TIMING IS IMPORTANT .. call or TEXT Adam ASAP .. 714-785-5111 .. With all the spam calls if I don’t answer please TEXT..
I received a phone call this afternoon from a very nice lady who told me she lost her platinum diamond engagement ring somewhere in her yard while gardening. I grabbed my metal detector and equipment and told her I would be there in 30 min. Once I arrived she said she did not feel her ring come off her finger and was not even sure if she took it off and placed it on a table before gardening, all she knew was it was missing. She showed me the area where she was gardening. I detected her garden and after about 30 minutes I found the ring by a potted plant in mulch.
Adam found my engagement ring in a half hour! He was amazing! I reached out and he called me within a minute, he was here in a half hour, found it half hour later! He was thorough, methodical, so kind and personable. He assured me he would find it and he did. Adam is the man-so awesome. I’m so grateful I found him.
If you lose something of value, I may be able to help you… Call or Text anytime…Adam 714-785-5111
If you need help finding a ring, jewelry or any metallic important item Call or Text me ASAP. I’m always available to help you answer any questions you have about how this service works. Call a Member of TheRingFinders .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE EXCEPT ALLIGATOR PONDS”
.. Call and Text – Adam someone you can TRUST
Adam’s handsome 14 karat yellow and white gold wedding band shining brightly once again after metal detectorist Brian Rudolph recovers the precious keepsake.
Adam and wife Mikaela pose for a photo capturing the exciting moment when member of THE RING FINDERS, Brian Rudolph, surprises the couple with the amazing « symbol of love »!
Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!
Adam and Mikaela volunteered to help with a landscaping project at their friend’s house in Columbia, Maryland. Adam gave his ring to his wife for safe keeping while he worked in the flower beds and built a retaining wall. Mikaela carefully placed her husband’s size 13 yellow and white gold wedding band in her shirt pocket. Once they got home that evening, Mikaela reached into her pocket so that she could give Adam his ring back. Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found. The couple realized that the ring must have fallen out either at their friend’s house somewhere in the front of the house, backyard, or even perhaps it was lost in the vehicle somewhere while Mikaela was leaning over.
Over the next two and a half weeks the couple searched for several hours hoping to find the sentimental keepsake. Even some neighbors volunteered their time metal detecting the yard and flower beds but no ring was ever discovered. Finally, Adam and Mikaela went online and found THE RING FINDERS, the elite metal detectorist directory that specializes in finding lost rings and other lost items. After getting all of the details from the couple, we scheduled to meet out at their friend’s house the following day.
When I arrived at the search site, Mikaela showed me around the property. I got all of the additional information needed to conduct the search and then immediately got my gear out to begin the recovery process.
I made sure that I was thorough with my « investigation of the lost wedding band ». I searched all of the grass where Mikaela had walked, which included: the front lawn, the side lawn areas, most of the backyard, the garage and finally the long flowerbed in the front of the house.
After a couple of hours had passed, Adam and Mikaela left to go back home approximately 45 minutes away. By that point I had scanned almost all of the grassy areas. I never gave up. Finally, as nightfall came upon me, I put my headlamp on and started detecting the flower bed (which would be the last place left for me to search). Though there were so many metallic obstacles in that area of the property, I finally got a promising target located towards the very end of the long strip of well arranged mulch and beautiful plant life. It was situated in the middle of that stretch of the flower bed section and buried approximately 6 inches beneath the earth. I even had to cut through the fabric that was laid down on top of the initial dirt in order to penetrate farther below the ground.
Once I had finally reached the depth necessary to retrieve the mystery object, I grabbed a handful of dirt in that region and brought it closer in front of me. It was at that moment that I couldn’t believe my eyes! At the very last minute of my long 3 plus hour search, I finally recovered the massive white and yellow gold wedding band that had once been placed on Adam’s finger on the couple’s wedding day several years earlier! I could not have been any happier for Adam and Mikaela! I never gave up and I kept eliminating section by section until I finally struck gold!
Although it was very late at night by the time I had recovered the very handsome « symbol of love », I excitedly drove all of the way to the couple’s house and gave Adam and Mikaela the biggest surprise of their life! Yes indeed, it was a big « ring size 13 » surprise which those two lovebirds will now never forget!
To receive a NOTIFICATION letting you know when the video is uploaded to YOUTUBE: go to YOUTUBE by CLICKING THE LINK BELOW or OPEN your YOUTUBE APP on your device, go to the SEARCH BAR, type: THE RING HERO, click SUBSCRIBE and lastly, CLICK ON THE « BELL » to receive NOTIFICATIONS when this latest search video is available to view!
