metal detecting service Orlando Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold diamond wedding ring lost inside Airbnb, found by Florida Ring Finder…Kissimmee, Florida!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Prompt Metal Detecting Service available now…Mike the Florida Ring Finder is here to help you in your time of need! Call or text me at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Kennedy and her family were spending some vacation time here in sunny Florida at an Airbnb when early Sunday morning her young 2 year old daughter decided to collect her mom’s rings and hide them throughout the house. When Kennedy woke up she found one of her diamond rings on the kitchen floor and the other one tucked snugly in a corner of her daughters bed blankets. And the diamond wedding ring was no where to be found. Kennedy was beginning to feel desperate knowing they only had a few more days of vacation before heading back home to Michigan. Later that evening she typed into Google « Help me find my ring » and up popped one of my successful ring recovery stories and she sent me a text asking for my help. House searches are not always easy and thankfully there were a lot less toys and cloths and furniture and shoes, etc to look through being as it is a vacation rental. I started in the kitchen and using a very strong flashlight I searched carefully making my way to the 5 bedrooms upstairs…checking bathrooms and closets, under beds and in blankets. An hour and a half later I made my way downstairs and began in the laundry room where there were piles of cloths and suitcases. Ten minutes later…BINGO! There, behind a large suitcase, simply hiding down by the baseboard was Kennedy’s lost diamond wedding ring! Kennedy writes, »Mike and theringfinders are so kind and are life savers. Being from out of town on vacation, I had a limited time to find my wedding ring after my toddler hid it in our Airbnb. Mike was so helpful and found it within two hours. I am so thankful! »

Kennedy and her mother were so delighted and were beaming from ear to ear, saying how thankful they were for my help. How I thank God for allowing me to find her ring and to help bring relief and joy to their hearts!

Have you lost something and need help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!
Mike McInroe…looking for an opportunity to help you!

Lost wedding ring in car, Palm Coast, Florida…Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding a lost ring or other important metallic item, call or text me ASAP! metal detecting service is here to help you…321-363-6029!

While driving home from work Nick took his wedding ring off and set it on the center console. At one point he heard it slide off of the console and assumed it went down in between the seats into one of the cracks. Many a ring has plumb disappeared this very same way and Nick figured when he got home he would move the seats backward or forward and find his ring. As Nick soon found out there are many places where a ring can hide in a car in this type of situation. He tried his best to locate his lost ring but every attempt ended up in frustration and his next move was to take it to the BMW dealer and have them remove the seats…and even that did not reveal his lost ring. So a few days later Nick went online to see if he could find a service that offers help in locating lost rings in cars and up popped a story on website. Nick texted me and I made arrangements to meet up at his garage later that week.

I never realized how little space is in the back seat area and how tight all the seats and carpets are in a BMW sports car…and the only place I could find where a ring might hide was in the small air vents under each seat. I had my endoscope pushed all the way down each vent and I could not see anything that resembled a gold ring. After searching for over an hour I noticed on the front of the passengers seat there was a small spacer area where a person could adjust their seat to allow more support under their knees that all a person needed to do was pull on the front of the seat, between their knees, and it would extend forward a few inches or it could be moved backward as well. I took my endoscope and stuck it into the slight space and pushed it along from the door side and moved it along towards the center console. I caught a glimpse of something pink and gold colored and my heart skipped a beat! The gold looked really bright, but the pink color was strange. So I immediately pulled my scope and slipped it into the other end and there, to my utter surprise, was Nick’s wedding ring sitting smack dab on top of a pink pull tab! What a huge relief as I thanked God for showing me where to look and for giving me the persistence to keep looking and not give up!

Nick was thrilled to have his ring back and I was honored to be able to help him in his time of need!
Lost a ring or something personal and need my help?
Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…thrilled to be a member of

Lost keys in the grass, Orlando, Florida…Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service for you if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you! Call AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW! 321-363-6029

Randy called me about a set of keys that had been run over by a commercial lawn mower and the most important key was nowhere to be found. He and his son had walked the area numerous times hoping to find the keys but all they could see were bits and pieces of his truck fob/key. The lost keys were very important as they were the only keys he had that opened his storage shed/office and a master key to the apartment building that he owned and managed!

