NC Tag | The Ring Finders


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Received a text last night from a young man whose mom had lost her wedding rings while picking up leaves and tossing them over the fence. The son had found the wedding band by sifting through the leaves, but was unable to locate the engagement ring.

They had been on her finger for nearly 51 years!

I showed up at 8:00 am and the search began. After an hour we hadn’t found it yet, so we went inside to talk to his mom and get a better idea of where she was and what she had been doing prior to losing it. Turns out we were in the only area where she was tossing leaves. I suggested we go back and try again. After about another 30 mins, I decided to kick over the sifted leaves to move them more out of the way, away from the fence and I got a hit! The ring was under 2-3 feet of sifted leaves and I missed it the first 8 times because I didn’t move the leaves. It was found 3 feet from the wedding band near the fence line!

Needless to say it was a very Merry Christmas for the whole family as they both were back where they belong!

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Gold Diamond Wedding Band Lost On Emerald Isle Beach, Near Pier, Quickly Found

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Haley & Wesley decided to play along the Bogue Inlet Pier shoreline with their babies.  Before heading for the water, Haley gave her wedding set to her Mimi to hold until they returned.  Mimi placed them on her finger.  When Haley returned, Mimi stood up to return the rings.  It was then she realized Haley’s wedding band was missing.

A plea was made on a popular social media group asking for someone with a metal detector to help.  I was quickly alerted to the lost ring and made contact as soon as possible.  I loaded up and made my way to the pier parking lot.  After a rough walk through soft sand and the heat, I met Wesley who didn’t leave the spot of the lost ring.  I started my search from the inside then picked started to grid back when I received a 43 VDI (Video Discrimination Indicator) number on my Deus II metal detector.  I told them this looks promising just before bending down and pulling Haley’s missing ring from it’s hiding spot under the sand.

#bogueinletpier, #crystalcoast, #emeraldislenc, #boguebanks

Wedding Band Lost On Topsail Beach Found After Sunset By Crystal Coast Ring Finders

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Bob is an avid surfer.  His family was spending time at a Topsail Beach, NC beach house.  Beach chairs were set up just below the home and Bob decided to take the paddle board out in the surf.  He removed his wedding band (one day before his anniversary) and placed it in the beach chair pocket.  Before Bob returned, his son started to gather up the chairs and umbrella from the beach.  He wasn’t aware his fathers ring was in one of the chairs.  When they realized what happened a search began and Bob’s daughter-in-law found my service and called for help.  She stated they had to be out of the rental by 10am the next day.  I loaded my gear and started my 60 mile drive.  It was dark when I arrived and Bob’s family was very smart to mark the location of where the umbrella was placed and told me all chairs where North of that spot.  After a few passes I received a very loud signal.  I dropped to a knee and my pinpointer sang out the location of Bob’s ring.  Since it was dark during the recovery, we took photographs on the rental house back porch.  I remember Bob saying « It took you longer to grab your gear than it did to find the ring »

Crab Grab In Beufort, NC Results in Lost Class Ring, Found By Crystal Coast Ring Finders

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Wilson was spending time at a Beaufort, NC Air BnB and decided to try digging for crabs in the muddy marsh along a small dock that lead to a very narrow channel.  The following day, he noticed his ring was missing.  He was not sure where it was lost but used some common sense.  He had mentioned that he believed it was in the marsh, or the yard but wasn’t sure.  I told Wilson I would search the first thing in the morning, as he texted me in the afternoon, too late to make it out there and I wanted to be sure the landowner or tenants were aware of me arriving.  Wilson trusted me with searching without him there as he would not be able to receive the class ring until Friday.  In the early morning of Wednesday June 12th I headed toward the mucky marsh.  Of course, I picked the wrong side of the pier to start searching and after hunting the right side, I started my search on the left.  After about 10 aluminum can signals, my Minelab Equinox 800 received a screaming 18 signal within arms reach of the pier.  I even said out loud « Oh please, please, please »  and started to dig using my pinpointer to direct me to the metal signal, up from the black mud came Wilson’s class ring!  He is a recent engineering graduate and was thankful the ring from his mother was back in his possession once again!  I thank Wilson for trusting Crystal Coast Ring Finders with finding and Returning his sentimental ring.

Engagement Ring Lost In Beaufort, NC Ditch Found By Crystal Coast Ring Finders

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Leina called to report her ring was somewhere along a dirt road but she knew the general area.  Her concern was there were heavy rains the day she called and was thinking it would be more difficult to locate her treasured ring.

