how to find a thrown ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost – Lady’s diamond wedding ring, Palm Coast, Fl – Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Brittany and her husband were visiting the Palm Coast area on Valentines Day and while driving along on highway A1A the unexpected happened. As we are all aware of how emotions and feelings can lead us to do and say things that we later regret…that is exactly what happened on this particular day. It was towards evening and thankfully they were not traveling at a high rate of speed when Brittany threw her diamond wedding ring out of the car window and into a grass area along side of the road. Her husband immediately pulled off of the road and into the nearest driveway and the two of them tried to find her ring…but her thrown ring was no where to be found!

Later that night Brittany tried to find help and went online to search for something or someone that could help her in her time of need. It was around 10:30 pm that I recieved her call asking if I could help her and after hearing her story my wife and I decided to make the one hour drive to Palm Coast and meet Brittany and we prayed to God we would be the exact help that she so desperately needed.

Brittany showed us where she « thought » the ring was thrown and I set up some cones and began doing an overlapping grid search of the 500 square foot area. Both Brittany and my wife were using very strong flashlights but the night dew was making everything wet and the grass and leaves glistened and sparkled making it almost impossible to find her lost ring. Along most any road there is allot of buried trash items giving signals that sound very similar to what a gold diamond ring would sound like so I had to investigate each shallow signal just to be sure. After 45 minutes I got a really strong signal that registered shallow and my head light exposed her beautiful lost diamond ring just laying there among the wet leaves and grass! Brittany was ecstatic and so relieved to have her ring back again! A lesson well learned, hey?

How we thank God for allowing us to be a blessing and encouragement to Brittany and her husband and we look forward to helping others who find themselves in need or our help and expertise!
Call anytime or text and leave me a message and let’s talk. 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…a ready member of

Thrown ring into woods, Paisley, Florida…Found with a metal detector and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)












It happens allot…rings get thrown into the water, into the woods and into grass yards and parks all over the world and most of the time the rings are never found! But there is hope when you call or text a ring finder because this is what we love to do…help people who find themselves in this very sort of situation!

Mike texted me to ask if I could help find his wife’s diamond engagement ring in the woods behind their home. Seems there was some sort of misunderstanding and the end result was a lost ring in the woods. First off I asked a few questions like: What time of the day or night did this happen? Did you or your wife actually see it as it flew through the air and into the woods? Did your wife play softball in high school? I encouraged them that the answers to these questions would help determine the likely hood of actually finding their lost ring and with the information they gave me I felt fairly confident that I could find their lost ring.

Mike and his family live out in the country and the small area where the ring was thrown was littered with dead branches and vines, small trees and a few palmetto palms as well. My first task was to clear the underbrush away and cut a few low hanging palm fronds so I could effectively swing my metal detector. It took about 15 minutes to cover the target area and I was beginning to think that either the ring bounced off of one of the small trees or maybe she actually threw her ring in a different direction. The ground was relatively free of any metal targets so I was very confident that if my metal detector went over it I would hear the signal and easily uncover it among the leaves. Thirty minutes passed and I called Mike out to verify the direction and Mike indicated it could have gone off to the left more. So as I started searching off to the left I looked over to where I had previously searched and noticed a 6 foot palm tree that had broken branches going up the sides and I had swung my detector casually along the sides but thought I had better check it more thoroughly just to be sure. I started at the bottom and poked my Garrett pin pointer into each opening where the dead branches were and made my way around and all the way to the very top and low and behold a slight beep came from my pin pointer! No way, I thought! And as I poked it around closer the beeping increased. I could not see into the small opening but was able to stick my finger down into the space and as I removed the leaves and debris I got a short glimpse of something shiny and then I saw the diamond!! Mike and Candace were thrilled t have their beautiful diamond engagement ring back once again! I give God the credit for prompting me to investigate that palm tree and for allowing me to be a blessing and encouragement to this dear young couple.