After a thorough search on the internet he finally came across website and gave me a call. Upon hearing Randy’s story I figured the keys were there hiding in the grass and they may be whole or in pieces as the mower all but destroyed the fob and one key there were able to find. So later that afternoon I met Randy and he showed me the area and as I grid searched back and forth I realized the ground was loaded with trashy signals of all kinds so I concentrated on the strongest and most shallow signals and that helped me locate–first two bent up keys and the metal ring and then just a few steps away, the most important key! Randy was thrilled and relieved to have his keys back and could not stop saying thank you!

Lost something recently? How can I help? Call me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…Blessed by God to be a member of

Lost engagement ring in the water off of dock, Lake Maitland, Orlando, Florida…Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you! If you have lost a ring or something precious to you…do not wait until tomorrow because time will work against you! Call ASAP…call now 321-363-6029!

Lindsey texted me saying she had dropped her engagement ring off of a dock and into 7 feet of water and weeds and asked if there was any way I could help her and her husband! They had been sitting on the dock and enjoying the cool evening breeze and Lindsey said she was kind of fiddling with her 2 rings and all of a sudden they both slipped off and she happened to actually catch her wedding band but her engagement ring fell to the deck and then she heard it hit the water. Her dear husband Cole, spent a total of 6 hours diving and trying desperately to find her ring but to no avail. A search on line led them to one of my stories on web site and after talking with them I agreed to conduct a scuba dive search around the dock. Neither one of them had actually seen where the ring fell into the water so I figured to start right under where they were sitting. My wife and I arrived later that day with all my gear and as I suited up I said a short prayer to God Almighty and asked that He might help me find this special ring and be a blessing to this dear, young, newly wed couple! Normally there are lots of metal targets under docks but here it was super quiet as I swept my XP MI-6 pin pointer through the mud and slowly made my way across the back side of the dock. I had stuck a 10 foot PVC pole down into the water about where we were able to determine the most likely area where Lindsey’s ring could have rolled and landed…and we were right on target! Five minutes into the dive and the very first signal that sounded off was Lindsey’s lost engagement ring! I swam back to my starting point and stood up and took off my mask and said, « Anyone want to see what I just found? »

How I thank God for giving me the opportunity and the privilege to help Lindsey and Cole!

How can I help you? Call or text me anytime and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…thrilled to be a member of

Lost wedding ring found under dock, Cocoa Beach, Florida…and returned to grateful owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Doug and his wife had just returned from a beautiful day out on the water fishing and as they unloaded some personal items onto the dock a very special ring dropped from the small table and bounced and managed to fall directly through one of the cracks and into the water below. This was a super sentimental ring and meant the world to Doug’s dear wife. Doug got right at trying to find someone who could retrieve the ring and looked up « Ring Finder » on his phone. service came up and he noticed a number of members of this service were in the area but none of them were equipped to do an underwater search of this kind. Doug eventually found my number and gave me a call.

It was the middle of December and I attempted a recovery dive but the water was just way too cold and we decided to try again later on the following summer. So in May when the weather and water temperatures were much more bearable I showed up to give it another try. The oyster shells were strewn across the bottom and this made digging difficult and the visibility was only a foot or two…until I would start digging and then visibility went to 10 inches. Other members of have shared a wonderful idea that helps with grid searching in these types of conditions and that is a sinking pvc square that will sit on the bottom which allows me to methodically search an area even though I cannot actually see where I am going or where I have been but by following the grid with one hand and scanning the bottom with my small handheld metal detector with the other hand…I can cover an area very thoroughly and when finished I am able to move the pvc grid to another area and thoroughly search that area as well until I find what I am looking for. (Doug had also informed me that a few years back the dock was completely destroyed in a hurricane…so there was an awful lot of other signals to sift through before God allowed me to find Doug’s wife’s lost ring!)

What an honor it was to help find and return this precious lost ring to its rightful owner!!

