lost ring finder Newport Beach Tag | Page 2 of 2 | The Ring Finders

Lost Diamond Pendant .. Newport Beach, CA. .. Found in Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

It was raining this morning when I received a call from Cindy. She had been on the beach in front of her house with her dog for a couple hours. When she returned to her house her daughter notice that Cindy’s diamond pendant was missing. This diamond was given to her by her late husband and passed down in the family for over 80 years, very sentimental.
Thinking back over what might have happened, Cindy remembered that her drag had jumped up on her while playing with him. This may have been where the chain was broken and the pendant might be there. Otherwise it could have been anywhere on the beach as they had walked quite a distance.
I told her I was very close and would be there as soon as the rain let up. When I arrived, I could see that she had a beginners type metal detector and an assortment of sifting tools. She had tried searching but it didn’t show up. Her daughter had heard about TheRingFinders.com and suggested her mom call me.
I was not sure if there was enough gold in the piece of jewelry to get a decent signal, but after 20 minutes I got a faint sound that turned out to be Cindy’s diamond pendant. After returning it, Cindy told me that if it wasn’t found, she could not bear the thought of walking on the beach knowing that her family keepsake was out there somewhere. Well, she won’t have to worry about that now that it’s back where it belongs.. I love doing this and it was a pleasure to help Cindy.imageimage

Lost Wedding Ring .. San Diego, CA .. Recovered and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)
















Ring Found in Sand .. Breakers Beach , Coronado .. SanDiego, CA.

Sunday morning I was checking my email when I read Chris’s request for my help. He had lost his wedding ring while playing volleyball at the beach Friday evening. Saturday he called local metal detector rental more than four times and couldn’t get a reply. Later that night he found TheRingFinders.com online, sending me an email at 1:30am Sunday.
I sent Chris a reply, asking him to call me. We set up to meet at 9:30 am outside the Naval Air Base and he sponsored me onto the base. After grid searching almost the whole volleyball court, the ring showed up in my scoop.
We were running out of search area, but the last minute find made it more exciting. Ring found 10:15 am. Chris was a very happy that he didn’t have to tell his wife of one year that he had lost the ring.


Wedding Band Lost for 5 Weeks in Sand .. Corona DelMar, CA. ..Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Corona Delmar Beach … Man’s Diamond Wedding Band, possibly lost on popular beach..

Mark called me a little after 5 pm. He said he would have called sooner but didn’t know a service like this existed. He told me that he thought he lost his ring a couple weeks before while on the beach playing volleyball in the sand at Corona Delmar. It’s only 2 miles from where I live, but I was 12 miles away in Laguna Beach..
Traffic was so bad that it took me an hour and a half till I was able to meet Mark and his wife Donna at the location.. After a couple weeks another extra hour shouldn’t make too much difference. I couldn’t promise anything but I could grid the area to verify that it’s not there. Donna showed me her matching ring to help me know what kind of signal I would be listening for.
They took off for a walk down the beach. Returning after about a half hour, Mark asked me if I had tried the area by the trash can. I was just setting up to grid that space. Two swings of my detector and a quick dig with my sand scoop and there was Mark’s ring, I was blown away, because I know this beach and this was definitely going to be a long shot.. I now believe in miracles!
It was so special to him because it was custom made with diamonds from his deceased mother and aunt.. When I handed it to him, he was speechless and very emotional. Then came the man hug.. I was also very surprised when his wife told me it was actually more than 5 weeks sense the loss.. Mark didn’t realize the ring was missing until the day after being at the beach.. This beach gets pounded with metal detectors and the city worker who drives the beach sifter is an over achiever ( it’s a very clean beach ).. I say,  » I’ll will try anywhere  » and this proves it pays off.


Ring Lost after Jumping Off Roof .. Malibu, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Olivia called me asking if I could help her find a lost gold ring. I asked her for some details, where, when and how. She said it was lost two days before when she jumped off a roof in her backyard. She felt it fly off her finger as she landed on the ground. Because it was not a public place and she was certain that the ring flew off her finger at that moment, we decided to meet the next day.