Karrie husband was reading the Costco Connection when he read the article Hunting treasures. He searched the Ring Finders and contacted me. Karrie had lost her wedding ring so 30 days prior while playing catch with her daughter in the back yard. the ring was on her glove hand and was thought to be lost when she had to remove the glove to retrieve the ball from under the evergreen trees. They had purchased a metal detector but could find the ring.
We made arrangements to meet. I did a search of the evergreen trees on both sides of the yard and grid search of the main area of the yard. I was into the second hour of the search and got a great tone and 49 VDI in the 2 in depth the ring was covered by the grass. Karrie was very happy to get the lost ring back on her finger.
This has to be one of the best feelings to return a precious lost item to someone that may have given up all hope of ever seeing it again.
Ben Griswold- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call or Text ASAP Anytime 1-306-630-3016
Marc’s Handsome Platinum Wedding Band Shining Above the Ground Once Again After Brian Rudolph Recovered it!
Marc and Ashley Celebrating the Return of the Groom’s Beloved Platinum Wedding Band!
In the very early morning hour of 4:30am, I received an email from a young lady named Ashley. She was greatly disturbed about her husband’s wedding band that ended up being lost in their large backyard earlier that very rainy evening.
Here’s what she stated in her email to me:
« Dear Mr. Rudolph,
I am really desperate to find my husband’s wedding ring lost due to my own stupidity in our back garden in Fort Washington, MD – just south of National Harbor. My heart is broken… I don’t know if you are available for service today, Monday, but I would be so very grateful if you could call me to let me know. I understand that the stay at home order may affect things, but we have a single family house and I am afraid if we wait too long, an animal or eagle may see the ring and decide to keep it. I will go out at first light and keep looking, but I am praying you can be our hope, since it seems you have helped so many people. I also hope that you are safe and well.
Many many thanks, Ashley »
I immediately called Ashley upon reading her « call for help ». After I spent a long period of time on the phone gathering up facts and details as to how the ring disappeared, I scheduled an immediate visit to Ashley’s home.
I arrived at the most beautiful estate sometime in the early afternoon. There was forest, gardens and breathtaking wildlife surrounding Ashley and Marc’s neighborhood from every side. The sad woman who initially contacted me made her way over to my car and within minutes we were walking around to the back of the house to see where the ring had been lost.
Ashley looked everywhere for the handsome and very heavy platinum ring that ended up somewhere on the grounds of their estate. Marc’s wife specifically picked out the sentimental keepsake for her beloved husband years earlier prior to their day of matrimony. As she said in the email, she was heartbroken.
After reassuring the young lady that I would recover the band no matter how long it took, Ashley rested a bit easier within her and returned inside the house to resume her work. Meanwhile, I gathered up my detection equipment in the car and within ten minutes I started the search.
There was a lot of property to cover. Because the ring could have ended up just about anywhere in the backyard, I metal detected under the second floor deck, all around the basement’s sliding glass door that leads out to the backyard, searched multiple flower beds, the dog pen, all around the trees, as well as grid searched 35 yards of basic grassy lawn territory.
At some point, after a few hours of searching with my Minelab Equinox 800, the shaft of the detector snapped off of my 15 inch coil that I had been using (the disc at the bottom of the shaft). Ashley came out to check on how things were going and I explained what had just happened to my detector. It was just one of those freak things where you can’t explain how the fiberglass broke loose from the coil, causing the shaft to separate. This only caused the young lady to further worry as to whether or not Marc’s wedding band would ever be found now that my detector was broken. I reassured her that I had replacement equipment in the car just in case something like this should ever happen. Little did I know that I had innocently left my replacement coil back at my residence. Therefore, I switched to my secondary Equinox 800 machine (which had only a 6 inch sniper coil attached – used primarily for difficult trashy areas and very hard-to-get to places to detect).
Knowing that I would have to re-grid much of the area again (because I didn’t find the band on the first go-around), I recognized that it would be extremely difficult to use the little 6 inch disc across the very large property to find such a small priceless object. However, I wasn’t giving up the search on this first visit and nothing was going to stop me from trying to find Marc’s handsome platinum wedding band!
I continued to re-grid all of the previous territory that I had covered prior to my detector coil breaking loose. In addition, I took inventory on every little section of the property that just to make sure that I hadn’t missed any areas with my detector. Still, no ring was found.
