How to find lost ring in grass Tag | The Ring Finders

Grandmother’s Heirloom Platinum Wedding Ring Set Recovered and Returned to Owner

  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)

** *** Lost Heirloom Platinum Wedding Ring Set at Gainesville, FL.  Found after owners searched for a week with a metal detector, then gave up searching and called a professional Ringfinder**

I received a call from a gentleman who explained his wife lost her heirloom platinum wedding ring set somewhere in their yard. They searched for a week using a metal detector and gave up any hope of finding the rings. They even contacted their insurance company to let them know they were likely going to have to file an insurance claim. His wife found TheRingFinders website and contacted me. Even though they were almost 100 miles from my house, I could tell how distraught they were so I responded to their house for the search.

Please click the video link to see the recovery and their reaction.



My wife lost both her wedding band and her engagement ring somewhere in our lawn of thick St. Augustine grass.  We borrowed a friend’s metal detector and searched for over a week with no luck.  It was her grandmother’s diamond and we were distraught. We contacted our insurance company to let them know we were likely going to have to make a claim.  My wife found and we made contact with Adam on a Thursday.  He responded immediately and we made plans for him to travel approximately 200 miles round trip to our home in Gainesville on Sunday.  Adam arrived Sunday morning with enthusiasm and professionalism.  We showed him the area of the yard that we had been searching thoroughly and had given up on, and in less than ten minutes he found both rings.  We were in disbelief, as we had truly given up hope.  Talk about results!  While I hope we never have to call on Adam again, it is reassuring to know that he is out there helping people like us with his kindness and experience.  I would 100% recommend Adam.  Thank you very much, Adam.




  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)

Metal Detecting Service NE Florida .. call or text for a professional metal detecting expert ..Don’t Wait, time is critical for recovery.  Text or call Adam 714-785-5111

Paul contacted me and told me that over the Thanksgiving weekend he was playing football in his front yard with his family. Later that evening he noticed his platinum wedding ring was missing. He and his family searched for 2 days with no luck, he even went to Bass Pro shop and bought a Minelab metal detector still no luck in finding his ring. He contacted me and asked for a few pointers using his metal detector.  I told him I could be there in a few hours with my metal detecting equipment and we would find his ring.  A few minutes into he search I was able to reunite Paul with his ring.


« We had a competitive family football game over the Thanksgiving holiday break, and I was in shock that evening when I discovered I lost my platinum wedding ring. We had the entire family looking for 2 days and no luck. Feeling pretty defeated, I had contacted Adam to see if he would be willing to share some tips and tricks from his expertise. Adam did the unexpected. He was at my door a few hours later with his equipment, eager and confident to start the hunt. In my career as a decorated combat Marine I encountered men of great  character and can say without hesitation that Adam’s determination, kindness, and abilities are both impressive and inspiring. Adam went right to work and found that elusive platinum ring. If it’s there, Adam will find it! I am ecstatic and forever grateful for Adam creating a happy ending to this tragedy.  Thanks Adam! « 


Lost 3 Karat Wedding Ring near Alpine, Utah- Found

I received a call from a woman that had been looking for her lost wedding ring for over two months in her backyard. As the story goes, her niece likes to play with her ring when she comes over and so as she was walking to sit down in a chair in the backyard, she gave her niece the ring. As she got to the chair, the ring was already missing. Concerned that her niece might have ingested the ring, they took her to the hospital to do x-rays. The X-rays came back negative so they started the search in the backyard. The distance walked was only 20-30 feet and in just those few seconds, the ring was gone! They had everyone looking for it and at one point used a detector themselves to try to locate it. The ring had a 2 karat center stone diamond that they got while traveling through Israel. There was also a ring of diamonds around the center stone that looked like a sun with about 1 karat of diamonds.

When I got there, She showed me the area and I started to search. For some reason, my detector had not charged and the battery light was already blinking indicating I had probably less then 5-7 minutes. I quickly started to search for low tones ranging from 8-13 on the detector as that is usually where most thin gold rings will show up. On my 3rd signal, just barely a foot from where she said she started to walk, I found her beautiful ring that had been missing for over 2 months. Check out the video below to see her reaction when I surprised her with the ring!