It always a mystery what kind of search area I will find when I get to the location. I was a little concerned why Olivia would be jumping off a roof and how she didn’t injure herself. Olivia couldn’t meet me, but had her friends meet me. When I met her friends Bethany and Sam the next morning, they showed me a small storage shed that was built into a slope hillside planter. The roof was only about 3 feet above the planter with landscape plants.
Several people had searched for the ring, looking at the dirt around the foliage. They felt that possibly the ring was in the plants or someone had stepped on the ring, burying it in the soft soil. I set up my Minelab CTX detector with a 6″ coil planning to grid search around all the plants. Then I would use my pinpointer to go through each of a dozen plants.
Halfway through my search over the soil around the plants, Sam walked over to asked me how I was doing. As he stood there looking at planter in front of where I standing, he saw the gold ring glimmer in the afternoon sunlight. It was 3 or 4 feet in front of the direction of my grid.
It was not laying flat on its side in the soil. The ring had landed with the round flat side down, making it difficult to see when looking straight down.
This not the first time someone else spotted the ring before I got my coil over it, but the main thing is that the ring is back where it belongs. Bethany and Sam were happy that we had found Olivia’s very sentimental ring. I love being able to help people find their lost keepsakes.

Lost Wedding Ring .. Santa Monica Beach, CA. .. Found In Sand Near Swings

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











Sunday 10:00 am first call from Jeff

« I think my ring came off while playing with my kid on the swings at Santa Monica Beach. »

Jeff called me late Sunday morning about 10:00am. He had been at Santa Monica Beach Saturday afternoon with his family. After returning home he discovered his rose gold wedding band was missing. He believed it may have come off while pushing his son on the swings in a public recreation area on the sand, located just a couple blocks south of the Santa Monica pier.

This part of the beach is a high use recreation zone. It gets bombed by metal detectors especially on weekends. I told Jeff that I would give it a try. Jeff couldn’t meet me but I knew exactly what swings he was talking about. I have the advantage over other detectorists. I know there is a ring lost near the swings.
It was about noon when I started my search. I had to time my search when people were not using the swings. It started out good, finding coins and one junk ring which is a sign that other detectorists have not worked these swings. After a few minutes I got the gold ring sound and VID reading that was alluding me. Digging the target with my sand scoop I could see Jeff’s rose gold wedding band in the scoop.
Sent a text photo to Jeff’s smart phone. He was able to meet me on the beach within 20 minutes. Thanking me for saving his marriage. I get that comment a lot. This was another learning opportunity for me. I will try anywhere, it doesn’t matter how many people may have detected the place. They can’t get everything.

Found and returned Sunday 11-31-15       Using a Minelab CTX 3030 metal detector

Huntington DogBeach .. Opal Ring, a Gift from Grandfather .. Lost in Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










I left my place early driving north on Pacific Coast Highway. Today would be my second attempt to find a ring lost two days before during low tide tower 28 Huntington DogBeach.
I was driving, when Allie’s grandfather Art called me just as I was leaving Newport Beach. The family was at Huntington DogBeach tower 22.  Allie had been brushing sand off her pants when her beautiful silver ring with an opal slipped off her finger into the dry sand. This ring was very special to her as it was a gift from her grandfather.
I was able to get a ring signal within a few minutes, but when I held a ring up for her to see,  it was not her ring. This has happened several times to me. I need to get a better description of the ring before I get everybody excited just to be disappointed.
Well it turned out to be a happy moment for Allie and the family a few minutes later, when I got another good signal that turned out to be a beautiful Opal in a silver ring. It was a nice day for all and a pleasure for me to help find the ring for Allie. She was so excited!
I was still able to get to my other search location a mile north of this location. Three hours later I found the diamond engagement ring lost in the wet sand two days before. Too much excitement for one day..

Ring found Saturday .. 10-30-15 .. Using a Minelab CTX 3030 metal detector

Engagement Proposal Gone Wrong .. Ring Lost in Surf .. Huntington Dogbeach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