Lost something and need my help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of

The Conclusion Searching For $160K In Three Diamond Wedding Rings Part 2

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)

SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call 206-618-8194 ASAP

Part 2 The Conclusion

Day 3 Recovery


Day 4 Recovery


There’s a science behind this is not just Ring Finder as a hobby, who is it is willing to go out there with metal detector all day and just look, it’s a science. It is very coordinated very strategic he maps it out. He has it in regions in sections and zones and then very methodical and then just goes out and process of elimination, eliminates certain regions. Then go back a second time, but will do different strategies or philosophy each time not to repeat the same thing but eventually you get there and it’s like a science. He’s got high tech expensive equipment not just some cheap stuff. Man he has a lot of experience, look at all the amazing reviews and videos.

Watch the SeattleRingHunter in action recovering over $160,000 in tossed diamond rings.

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January 2022 Ed reached out to me asking for assistance in searching for tossed wedding rings during a stressful situation. This is the story of the extensive efforts taken to recover three lost rings.

Hey guys, this is the Seattle Ring Hunter we’re actually out here in North Bend this morning and we’re here with Edward.  Ed will you tell us a little bit about what’s going on today and why we’re out here.

Yeah its just a desperate situation to try to look for three rings the wedding ring, the engagement ring and another nice piece of high-end jewelry ring. Just to be honest with you it was after an epic big fight disagreement you know with my wife and I should not have done this but my mind was not in the right place and then in a fit of rage I never done this before but I grabbed four rings. My personal wedding ring, and then her three rings, and then one by one I came out to the balcony and late at night in the dark I threw them out over my balcony in the deep backyard in the woods. It was snowing three feet of snow at the time and I just assumed I never would see him again you know.

Then, obviously just an hour later, and the next day, you regret what you did. I couldn’t look for it because it was all three feet of snow, so I had to wait another week for everything to melt. The first day it melted where I could have visibly I went out there about five or six or seven hours and I was able to find mine. I’m still missing three. I was out there seven hours I just had a chintzy metal detector and I not an expert. I was  kind of encouraged when I found mine but really discouraged I couldn’t find the others  that are more important. There is no way to remedy the situation with my wife and move on unless I find those. Especially the one is more important than the other two being the engagement ring as far as sentimental value. Until then I’m really really really in the doghouse. So I couldn’t find it real discouraged the next day I have off from work I was gonna come out her again and just keep doing it. We were able to find you on the internet yourself on the The Ring Finders and have so many amazing reviews in different scenarios in situation that we called you.  Now you’re here to help us out. 

I am very thankful you guys were able to find the support and today guys as I said before these a stressful situation so we can maybe one to two or three calls throughout the whole throughout the month you know for people in this situation. If you find yourself in a situation, I just want to say don’t feel like we’re gonna give you a hard time or call you out on it or anything this happens we’re used to this. Everyone is human and so we we think Ed for sharing his story to maybe help encourage others out there that might find themselves in situation. You don’t necessarily have to come on camera but just to let you know we do have opportunities and capabilities to help people in the situation. With that being said the three rings, we are going to focus on that just for a second.  They are pretty substantial rings, they mean a lot to the family for the sentimental value and the whole end result of this is getting them back for the family that’s an an absolutely our priority and our focus on this. They are very nice pieces of jewelry so with that being said they’re not dainty in size we got a platinum and we got some white gold rings out there. They got the diamonds and all that you guys will hopefully be able to see that later on as we make the recovery out here. He did find his wedding band and we’re gonna do a test throw here in just a moment so we can get a trajectory on how he’s throwing. He mentioned earlier that he’s got a little bit of a issue with his arm so he shared a little bit about that so maybe they are not way back in the back fourth but it’ll be over here. This is on a private property so we know that they’re absolutely here on the property so with that very confident that we should be able to get them recovered. With that, let me go ahead and get geared up and see if we can bring all three of those rings back and turn the situation around to a better resolve.

Be sure to like, share and subscribe to my videos. By sharing these videos on your social media it really helps get the word out about our amazing Ring Finders all across the nation.

