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Lost jewelry? Metal detectorist – SOUTHERN FRANCE

Need help locating lost jewelry or other valuable property?  I am located in southern France between Marseille and Avignon but will do reasonable travel including Côte d’Azur and Lyon to help you locate your lost treasures. I will respond promptly to requests. This is an area of many tourists with limited time so I understand the need for prompt service.  I am equipped to search land or water (up to about 4 ft).  Call me at (33) (0)4 86 37 77 17 or cell (33) (0)6 29 83 27 66 or contact me through

Just joined….in Southern France

I just joined The Ringfinders. I am located in the Provence area of southern France and can cover a large area. Italy is only 2 1/2 hrs from me and Côte d’Azur is less than 2 hrs. I really like reading about the successes you guys (and gals?) are having and hopefully, one day, I will be able to communicate additional successes. Your blogs are helpful so if you have any tips (not trade secrets), pass them along. Cordially, Larry (Griff) Griffith

Lost Custom Wedding Ring Found in Marina: Ocean City NJ

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)

Look at this BEAUTY!! A Tuna, a Marlin and an Anchor…

I received a call from John asking if I could help him find his custom made wedding ring. He said he had lost it a few weeks ago in the water. I asked John to give me some more details.

He said he was washing his boat with a car wash mitt on his hand. The mitt came off and when he retrieved the mitt and picked it up he saw his ring fall out of it and sink into the bay.

I started asking a lot of questions, the main one being how deep is the water? John’s reply was 4 foot at low tide. I agreed to make the hour drive the following Sunday to meet him at low tide.

I got to the marina about a half an hour before low tide. Yes it was 4 feet deep to the muck, the muck was about another foot. I got into my wetsuit and got into the water. He pointed to the area the ring fell.

Within 2 minutes I had a solid signal. I thought wow this is great, a nice QUICK find I’ll be back home in time to watch the Opening Kickoff of the NFL Season. The muck was so thick in my scoop we need a hose to see what was in it. I had a “Stinkin Lincoln” a penny. I continued the hunt.

The area was quite, not much metal. I had to have John move his boat to broaden the search area. In the next hour and a half I had found 1 penny, 1 Miller Lite can and 4 little washers.

I was getting frustrated and so was John. The tide was coming in and was up to my neck while standing on my tippy toes. John then tells me that he might have moved the ring. He said for the 4 nights after he lost the ring he was in the water with a shrimp net trying to find the ring.

I said I am running out of time and need to get out because of the incoming tide, and I don’t scuba dive. But I want to check this one little area. 2 minutes later I had the ring. What a beautiful gold ring it is.

John was so happy, the look on his face was priceless! I was pumped, great adrenaline rush for an adrenaline junkie!! The people on the dock and the boat next to John’s were amazed that I had found it. They all thought that Davey Jones was now owner of the ring.

John said he will not wear it again until he gets it re-sized.

Below are some words from John:

On August 31st 2012 I was cleaning my boat after a day of reef fishing in OC N.J. I lost my custom made wedding ring when my hand hit the rub rail. After a week of searching myself a friend told me about Dave Milsted the ring finder. I called Dave and set a date for Sept 9 2012 at low tide. Dave showed up on time and worked very hard for two hours as the tide was rising quickly. Dave found my priceless ring. I cannot thank him enough.

Best Regards

John R

O.C. N.J

John reunited with his custom ring!

Lost ring Calgary Groom out of the doghouse

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

Kevin searching the mud puddle










A lost TUNGSTEN WEDDING RING WITH 3 DIAMONDS was found west of Sundre, Alberta Canada by Kevin Niefer the TV METAL DETECTIVE.  They were up in the foothills where people go 4 wheel driving and ride on quads.  The Bride and Groom were having a mud fight for their wedding photos and the groom lost his ring in a large mud puddle.  Everyone in the wedding party tried looking for it.  The ring wasn’t found even after six people put in about six hours. They even rented their own metal detector with no luck. I was able to find it in 20 minutes.  This made two people very happy.  Now the groom was out of the doghouse and their lives full of wedded bliss could begin……..



Wedding party after looking for six hours with detector

Grooms wedding band after found






Two rings found and returned to the same owner

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a distressed call from a mom about a lost ring in a pond recently. The daughter had been given the ring by someone who had passed away recently. A second ring had been lost about a year and a half ago. Both rings were recovered by James Evans, a member of THE RINGFINDERS METAL DETECTING SERVICE. If you need a metal detectorist, contact me. I hunt in water (up to about 4 feet deep), and on land. I find rings, coins, jewelry, keys and relics. Reward based fee.

You Lost Your Ring in the Bathroom???

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

You Lost You Ring in the Bathroom???Lost Ring in the Bathroom????

We received an email from a gentleman named Les, he said that he was changing clothes in his apartment bathroom and when he went to pull his shirt over his head his wedding ring slipped off and hit the floor.  He said he actually heard it hit the floor.  He decided to finish dressing and then find the ring.  Mind you this is a very small apartment bathroom.

