lost wedding band Tag | Page 35 of 88 | The Ring Finders

Wedding Band Left Behind After Beach Trip With The Pups, FOUND

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Lindsey & Mike were on the Emerald Isle Beach with their son and 2 dogs.  Mike placed his wedding band in a bag before heading into the water.  Between the fun on the beach, playing with their son and the dogs, the bag holding the ring was moved and the ring fell out unbeknownst to the young couple.  After leaving the beach, Mike asked Lindsey for his ring and she had thought he had already taken it from the bag.

I was on my way later that day to recover another ring in the opposite direction.  After some communications between Lindsey and I, I headed to the beach location the next day with a friend to search.  The beach was crowded, of course, for a Saturday and this made some of the areas I suspected the ring to be located unavailable.  After some time and expanding the search area, Mike’s ring was found at the top of a slope very close to being washed into the ocean.  I took a picture as soon as possible and sent it on the Lindsey.  We met the following day for the return.

Mother’s Ring Lost During Surf City Fishing Trip Found And Returned

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Lori & Herb were fishing in a favorite location on the Surf City beach.  This place was extra special to Lori as she had placed a few of her mother’s ashes in this location last year on her mother’s birthday July 13th.  Her mother had plans to visit Surf City but unfortunately, due to her health wasn’t able to travel to this very nice town.  Lori had always loved her mother’s ring growing up and when her mother passed away, Lori informed me it was the only item she wanted to hold onto as a keepsake of her mother and her parents 54 years of marriage.

While fishing the coastline just before sunset, Lori had went down to the water’s edge to wash her hands after baiting a hook.  The surf came in and her mother’s cherished ring slid off and buried into the sand.  Lori frantically tried to dig it back out of the beach sand.  Herb advised her it may not be a good idea as the movement could cause it to sink more or even be tossed to another location.  Herb followed a local Metal Detecting group on social media and immediately posted a plea for help.  My friend Justin saw this post just a couple of minutes afterwards and informed me to contact Herb ASAP.  Herb was amazed at how fast we contacted him and both Justin and I headed in their direction.  Fortunately, the tide was going out, so I knew we’d find the ring in the wet sand.  Upon arrival, Herb & Lori wisely marked the area with a glow in the dark stick since the sun had already set.  We began a search and my 1st target was a solid 12-07 on my Minelab CTX-3030.  One scoop into the sand and my Garrett Pro-Pointer AT sounded off on a golf ball size clump of sand. It was then, I noticed the white gold peeking out.  I grabbed the whole piece and placed into Lori’s hands.  She didn’t seem to believe what she was seeing as her mother’s ring was once more back in her possession.  Lori’s was filled with emotion and relief!  We had a very enjoyable conversation afterwards an as it was getting late, we parted ways.  I hope to see them on the beach again soon.

Lost Diamond Engagement Ring Recovered and Returned in Wilmington, DE!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

In her own words via text Valerie was desperate and distraught when she reached out to me to help find her missing diamond engagement ring. She lost it in the front yard of her Wilmington, DE home…she actually lost both her wedding band and engagement ring but was able to find the band after frantic hours of searching. She spent hours searching for the white gold, diamond engagement ring before finding me in the Ring Finder Directory. She texted me and I called her right away…told her I could be there that afternoon. She was stuck at work till 9 pm but said her daughter, Kylie, would be there and could assist me. When I got to her home I called Valerie and asked where she was in the yard when she lost her rings…she told me sort of in the middle…maybe to the left of the front door. The grass was a bit high and bushy so I could see how it would be difficult to find the ring without a metal detector. Anyway 60 seconds later and maybe 5-6 sweeps of my machine I got the all-to-familiar surface gold tone on my machine! Bent down…parted the grass…and there was her beautiful ring!  I had knocked on the door to introduce myself to Kylie when I first arrived….now I was knocking on the door again 3 minutes later to hand her her mom’s ring! She was very happy I was able to find and return her mom’s lost ring. I understand Valerie did some screaming at work when she heard the news! Always fun and rewarding when you can come through for nice people!

