How to Metal Detect a Platinum Diamond Wedding Ring in Sofa…Burke, Virginia

Alexandra’s Beautiful Platinum Diamond Ring Recovered in Sofa by Expert Ring Finder Brian Rudolph in Burke, Virginia

Alexandra and Bryan Smiling Happily Ever After Now That Ring Finder Rudolph of THE RING FINDERS Found the Couple’s Sentimental Symbol of Love!
Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!
I received a call from a young lady named Alexandra who needed my help to find two missing items in her home. One was a gold cross pendant and the other was her platinum wedding band with multiple round and baguette diamonds encircled around the band. Alexandra let me know that she lost her pendant a week prior to our contact and then the wedding band went missing a couple of days after that. When she and her husband Bryan tried everything to recover the jewelry and then their efforts ultimately led to no avail, that was when the young lady felt it was time to call a professional ring finder (if one even existed) in order to help the couple solve these two mysteries!
Alexandra found me online when she was searching for a specialist to help her find the lost pendant and ring. My client came across the elite international directory of metal detectorists called THE RING FINDERS and within a short period of time, Alexandra was on the phone talking with me about the details of these two disappearances. I was excited to help the couple knowing my past successes with in-house searches for missing property. I love solving these mysteries and this particular search intrigued me a great deal because it involved searching for two very different types of items that were lost completely independent of one another.
Because we were dealing with an in-house search, I encouraged Alexandra to check out past articles and videos of mine that show my successes while searching for lost property in people’s homes. She had done her research in advance of her calling me, so we were all set to go to schedule an appointment for me to come out and give it a shot on solving these cases.
The very next day I headed out to Burke, Virginia extremely excited about taking on this brand new challenge before me. When I arrived, Alexandra went over all of the details regarding both pieces of property that she had lost over the last week. With regards to the crucifix, she took me over to a dining room table padded bench where she found only the chain that the pendant was originally connected to. She explained that when she fastened the chain, she accidentally did not connect the clasp correctly and that had explained why the chain was not even broken when she found it on the bench seat. Alexandra went on to share that she looked everywhere for the beloved crucifix, searching the upstairs bathroom (where she had initially put it on) as well as scouring her bedroom, kitchen area, living room and even the back seat of her car. No matter how much teamwork was given to the couple’s efforts, the very special cross was nowhere to be found.
As far as the missing wedding band was concerned, Alexandra and her husband Brian shared that the only place that the ring most likely had ended up was the sofa in the living room. When my client laid down on the couch to take a nap, she believed that she took both her engagement ring and wedding band off and placed them beside each other somewhere on one of the cushions. Then, when she awoke, the rings were both gone. Bryan searched throughout that area and he swore that he heard a “jingle” sound while lifting up the cushions to inspect underneath. To both of their surprise, Alexandra spotted the engagement ring right at the edge of where one part of the sectional piece connected to a second sectional piece. The two of them figured they would find the wedding band somewhere close to the other ring that was discovered, but when they searched over and over again, they could not find the platinum and diamond wedding band anywhere. Alexandra and Brian both believed that the sentimental keepsake must have ended up down below in one of those sectional pieces belonging to the sofa. However, no matter how they flipped the couch and used flashlights to shine down inside the rectangular shaped furniture, neither one of them could spot the missing-in- action piece of jewelry.
Once I completed collecting all of the facts needed to start the first search, I pulled out the gear that I needed to begin looking for the lost crucifix pendant and then headed to the second floor to start the recovery operation. I checked every square inch of each of the rooms where Alexandra had shared where she put the chain on in the bathroom as well as moved around in the master bedroom and another room that was adjacent to it. I inspected all of the carpets and all of the spaces between the walls and the carpet and still nothing turned up. Then, I placed my endoscope down into the sink, but it was completely clear, along with every crack and crevice that I found underneath the plumbing and below the sink cabinet. Once I cleared all of the rooms, I moved my way down the hall back towards the stairs and analyzed all of the carpet as I moved my way back towards the first level.
When dealing with in-house searches, there will be those times when the case that I’m trying to crack just keeps on getting more mysterious as I check every which place in the rooms that were associated with its disappearance. No matter how detailed the search is conducted, for whatever reason, the treasure sometimes doesn’t make itself known. In regards to this case, I thoroughly inspected every open space in the foyer of the house, all of the kitchen and drawers that would apply to this particular search, all of the eating areas along with checking where the detached chain was found lying on the bench at the table where the couple would generally eat. Still, nothing was found. When everything checked out to be clear in the living room as well, I put my jacket and shoes on and headed outside to metal detect the front lawn that led down to the sidewalk (just in case Alexandra had lost her piece of jewelry as she went to her car to grab a couple things before returning back inside). I was truly hoping I would find the gold in that region but still there was nothing positive to speak about after finishing that section of the property. The very last place that I had to check was the back seat and floor of Alexander’s vehicle, but sad to say, upon doing a thorough review, it checked out to be as clean as a whistle. Therefore I had to conclude that the 14 karat gold cross would not be recovered under my watch. I was hopeful that perhaps the couple would stumble across the jewelry in the basement or someplace else where Alexandra didn’t remember where she walked when wearing the loose chain and pendant. One thing was for sure and that was that my client was confident that the crucifix did not end up in her clothes. Alexandra recounted with me that she carefully examined all of what she was wearing that day and the cross did not stick to or stay in any of what she was wearing at the time of the crucifix’s disappearance.