Finally, in my fifth hour of my search efforts, as I made my way around the circular dog pen (which was located in the center of the lawn, perhaps 25 yards away from the house), I hit a fantastic signal as I was grid searching approximately 4 feet from the aluminum pen fence! The target tone hinted to me that the piece of metal could very well be a surface find. There was a certain « bounce » to the signal which only an experienced metal detectorist could appreciate hearing when searching for a lost ring! I knelt down to investigate what my detector coil picked up along the ground. Then, I pulled out my hand-held metal detector called a pinpointer and zeroed in on the target’s exact location. And there it was! The site was amazing to see! After five plus hours of searching, I finally recovered the very handsome and extremely heavy platinum wedding band that Ashley was so desperate to find! I was simply elated by what I discovered! Just as I was gripping the runaway ring from within the blades of grass below, Ashley was walking out of the sliding glass door entrance to see what I was focusing on! It was at that moment that she heard the great news! A tremendous wave of relief could be seen across Ashley’s countenance! The nightmare was over! All of her fears were swept away in an instant of time with what I happily displayed in my hand and the declaration of what I had just uncovered! It really was a special moment! Ashley could not stop thanking me over and over again!
I was beyond excited that I was able to pull the ring from the property and that Ashley did not have to wait another day to have her husband’s wedding band returned to his finger! We were both so overjoyed and I’m sure Marc was equally grateful, as well! Once I packed up all of my gear, Ashley thanked me once again for all of my efforts. I told her that I was thrilled that she reached out to me and that I could be a part of this very special happy ending! Marc’s wedding band would now be preserved for the rest of their lives and many special stories would continue be told as a result of what I was able to find on that particular Monday afternoon in Fort Washington, Maryland!
If you would like to view the SEARCH VIDEO and the fantastic RING REVEAL pertaining to this search, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and you will be notified when the search video is uploaded onto YouTube.
If you would like to watch the SEARCH VIDEO and the RING REVEAL pertaining to this story, the video will be uploaded soon. To receive a NOTIFICATION letting you know when the video is uploaded to YOUTUBE: go to YOUTUBE by CLICKING THE LINK BELOW or OPEN your YOUTUBE APP on your device. In the SEARCH BAR, type: THE RING RETURNER, click SUBSCRIBE and lastly, CLICK ON THE « BELL » to receive NOTIFICATIONS when this latest search video is available to view!
Pat called me on Tuesday evening to ask for help in finding Ann’s lost wedding ring. The one he gave her 40 years ago. Ann had been playing volleyball with the grandkids in the front yard of their home. After that and some basketball, she noticed her wedding ring was not on her finger. I said we would be there to hunt at 8:00 AM the next day. Carrie and I loaded up early and arrived at the hunt site on time. Ann showed us where she was during the volleyball game. Sid found it 10 minutes after the hunt began. Needless to say, Ann was very happy to see her ring again. It was a pleasure to help out such a charming lady. Thank you for your generous reward and the delicious blueberry muffins.
Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to try and find a wedding/engagement ring lost on Thanksgiving weekend on the beach at Oxnard shores, just south of the Channel Islands Harbor. This is a beautiful location known for it’s quiet streets, multi-million dollar homes and simply just an awesome stretch of beach. Cathie, my client relayed to me how she had lost the ring, she was relaxing on her beach towel, took her ring off for a minute and forgot it was on the towel. She got up to leave, shook out her towel and launched the ring. This began her series of unfortunate events. She realized when she got home the ring was gone so she and a friend went back using a colander to try and find it. That didn’t work so she got a friends metal detector and she and her friend tried to use it to no avail. Since this was now the end of fall the county begins the process of beach replenishment and right in her rings flight path was a giant 5 foot tube used to transport sand from the dredge. All of this and the most rain and storms we’ve had in 6 years of drought had made the ring virtually disappear.
6 months later Cathie posted an ad on craigslist and we met up to try and find the ring. I spent 4 hours gridding with my CTX 3030 an ever larger area around the lifeguard tower but couldn’t find the ring. Since I hate to quit anything I promised I’d come back with my Pulse Induction machine as it reaches deeper and retry the area. Again I came back and re-gridded the same area with my pulse and found some items buried 24+ inches but none were her wedding ring. As with any hunt it’s never over until it’s over and I promised Cathie as I’m in the area I’d watch for erosion and if I see a change in the sand structure I’ll hit it again.
Every new attempt at recovery is a learning experience for my clients. Cathie realized that had she thought of calling myself or any other ringfinder her chances at a positive outcome would have greatly increased. Learning to use a metal detector is the same as learning a new language. She found out that learning what her friends metal detector was saying was a lot like trying to interpret what R2D2 is trying to say if you’re not a Jedi.
If you have lost an important piece of jewelry or a sentimental ring don’t hesitate to call a ringfinder right away. We are experts at using metal detecting equipment and if you put is in the right place you’ll likely get your ring back.