Successful Recovery Mission: Lost Engagement Ring Rescued from Sneaker Wave at Rincon Beach Park

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)
Dave MacDonald Finds Lost Ring in the Sand at Rincon Beach Carpinteria
Late last night, Ashley texted me in a panic: her three-week-old engagement ring had disappeared into the sand at Rincon Beach Carpinteria after a sneaker wave crashed her beach gathering. The chaos scattered their belongings across a daunting 100-yard-by-20-yard stretch between the low and high tide lines. As Dave MacDonald, the expert behind davetheringfinder.com, I knew I could recover her lost ring in the sand at Rincon Beach Carpinteria.
I arrived at Rincon Beach Carpinteria and started at the most likely spot. The sand stayed silent—no hits. Undeterred, I teamed up with Ashley to retrace her steps along the beach, gridding the area with my scoop to cover every inch. We moved toward the regrouping spot post-wave, a common hideout for a lost ring in the sand at Rincon Beach Carpinteria. Three minutes into scanning, my metal detector sang—a clear, sharp tone. With one precise scoop, I pulled Ashley’s engagement ring from the sand, safe at last.
This recovery proves persistence and expertise win when finding a lost ring in the sand at Rincon Beach Carpinteria. Ashley’s quick call to davetheringfinder.com made it possible.
Lost a Ring in the Sand at Rincon Beach Carpinteria? Call Dave Now!
Lost an engagement ring or jewelry in the sand at Rincon Beach Carpinteria? I’m Dave MacDonald, your local ring finder. Visit davetheringfinder.com or call/text 805-290-5009 for fast, professional recovery. Don’t wait—reclaim your treasure today!
Lost ring in the sand at Rincon Beach Carpinteria? Call 805-290-5009 for expert help!

Needless to say we were both as excited as we could be because poor Ashley had been waiting 9 years for this ring and she deserved a better resolution than a lost engagement ring! Ashley did the right thing and got ahold of me as soon as she could and we didn’t have to fight the tides or other detectorists to recover her ring. I’m retired so I’m available at 805-290-5009 to hunt day or night to get you back your ring, bracelet, pendant, keys or even a phone.

Engagement Ring Lost In Emerald Isle Waters Recovered By Crystal Coast Ring Finders

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

It was a beautiful Saturday for a swim along the Southern Outer Banks, also known as the Crystal Coast.  After Melanie was in water up to her waist, she thought it best to remove her rings before proceeding.  Her intention was to attach them to a hair band.  After removing her rings, her engagement ring slipped out of her hand into the Emerald Isle surf.  Her father recommended that she contact Crystal Coast Ring Finders after he posted a plea on a social media sight and received a recommendation to contact us.  Melanie called me shortly after loosing her ring and I made plans to meet her to begin the search.  I firmly believe her quick action to notify me as soon as possible definitely helped me locate her ring in the water.  Her and her husband knew the general area of where she was standing in the waist deep water at the time of the loss ring.  The beach in this area currently has very soft sand and heavy objects such as gold can sink below detection depth quickly.  She explained to me it had been a bad day with the loss of the ring and missing a flight but I am sure I helped ease her troubles with the thing that meant so much to her

Found, Wedding Band in the water near Pensacola Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

The shorebreak was still pounding on the beach this past weekend. Brett was playing in the surf when his ring slipped off his finger and disappeared in the foamy surf in about knee deep water. There was a strong down the beach current from the surf and Brett was afraid his ring got caught in the current. It was a big heavy ring with lots of area for the water to push on. He and his friends searched for quite some time with no success. Brett lived out of town and had go home but called me the next day and I said I would do my best to help. I started a search a few hours later based on Brett’s best recollection only to discover that the beach had change shape which is common on Pensacola Beach. The landmarks he relied on no longer existed. There were lots of people on beach the day before and once I got started searching four different people told me about the ring being lost and where it was lost, with each location being different in a 300 foot area! I called Brett and explained we needed to do a bit of detective work to locate the area to search. Fortunately he is very good at estimating distances. Based on structures off the beach, calculating the tide and waiting for the tide to reach the same depth as the time the ring was lost, I started the search again. Within about 45 minutes I got a good repeatable signal. Brett’s ring Apparently sank rapidly in the soft sand that was being agitated by the surf and soon was about 8 or 10 inch deep. After three scoops his ring was recovered. I immediately took a picture of the ring and sent it to him. It was a beautiful ring and Brett’s smile says it all. I was happy I could make his day.