Massive 3+ Karat Diamond Ring lost in Alpine, Utah- Found

On Saturday, I was heading to run some errands with my 2 year old when I received a call regarding a lost diamond wedding ring. While babysitting a neighbor’s puppy, She went out into the yard to do some yardwork and took off her rings. After finishing, she went back to where she had put down her rings and could only find the wedding band. She went back inside to review the security camera footage and saw that the puppy had gone over to where she had put down the rings and immediately thought the puppy had swallowed the ring. In a panic she rushed the puppy over to the vet to have x-rays done. When the x-rays came back negative, she searched all night around the backyard for the ring but was unsuccessful. She even borrowed a metal detector from a neighbor but still no sign of the ring.

Since I typically have my detector in the car for situations like this one, I quickly drove over there to see if I could help. I met her and her sister and went over the area of where potentially it was lost. They were so kind to bring out some toys and watch over my son while I detected the grass. Fortunately, It took only about 10 minutes to locate the beautiful 3 Karat diamond ring. As you can see by the video below, everyone was very happy! Enjoy!


Holiday Light Hang-Up! Lost Platinum Diamond Ring – Found, Pittsburgh

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA.

I was contacted by a young lady who said she had lost her diamond ring while hanging up Christmas lights the day before. Her and her husband had searched for it but were unable to locate it. I hopped in car and went down to have a look. It was a rather small yard with a bit of a hill and some landscaping, while she was not 100% sure she lost it outside I was feeling rather good about finding it if she did. I had been out on two searches the day before and came up empty so I was hoping for a quick search and recovery. They did not have a lot of lights out so that made me feel even a bit more confident that I only had to check a small area. I quickly got to work and in no time at all I was through the search area and had found nothing. I stopped for a minute to make sure I had checked everywhere there was lights and to survey the area before starting my second sweep. Suddenly when I looked up at some of the lights with some greenery I noticed something small and shiny. There – right in front of me – caught up in the lights and greenery was the ring!! I rang the doorbell and told her that I had found the ring – no metal detector needed! She came out and could not believe where I had found it. It was great to be able to return her ring to her and she was very happy and grateful to have it back. As always, it is great to meet warm and generous people and even better was to have helped make the holidays a little brighter!

Lost Ring in Grass After Bee Attack…Found in Great Falls, Virginia

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Doug’s 14 karat yellow gold wedding band found by metal detectorist Brian Rudolph (a proud member of THE RING FINDERS) after 1 hour of searching Doug and Jenna’s Great Falls, Virginia property.

Doug and Jenna happily showing off the 14-karat gold men’s wedding band that was lost in their backyard during a vicious bee attack! Metal detectorist, Brian Rudolph, known as THE RING HERO, recovered the sentimental keepsake on the 1 acre property belonging to the couple!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Jenna called me on behalf of her husband Doug who lost his 14 karat yellow gold wedding band somewhere out on his 1 acre property. Here’s the backstory.

The couple went to church earlier that morning. They returned home and Doug immediately headed outside to cut their lawn with his push mower. In the process of being so diligent, the young man got attacked by a swarm of bees that came out of a tree at the top of the hill.

Doug swatted the attackers with one hand while still having the other hand free to operate the mower in order to keep the engine running. Even when he turned around and retreated approximately 30 feet away from where the bees had initially invaded his space, some of the unrelenting insects followed him across the lawn.

Immediately, Doug stopped the mower because he felt a bee entering into his boot. He took his footwear off, removed the ruthless attacker and then continued mowing the lawn with a huge sigh of relief.

After waving goodbye to Doug’s family who were taking off to go on an errand, the diligent groundskeeper continue cutting grass until the mower completely ran out of fuel. According to my clients, Doug filled up the gas tank in front of the house and that’s when he realized that his precious wedding band was no longer on his finger.

Immediately, the concerned young man went back to the rear of the house and began searching the grass for his very sentimental keepsake. When all of his efforts failed to recover the ring, Doug decided to go to a local sporting goods shop and he bought a Bounty Hunter Tracker 4 metal detector.

Doug returned to his house where he spent an hour scanning is 1 acre yard for the missing wedding band. Eventually he had to give up the search because a heavy rainstorm fell over the area and so he returned inside the house for the rest of the afternoon.

Doug’s wife Jenna wasted no time in seeking another solution in finding Doug’s lost wedding ring. The young wife googled: « How to find a lost ring in grass ». She figured that maybe she could give her husband a few tips on how to effectively metal detect for a lost piece of jewelry. Immediately, an article popped up on the screen which was published by one of the members of the elite international directory of metal detectorists called THE RING FINDERS. Jenna realized at that moment that she could search the directory for a local ring finder to help the couple recover the lost ring instead of Doug trying to find it on his own with his cheap metal detector.

