Lost and Found Alberta Tag | The Ring Finders

Anniversary Gold Ring Dropped Inside a Vehicle! Charlton Heights Sherwood Park.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Adele called me asking if I was able to find her anniversary ring lost between her seats in her vehicle she told me she just left her nail salon and the nail care technician told her that her ring was very loose on her finger and she said to Adele to get her ring resized  before she lost it, While Adele was driving home she stopped at a red light, she took off her ring to switch the ring over to her other finger and thats when the ring fell between her seat and disappeared after I asked Adele my usual questions I agreed to help locate her ring. The next day Adele was going on Vacation for a week so the ring stayed in her Vehicle while she was gone, in the back of her mind she kept thinking of her ring, when she arrived back home  she did a Google search how to find a lost ring in a car and found the Ringfinders webpage and contacted me. While driving to Sherwood Park I said to myself this will be an easy search and it should not take long to locate her ring, I meet Adele at her home she took me into the garage and she told me that’s her car and the ring was in it somewhere because she heard a ring Ping and ring disappeared, Adele looked for the ring also her husband spent a couple of hours removing the mats and checking everywhere with no luck. I started to check the situation out and found out the only place the ring could be was the ring had made its way through the opening in the carpet and must have ended on the floor on her vehicle and that the ping she heard. I got my bore scope camera out and carefully inserted between the carpet and the vent, check around but could not see any sign of the ring so the next thing I removed the four bolts that held the seat to the frame of the car but could not disconnect the seat completely due to the Airbags where attached and if had disconnected the seat the Air bags could deploy. I then carefully cut a slit in the carpet where the vents came through the carpet to gain more access to the vehicle frame then through the bore scope I could see her ring then I was able to reach her ring and handed her ring back to Adele. Boy was I wrong when I said to myself this was going to be an easy search in total it took me over three hours to find the ring and put her vehicle back together again. Adele and her husband were overjoyed to have the ring back on her finger once again. Thank you Adele and Nick it was a pleasure meeting you both and having a successful search.

14k Gold Wedding Band Found Lendrum Neighborhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Received this e-mail from Samantha last evening!

Help with lost ring

July 7, 2020 8:10 PM

Good Evening,

My husband lost his brand new wedding ring this evening at a beach volleyball court in Lendrum in Edmonton tonight. We have been unable to locate it ourselves this evening and wonder when your next availability is?

Thank you,

Knowing how critical this search was I immediately e-mailed her back asking her to call me.  Within ten minutes her husband Mitchell called to explain how he had lost his ring, so I agreed to meet Mitchell within 30 minutes at the court.

When I arrived at the volleyball court the heavens opened up and it poured. The court quickly started to flood. Mitchell told me he just got married to Samantha six weeks ago which made me even more determined that the ring had to be back on his finger quickly.

I told Mitchell to show me exactly where and how he lost his ring! Mitchell was close to the net so his ring either flew ahead of him or to the back of him.  Of course the court is filling up with water making it seem like a soup bowl.

Within twenty minute I received a wonderful tone from his 14k gold ring buried in the sand.  The look on Mitchell face said it all.

Thank you, Mitchell and Samantha for entrusting me to locate your lost ring.

Another happy client!


Lost Ring Willmore Park Edson Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



I received a call from Rod regarding his fiancee’s lost engagement ring.  After asking Rod a few questions I agreed to drive out to Edson which is a 2 hrs drive west of Edmonton.  I told Rod to have his fiancee  call me.

Tamara called me and explained that she was walking on the trails in Willmore park and noticed that her ring was missing from her finger.  Tamara told me that she had a metal detector and had spent a few hours retracing her foot path but had not found the ring.  I asked her if she had checked her car and the clothing she was wearing that day and she told me she had gone through everything and everywhere and that her kids had also checked.

When I meet up with Tamara in Edson  I again asked her if she had checked her car and jacket pockets and she said yes,  then as we drove to the area where she thought she had lost her ring, and as I get out of  my car at the park, I heard Tamara screaming « I found my ring ».   She had found her ring in the inside pocket of her Jacket!

Thank you Tamara for calling me to help you find your Ring.

Lost 10k Gold Wedding Band, Westmount Neighborhood Edmonton, Alberta – Found

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received an email from Robert requesting my services to locate a family heirloom which had been given to him by his late grandfather. Robert told me he was gardening with his wife and he had his hands in his raised garden beds also in his flower beds. After he was done he gathered all the dead foliage into plastic bags and then he realized the ring was missing of his finger.
I told Robert I was out of town until Wednesday so I assured him that since the ring was lost on his property it was in a safe place and to not throw any of the garbage bags out until I checked them.
Once at Robert’s house he showed me where the ring could possibly be, and he checked the area for a couple of hours with no luck.
The soil in the five raised beds was eight inches deep and Robert told me that he was digging with his bare hands to the bottom of the beds. I used my propinter to check his beds and had no luck. I also checked the flower beds with no luck so then I checked his four garbage bags. The third bag contained his ring! Robert was very grateful to have his grandfather’s ring back on his finger.
Thank you Robert for entrusting me and The Ringfinders.