imageimage                   Matt and Tiffany were walking the beach at low tide watching the sunset. Matt had intentions of proposing to Tiffany by presenting her with a engagement ring. It is a very flat beach and they were well away from the waterline. Matt came up with an idea to put the ring under a shell, so when Tiffany picked it up, she would find the ring. Even though they were away from the waterline, a small surging wave came up washing over the shell and the ring. The ring immediately disappeared. As soon as the sand gets saturated it is actually like quick sand, the ring sinks out of sight. Most times it doesn’t go very deep at least for the first few days. They spent a couple hours searching frantically as the tide was coming in and darkness overtook them. After returning home, Matt went online to research buying or renting a metal detector. That is where he found theringfinders.com locating my contact information. We met for a few minutes the next day at the next low tide. After hearing a detailed story and checking the past tides, I set up my grid pattern.. Matt was very positive about the location of the loss. My concern was the size of the setting may help the waves move the ring great distances. After 4 hours with no success I had to abandon the search till the next low tide.. The next afternoon I started 3 hours before low tide working an area south of the yesterday’s search. Then reworking the original location finding very few targets. Exhausted with the tide coming in, I was making plans for the next day’s search. My plan was to return with my Excalibur detector and search waist deep at the next low tide. It was dark, so just before leaving I went 100 yards. north swinging randomly. That’s when I got the sweet sound of gold.. Five or six inches down I scooped the beautiful white gold diamond ring.. I sent a photo of the ring in my hand to Matt in a text.. He said he almost dropped his phone when he saw the picture. We met the next morning at Starbucks. Tiffany and Matt came together . I had put the ring in a jewelers ring box with a sea shell. I gave it to Matt and he gave it to Tiffany.. This was the first time she had seen the ring other than a photo.. What a beautiful day, I will never forget.. Thanks to Matt and Tiffany for sharing the special moment with them.. I love my service.. Ring Lost Thurs. 10-27-15  — Ring Found Sat. 10-30-15   —  Using Minelab CTX3030 metal detector imageimage

Platinum Ring Lost in Surf .. Corona DelMar, CA. .. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Matt and Kristy were enjoying a day at the Corona Delmar Beach. They have just moved into the area from Georgia. The surf today was very rough and probably much more violent than they are used to on the east coast. Matt waded out into the surf to his waist then dove under the incoming wave. After getting beat up by the wave he realized his Tiffany Platinum wedding ring was missing.
They spent the next two or three hours trying to find the ring as the tide was receding with no success. Returning home Kristy went to the computer finding my contact information on TheRingFinders.com. I was at another beach a few miles away. After a few questions, I was able to determine that the loss occurred at peak high tide. That’s a good thing, but by the time I got the call the tide was rising again. I told them the most important thing was that we meet so I can get an approximate location. It may require that I wait till tomorrow’s low tide.
We met in the parking lot 20 minutes after our phone conversation. Matt had a pair of dive goggles read to do some searching of his own. I almost didn’t take my detector to the water because the tide was quite high. As a second thought I grabbed my CTX 3030 detector and my long handled sand scoop walking to get the location. The waves were really powerful with a strong back wash which could be a disadvantage when trying to retrieve a target. Otherwise that means when digging a target it is possible to lose it in a violent wave.
I wasn’t very positive about this attempt but I walked straight out to give it a try. Matt was at my side when I got my first signal. He got very excited as I told him, this beach has a lot of aluminum trash don’t get excited. It took probably 5 scoops to dig this between several waves. I’m beginning to believe in miracles because in the scoop was Matt’s Platinum ring.
The beach was crowded in the water and on the sand. They all were watching as I walked into the water with all my gear. When the find was made I held my detector and scoop up over my head in a victory salute.. Applause and cheers from everyone made me feel like a rock star. This was another awesome adventure and again I was just as surprised as everyone. Another RingFinders success story that will someday be a household name when people need help finding lost heirlooms.

Ring Recovered Saturday, 10-10-15   Equipment used Minelab CTX3030 and Stavr sand scoop


Grandmother’s Gold Bracelet Lost in Wilderness Park .. Mission Viejo, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Krissy was doing a photo shoot with her kids at a wilderness park in the back hills of Mission Viejo, CA. Sunday 9-27-15. After returning home she realized her bracelet that had been passed down to her by her grandmother was missing.
She looked back through her photos noting it was on her wrist while doing the photo shoot. It was too late to return to the park. So she went to her Facebook friends for ideas of how to search for the bracelet. Many suggestions, one was to contact me at TheRingFinders.com. They printed up flyers and her husband Ariel went to the park at 5 am in the morning. He posted the flyers and searched with a flash light for several hours with no luck.
Krissy called me and I set up a meeting with her and Ariel to show me general area. We discussed the activities of the day that may have caused the bracelet’s loss.
It was a matter of setting up a game plan. It would take time to grid this area, so I told them it wasn’t necessary to stay. It would take time to thoroughly grid this location properly. They had their daily chores to take care of and I would call them if I found the bracelet. After an hour I heard a quick little blip of a sound in my earphones, looking down I saw the petite gold bracelet hiding amongst leaves and twigs in soft dirt.
A text with the photo of the find was followed with a call from Krissy who was in tears. She was ecstatic. We met an hour later to return this sentimental keepsake to Krissy. I could tell how  much this bracelet ment to her after she told me that the bracelet was passed down from her grandmother to her mother and then her.  It was another special moment for me to be able to help Krissy and Ariel.

Monday   September 28, 2015