Jenna then searched for the closest ring finder in the area and my contact information popped up on the screen. In no time, the two of us connected by phone and we made arrangements for me to come out later that evening. The family was heading to Boston to visit family and friends and it meant a lot to Jenna to recover Doug’s lost wedding band before they took flight the next morning.

When Doug found out that Jenna was on the phone talking to me, he was extremely grateful for her sleuth work in finding a potential answer to their frustrating problem and he too hoped that I could make it out later that day rather than wait until they returned home from their trip. When Doug sent over the search form which I request from my clients, He added these words in the email, « Thanks again Brian (for being willing to come over tonight at the last minute), your attitude has made a huge difference and we are hopeful that you will find the ring before we leave town ».

Later that evening, I arrived at their Great Falls, Virginia house at 7:00 p.m. to conduct the search. The weather forecast said that the rain would subside around sunset and then begin again a couple of hours later. Therefore, I had a certain window to work with before things got ugly out there again.

Doug came out of his house and showed me around his one acre property. As he recounted his steps all around the lawn area, I marked each key spot with an orange plastic tent peg.

My client returned to his house as I began the first phase of the recovery project. I conducted an air grid search where bees first attacked my client. The area was a section that spanned approximately 30 feet by 50 feet.

When I did not have any luck discovering the ring in the first part of the property, I moved on to the second phase of my search by detecting down the hill towards the right side of where Doug was attacked by the swarm of bees. I covered a 20 by 50 foot area of lawn and still the « symbol of love » was nowhere to be found.

The third leg of my project consisted of scanning the lawn behind the area where the initial bee attack took place. Another 50 by 30 foot search section covered places where Doug stood while he said goodbye to his family and the piece of real estate where the young man retreated to When he stopped the mower to inspect his boot.

I’m happy to share that my metal detector picked up a very promising signal just 2.5 feet from one of my orange markers that was placed in the ground right where Doug said he had checked his boot for a stray bee that had made its way inside of it. When I knelt down to inspect the exact place where I detected the piece of metal with my machine, my eyes immediately beheld a very handsome classic yellow gold wedding band that was hiding below the many blades of grass! I was so excited! I found Doug’s lost ring! The entire search took about 1 hour to complete and I couldn’t wait to surprise the couple with my encouraging find!

So as it turned out, Doug’s ring came off his finger exactly at the time when he took off his boot to remove the stray bee that made its way inside. After the reveal (which brought such smiles to The couple’s faces, I took Doug out to the spot where I found his very sentimental piece of jewelry. The three of us rejoiced and thanked the Lord for helping me recover the lost ring!

The timing of finding the ring when I did could not have been more perfect in two ways. First, I was able to return the band to its rightful owner just prior to the family leaving for Boston for a week. And secondly, moments after I revealed the ring with the couple and we thanked the Lord for assisting me in the search and recovery process, the sky opened up and buckets of rain began to pour down uncontrollably for the rest of the night! The whole experience was truly providential and extremely gratifying for me to help Jenna and Doug recover their irreplaceable piece of jewelry!


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Lost Gold Diamond Family Heirloom Ring on Washington DC Lawn…Found by Ring Finder

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Ashley’s Sentimental Family Heirloom Ring Found by Member of THE RING FINDERS, Brian Rudolph

Ashley Excitedly Shows Off Her 14 Karat White and Yellow Gold with Diamonds Family Heirloom Ring Recovered by Brian Rudolph After Missing for Over a Week!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

I received a call from a young lady named Ashley who lost her 14 karat white and yellow gold diamond family heirloom ring. It had been missing outside for over a week. She and her girlfriend were hanging out on the Ashley’s side lawn of her Washington DC row house when her beloved keepsake that had been passed down the family line from her grandfather, grandmother, mother and then to Ashley went missing somewhere on the property. Ashley shared with me that she was playing with the ring in her hand when it slipped from between her fingers and landed somewhere on the ground. The two friends searched for hours on their hands and knees with much confidence that they would eventually find the precious jewel. However, as it turned out, all of their efforts led to no avail.

Sometime later that evening, as Ashley was searching online for answers to her problem, she came across the elite international directory of metal detecting specialists called THE RING FINDERS. She did not realize that such people existed and immediately contacted me to inquire about my services. I told Ashley that I am constantly doing search and recovery operations and that I was happy to help her in any way possible. She decided to go forward with my help the following day and I could not wait to try to solve this particular mystery.