Les looked and looked for the ring, he and his wife checked everywhere.  They even had the maintenance men come and move their washer and dryer in the attached room to see if the ring was underneath.  Les lost his ring on his ONE MONTH wedding anniversary.  It has been 3 months since the ring went missing and he found « The Ring Finders » on the internet.  He lives literally 5 minutes from my home.

My wife, Ellen, and I arrived about 7pm not really believing we would have much luck.  Metal detectors are not of much use inside a home let alone a small apartment bathroom.  But Les was so nice and asked us to try so we agreed.  We took our Garrett Pinpointers and our Detection Camera Scope.  Upon seeing the size of the bathroom we knew it had to have bounced somewhere strange.

      In looking at the bathroom we found a small open lip under the cabinet where the kick plate is. It was only a 1-1/2 inch opening that I could not even get my hand into, I got out my 3ft Detection Camera scope and worked it into the slot, nothing at first but on the second side, there in the dark glowing under the light from the camera scope was Les’s Platinum Wedding Band.   I said, ‘hey Les, take a look at my detection screen, is that your Ring?’  He was so excited, he and I had to break loose the baseboard under the sink in order to reach it.  He hollered for his wife, « they found It, they found it! »  Another successful hunt for « The Ring Finders ».

Don & Ellen Wilson

Dallas, Texas

Lost Man’s Silver Wedding Ring in Gahanna, OH. « FOUND »

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received an email from a guy that lost his Silver Wedding Band while playing football with his two young boys. He was very distraught from the lost of his wedding ring. After about a hour of doing a grid search in the thick grass. The sliver wedding band was found just under the wide grass blades. He was very happy to have to ring back on his hand.


Lost Man’s Silver Wedding Ring in Gahanna, OH. « FOUND »

Ring lost at Mission Bay San Diego Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

     Julia was play volleyball in a tournament and lost her gold toe ring in the sand of one of the courts. When I arrived a couple of hours later, that particular court had already been removed but I could kinda make out the outline of where it had been. Her team was still playing but on a different court so I started my grid at the net line and a couple of minutes later, the lost was found. Even though this wasn’t a wedding ring, it had quite of bit of sentimental value to Julia as she had owned it for 25 years and it was the only surviving  piece of jewelry she owned after a fire burned her place down a few years ago. After hugs and photos and the inevitable  delay of game caused by me, everything was back to normal. Play Ball!

Lost Wedding Ring Found Lake Minnewashta

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Monica called and asked if I could help locate her husbands lost wedding band. They were swimming at a local beach and he noticed his ring was gone, they searched with goggles as it is only waste deep water. No luck! I went in the next day and Monica pointed me to the area they thought it might be. Monica thought it was to the left of the lifeguards chair and her husband though it was to the right. I have to be honest with you Monica – Your husband was right on this one. It took me approx. 3 hours as this is a very large beach and the ring was actually 25 yards further to the right than they had anticipated. What a beautiful ring – check out the added pictures – One of the best looking rings I have seen in a long time. Glad I could help out. take Care.


Lost Car Keys at 3rd Beach…Stanley Park, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Car keys are important specially when you only have one key!  I received a call yesterday from a young man who explained that he thought he lost his car keys with alarm fob the night before while partying with his friends on the beach. He called me from 3rd beach the following day and I asked him to take pictures of the location so when I got there at night I’d have a good chance to find the car key.

I know the beaches get hit hard by the local treasure hunters so I put out an email to a friend to see if he or anyone he knew were hunting 3rd beach the night before. The answer back was no…


I got the details/pictures over the phone from the young man and off I went at 10 pm to search for the lost key. After arriving I realized I was in the party pit! Fire pits and bottle caps and pull tabs every where!  Almost every swing you got a signal…


I dumped my pouch of crap twice in the garbage and took one load of caps and pull tabs to show you all…I spent 5 1/2 hours searching the area for his lost car key  because I knew it would cost a small fortune to have one cut.

After the first 2 hours I realized I was searching the wrong area…(Always good to have the person there to show you the area) Luckily one of the pictures he sent me had a unique log that look like it had deer antlers,  I was able to find that log and I knew I was in the hot zone.

I always show you videos of my recoveries and blog my story of success…But it doesn’t always have a happy ending! I didn’t find his car key but not for a lack of trying. More then likely the key & fob were sitting on the top of the sand and in the morning someone eyeballed it…Or it was lost some where else…

I always say…I can only find what’s there to be found…If its there…I will Find it!




I found enough to cover my gas…

10- $2.00 coins

3- $1.00 coins

12-25 cent coins

15-10 cent coins

7- 5 cent coins

20- 1 cent coins

3-Rings-1 silver

1-Pair of ladies sun glasses

Bottle caps & Pull Tabs…To many to count! But they are now where they belong…In the Garbage!