I met Leina the next morning and she had said she bought a metal detector and tried to locate it herself but was finding way too many pieces of trash and numerous unknown signals.  She had given me a search area and I was also pulling out various metal items.  We continued along a wet ditch which had a tall metal fence on the opposite side.  The fence was causing my machine to sound off when I swung too close.  Leina was upset and I tried to calm her down with conversation.  We seemed to have a lot in common when it came to living through our years.  While I continued to search the roadside and ditch beyond her marked area, I was pulling more trash and then I finally hit the right spot.  Leina didn’t even noticed I had found her ring in the weeds and water.  I stood there to take a break and listen to what she was talking about (her upcoming wedding).  She was so stressed.  I held out may hand with her ring and said « Maybe this will help ».  She melted with tears and joy



  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

This will be one of my best but craziest recoveries EVER! I still can’t believe I was actually able to find it for the daughter of the deceased man that buried it in their backyard during his later stages of Dementia. Yes, he buried the sheets of GOLD that were rolled up and put together with paperclips. I know I will get comments like it is gold leaf. but it is 100% NOT GOLD LEAF; it is heavy and in sheets as stated. He used this gold to make chips.

The original story was that her father had made a small GOLD BAR out of the gold, but when I found it, I knew I had found what he had buried and what she was hoping I would find. It took me about an hour and a half to get the signal of this lost treasure! The backyard was full of leaves, rocks, trees and it wasn’t an easy target to find, luckily there wasn’t much other metal items in the natural area behind the house. That alone made it easier to locate the GOLD! The estimated total GOLD weight of what I think is 24K gold is about 15g to 20g.



Craziest revovery request EVER!!! Never ever found anything like this!!! @xpmetaldetectors #gold #24k #sheets #crazy #awesome #unique

♬ original sound – SGT_Whitey

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Keys Lost On Surf City,NC Beach Found So Owner Didn’t Need To Sleep In Car

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Andrew placed his keys on the beach and then placed his shoes over them to mark the spot while he walked the Surf City, NC shoreline.  Upon returning, he grabbed his shoes and headed to his car.  It was about 5:30pm when he realized his keys were now buried in an unmarked location.  Andrew notified me of the lost keys at 7:49 and the tide was coming in.  Unfortunately, I was busy planning a trip out of state and reached out to some trusted friends.  I explained to Andrew of the situation and he was planning to sleep in his car until morning when he could contact a locksmith to make a key to allow him to drive home to Fayetteville, NC.  One of my friends finally came through and headed to find Andrew’s keys.  At 10:15pm I received the above picture of Andrew holding his keys.  They were found in the surf and although wet,  the key fob still worked for him.

Gold Ring Lost While Landing A Fish In Stella, NC Found

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Amanda was in the process of landing a 5.5 pound Black Drum off of her boat dock.  Suddenly, the very sentimental ring that her mother gave her many years ago, slid off of her finger and bounced off of the dock and into the dark waters below.  We agreed to meet the next day and after getting her account of the previous days events, I grabbed my gear and methodically panned the waters around then under the boat dock.  I received 2 separate signals on my Minelab Excalibur II.  I wiggled my way under the dock mindful these waters hold poisonous snakes and alligators.  The area was tight and I used my Garrett pinpointer to scan the area the Excalibur report metal.  I grasped a large handful of sand and mud and brought it to the surface.  Amanda’s ring was now in my hand.  She said it was the 3rd time this ring had been lost and found.  She also said it will not be going fishing anymore, lol.

Gold Wedding Band Lost Off Atlantic, NC Dock Found In 3 Foot Waters

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Dillon had just returned from a fishing trip and was in the process of cleaning today’s catch.  He decided it was best to move his wedding band to his middle finger for a better fit.  That’s when his ring slipped from his hands and bounced off of the dock into the murky waters down below.  Dillon told me he tried to locate his ring using a dive mask in the 3-4 foot waters but it wasn’t nearly clear enough to be successful.   After getting Dillon’s call, I loaded my gear and headed his way.  Dillon gave a very precise area to search and after clearing a large metal object his ring was lifted from the muddy water below.

Important Keys Lost In Cape Carteret Poppy Field Found With Metal Detector

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)


Char wrote… « On a pretty May day I sat out to take some pictures of my sweet bulldog who was turning 11. We went to the field of poppies in Cape Carteret. Unfortunately while getting all the cute shots, I dropped my keys somewhere in the field. Talk about needle and haystack, after looking for an hour and the help of a very kind Good Samaritan it became clear I wasn’t going to find them. I had car keys, house keys, storage keys — everything on that key chain. I knew all I needed was a metal detector. That’s where Crystal Coast Ring Finders came in. I called Steve and he came straight over. We began searching and within 10 minutes he found them. Yay!!