The next morning, I headed out for Washington DC to an area called Mount Pleasant. Once I arrived, Ashley guided me over to a very narrow area of grass where she had been sitting on a café-type table with her friend over a week earlier. The section of real estate was so small that I couldn’t believe that Ashley had not already found her precious heirloom.

Next, my client reenacted the whole event and I personally couldn’t figure out why Ashley and her friend were unable to locate the piece of gold and diamonds. It seemed so simple. My best guess at the time was that the family heirloom must have flung in an unlikely direction, far enough away from the table so that the two ladies just didn’t look outside the box far enough. Yet, the young lady said that she didn’t remember doing anything with her hand that would cause the ring to be hurled off her finger. I did ask if the ladies had been drinking out at that table and Ashley did share openly that she had a couple of beers. Sometimes in dealing with ring searches like this one, two beers could make a difference depending on how the alcohol affected that particular individual. In some situations, the client remembers a certain amount of alcohol consumed when the actual amount was really a whole lot more. You never can tell and so when you can’t easily find the item, your mind starts to wonder how much of the story was left out due to being under the influence.

From the description that Ashley had given to me over the phone, I was perplexed by the whole mystery because this particular ring was fairly large in size. It would not have disappeared that easily. Ashley described the ring as being a men’s style band that was wide and heavy. It was mainly white gold with yellow gold accents along the rims and within its inner band. There were stars all around it with little diamonds in the middle of the stars. It really sounded quite lovely! This ring meant the world to Ashley and it broke her heart that something as simple as playing with it on her finger could end up causing the ring to disappear into seemingly thin air!

The Search Site Where Detectorist Rudolph Recovered the Precious Ring

After I got the rundown about where Ashley sat and what had taken place, I began my search using my metal detector throughout the area where Ashley and her friend were sitting. There was mainly dirt with no grass in that search zone where the table was located. Therefore, it was pretty obvious where the eye would not have missed it. I checked a garden bed behind where she was sitting as well as locations along the side of the house. Nothing of importance was found and as time marched on I was getting more curious as to what could have happened with this ring. One of the last places I detected was closer to the wrought iron fence that overlooked the side of the property towards the Washington DC street. I moved a metal frame out of the way (which was the base for a hammock) and again I swung my coil over the ground and yet still nothing turned up.

I tried everything to recover this ring and still there were no substantial targets found except a bottle cap or two, a pull tab from a can and some other miscellaneous items discovered during the search. I even got down on my hands and knees and used my handheld detector in several places in order to work around metal infested sections of the property where I could not use my regular machine. Once again, I came away with no ring.

When nothing turned up, I stopped my search for a moment and rethought the whole event. I recounted in my head what Ashley’s recollection was of what happened a week earlier.  When I couldn’t find the heirloom anywhere, I realized that perhaps I was thinking too far outside of the box of possibilities. I also adjusted my detector which may not have been set properly for this type of ring search. Also, I thought that perhaps it was possible that I had missed the ring right from under my nose when I had been detecting at the beginning of the search near where the table was situated. I then resumed the investigation with a fresh perspective and a focused attack plan.

My new strategy was to metal detect over and around the same patches of dirt where I had initially began my search. I started scanning the area about three feet away from where the table originally sat.  Almost immediately I hit a fairly good signal with the exception of a scratchy tone that made the target appear to be more iron based rather than a precious metal. I really didn’t think the object could have been the ring because I was looking for a surface find, not an item completely buried below the ground.

Though I was pretty certain that the target below was not what I was looking for, it truly got me curious as to what this object actually was and so I started to carefully dig the object up with my hand digger. Just as I brought the chunky piece of metal out of the ground, the mystery began to be unraveled little by little! I caught a glimpse of a smooth rounded shape, then I saw stars engraved into the side of the object. Next, I observed some sparkles coming from what appeared to be a men’s ring! Finally, as I cleared off the rest of the dirt from the silver-like halo, there before me was the very culprit that I had been searching for for the past hour or so! It had been completely buried in the ground! I concluded that because it was completely dark outside at the time of the ring’s disappearance, Ashley must have gotten up out of her chair and had accidentally stepped on the ring. This caused it to completely disappear beneath the soft dirt where the eye would not have had a chance to spot even a glimpse of the piece of metal! Ashley’s simple account of her fidgeting with the ring without any force to cause the ring to go very far from the table, perfectly matched up with where I actually found the heirloom!

