metal detecting service Sanford Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost ring found with metal detector, Belle Isle, Florida…returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you in your time of need!  Don’t wait…call ASAP…321-363-6029!

Daniel and his friends were playing soccer at one of  Orlando’s local parks and in the heat of the game he fell and twisted his ankle.  And as it was very warm out and the humidity was high his hands were not only sweaty but now they were full of grass and sand!  Having been married for only 1 year he was in the habit of wearing it all the time and also had a habit of feeling it with his thumb and spinning it…and he said it was a bit loose as well.  He had no idea that it would come off so easy and when he stood up to hobble off to his car, he immediately realized that his ring was missing.  He and his friends tried searching through the thick grass and after well over an hour he gave up and headed home to take care of his swollen ankle.  Later that evening Daniel was searching on Google and typed « Metal Detector Rental »  and as he scrolled through the options he came across and found my number.  We made arrangements to meet the next morning at the park.   It was a beautiful morning and as we walked to the field Daniel explained what happened and  was very precise about where he fell!    Within minutes I found his lost titanium wedding ring with my Deus 2 metal detector.  Daniel was overcome with emotion and as he smiled he said a sincere « Thank you Mike…you saved my marriage! »  What an absolute joy and honor it was to help Daniel and his young wife and to be a help and blessing to them!

How can I help you?  Call me ASAP at…321-363-6029 and let’s talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe…waiting and ready to help you!


Lost wedding ring on soccer field, Maitland, Fl….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Gabby called me yesterday and asked for help finding her husbands lost wedding ring on a full size soccer field. I told her I was up for the challenge and little did I know how tough it would actually be. Her husband, Christian, was not able to join us but he had explained what position he plays and where he spent most of the time during his practice. The first day I set up flags and cones and covered over half of the field carefully grid searching each area. Five and a half hours worth and the temperatures were in the mid 90’s and although I was taking care to stay hydrated the humidity did wear me down.

The next day I returned to finish covering the rest of the field and I was beginning to wonder if maybe someone had picked it up already. Again it was hot, humid and muggy but I was determined to finish what I had started. And part of what drove me to find this lost wedding ring was the fact that Christian and Gabby have only been married for a little over one month! (The first day while I was searching the field, Gabby’s mother, sister and cousin came out to walk the field, hoping to eyeball the ring and we talked briefly and they too expressed their appreciation for my time and effort.). Two and a half hours into my 2nd day of searching I got a banging signal showing the target to be quite shallow. At first I could not see anything but there, well hidden under some dead grass, was Christian’s lost wedding ring! I immediately bowed my head and thanked my heavenly Father for showing me where this little beauty was hiding. I then took a few photos and sent Gabby a text with the great news. Thirty minutes later Christian showed up for soccer practice and was very, very thankful to get his precious ring back!

Heat, humidity, rain or shine, in the water, grass or sand….I am willing to look for your lost item!

Call, text or email ASAP!

Mike McInroe….willing and ready member of since 2009!

Lost wedding ring, Orlando, Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Today Derek wrote, « My wedding ring slipped off my finger in my friends backyard. 15 people were on their hands and knees but couldn’t find it in the grass. I called Mike up and he was super friendly and confident he could find my ring. He showed up on time and was just as nice as on the phone. We talked a bit and then he went about searching. He used flags to create a grid and methodically scanned the yard. After about an hour of searching he called me over. My wedding band was pushed into the dirt and I never would have found it. He saved me time and got me out of the doghouse with my wife! Thanks Mike! Derek »
Derek thought about renting a metal detector and as he typed « Metal Detector Rental » into his phone he was directed to web site and one of the many successful search stories.
Lost your ring or other valuable item? Call ASAP!
Mike McInroe….thankful member of TRFers

Lost ring Sanford, Florida…..Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Shaunan called me on Friday and asked if I could possibly help her find a very special lost ring. She explained that Saturday night she was playing with her dog in the back yard and when she came back into the house, her ring was not on her finger. She said she was almost 100 percent positive that is where her ring came off. The lost ring was a gift from her parents when she started college and that was over 4 years ago!
When she realized her ring was not on her finger, she immediately went outside with a flashlight and began looking thru the thick grass. And after a couple of hours she gave up. The next day she looked again but still could not find her precious lost ring. Her father decided to help out and looked on the internet for someone to help and typed in « Metal Detecting Service in Sanford » and up came web page and one of my recent stories.
Later that afternoon Shaunan showed me the area where she was playing with her dog and I set up four small flags and started grid searching. I was told the ring was silver so figured it would surely give me a good high tone and read in the silver range on my Whites DFX display. There were very few targets—some rather deep and one or two larger targets. After my first grid search of the 30 square foot area I decided to look the outer area over. Still no ring! I switched to my « Prospecting Mode » and researched the same area in a perpendicular direction. Soon I got a nice signal, really close to one of the deep large targets, and this one read like a pull tab/gold signal. Thinking it was probably a pull tab, I stuck my Garrett pro pointer down into the thick grass and there was Shaunan’s lost ring! You should have seen and heard Shaunan hooting and hollering for joy! It was a delight to behold the thrill and happiness in her voice and actions! Thanks for allowing me the pleasure of helping you get your special ring back….and thanks too for the generous reward.
Lost your ring? Call ASAP! Mike McInroe—proud member of