If you have lost an item of value reach out to me directly for a quick chat so I can formulate a recovery plan for you!

CALL 206-618-8194

YouTube: #SeattleRingHunter

Searching For $160K In Three Diamond Wedding Rings Part 1 of 2

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)

Part 1 of 2

SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call 206-618-8194 ASAP

Watch the SeattleRingHunter in action recovering over $160,000 in tossed diamond rings.

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January 2022 Ed reached out to me asking for assistance in searching for tossed wedding rings during a stressful situation. This is the story of the extensive efforts taken to recover three lost rings.

Hey guys, this is the Seattle Ring Hunter we’re actually out here in North Bend this morning and we’re here with Edward.  Ed will you tell us a little bit about what’s going on today and why we’re out here.

Yeah its just a desperate situation to try to look for three rings the wedding ring, the engagement ring and another nice piece of high-end jewelry ring. Just to be honest with you it was after an epic big fight disagreement you know with my wife and I should not have done this but my mind was not in the right place and then in a fit of rage I never done this before but I grabbed four rings. My personal wedding ring, and then her three rings, and then one by one I came out to the balcony and late at night in the dark I threw them out over my balcony in the deep backyard in the woods. It was snowing three feet of snow at the time and I just assumed I never would see him again you know.

Then, obviously just an hour later, and the next day, you regret what you did. I couldn’t look for it because it was all three feet of snow, so I had to wait another week for everything to melt. The first day it melted where I could have visibly I went out there about five or six or seven hours and I was able to find mine. I’m still missing three. I was out there seven hours I just had a chintzy metal detector and I not an expert. I was  kind of encouraged when I found mine but really discouraged I couldn’t find the others  that are more important. There is no way to remedy the situation with my wife and move on unless I find those. Especially the one is more important than the other two being the engagement ring as far as sentimental value. Until then I’m really really really in the doghouse. So I couldn’t find it real discouraged the next day I have off from work I was gonna come out her again and just keep doing it. We were able to find you on the internet yourself on the The Ring Finders and have so many amazing reviews in different scenarios in situation that we called you.  Now you’re here to help us out. 

I am very thankful you guys were able to find our support today. Guys as I said before these are stressful situations and we get maybe one to three calls throughout the month for people in this situation. If you find yourself in a situation, I just want to say don’t feel like we’re gonna give you a hard time or call you out on it or anything this happens we’re used to this. Everyone is human and so we we think Ed for sharing his story to maybe help encourage others out there that might find themselves in situation. You don’t necessarily have to come on camera but just to let you know we do have opportunities and capabilities to help people in the situation. With that being said the three rings, we are going to focus on that just for a second.  They are pretty substantial rings, they mean a lot to the family for the sentimental value and the whole end result of this is getting them back for the family that’s an an absolutely our priority and our focus on this. They are very nice pieces of jewelry so with that being said they’re not dainty in size we got a platinum and we got some white gold rings out there. They got the diamonds and all that you guys will hopefully be able to see that later on as we make the recovery out here. He did find his wedding band and we’re gonna do a test throw here in just a moment so we can get a trajectory on how he’s throwing. He mentioned earlier that he’s got a little bit of a issue with his arm so he shared a little bit about that so maybe they are not way back in the back fourth but it’ll be over here. This is on a private property so we know that they’re absolutely here on the property so with that very confident that we should be able to get them recovered. With that, let me go ahead and get geared up and see if we can bring all three of those rings back and turn the situation around to a better resolve.

Be sure to like, share and subscribe to my videos. By sharing these videos on your social media it really helps get the word out about our amazing Ring Finders all across the nation.

If you have lost an item of value reach out to me directly for a quick chat so I can formulate a recovery plan for you!

CALL 206-618-8194

YouTube: #SeattleRingHunter

How To Find A Heirloom Yellow Gold Wedding Ring Set Thrown Out Of Stress Port Townsend WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call 206-618-8194 ASAP

Watch the SeattleRingHunter recover this wedding ring set thrown out the backdoor during a stressful moment.