It all made perfect sense once I extracted the handsome band from below the dirt! I then realized where my obstacles existed in dealing with finding this piece of jewelry. First, my detector was incorrectly set at the time. Secondly, the ring was buried on a particular angle which made it more difficult to accurately assess the iron-like scratchiness sound that I was hearing in my headphones coming from the target. Thirdly, I wasn’t anticipating the possibility that the ring could have been fully pushed down into the ground where no metal was exposed at all! I learned a valuable lesson (even as a seasoned metal detectorist). Though I have had several searches where the item was recently lost and then found below the earth due to a shoe or foot that had pushed the jewelry down into the ground, I have at least been able to still see a slight “halo” of the ring peeking through. This particular search was definitely a first for me!

I was so happy for Ashley and I couldn’t wait to do the reveal! When I surprised her I could see her countenance light up with an expression of happiness and also great relief! Her beloved family heirloom had returned to her finger once more and she was so grateful that I could help solve this simple but yet seemingly more complicated mystery!

I truly love what I do for people like Ashley and returning rings and other cherished items is such a fulfilling and thrilling experience for me every time!


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Metal Detecting Lost Diamond Ring in Arlington, Virginia…Found on Soccer Field

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Mary’s Elegant and Most Sentimental Family Heirloom Dinner Ring!

Mary and Chris Show Off Their Priceless Diamond Ring That Had Gone Missing for Over Three Days!


Mary was out near a soccer field in Arlington, Virginia when she lost her very special white gold diamond dinner ring that had once belonged to her mother 10 years earlier. It had been in the family for nearly a hundred years! The ring held a 2 carat center diamond surrounded by 16 smaller diamonds (8 on each side) equaling approximately another 2.5 carats.

As Mary was putting on her soccer gloves on the grass while leaning up against a tree, she noticed that she was wearing her mother’s beloved dinner ring that meant so much to her. She inherited the sentimental keepsake a decade earlier and didn’t want to lose it.

Not wanting to wear the ring while playing her favorite sport, Mary took off her jewelry and placed the ring in her soccer bag that was on the ground beside her. Then, not feeling comfortable with her decision, instead, she chose to give the dinner ring to her coach for safekeeping. Mary reached into her bag, pulled out the ring, squeezed it between her gloved fingers and proceeded to walk 40 feet up a small hill in the direction of where the coach was standing.

Just as Mary was about to give the ring to the coach, she realized that the ring was no longer between her fingers. The perplexed woman searched everywhere but she couldn’t find her cherished piece of jewelry anywhere. After the other soccer players had finished on the field, she called her teammates over to help search for the missing ring. 10 players in all got down on their hands and knees with the hope of finding the family heirloom, but sadly no one was able to bring relief to this terribly upset woman.

Over the course of the next three days, Mary, her teammates, friends and husband all searched over 8.5 hours and nothing turned up. Chris (Mary’s spouse) tried finding the ring with a metal detector. His idea was to test another white gold ring before taking it out to the field to search for the missing ring. Once he recorded the numbers on the detector screen, he used a rented Garrett Ace 300 in his quest to uncover the family heirloom. Unfortunately, when he came to the field to search for the ring, he just couldn’t find it anywhere. He said he was getting « a lot of false alarms ». The target numbers were jumping all over the place and he couldn’t make any sense of what he was hearing and seeing on the machine’s screen. Chris gave up after hours of detecting and discovering nothing but frustration.

This is the part of the story when I come in to the scene. While I was diving for a lost ring in Baltimore, Maryland, I received Mary’s phone call requesting help in finding her lost ring. She found my information while Googling « how to find a lost ring in the grass ». She found The Ring Finders website which pointed her towards my metal detecting service in Arlington, Virginia. I was on a break when Mary went over all of the details with me and I told her that I would be happy to help her in any way possible. She told me that she would continue searching for the ring during the night and if she still couldn’t find it, she would request my assistance. Well, as it turned out, Mary and Chris had no positive news for me and so I scheduled with the couple to meet them out at the Arlington, Virginia soccer field later that night.

As soon as I arrived at the park sometime around 10pm, I immediately had the couple walk me through all of Mary’s steps from start to finish. Then, I got my gear out of my vehicle and began the search. I gave Mary and Chris all the confidence in the world that if the ring was still out there in the grass, I would surely be able to find it for them.

