I was frantically called by a family enjoying the beach. Her Cartier ring had fallen off her and was somewhere in the sand. I raced over and was able to quickly find it. If you have lost something and need someone to come out and find it, give me and call or text. Louis 305-608-1870.
I received a call from about his wedding ring he lost while out hunting with his son. In the congratulating his son on his first deer, the ring came off of his finger and flew into the woods. They searched for it at the time and then came back on a couple of occasions to see if he could find it, but was never able to locate it. He finally found me online and called, we met up and in a drenching downpourI followed him back into the area he had lost it. I searched the primary area then moved to the expanding search around the perimeter, finally locating it after about a 1/2 hr. He was very relieved to have it back on his finger after a year and said his wife would be equally pleased for the symbol of their marriage to be back in place. Thanks for the reward, and glad to see it back where it belongs.
I received a text from Tammy last Saturday evening asking me if I helped people find lost rings on Honeymoon Island, Dunedin Fl. Tammy and her husband live in Illinois and were visiting her sister Becky and parents in Dunedin for her birthday. Earlier that day, they were enjoying some beach time when Tammy removed her wedding ring (white gold and diamonds) to apply sunscreen, either laying it on her towel or in the cup holder of the chair. Several hours later, Tammy and Becky moved their chairs to a less windy location but Tammy didn’t realize that her ring was missing until she had left the beach. She guessed that either the ring had flown off the towel when she shook the sand off or it dropped from the chair when she folded it up. Tammy returned to search for the ring but was unable to locate it before it got dark. Becky posted the lost ring on several neighborhood sites and Tammy had found me and the Ring Finders through an internet search.
I met Tammy and Becky at Dog Beach on Honeymoon Island on Sunday morning. My wife Jan came along to outline grids and for moral support and Becky’s neighbor Chip helped search with an older Garrett detector. They were certain that the ring was lost at their first beach location but the the first grid area was still several hundred feet long by about 75 feet wide (fortunately, tides would not be an issue). I searched this area while Chip searched an area further south. After several hours of finding only pull tabs, bottle caps, and a few coins, I quickly searched Chip’s area again while he moved north of the first search area. I swept some of the north area as well including their second beach location which was easily identified by some beach vegetation before we decided to take a break after about three hours. Tammy was obviously discouraged and had not slept much the night before. She was scheduled to fly back to Illinois at 6am Monday morning.
I went home for about an hour and returned to the beach to renew the search. I swept the first area again and then went further south than I had previously searched. I continued to recover some beach trash as well as coins but I was digging every target. I then moved back to the north search area to work a new grid. After another two hours of searching, I had yet to recover the ring and I needed to leave to meet friends for dinner. As I walked even further north towards the beach access still swinging my Nox, I registered an 11-12 about 4” deep. I had similar targets earlier but dug only scrap. I was so tired of digging with the scoop I just kicked the spot with my foot until I uncovered the target which of course turned out to be Tammy’s ring! Call it just pure luck or maybe divine guidance, but I walked over the exact spot while leaving the beach! At first I just looked in disbelief and then looked around for someone to celebrate with but unfortunately I had the beach to myself.
I texted Tammy a photo of the ring and received an exclamation point filled reply. Coincidentally, my wife and I were to have dinner with friends that evening at a home near where Tammy was staying so I returned the wedding ring to her that evening.
Tammy, thank you for allowing me to help you recover your precious wedding ring.
I received a call from a Texas Aggie that he lost his ring in the Guadalupe River near Hunt, Texas. Being that the Guadalupe is a spring-fed river and it nearing the end of September, I arranged a search before the water got too cold (no wetsuits). Shane (my son and searching partner) and I arrived at the location and met Rick. He explained that he was standing in the river and threw a stick across the river for his dog to fetch. When he did, his 1981 Aggie ring came off his finger at the same time! He pointed us to where he was standing and gave a pretty good idea of which direction he threw the stick. After searching the river (up to our necks at times) for about 1.5 hours with the Garrett AT Pro metal detector and eliminating several good target sounds, a great ring tone sounded in my Grey Ghost earphones. Shane dove down and when he came up the ring was in his hand! Whoop! Rick was excited and very appreciative of the return of his Aggie ring. If you lose your jewelry or valuables call a member of the TheRingFinders.com as soon as possible! In the Kerrville or Fredericksburg area contact me.