How can I help you? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…counting my blessings as a member of

Lost Rings in the grass, Orlando, Florida….Found with Metal Detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Don’t wait until tomorrow because time will work against you! Please call ASAP…Call Now…321-363-6029

Gabi called me to ask if I was available to help her find some lost rings. She and her fiancee had spent an evening enjoying some of the Orlando Florida attractions and as they were walking back to their car they had a disagreement and Gabi’s engagement ring and her fiancee’s ring ended up lost in the thick saint Augustine grass! They spent the rest of the evening and into the dark searching for their rings..and even went back the next day! Gabi decided to check into renting a metal detector and that is when she came across website and after reading a couple of my stories she gave me a call and we were able to meet up that afternoon. I was hoping Gabi could bring her fiancee as well because it is most always best to get two people’s opinions on the situation instead of just one. After meeting up and driving to the location I began my search along a long stretch of grass just to the side of a busy road and soon realized that there were allot of targets that sounded similar to a lady’s gold ring. I asked Gabi what her ring was made of and she said she thought it was either white gold or silver, she wasn’t real sure. So I decided to investigate every shallow signal reading in the mid to high range and I used my pin pointer allot day! It took a good hour and a half to thoroughly cover the whole area and I could see that Gabi was beginning to lose hope of me ever finding their lost rings and then…BOOM! I got a sweet, shallow, small silver reading and at first glance I could only see some sort of tape or paper and after a closer look I saw a flash of a diamond. I reached down and picked up Gabi’s lost engagement ring and held it up for her to see and I asked, « Is this your ring? » Gabi was overcome with emotion and knelt beside me and gave me a long hug and all I could say was, « Thank you God for helping me find this young lady’s ring!! » Ten minutes later I got another solid, shallow high tone and there was Gabi’s fiancee’s ring down in the thick grass. This time I let Gabi use my pin pointer to do a final location and what a thrill to see the sheer joy and relief and happiness in her face!

Have you lost a ring or phone or keys in the grass, in your car or in the sand and need help?

Call or text ASAP at 321-363-6029 and lets talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe….blessed to be a member of

Lost Engagement Ring, Orlando, Florida….Found with a Metal Detector and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you! If you lost a ring or something precious to you don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you! Please call ASAP….Call Now…321-363-6029

Carlos and his dear fiancee were taking an evening stroll around their neighborhood and at one point they began tickling each other and in the process lost their stunning diamond engagement ring in the thick St Augustine grass. They knew within feet of where they were standing when she felt her ring come off and began immediately looking to see if they could find it. The grass was so so thick that they began to actually pull the grass up in places to be able to see down to the soil level below. After a few frustrating hours they thought of renting a metal detector but being New Years Day…nothing was open and they continued their Google search. They finally came across web site and found one of my stories…that I post after every successful search and recovery! They gave me a call and we met up later that afternoon. It only took a minute or two to actually find their lost engagement ring in the thick grass and the main reason is that they knew almost the exact spot they were standing in when the ring was dropped. That was a tremendous help in making it a quick and successful recovery!

I thank God for allowing me the privilege and opportunity to help Carlos and his beautiful fiancee and to be able to reunite them with their lost ring!

Lost something recently…or long ago…and need help finding it? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029

Mike McInroe… honored to be a member of

Lost diamond ring in the grass, Orlando, Florida….Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

*Call now for prompt Metal Detecting Service…I can answer any questions about how this service works and we can determine the chances of finding your lost metallic item! Call or text– 321-363-6029

On Thanksgiving Day Tessa and her family were enjoying some fun and games in the backyard when her ring went flying! Here is the account in Tessa’s own words. « On Thanksgiving Day I lost my engagement ring in my aunt’s backyard while playing corn hole with my fiancee. Before I knew it my engagement ring flew off my finger. I originally thought it would be a matter of me looking around where we were playing and I would find it, but hours passed and even with the help of my family and neighbors we couldn’t find my ring. The sun was going down and we even borrowed a metal detector from a friend and scoured the backyard. After hours of searching, nothing but bottle caps had turned up. We decided to start again when the sun came up the next day. We were hopeless and devastated. A family member said to me that there are professionals who can help you find a lost ring. I wasn’t sure where to start but I knew it was worth a shot. First thing the next morning I did a Google search to try to find a solution. I searched « Metal detector service Orlando ». With it being the day after Thanksgiving I wasn’t sure if I would have much luck. I came across Mike McInroe of Theringfinders. Reading testimonials of other searches Mike completed made it seem to me that I had found the person who could help.