I first started near the sidewalk and grid searched the section where Mary put her gloves on. There were a lot of opposing signals due to all of the metal just below the surface, so I swung my coil slowly and methodically. The ring wasn’t anywhere in that particular area.

Next, I searched the section of grass leading up the hill in the direction of the soccer field. Still, there was no diamond ring to be discovered – just a lot of trash. My next plan of action was to detect the area where the soccer field sideline was located. I gridded back and forth, hoping to get the signal that would point me down towards the ring. Still, nothing turned up.

My last area to search was a section that was a bit farther away from where Mary and Chris had pointed out all of the possible places where the ring may have gotten lost. It really was the last piece of turf for me to scan before having to do a perpendicular grid and start the search process all over again.

Though I didn’t use my traditional grid line method with special markers, I knew that my imaginary lines were accurate and precise. These were small sections of property where Mary may have dropped the ring so I really didn’t need the cones or tapes.

As Mary and Chris made additional comments and suggestions in the background, I continued swinging the 15 inch coil at the end of my machine until I hit a really good sound and number on the detector. I had analyzed many different targets prior to this one, but this particular one got me excited! There’s nothing like the moment when you hear a familiar signal from past searches, then kneel down to investigate further and there the little guy appears between the blades of grass, stacks of leaves or granules of sand! That is what was about to happen once again at that particular moment! I took my pinpointer out to ‘question the « suspect » ‘ and zoom in on the excellent signal. And yes, there deep in the grass, my handheld detector led me right to the most beautiful piece of white gold and spectacular diamonds! I couldn’t have been happier for my client! I found the jewel! It was approximately 10 to 15 feet farther over from where Mary pointed out her original whereabouts. Thankfully, the ring had not been spotted by a stranger and taken away! The family heirloom was still there after 3 days, settled at the bottom of the grass and desperately waiting for its rescue!

I carefully picked up the ring, placed it in my pocket for safe keeping and then excitedly made my way towards the couple to surprise them with the most wonderful news! Believe me, Mary’s excitement was completely off the charts! Chris was in a state of disbelief! The two of them celebrated with me the return of this incredible piece of jewelry that had an irreplaceable story attached to it! I’m sure that that soccer field never witnessed such a cheer from the three of us on that unforgettable summer night as we all embraced and gave thanks to the Lord for the return of such a priceless heirloom!

If you would like to view the SEARCH VIDEO and the fantastic RING REVEAL pertaining to this search, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and you will be notified when the search video is uploaded onto YouTube.


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Lost ring Warwick NY… Found

  • from Millburn (New Jersey, United States)

I received a call from a very upset woman who had lost her wedding ring in the parking lot of the Ford dealership in Warwick, NY.  She said that it was in a grassy area not too close to the cars, so I hoped that on arrival I would be able to detect the area.  When I arrived, I was happy to see that there were no cars in the area where the ring was lost, and I was able to search the area with no problems!  After a quick 5 minute search, I got lucky and found the ring.  It really helped that the woman had an excellent idea of where the ring had been lost which really narrowed down the search area!  It’s always an amazing feeling to return a ring to the owner!  So happy I could help out!

Lost Gold Diamond Ring! Royal Gardens Neighborhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Ken emailed me last evening requesting my service to locate his ring which he had lost a week ago at a pickleball court. I emailed him back to have him call me to get more information on his loss.

Ken told me the ring was handed down to him by his mother and had been his father’s ring.  As it was very sentimental to him, Ken spent hours looking for the ring with no luck and had even put a poster up along the court hoping that someone would find it.

Six days had passed and it had still not been found. A friends wife suggested that he contact me through the Ring Finders website.

She told him if someone could find the ring it would be Norm.  At first Ken was reluctant to call but a day later decided that he had nothing to lose. Ken contacted me and we agreed to meet at 4:00 pm today at the court.

At the pickleball court Ken explained to me that once they came off the court,  there was a table set up with hand sanitizer. The sanitizer was very oily and he had walked onto a patch of grass while rubbing his hands together.  This is the area he thought his ring had fallen off, he searched for it and  even had the maintenance man cut the grass with no ring in sight.

With all the players at the court that day and all the gatherings around the table Ken’s ring had been stepped on which made it impossible to see with a naked eye.  It took me less than three minute to have Ken’s ring back on his finger.

Thank you Ken for entrusting me to find your late fathers ring.

Another Very Very Happy Client.