Lost Gold in Austin, Texas (The Ring Finders Challenge) (www.theringfinders.com/greg.delong)
I was wanting to get to know member Greg DeLong a little better and was planning on trying to meet up with him on my trip to Austin, Greg lives in one of my favorite local destinations and having a friend in those parts could only make things better.
Austin has clean and clear lakes, rivers and creeks, something we don’t get down her in the bayou city, so when we want to beat the Texas heat we often head up to Austin.
I didn’t get the opportunity to meet Greg on my last trip, but I left a couple of items behind at a local park for Greg to track down. This was not going be as good as having a beer and over looking some area of Austin, but I thought it might still be a fun way to get to know Greg,
After returning home from Austin, I sent Greg an e-mail telling him I had buried some gold in Austin, and if he was able to find it, he could claim the treasure as his own. I told him I would also be responsible for our lunch on my next trip if he was successful.
I provided Greg GPS coordinates, and told him his detective skills and his metal detecting experience would be necessary for the recovery on this job. I told Greg he would be searching for a Gold Challenge Coin, 7 gold coins, and lunch if he was successful.
Greg apparently did his homework on the GPS coordinates, and e-mailed me back stating I planted the treasure-loot in an Austin park that prohibits metal detecting. Turns out all Austin parks prohibit metal detecting without an official permit issued by the Austin Park’s Department.
Told Greg, WOW looks like you will be buying lunch the next time I am in Austin. (the challenge) LOL
I asked Greg if he was going to let little things like jail stand in the way of his challenge. LOL, I thought it was funny, I think he thought I was trying to get him arrested.
Word today from Greg, I will be buying lunch on the next trip to Austin. Told Greg, his pictures better match the ones posted here if he was counting on lunch.

Gold Police Challenge Coin

7 Gold US Dollars