Bridget’s 2 Carat Diamond Platinum Engagement Ring
On the morning of the 30th of January, I received a phone call from a woman who was extremely stressed out about her beautiful 2 carat diamond platinum engagement ring that went missing the day before somewhere between home and work.
Diamond and Setting Separated in Snowstorm but Ring Finder Brian Rudolph Miraculously Found the « Ice » in the « Ice »!
Bridget and her husband reside in Centreville, Virginia which is located 30 minutes from Washington D.C.. The night before, they frantically searched for the missing ring at their home and when they couldn’t find it anywhere inside and outside of the house, they resolved to go to Bridget’s work to search throughout her office, in the waste paper baskets, in and around the company kitchen area, and outside in the parking lot where her car was parked that afternoon. They tried everything, but they couldn’t find the ring anywhere. That’s when they finally resolved to look online for a professional metal detectorist and they found me in a directory of metal detectorists known as The Ring Finders. We can find what most people just cannot recover.
I was so happy to talk with Bridget and to try to help her find her abs
Ring Finally Brought Above the Snow!
olutely gorgeous diamond ring that meant the world to her. The first thing I did was to spend a whole lot of time on the phone talking with her about all of the different possibilities of where the ring may have ended up.
Brian and Bridget Celebrate the Gorgeous Engagement Ring Found!
She was extremely detailed about each scenario and it really helped me to paint an accurate picture as to all of the main areas that we needed to search first. The ring could have been lost outside of her home from the car area over to the house or it could have been lost inside of her work or outside in the parking lot. But she really believed that she was wearing it while driving home the day before because she felt that she would have recognized the ring missing on her hand as she was holding on to the steering wheel. A very important clue!
Bridget’s Lost 2 Carat Diamond Engagement Ring Back In Her Hands!
I arrived in Centreville, Virginia in the early afternoon and met Bridget outside of her home. She was trying to stay positive in the midst of many doubts within her that she might never see her engagement ring ever again. It’s because she and her husband Jim checked everywhere and nothing turned up. I reassured her that there was no compromise here and that it was not a matter of « if » we would find the ring, but « when »we would find it. She felt reassured about it and I told her that I would try my very best to find the ring and return it to her.
I got my gear on and started the hunt. I purposely started away from the house where people might get curious as to what I was searching for. Most people were still at work and so searching in the open areas first would allow me to get the exposed areas eliminated before people got back to the neighborhood. I didn’t want to alert any of the neighbors that something important was lost, just in case they might want to search themselves. There was a high probability that the ring was lost near the steps of the house, perhaps buried in the bushes. You see, she remembers reaching for her phone from within her jacket pocket when she was outside shoveling the steps leading to her house door. It was possible that the ring had fallen off at that point and then maybe she shoveled the ring along with the snow, off into the bushes.
I did check the bushes but to no avail. I also checked Bridget’s car with her approval because there are times when the item is lost somewhere in a vehicle even after the owner looks over and over again. It was definitely not in the Audi. I checked the parking lot and the surrounding sidewalk areas and lawn areas near the walkways but nothing turned up. The next order of business was to check the grassy areas on either side of the sidewalk leading up to Bridget’s house. This took a considerable amount of time because there was still a sizable amount of snow on the ground from a previous snow fall.
Bridget’s Amazing 2 Carat Engagement Ring Found in Two Parts in Snow!
When I could not find the ring, even though I checked plenty of possible signals, I took a break from detecting and spent a little bit of time researching my database of previous finds and the signal numbers that were seen with similar rings that were lost before.
I was then back at it, looking intently with my metal detector to locate Bridget’s beloved diamond ring. It wasn’t too long after I returned to detecting the front and side lawn areas of their house that I got the signal I was looking for! The numbers on the machine lined up perfectly with what I was studying earlier on my database. The target was at a shallow depth and I was confident more than ever that I had what I was looking for! I quickly searched the area where I detected and there it was, just below the surface in the snow! I found the ring! I was beyond elated! Because the ring could have been anywhere according to Bridget, we scored a huge home run! I went to the car and got my camera and returned at once to take some pictures before telling Bridget the great news. This is when things got a little dicey. My search was not over!
