How to use a metal detector to find a ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost – Lady’s diamond wedding ring, Palm Coast, Fl – Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Brittany and her husband were visiting the Palm Coast area on Valentines Day and while driving along on highway A1A the unexpected happened. As we are all aware of how emotions and feelings can lead us to do and say things that we later regret…that is exactly what happened on this particular day. It was towards evening and thankfully they were not traveling at a high rate of speed when Brittany threw her diamond wedding ring out of the car window and into a grass area along side of the road. Her husband immediately pulled off of the road and into the nearest driveway and the two of them tried to find her ring…but her thrown ring was no where to be found!

Later that night Brittany tried to find help and went online to search for something or someone that could help her in her time of need. It was around 10:30 pm that I recieved her call asking if I could help her and after hearing her story my wife and I decided to make the one hour drive to Palm Coast and meet Brittany and we prayed to God we would be the exact help that she so desperately needed.

Brittany showed us where she « thought » the ring was thrown and I set up some cones and began doing an overlapping grid search of the 500 square foot area. Both Brittany and my wife were using very strong flashlights but the night dew was making everything wet and the grass and leaves glistened and sparkled making it almost impossible to find her lost ring. Along most any road there is allot of buried trash items giving signals that sound very similar to what a gold diamond ring would sound like so I had to investigate each shallow signal just to be sure. After 45 minutes I got a really strong signal that registered shallow and my head light exposed her beautiful lost diamond ring just laying there among the wet leaves and grass! Brittany was ecstatic and so relieved to have her ring back again! A lesson well learned, hey?

How we thank God for allowing us to be a blessing and encouragement to Brittany and her husband and we look forward to helping others who find themselves in need or our help and expertise!
Call anytime or text and leave me a message and let’s talk. 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…a ready member of

Platinum wedding ring lost in bushes in Orlando, Florida…found and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Successful recoveries have to be done in a timely manner.  Timing is very important!  If you lose something on the beach or any public location, don’t wait.  Call as soon as possible…321-363-6029.  I will answer your call!

Shree writes… »We’ve been married over a decade and some years ago I lost my wedding ring which made me feel sad for months.  Much later I learned about this metal detecting service but it was too late…so recently when my husband lost his wedding ring I made sure to get a professional search done, only the circumstances were much much harder.  He lost his ring in the midst of the dangerous storm, Milton here in Florida.  We thought we were well prepared for the storm but in the middle of it my husband realized he missed closing down one of the front window shutters.  He was drenched from the rain while pulling the shutter down and came up onto the porch where he shook his drenched hands to get the rain water off and alas with the strong flick of his hands…his ring went flying!   And God knows where!  It was impossible to look for the ring in that weather as every time we stepped out of the house we felt like we could be blown away.  And the following morning we searched again to no avail.

Then I found Mike online and quickly called him.  He assured me the ring had not left my campus and that felt strange to me…given the torrential rain the previous night.  But still we planned to wait and meet the day after, when the weather had settled down.  Mike is so friendly and kind and we really appreciated the unexpected seriousness of effort he was putting into the search while we had mentally given up on the find.  It was more than an hour and a half into the search on the ground and under the shrubs and bushes in our front yard where the ring was lost and we were starting to feel like we had done our bit and it was over.  But Mike’s persistence and hope was on another level!  He just kept digging and searching and…Voila!!!  There it was!  He found it stuck way down in the middle of one of our super thick Bird of Paradise plants!  I don’t think there was anyway we were ever going to be able to find it there on our own!  I wouldn’t have believed in such a service if I did not witness it’s success…BUT it works and Mike is terrific at it!  We are absolutely thrilled to have  our precious ring back!  Thank you Mike!  Abhi and Shree »

Have you lost something and need a ringfinders help?  Call me or one of theringfinders in your area and let us help you find what you thought was lost forever!

Mike McInroe…sharing hope and help in your time of need!

Lost Diamond Ring Off Balcony .. Big Canyon Estates, Newport Beach, CA… Found and Returned to Grateful Owner

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you need information or help to find a lost ring or other important metallic item call or text .. Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136

*** Brenda had been sitting on her balcony patio having her morning coffee. She pulled her ring off her finger and it dropped onto the deck. She saw it fall through spaces in the wood deck into ivy 8ft. below.

