explained the situation, and he showed me the probable search area, which was fairly good sized. Might take 1-2 hours to cover it completely. That beach gets detected a lot, so, there were hardly any targets which helped me move along faster than usual. After about 45 minutes, and only a few junk targets, I got a nice « round sound », looked down, and could just see the edge of a gold ring. Yes! I called Kentrel over to take a look and he confirmed that it was the one. A happy Kentrell could now relax and enjoy the rest of the day. A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.


A Lost Treasure Found: A Heartwarming Search for a Cherished Ring

  • from Chisago City (Minnesota, United States)

Sometimes, even the smallest objects can hold the deepest meaning. Recently, I was called upon to help locate a sentimental treasure—a wedding ring lost during a joyful moment in the yard.

It all started when I received a message from someone whose wife had accidentally lost her ring while playing with their dog. We coordinated a time for me to visit and assist in the search. Arriving a little earlier than planned, I noticed an area of the yard where the grass had been raked—a sure sign that others had already been combing through for clues.

With my equipment in hand, I began my search, methodically scanning the area. About twenty minutes in, something caught my eye before my detector even alerted me—it was the ring, glinting in the grass! Relief washed over me, knowing this cherished item was found.

As I worked, I couldn’t help but notice the watchful eyes of the neighbors. It became clear that this was no ordinary lost-and-found mission; it was a community effort. The neighbors shared in the anticipation, having spent the previous evening searching themselves.

After finding the ring, I walked back to my car and shared the good news with one of the neighbors, who was just as thrilled as I was. Moments later, my client arrived, greeted by smiles from all around. His joy was palpable as he approached me, asking, “You have something for me?” Handing him the ring, I could see the gratitude in his eyes. His heartfelt thankfulness was echoed by his daughter, who was overjoyed that her mother’s ring was back where it belonged.

This experience reminded me of the power of a community coming together and the significance of sentimental treasures. It wasn’t just about the ring; it was about the memories it represented and the love it symbolized. Helping to reunite this family with their precious memento was truly an honor.




  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

So on my way back home from my Goldsboro, NC recovery, I get a call from a guy in Fayetteville, NC that lost his silver wedding ring in his backyard while cleaning up trees and debris 2 weeks ago.

I make the deture and head his way. Get to his house, we head to the back and I start my search! The ring is not foubd where he thought he lost it and where he had already found his copper ring.

I advise we backtrack his steps. We start from the point of where he had taken them off and placed into his pocket along with his keys. 15-20 feet from there in the middle of the back grassy area just off his back porch, I get strong hit and look down to shiny silver roundness!

Man I really enjoy this hobby and helping people get their priceless treasures back!!



Ring count for 2025: 6 (5 recoveries)
GOLD – 2 (2- recoveries)
SILVER – 4 (3- recoveries)


Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinders.com


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Another successful recovery story!

Received a text on Monday asking if I could help locate two rings in their front yard. That had been lost since September 2024. I agreed to first thing Thursday morning due to my work schedule.

I drove over 2 hours again to offer an attempt to locate them. 30 mins into the search I get a hit and it was the engagement ring. Less than 2 feet the weddingg band ribgs up and BOOM just like that both sterling silver rings were found and returned!

Again, I will drive or fly anywhere to try and help someone get their priceless treasure returned!



Ring count for 2025: 5 (4 recoveries)
GOLD – 2 (2- recoveries)
SILVER – 3 (2- recoveries)


Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinders.com

Lost Ring … Found near Riverside Iowa


I found a 14K wedding band with diamonds on Monday for a lady. It was the second time looking for it. It was lost of all places in a goat barn. The barn floor was cement and full of iron and impossible to detect anything in.

So the husband cleaned it all out. It was like a needle in a haystack outside the barn but I got lucky and found it on top of the mounds of hay and muck.

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a phone call about a lost Engagement Ring which was lost while clearing and cleaning the old plants from the flower beds. She was just doing her normal routine while wear gloves. Then after the job was done the ring was gone. We was able to perform the search the next day. Started the search in the first areas with no luck. Still continued through each flower bed area and the first dump site of two  for the plant waste materials. During the search of the second waste plant materials site, I had a hit in the dead plants, as I moved the plants away the hit disappeared which told me the item has fallen down into the older pile. Started moving the debris out of the way and there was the ring that has fallen and hidden itself. She was very happy to have the Ring returned to her.

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Hand Made Ring From Santorini Lost On Honeymoon Island, Florida…Found By Dunedin Ring Finder!!!

  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)

Steve Thomas

Dunedin Ring Finder   lostringdunedin.com

“It’s Only Lost Until I Find It!

Lost a ring or other metal valuable at the beach including the water or in a grassy or sandy area? Jewelry slip off of you while working outside, playing with the dog or swimming? Don’t waste time and money purchasing or renting your own metal detector to try to find your lost item. Please contact me ASAP at (843) 995-4719 or @dunedinringfinder. I offer a FREE metal detecting service, reward optional but appreciated upon recovery!

Thank you, Heather for writing this testimonial:

“Laurel – Rhode Island
Beth – Connecticut
Heather and Allison – KY

We are on a girls trip. Laurel and Beth have been best friends for over 50 years. Beth is Allison’s mom and Heather is her best friend for over 10 years.

23 years ago Laurel was in Greece and in the small town of OIA on the island of Santorini They found this ring. The jeweler said he only had one. They told him they would only buy it if he would make them one more and ship it. That is exactly what the jeweler did. She realized that her ring was gone Thursday night and searched the room and house to try to find it. In the morning she let the rest of us know and we did another sweep of the house and the car. Beth and Laurel went to the restaurant we had lunch at and searched. The staff was so kind and searched too. Laurel and a kind teenager went under the deck and searched for the ring. Allison went online to find the number for the restaurant we ate at the night before. Heather found the state parks Facebook page and wrote a comment asking if any found a ring. We went in our boat tour and had lunch. When we got back Heather checked her messages and Steve Thomas had sent me a message. Then the magic happened and throughout many questions, Steve Thomas found the ring!!!”

Laurel, Beth, Heather and Allison, it was a pleasure meeting you and thank you for contacting Steve Thomas, Dunedin Ring Finder to help you find Laurel’s precious ring! And thank you for the generous reward for grandsons Tillman and Anson’s college funds!