I was so excited when I found the ring that I didn’t think to dust it off to review the condition of the jewel. You see, it was just lying under the snow and nobody had walked over it since yesterday afternoon. So I didn’t think that there was any need to do a thorough review of it before returning to the car to retrieve my camera. But when I dusted it off to get some better pictures of the diamond ring, there was one big problem! There was no diamond in the setting! I was blown away by this discovery because there was still plenty of snow and ice on the ground and it would have been nearly impossible to find a 2 carat « piece of precious ice » in the midst of all of that cold, white ice outside! My heart was so discouraged. The ring setting was mangled on one side and it was most likely accidentally damaged when the owner was shoveling the front steps.
Bridget Smiles Again After 2 Carat Engagement Ring is Found
The only thing I could do at that point was to carefully sift through the snow where the ring was, with the hope that the diamond was resting close by to the setting. This assumption meant that the diamond would have just come out of the setting when it landed in that place. And to my very happy surprise, that is exactly what happened! I found the diamond! I found it just inches away from the setting! I couldn’t believe it! I traced an imaginary circle with a 6 inch diameter around where I found the setting and sure enough this huge, gorgeous, priceless rock appeared in the midst of all of the snow and ice on the ground! It gave off the most amazing display of fireworks and sparkles! I found it! I really found it! The setting and the diamond were now both recovered and were both ready to be returned back to the worried owner who was inside the house doing work, hoping that she would get a knock at the door with a solid report.
I couldn’t wait to share the great news with Bridget! I knocked on the door and as soon as she opened it I told her that I found the ring! She was so beyond happy! I did tell her that there was good news and also some bad news and to grab a sandwich baggie from the kitchen. She met me outside and I showed her where the ring had rested near a tree in the front of the property and I explained what happened to the setting. She couldn’t believe that I found the diamond in the snow! It could have landed anywhere if the diamond came apart from the setting at any other place in time other than when it landed beside the tree where I found it!
Bridget was so relieved and grateful for what I was able to do to return the ring to her. I went inside and we took some pictures and video conferenced her husband Jim who was very happy at the conclusion of my search! Then, we said our goodbyes and I headed off to my next appointment.
Bridget’s Diamond & Setting Reunited on Her Finger Again!
Bridget and Jim’s smile and their feelings of elation, knowing that the ring was back in their hands just made my day! My job is just the most fun one could ever have! Bringing smiles to people’s faces can’t get any better than this!
Bridget had a birthday just a couple of weeks later. While she and her husband were celebrating at a five star resort, they sent me a photo of Bridget’s incredibly huge diamond that was now resting back in its proper ring setting, together once more on Bridget’s finger!
I can’t fully express just how special it felt to be a part of that reunion!
Check out my YouTube Channel at THE RING RETURNER to view the video of this ring recovery and more! Like and Subscribe if you enjoy it!
I got a call from Matt at 7 this morning asking if I could help try and find his wife (Denise’s) wedding and engagement ring set she lost yesterday afternoon in waist deep water.
I got there about an hour later and Matt showed me the area and gave me a great description of where Denise was at when the ring came off. I started my grid and after 30 minutes I reevaluated where I was searching in comparison with the time and tide when she lost it. I moved up the beach, started a new grid and after another 30 minutes got a great signal. Bingo!!! Met Matt and Denise inside the hotel they were staying at because a heavy storm with lightening had come up and it wasn’t a good idea to be standing on the beach with metal in my hands.
Denise’s expression says it all and she stated « I thought I’d never see it again. » There is absolutely nothing better than finding someone’s special treasure that they thought was gone forever.
Matt and Denise thank you for trusting me to find your treasure and for the very generous reward. Enjoy the rest of your vacation with piece of mind.
I got a referral from my son-in-law on a lost ring he saw on Craigslist. I contacted Ruth, whose husband, Todd had lost his wedding band while they were here on vacation from North Carolina. After talking with Ruth she explained that the wedding band had originally belonged to her father and that Todd took a liking to it and started wearing it about 6 months ago. Ruth also said that Todd had lost the ring in the surf about 2 hours before high tide.
I got the description and location which I then learned was lost behind a resort in Myrtle Beach. Normally I would pass this off to Matt Fry the TRF member in Myrtle Beach but I didn’t want to further complicate this so I took the request.