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January 2022 A young lady contacted me explaining that she had lost her wedding ring in her back yard and needed assistance recovering it. She informed me that she had thrown the ring out the back of the house during a stressful moment. The incident had happened several months prior. She was certain that her heirloom ring was in her backyard as she was not impaired when the ring was thrown. Soon after the incident she purchased a quality metal detector but was unsuccessful in her attempts to locate her lost ring.

After seeking for additional help she learned of my services and called me out to do a backyard search for her lost ring.

Watch this video to see the exciting conclusion to the thrown heirloom wedding ring.

Be sure to like, share and subscribe to my videos. By sharing these videos on your social media it really helps get the word out about our amazing Ring Finders all across the nation.

If you lost an item of value reach out to me directly for a quick chat so I can formulate a recovery plan for you!

CALL 206-618-8194

YouTube: #SeattleRingHunter

Lost Tungsten Ring…FOUND by Member of The Ring Finders in McMinnville, Tennessee!

Christina McCree – Ring Finder for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

I received a text message from Rachel on Thursday evening (April 7th, 2022) stating that her boyfriend, Tyler, lost his Tungsten Carbide promise ring in February while they were rock crawling on a trail in McMinnville, Tennessee.  McMinnville is about a 2-hour drive from me (Huntsville, Alabama).  I told Rachel that I would be more than happy to help, but I wouldn’t be able to make it out until Saturday or Sunday when I was off from work.  Sunday actually turned out to be a beautiful day, so we scheduled the search for Sunday morning.

I arrived at their home in McMinnville, TN on Sunday morning (April 10th, 2022) around 10am.  I transferred my gear over to Rachel’s vehicle.  We needed to go through some thick grass and over rocks in order to make it out to the spot that Tyler lost his ring at.  We headed out and arrived at the base of the trail about 15 minutes later.  We parked at the base, because we didn’t want to drive over the ring.  I grabbed my Minelab Equinox 800 metal detector from Rachel’s vehicle and we started making our way up the steep trail.  It was about a 10-minute walk up to the spot where Tyler thought he lost his ring.  The Tungsten ring was actually thrown during an argument.  This happens way more than people think.  People have disagreements and sometimes rings go flying.  It’s always important that I know exactly what happened in order for a successful ring recovery.

Both Rachel and Tyler said that they heard a ping, so we knew that the ring probably hit a rock.  We were just hoping that it didn’t take a weird bounce.  The main part of the trail was easy to search.  The right side was very steep, so I didn’t think that it bounced up that far.  The left side was rocky, and I planned to search that last if I didn’t find the ring in the main trail area.  Tyler showed me where he was standing when he threw the ring.  He threw it down the trail, so I started at the top section.  I marked that spot with a few cones and started my grid search heading down the trail.  I covered the trail a good ways down and only found junk metal and some vehicle parts.  I felt that I searched that area very well and started searching the left side where all the rocks were at.  I eventually made my way up to the top where my cones were, but I didn’t find Tyler’s ring.  I decided to head back down and search along the trail again to be sure.  I made it back down and confirmed that the ring was not there.  I was about 1.5 hours into my search, I told Rachel and Tyler that they may have been further down the trail when the ring was thrown or it just took a crazy bounce.  I could tell that their hope was fading, but Rachel said that she thought they were further down the trail when the ring was thrown.  That made sense, because different sections of the trail looked very similar.

I began searching that next area where Rachel thought they were.  About 30 minutes in, I received a good shallow signal on my Equinox.  I moved my coil to the side and saw the shape of a ring just barely covered!  I could see the gleam of the sun reflecting off of it.  Rachel was looking in my direction, I smiled and pointed down to the ground.  She asked, “you found it?”  I said “yes!”  Both Rachel and Tyler came over, and Tyler picked up the ring.  They were so excited!  Tyler almost couldn’t believe it, because it wasn’t where he thought it should’ve been.  We can only find what’s there to be found and being in the right spot is the only way for that to happen.