I called Mike’s cell and he made it to my aunts house within an hour and a half! He asked me to tell him exactly what I was doing and where I was when it happened. He scanned the area and found my ring IN FIVE MINUTES! My family looked on in disbelief! My lost ring had been found! I felt myself get emotional and asked Mike if I could hug him. Before I knew it my aunt and mom were both hugging him as well! Even my uncle started tearing up–we were just overwhelmed with so many emotions at once. But most of all, pure happiness! Mike was nothing short of heaven sent. Our family cannot thank him enough for his services. If you have lost something that means something to you don’t despair, give Mike a call ». Tessa.

What an honor and privilege it has been to help Tessa and her family. I thank God for allowing my the opportunity to help them and to give us all one more thing to be thankful for during this Thanksgiving season!

Lost something and need help? Call or text me ASAP @ 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…thankful to be a member of

Lost Diamond in grass, Orlando, Florida…..Found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

In Tina’s own words, she says, »Saturday, March 11th I brought the dog out to do his business. He was taking his sweet time and as I was waiting for him I started fidgeting with my diamond ring, as I often do! With the first twirl around my finger I felt the diamond pop off of my ring. I was sure it just dropped straight down into the grass. I hurried the dog back inside and then returned to where I was standing so I could get a better look at the ground. It was no where to be found! I then woke up my husband and my son and they both rushed outside to help me look for my lost diamond. We even had a couple of our neighbors join in the hunt as well. After approximately 5 hours we decided to borrow a friend’s metal detector and we dug up a good section of our yard, but we had NO LUCK! We then waited until it got dark and went back out with a couple of strong flash lights to see if we could catch a glimmer of the diamond sparkling in the light but even that failed! It made it more difficult since it was just the diamond, with the prongs still attached and not the whole ring. So after exhausting all the suggestions we could think of I tried the internet and Googled « How to find a diamond in the grass »! Then I came across! There were a couple of Ring finder members in the Orlando area so I went with the one who had the most successful recoveries! I called Mike McInroe shortly after 12 noon and he was able to come by our house around 4:30pm that same day! He thoroughly searched the immediate area and after two hours my husband and I were starting to give up hope. And then all of a sudden Mike came over to me with my diamond in his hand!!! We were so so very thankful! It was truly a blessing that I found him on line and that he was able to find my precious diamond. We couldn’t thank him enough! »

Lost something special and need my help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe….thrilled to be a member of

Lost thrown ring, Orlando, Florida…..found and mailed to owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

This young couple was enjoying a night on the town and decided to call an Uber to help them get safely back to their hotel. Their ride dropped them off a few hundred yards from their hotel and as they walked they talked!! I am not exactly sure what the topic of conversation was but I do know that during their walk along the quiet street Mr. John Doe got very upset and took off his wedding ring and with a back handed throw sent his ring sailing into the street and the ping could be heard and then silence!

It didn’t take long for Mr John Doe to realize the error of his way and later that evening he returned with his phone and tried desperately to find his ring. But after a couple of hours of searching the street, the grass and even in the bushes he decided to look online for some help and typed in « Metal Detecting Service Orlando »! The first result was « » and as he checked out the « Directory » he noticed my name and all the successful recoveries and decided to give me a call. So we met later that day and « John » showed me where he thought he was when he threw his ring. At first I thought that it would be a fairly easy search but an hour and a half later I was beginning to have second thoughts. I expanded the search area by 30 feet on either side and still no ring. It was getting late and « John » was planning on starting their drive north that same day…so I assured him that I would come back later in the week to look some more. He was very happy to hear that and then we parted ways.

The next weekend I returned and decided to look even further along the street, searching the bushes and the 8 foot grass strip along the street. At one point I was a good 45 yards away from the area where « John » said he threw his ring and while I was swinging my detector along the curb and over onto the grass, I glanced out onto the street and low and behold there was the young man’s ring…just laying in the street. I could not believe my eyes and was so, so thankful to see it just sitting there untouched and not a scratch on it. I made a quick little video with my phone and sent it to the owner and he was thrilled that I actually found it! And a couple of days later it was mailed off to « John » and so the story continues!

Lost your ring, or something valuable? Call or text me ASAP!

Mike McInroe….here to help you!