I ended up at the location and searched extensively for the next 3 days during the low tides with absolutely no luck. By then I was convinced someone else had found the ring. After my third search, I contacted Jim Brouwer, President of our local MD hunting club, asking him if he’d put the description out to the other members to see if anyone had found the ring and if so, was willing to return it. Jim replied saying he had found a similar ring around the same location. Wow, what’s the chances of this all falling into place? I contacted Ruth the next day asking if she could provide a picture of the ring and her husband’s ring finger size. About 3 hours later Ruth sent me the information and I forwarded it on to Jim along with Ruth’s contact information. Bingo – we had an exact match. Jim got the ring in the mail and back to Todd and Ruth.
A big thanks goes to Jim Brouwer for his complete understanding, cooperation, and willingness to help return a treasure and put a smile on Todd’s face.
I got a call from Evan on Friday, Sept 11th asking if I could look for his ring that he lost Aug 7th while on vacation here from Texas. When he called I was on a little weekend vacation with my wife and at the time we were on a tour boat to Ft. Sumter SC. I told him I’d be glad to look and I’d call him back Sunday for the details.
I ended up texting and then calling him Saturday night and got a general vicinity of where he lost his ring. In our conversation he said that he and his wife were here vacationing with his Law school buddy but he wasn’t familiar with North Myrtle Beach and wasn’t real sure where they were. He told me that he is confined to an electric wheelchair and thought they were close to the Cherry Grove beach. He also sent me a video that his wife had taken that showed his friend Gary carrying him out into the surf and the point that both were knocked over by a wave causing the ring to come off Evan’s finger. Luckily the video showed Gary carrying Evan past 2 posts stuck in the sand with a sign attached to one of the posts to indicate the location of a drainage pipe. This helped narrow the search area but I still wasn’t completely positive of where Gary and Evan were. Early Sunday evening I went to the presumed area looking for the 2 posts with a sign and the drainage pipe. There were two possible locations about 3 blocks apart so I did a 360 degree video of both locations and sent them back to Evan and his wife, Summer to look over and see if anything looked familiar. Evan and his wife both were pretty sure the 1st video was the right spot. I returned later that evening and searched until just above low tide at 2:30 am. I went back again on Monday at low tide and I still wasn’t convinced I was in the right spot. Evan was finally able to get a hold of Gary and Gary’s father on Wednesday and confirmed I was in the right area.
Thursday I was back at the same spot and searched from the dry to the wet sand and out into knee deep surf. Still no luck except for totally cleaning the dry sand of every bottle cap and other piece of trash in a 25X75 ft. area!!! Meanwhile I was e-mailing back and forth with friend Jim Brouwer, and president of one of the metal detecting hunting clubs in Myrtle Beach to see if he knew of anybody in the club that might have found the ring. In one of the e-mails Jim asked me if I had found it yet and I told him no but was going back out on Saturday at 4pm and if he wanted to come out to come on.
Saturday, I got there a little early after studying Evan’s video over and over again. I tried to position myself exactly where I thought Gary had started walking into the surf. Then I estimated the angle Gary walked since he didn’t walk straight in. I counted the number of steps (38) and the length of each step Gary took. I drew out a square gridline dragging my scoop in the sand. I also drug the scoop at the angle I thought Gary walked from the spot I thought he started to the low tide line and then started my grid search. Jim showed up around 5 and started a grid to the south of where I was. My search was from North to South and Jim’s was from South to North, after a number of passes I had to stop because Jim’s machine was interfering with mine. Jim ended up moving a little further south and started working a North to South grid. Right at 6:15 I had a medium signal right under my angle line I had dug in the sand showing my estimated line Gary walked. Bingo I had Evan’s College Ring in my scoop. I couldn’t believe it.
After 6 weeks and a day of being lost I wasn’t sure the ring was going to be found. We’ve had a lot of sanding over here and there’s always the possibility of another metal detectorist finding it. I had my PI set at maximum sensitivity and it took 4 or 5 scoops to pull it out from a depth of at least 10-12 inches or more.
Evan had shared his story with me on just how important his ring was to him and it truly touched me. Every ring return brings me great joy but this has a very special meaning and one I’ll never forget!!!
I mailed Evan’s Ring Monday and he got it today, Wednesday. I got a text from him saying “WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE!!!! You have mail coming your way but will never understand how grateful I am for you and all of your tireless hours!!!!”
This is what this is all about and it just doesn’t get any better than this.
