metal detector rental Daytona Beach Florida Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost – Lady’s diamond wedding ring, Palm Coast, Fl – Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Brittany and her husband were visiting the Palm Coast area on Valentines Day and while driving along on highway A1A the unexpected happened. As we are all aware of how emotions and feelings can lead us to do and say things that we later regret…that is exactly what happened on this particular day. It was towards evening and thankfully they were not traveling at a high rate of speed when Brittany threw her diamond wedding ring out of the car window and into a grass area along side of the road. Her husband immediately pulled off of the road and into the nearest driveway and the two of them tried to find her ring…but her thrown ring was no where to be found!

Later that night Brittany tried to find help and went online to search for something or someone that could help her in her time of need. It was around 10:30 pm that I recieved her call asking if I could help her and after hearing her story my wife and I decided to make the one hour drive to Palm Coast and meet Brittany and we prayed to God we would be the exact help that she so desperately needed.

Brittany showed us where she « thought » the ring was thrown and I set up some cones and began doing an overlapping grid search of the 500 square foot area. Both Brittany and my wife were using very strong flashlights but the night dew was making everything wet and the grass and leaves glistened and sparkled making it almost impossible to find her lost ring. Along most any road there is allot of buried trash items giving signals that sound very similar to what a gold diamond ring would sound like so I had to investigate each shallow signal just to be sure. After 45 minutes I got a really strong signal that registered shallow and my head light exposed her beautiful lost diamond ring just laying there among the wet leaves and grass! Brittany was ecstatic and so relieved to have her ring back again! A lesson well learned, hey?

How we thank God for allowing us to be a blessing and encouragement to Brittany and her husband and we look forward to helping others who find themselves in need or our help and expertise!
Call anytime or text and leave me a message and let’s talk. 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…a ready member of

Wedding ring lost in ocean, Daytona Beach, Florida recovered by Mike McInroe, Florida Ring Finder!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I was given the wonderful opportunity to look for and find a lost ring in the Atlantic Ocean for Jason and his family and here is what Jason wrote me yesterday.  « The first day of our Daytona Beach vacation started poorly when I realized, while still in the ocean on our first swim of the trip, that my wedding ring had slipped off my finger.  With crashing waves all around, I aimlessly looked for it but gave up hope of ever seeing it again.  Thankfully, the next morning I was feeling at least a bit optimistic and started Googling for solutions.  My searches led me to and to Mike.  He picked up the phone right away and within minutes we had a plan of attack for the very next day at low tide.  He filled me with hope from that first phone call and all of a sudden I started to think that maybe finding my ring wasn’t a lost cause after all.  The next day, he set up a grid over a fairly large area that I was most confident it had been lost in  and he got to work methodically scanning one grid section at a time and pushing further out into the ocean as the tide moved out.  In less than 90 minutes he’d found my lost ring!  My wife and I couldn’t believe it!  It felt so good to have it back on my finger again.  Thank you Mike, for everything you did for me and my wife.  You saved our vacation and gave us a lasting story to share with friends and family!  Jason »

Lost your ring, keys, phone or other piece of jewelry?  Call me or one of the members of and let’s talk.  321-363-6029

Mike McInroe…glad to be a member of

Lost gold ring at Daytona Beach, Florida….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Central Florida ring finder…Mike McInroe…Ring recovery specialist/Metal detecting service, call ASAP, anytime…321-363-6029

Brandon was enjoying the hot sun and warm waters with his family and everything was going great until the chain around his neck broke and a very special ring that was attached fell into the churning Atlantic surf! This special gold wedding ring was a gift that belonged to his deceased grandmother and something that Brandon cherished very, very much! He was heart broken and extremely upset with himself for not remembering to take the chain off before going into the water. (The best thing would have been to leave it at home or in his vehicle!). Allot of people think they will not lose their ring or chain because it has never just come off before and say to themselves, « What could possibly happen? ».

Thankfully Brandon was quite sure of the area where he was standing when he lost his precious ring! The following day I arrived just before low tide and marked out an area with my flags and began my grid search. Brandon and his wife watched for a while as I made my way in and out of the surf and I am sure they were anxious to see if I would uncover his ring. I dug a few targets here and there, the usual coin or two and a pull tab. Brandon was getting ready to leave in his vehicle to get their kids when I motioned for him to check out what I had just dug! Overjoyed and with tears in his eyes he confirmed that my last target was indeed his grandmothers lost gold wedding ring! With tears in my own eyes I said a silent prayer to thank my heavenly Father for helping me find and return Brandon’s lost ring!

Mike McInroe…Blessed to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in the surf, Daytona Beach, Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Nathan emailed me late Friday night and asked if there was any chance I could help him look for his lost tungsten wedding ring at the beach. He explained that they had spent part of the afternoon on the sand and in the water and only realized his ring was missing later while eating dinner. Nathan was not real used to wearing his wedding ring because he and his lovely wife had just gotten married four days earlier and they were on their honeymoon the day he lost his ring. Bummer, hey?! And to make matters worse they were going to be returning home to Missouri in just two days. I assured Nathan that his lost wedding ring was not going to be washed away and if he could remember exactly where they entered the water and about how far out they went…then there was a very good chance of finding his lost ring.
The next morning I met Nathan on the beach and he explained how they had stayed in the sun light because they were a bit chilled and the setting sun was shinning between two very large buildings that were quite close together…so that was a huge help in putting me in the best location. Before getting started I told Nathan that I would probably be digging various targets along the way and if I were to find his ring he would be the first to know. So I started out my grid search just to the north of the 60 feet wide target area and I proceeded to dig various coins and junk items. I was going from the wet sand out to almost chest deep and on my 6th pass I got a solid, sharp signal on my TDI Beach Hunter that turned out to be Nathan’s lost ring! The relief on Nathans face was obvious and the smile said it all! I really thank God for helping me find Nathan’s lost wedding ring and I wonder who else out there may need my help as well?! Lost something in the water or on the land? Call, text or email ASAP!

Mike McInroe….blessed to be part of

Lost ring in the sand, Ponce Inlet, Fl…..Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Dom and his girlfriend were spending a warm summer day at the beach near Ponce Inlet, Florida, basking in the hot sun and swimming in the cool Atlantic waters. His girlfriend had taken her heirloom ring off and set it in the cupholder of her beach chair and soon forgot all about it. As high tide approached it was time to go and they gathered up their chairs, tent and other belongings and loaded up the truck and yes you guessed it, the ring fell into the soft sand and disappeared! They soon remembered the ring and returned to their parking spot on the beach and scoured the sand but realized the impossible task of finding such a small item in so soft of sand. For the next day and a half they agonized over the loss and that prompted a Google search which led them to!

I assured Dom that I would come out and look for their ring and would search the following day as well if I was unable to find it on my first try.

We met the next day and as Dom tried to remember exactly where he had parked his truck, I began to grid search a large area hoping to come across his girlfriends lost ring. My new Whites TDI Beach Hunter was running smooth and hitting deep targets so I felt confident that if I went over the ring it would give a good signal and sure enough, an hour into the search, there in the sand was the lost opal and white gold ring waiting to be retrieved! The relief on Dom’s face was priceless and I was reminded again of why I love this service so much! It was an honor to help Dom and I am thankful to God for allowing me to find and return his girl friends lost ring!

Lost something recently? Call ASAP! Mike McInroe….blessed to be a part of