We celebrated for a few minutes, took some pictures, and were on our way to their house.  I’m so happy that they have their ring back.  I pray that this helps strengthen their relationship.  Thank you, Lord, for another successful ring recovery!  I’m always happy to help, proud to be a member of The Ring Finders, and looking forward to my next adventure…

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, jewelry, or other metal item, please contact a member of The Ring Finders.

Women’s Diamond Engagement Ring Lost for 2 Months…FOUND Spruce Pine, Alabama!

Christina McCree – Lost Item Recovery Specialist for North Alabama and surrounding areas…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

I received a text message from Amee on Saturday night (March 27th, 2021).  Amee had lost her 14K white gold and platinum plated diamond engagement ring somewhere in her gravel driveway.  She tried using a metal detector, but Amee and her husband, Casey, were unfamiliar with how to use it properly.  They also tried sifting through the gravel with a garden tool and makeshift sifter, but that too was unsuccessful.  Amee and her family tried searching for many weeks, but still no engagement ring.  She went on Google and searched, “how to find a lost ring” and Chris Turner’s The Ring Finders website popped up.  This is a worldwide directory of independent metal detecting specialists ready to assist in the recovery of lost items for their local area.  Since nothing else had worked so far and they were basically out of options, Amee thought she’d give The Ring Finders a try.

I was able to meet Amee and Casey the following day (Sunday, March 28th, 2021) for the search.  They live in Spruce Pine, Alabama, which is between Haleyville and Russellville.  I didn’t mind the hour and a half drive from Huntsville, as it was a beautiful early Spring afternoon!  Amee told me that she had actually lost both her engagement ring and wedding band on February 1st.  She explained that she was in her car, pulling into her driveway and she had both rings in her hand.  She parked, got out and was walking around the car and accidentally dropped them in the gravel driveway.  She was able to find the wedding band, but the engagement ring was still missing after almost 2 months!

I thoroughly searched the area around where her car was normally parked.  I found the usual foil, pull-tabs, and bottle caps.  Amee then showed me the spot where she dumped the sifted piles.  I searched that as well, but still no ring.  I was confident that the ring was not in the area she initially identified.

I offered to search Amee’s car, because that seemed like the only place left.  Amee then told me that she needed to come clean…the engagement ring was not in her car, because she had made up the story of accidentally dropping the rings.  The rings were actually thrown from the front porch in a moment of stress and anger.  Please don’t judge.  We’re all human and we’ve all done things that we later wish we hadn’t.  Amee gave me permission to share this.  If she hadn’t been truthful with what actually occurred, her ring may have never been found.  This really makes me wonder how many other rings are still missing today, because a client didn’t feel comfortable with sharing the real story on how their ring was lost.

I reassured Amee to not feel bad.  Ring throws actually occur way more than people think, but some just don’t feel comfortable talking about it.  Amee and Casey then shared some very sad and unfortunate personal news that led up to the ring toss.  Out of respect for the family, I’ve decided to not share these details.

With this new information and based on my knowledge and experience with ring tosses, I felt very confident that Amee’s engagement ring would now be found!  When the rings were thrown, Amee said that she heard a ping.  This was her wedding band hitting the car and bouncing back.  I felt that the engagement ring went further than they thought and actually flew over the car instead of hitting it.  I started a new grid towards the direction of the toss in the front yard, just a few feet beyond the driveway and where I ended my other grid.

Within a matter of minutes (on my second gridline), my Minelab Equinox 800 metal detector rang up a solid 8.  Parting the grass, I uncovered Amee’s gorgeous 14K white gold with platinum plating diamond engagement ring!!!  Amee was in complete shock that her engagement ring had been found and couldn’t thank me enough!  Casey had asked Amee for her hand in marriage with this very ring in 2007 (about 14 years ago)!  The ring was now back on Amee’s finger where it belongs along with her wedding band!  I’m so glad that this ring search had a happy ending!  I give all glory to God, and I pray that He allows me to continue helping others for many years to come!

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, jewelry, or other metal item, please contact a member of The Ring Finders.