Lost Rings…Found Cedar Rapids, Iowa


I was contacted by a woman who lost her engagement ring and wedding band while cooling off in about four feet of water at a city park.

She met me there today and stood in about the same area and I was able to recover both rings. It was gratifying to return her rings. I think she said the engagement ring was 50 years old and was handed down in the family.

Wedding band lost twice, found twice. Yarmouth, Massachusetts

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

(June 14) The Vacationing wedding band has found its way back to its owner for the second time. Twelve years ago, Jim felt his wedding band slip from his finger into the depths of a Maine lake. Then a year later Jim was snorkeling in the area where the loss occurred and to his luck the sun was shining just right and reveled a sparkle from his ring that was just sitting on top of rock some 6 feet below the surface. Jim did a shallow dive and retrieved the ring and replaced it on his finger.

All was well until last year while vacationing on Cape Cod. With the excitement of a quick dip in Nantucket Sound Jim forgot to leave his ring on shore, safe with his wife, until his return. You guessed it…the ring once again took a vacation from Jim’s finger. Eleven months later I was enjoying a late spring afternoon of detecting when I happened upon the ring in waist deep water. With only a name and date I had little hope of finding its owner. Six weeks later I was in the same area detecting with little success of finding even a single coin when a strong signal was heard. The target turned out to be a Parrot drone. As I put the drone in my pouch, I was approached by Jim who had the usual question…Find anything? I showed him the drone and then he told me of losing his wedding band last year. His description said it was engraved with his wife’s name Karen. That rang a bell and I told him I just might have the ring at home and I would search my finds and call him back that night.

I was running a bit late for dinner…it was ready just as I walked into my home. I ate dinner, had a cup of coffee and nodded off to sleep. I woke with a startle; I had not looked for the ring or called Jim. Three minutes later I had the ring in my hand and dialed Jim. Unbelievable, the way things happen at times. Jim and I set a time to meet and for me to return his wedding band. The meeting turned into a luncheon with a great conversation on detecting and life experiences.

This was about the end of the story with smiles and happiness all around. Our last thoughts were about the drone not knowing that I would find the owner and return it the next day.

Beautiful, Sentimental Gold Charms Lost, Recovered and Returned in Swedesboro, NJ!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Got a late night text from Renee after she found me in the Ring Finder Directory. After a few days of frantic searching and the purchase and attempted use of a cheap metal detector she decided to reach out to a professional! In our text conversation she shared with me that she was out berry-picking at her home in the Swedesboro, NJ area when her hand got caught in her beautiful gold, charm-laden necklace and the chain broke spilling all the charms over a grassy area. She was able to find the chain and 2-3 of the charms but couldn’t locate 2 of them. She told me that she acquired the charms in France many years ago….and they were extremely important to her. I agreed to meet her the following afternoon. Upon arrival to her home I first asked to see the similar charms she was able to recover….I scanned them with my detector to firstly make sure my machine could pick them up and secondly to calibrate my machine to pick up just them when scanning the area. She made it easy for me by marking the area where the chain broke and she found several of the charms. I was about 3 minutes into the search when my machine let out a sweet low tone that suggested gold! With Renee at my shoulder I bent down and pushed some grass out of the way….there they were! The immediate relief and joy showing on Renee’s face makes it all worth it! I was very happy to be able to reunite Renee with her very important and sentimental charms!

Found Olympic Ring!

  • from Pacifica (California, United States)

After a marriage proposal on the beach, an Olympian lost a ring commemorating her participation as the first female to represent Puerto Rico in Rowing on their Olympic team. Her fiance found me here on The Ringfinders and I went to find locate it. Baker Beach is Federally regulated so we aren’t allowed to detect there normally but going on a quest to find a lost ring?! I was going to get it done no matter what.

And I did!

Found Olympic Ring

V. Toro’s Olympic ring from the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

Video short here https://youtu.be/x2bUdwwQMSM