Evan – Thank you so much for the opportunity and your trust in me to find your treasure!!
I got a phone call about mid-morning from Michelle asking if I could help find her son’s black and silver medallion on a silver chain that was very sentimental to him that he lost the day before. She had originally called Chris Turner who told her to look for a TRF in her area. She then called Matt Fry, TRF for Myrtle Beach and Matt gave her my number since the loss was in North Myrtle Beach.
I got the description of the medallion and the location of the loss and headed out. I met Michelle and her son on the beach about 20 minutes later and they gave me the general area where the medallion was lost after a towel the item was laying on was picked up and shaken. I started working a north/south grid which was almost impossible as the beach crowd started showing up with their umbrellas and beach chairs laying claim to spots in the sand. I covered as much area as I could without disturbing anyone and decided I’d return in the early evening when the vacationers would be off the beach.
This is where the story turns into a real “Serendipity” (as defined by Wikipedia). I arrived back on the beach at about 5pm, which was an hour earlier then I had told Michelle I’d be there. As I’m walking down the narrow beach access path, which was not the same one I had originally taken on my first visit, I passed a gentleman (Jimmy) who wished me luck. I told him I was there searching for an item that I had gotten a call from someone on. He asked me if I was searching for a black and silver medallion and silver chain with a date engraved on the back. I replied I was and he told me he and his wife saw a little glisten in the sand when they arrived and pulled it out of the sand. He said he took it to his room to turn in at the front desk a little later. I about fell over at this point. I called Michelle and had her verify the engraved date and told her the story which she just couldn’t believe. She called it a miracle. I put Jimmy on the phone so he and Michelle could work out the details of returning the medallion.
This is an unbelievable story that has to go down as Michelle put it – a miracle. What’s the odds of me walking down this particular path instead of the other one, running into this one beachgoer out of the thousands that come and go on this beach in a day and us exchanging conversation to find this item? Plus I don’t think Michelle and her family are staying in the same hotel as Jimmy and his wife, so if that’s the case Michelle’s son would not have gotten the medallion back. Also if I hadn’t run into Jimmy I’d of been out on the beach for a long time searching for something that wasn’t there.
I may not have personally picked this item out of the sand but I bumped into the one guy who did and because we met the goal of The Ring Finders of getting a lost item back into the hands of the rightful owner and putting a BIG smile on their face was obtained.
I received an e-mail through my Ring Finders address at about 9:30 pm from Chad here on vacation from WV. His e-mail said he had lost his wedding ring 4 days earlier during high tide while swimming in the ocean. He went on to tell me that the ring was very sentimental because it belonged to his grandfather and that it was a gold wedding band with approx. 5 small diamonds going across » the top evenly spaced. He also thought it was 10K but wasn’t 100% sure. He requested that if I find it or know of anyone who might find it to please call him. He also said there was a gentlemen on the beach metal detecting at the time he lost it and he also requested from him that if he finds it to please call him.
I responded back to Chad advising him that I’d be willing to help ,him and even though it was getting late I could be there within 15 minutes and catch the outgoing tide. In a follow up e-mail he stated he’d like to have me look for it so away I went. He and his family were out enjoying the sites of Myrtle Beach so I got there before he did and started searching where I thought he had described. Needless to say I was off about 25-50 yards. It wasn’t too long before he showed up and got me on track. As we were walking towards the new search area I asked him where he was from and when he told me WV I told him that just the night before I had found a young lady’s ring who was also from WV. Ironically she was his sister in law.
I started searching the low tide line working my way back towards the beach. It was late so Chad went back to his room. I worked my grid for about an hour and a half finding all the typical beach junk and finally got a good signal. The ring was deeper than I thought it would be but none the less it was the ring. I called him and just told him to meet me outside, I think he thought I was finished for the night. He met me and I held the ring out and he was shocked that I found it. Another very happy ending!!!!
Thank you Chad for the gracious reward.
I received the following e-mail from Jaime Plymale:
Author: Jaime Plymale (Chad’s wife)
You are a kind, amazing man!!! A man of many miracles, an angel on earth!!! I cried when my husband showed me his lost ring that you found after 4 days and heavy storms!! When he lost it, I didn’t think we would ever see it again! I wish I would have been there to personally give you a hug!! What you do is wonderful and I am thankful for your help!!! Thanks so much!!!