Norm Peters

Lost Silver Ring While Brushing Snow Off Car, Allendale Neighborhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Received an e-mail from Montana this morning requesting my service to find her lost ring in the snow while she was clearing the snow off her car. The ring flew off her finger onto the boulevard somewhere and Montana could not find it.

The ring has a very emotional Value to her so it was imperative that the ring was found. I scheduled an appointment with her with in the hour, when I arrived there and after Montana showing me the location, I found the ring within two minute Montana was very grateful to have the ring back on her finger.

Thank you Montana for entrusting me to find and return your lost ring.


Lost Engagement Ring, Hawks Ridge Neighbourhood NW Edmonton. Alberta (Found)

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Doug called me yesterday afternoon asking if I could help him find his wife’s  engagement ring which he lost while he was walking with his children yesterday morning, while visiting at a friends house, I told Doug I could meet him within the hour.

When I arrive at the location, Doug told me he had walk roughly a Block and a half with his children and his dog. I asked Doug where did he have the ring. He told me it was on his finger for safe keeping, he notice the ring was missing when he got back to the house, you see his wife had entrusted him with her ring while she was attending a tournament in the city,

I asked Doug if he had done anything out of the ordinary while on his walk he told me that he was throwing snow balls at the back of the house, I told him we will start at that location which was a logical place to start when we got on the walkway, Doug said the walkway had been cleared of snow since he was last there.

Doug told me that he had spent a couple of hours walking up and down the walkway looking for the ring with no luck.
After about 20 minute searching the area where Doug was throwing snowballs I found the ring on the other side of the walkway Doug was very happy to have the ring back in his possession.

Thank you Doug for allowing me to locate your wife’s lost ring.

I-Phone 8 Lost In Aspenglen Park, Spruce Grove Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Received a call from Dylan this afternoon requesting my assistance to locate his girlfriends bran new I-Phone 8 that was not even a week old,  she lost the phone while walking in the park last evening.

They both spent nearly 5 hours in the dark looking for it with no luck, Dylan googled how to find lost Phone in the snow? my name and the Ringfinders pop-up and the rest is history another happy client.

Thank you Dylan it was a pleasure meeting you.

Platinum Wedding Ring Lost Hawrelak Park, Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



I received  a call from Nick this morning requesting my service to locate his wife’s ring which she lost the previous day while she was working at the Amphitheatre in Hawrelak park.  Knowing the area very well I knew this was going to be a challenge namely because this area is full of pull tabs from all the performances that are held there, I agreed to meet Nick and Shea at the park at 1:30 pm.

As expected my first solid ring tone was a pull tab and many more after that,  but about one and half hours of searching the hill I received a strong signal and a light tone in the background  and there was Shea’s ring just visible under the grass. I called them both over and asked them if this was their ring.

Shea told me that the ring was given to her by her grandmother as a wedding gift ten years ago and she was very grateful to have her ring back on her finger.

Thank you Nick and Shea for entrusting me to find your lost ring.

Another happy client.



Acura Key Fob Lost in the Snow Crestwood, Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Received a call first thing this morning from Mark he was out shoveling snow from his sidewalk and his Vehicles and lost his key fob and could I possibly help him find his key fob? I told Mark I would be there within 1/2 hour.

Drove up to his house parked on the street as I got out of my truck I felt something under my foot  and their in the snow was Mark’s key fob, pick it up walked up to his door knocked on the door and introduced myself and asked him is this what you lost.

Mark could not believe I found his key fob so quickly,

Thank you Mark!

Another happy Client!

Lost GoPro Camera @ Camp Yowochas Fallis, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



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Received an email from Tyng on Saturday requiring my assistance to locate his Gopro camera while on a three day retreat at camp Yowochas with his grade six students he was supervising,

Tyng was available to go on Sunday I agreed to assist him, Tyng picked me up at 7am we headed out 50 miles west of Edmonton to the camp we arrived the weather was not at all in our favor Rain and Cold Brrrrrrr.

We had to walk about ½ mile through the bush into an open field Tyng showed me the area that they were playing hide and seek in tall grass I must say the area that he thought the camera was lost created a huge challenge to swing my detector.

After about two hours out in the tall grass I was convinced that the camera was not in that area, Tyng was 110% sure that was the area he lost the camera, I told him lets back track to the last known location which was at the other end of the field where the grass was shorter they all sat down in a circle and talked about their time at the camp then they left the field.  

Within 15 minutes I heard a loud scream Tyng found his go pro in the area I suggested he was ecstatic to have the camera back with all the pictures and videos he had taken while on the three day retreat with his students.

Another happy client thank you Tyng for entrusting me to find your GoPro also your generous reward.