I was quite disappointed that I was not able to report good news to the couple regarding my search for the lost sentimental piece of jewelry. However, the two of them agreed to keep their eyes wide open just in case it might turn up over time. As soon as I completed my brief regarding Search Number One, I turned the page and began a new chapter with my second search at hand. Knowing all of the details that revolved around the lost platinum and diamond wedding band, I was pretty confident that I would recover the band. I made my way over to the living room couch where I had been earlier when looking for the pendant and immediately began inspecting the only suspected “scene of the crime”.
I just love searching for people’s lost property and especially this particular in-house recovery operation. I first got out my endoscope once more (which I had used earlier in various places where I needed to check any gaps and spaces where the crucifix could have slipped into and disappeared) and I placed my probe down into a narrow space at the top of the left sofa sectional piece. I wanted to see if the wedding band had made its way down inside that very narrow slit. This space that I am speaking about happened to be part of the sofa hardware that helped to connect the left portion of the couch to its right counterpart. It made the most sense that if Alexandra found her beloved engagement ring just near the edge of the left sectional (which was very close to that narrow opening), her precious wedding band probably had fallen down into that space when Bryan had first removed the left cushion and heard that “jingle” noise (as if the ring hit something as it was traveling out of sight).
As I maneuvered the endoscope lens every which way possible in order to view every square inch of that particular piece of furniture, I kept my eyes glued to my monitor screen just in case a curious target would come into sight. I must have checked that sectional for at least 10 minutes observing every corner and chamber, but it all checked out to be clear from what I was seeing on my monitor. If I did not find the ring in the next sectional, I was determined to return back to the previous piece of furniture and resume my search where I had first started to probe.
It was now time to take my investigation over to the second sectional piece that was to the right of the one that I had just checked out. This particular sofa piece was identical to its counterpart, except that its slit was positioned near the left edge where it was connected to the left sectional. Once again I placed the endoscope down into that narrow space and searched all of the same places that I had observed in the previous site next to it. At first everything seemed to check out perfectly with no sign of a piece of jewelry anywhere. It even started to make me wonder if perhaps I would not score on my second in-house search for the irreplaceable platinum and diamond wedding band. However, just as I was positioning the probe on a certain angle in a particular spot inside that second sectional piece, I saw on my monitor screen what appeared to be a thin sliver of metal that was wedged between some internal fabric of that particular piece of furniture. I did not want to get too excited at first because from my first vantage point it almost looked like it was the rim of a nickel or some other coin. I didn’t want to get overly optimistic, but this image on my screen definitely got my attention towards this particular object! After a few more tries of wielding the endoscope snake in such a way that I could get a better glimpse of what this target actually was, my eyes began to widen as I viewed on the monitor what appeared to be several diamonds inserted into this mysterious piece of metal! In fact, the more I twisted my endoscope cable to get a better fix on my target, the more round and baguette shaped diamonds could be seen encircling this most beautiful metallic “halo”! I had found the ring indeed! What a rush that was to behold such an amazing sight! There is really nothing like the experience of being able to search and then identify the missing piece of jewelry which could not previously be found by my bewildered and frustrated clients! It brings me so much joy to be able to return something that holds such emotion and sentimental worth that when I find something like this, it just sends me to the moon and back!
Now that I had located the gorgeous piece of platinum and diamonds, I was left with the task of carefully retrieving the missing item from its unique hiding place. The strategy I used was to place a hook on the end of my device and return to the spot where I had first discovered the object. Then, I would carefully attempt to grab a hold of a part of the band in order to extract it from the furniture’s dark inner chamber. I’m excited to share that within a few minutes of attempting this operation inside the right sectional, I was able to successfully grab ahold of Alexander’s wedding band and safely bring it up and out of the slit of the right sectional piece! The search was over! Yes, I successfully recovered Alexander’s most exquisite diamond wedding band! It really was a beautiful piece of art! Knowing how sentimentally priceless this symbol of love meant to the couple, I couldn’t wait to surprise Alexandra the moment that I called her upstairs (as she was working in the basement) to review what I had done thus far! When I did the reveal just minutes after finding the wedding band, uncontrollable emotion made its way down the sides of this young lady’s eyes as I held up the piece of platinum between my fingers! That one-of-a-kind ring which was originally placed upon Alexandra’s finger on the day of holy matrimony between she and Bryan was now finally on display once again!!
It was another amazing moment which never gets old for me when I get to return something as cherished as this back to the finger of my client! Alexandra and Bryan were so grateful for my work and expertise in recovering this lost item for them! Even though I was not able to find the crucifix, the three of us rejoiced and celebrated the success of finding the second lost item! Just looking at Alexander’s face, you could tell how relieved she was to finally get her diamond ring back on her left hand and move on from all of the distractions that had taken place over a week earlier!
Before I left, we took some pictures and then Bryan poured each of us a glass of “something special” and he made a toast to the successful recovery of Alexander’s most precious sentimental keepsake! What a wonderful time it was and I will never forget this extremely special couple who entrusted me with their irreplaceable “symbol of love”!
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