Her son came with a metal detector, spending a whole afternoon searching for the ring. The next day they contacted me to do a search.

It was a small area which should have been an easy search and recovery. Now we have a chance that the rings were could have been moved because they had pulled up most of the ivy. I also found out that the soil was littered with nails left by the contractors that had recently replaced the building siding. ( nails large enough to mask a ring signal on my detector)

I did thoroughly remove a massive amount of of nails in a 10’x10’ section before going though the ivy remnants that were piled off to the side. “Boom” ring found in the ivy pile. I could have started there and impressed her with a quick recovery. What’s important is the ring was recovered.  Brenda told me it was given to her over 30 years ago and it meant so much to her. I could tell she was grateful for my services. It was a pleasure to help such a nice lady.

Many people don’t understand how a metal detector service works. Feel free to call so we can discuss the possibilities using a professional metal detectorist to help you find your important lost jewelry or any metal item. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ ..  Mobile Metal Detecting available to help you now … 949-500-2136

How to Find a Gold Ring in the Sand with a Metal Detector … Laguna Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Laguna Beach Ring Finder Stan available to help you now !! .. Call or Text  949-500- 2136

*** Carol had been at a well known Laguna Beach surfing beach with a whole group of friends. She put her ring in a hat that was on her towel. After returning from a swim in the ocean, the hat got picked up and he ring went directly into the sand. 

More than 8 or 10 people tried to be the hero by finding the ring. Even thought the ring was dropped in a 4’x4’ area, it couldn’t be found. Finally one of the friends in the group found my contact information on TheRingFinders directory of metal detector volunteers. 

I was less than 10 miles from the location. Asking Carol if she could stay at the location as it could make the recovery much quicker, she agreed to wait.

Parking could be time consuming but I was lucky to catch a great parking spot. I love it when traffic and parking go well. Walking down the steps to the beach, Carol was waiting patiently. I didn’t waste time asking too many questions, just turned on the metal detector as she pointed to the spot. The same spot where everyone tried to find her ring by dragging their fingers through the sand. 

BINGO !! Two swings of my machine and we had her ring in my sand scoop. She was very surprised and happy to have her special white gold ring back on her finger.

I WILL TRY ANYWHERE and I will answer your text or call to help you with any questions you may have about how this service works.  Call or Text Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136

Man’s Platinum Wedding Band Lost during Wheelbarrow Races – Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Eric called me about 12:30 pm on Friday, Jun 6th, asking if I was The Ring Finder. He said his friend, TJ, had lost his wedding band and wanted to know if I could help find it. I answered in the affirmative and he asked what I charged. I told him I do this on a reward or gratuity bases and whatever was good with him was good with me. I heard him tell TJ and then Eric told me okay. I asked him where they were and was the ring lost in the dry sand or water. He said dry sand and gave me the location. Eric also said that they were there with a group for a bachelor’s party. They had about a 10 ft diameter circle around the area with a blue plastic bat sticking up in the middle of the circle.  I told him I had to run home and get my equipment and that I’d be there at 1 pm.

When I got to the location, there was no parking spots open so I called Eric saying I was there and just trying to find a place to park. After a couple loops around the lot a spot opened up. As I walked out on the beach, it was packed with people. I called Eric and told him I was on the beach and asked which way – right or left. I told him I was headed that way and was holding my detector up in the air. After making my way thru the crowd to the first row of sunbathers, I saw one of the guys running my way waving his arm. Right behind him was TJ. I asked TJ how he lost his ring. He said they were having wheelbarrow races and he felt his ring come off in the sand. I followed them over to meet the rest of the group and then to the circle and blue bat. Knowing the ring was platinum; I knew I was looking for a VDI right around 12 on the screen of the Equinox 800. I turned my machine on, split the circle in half and walked 3 or 4 steps across. Turned around and took 3 steps back and got the 12 on the screen I was looking for. I looked up at TJ and gave him a little smile; the rest of the group saw me and broke out with laughter. One small scoop of sand and I had his ring in the scoop. As I shook the sand out, I asked him if he could hear the clang. I didn’t even look in the scoop; I just held it up for TJ to retrieve his treasure. Total search time was maybe 10-15 seconds. Cheers were loud; including coming from a number of sunbathers who knew what was going on.

Eric – Thanks for contacting me!

TJ – Thanks for trusting me and The Ring Finders to help find your lost treasure.
