Lost Ring Found Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Wedding Ring Found in Spring Hill Tennessee

  • from Nashville (Tennessee, United States)

I received a phone call from Gabriel on 01-28-2025. Gabriel explained that yesterday he was throwing some bird food (old bread) into an empty field across the street from his house, and he felt his gold wedding band fly off his hand and surely land in the field

. He and his family members spent hours scouring the vacant lot, which was mostly muddy with patches of weeds. Gabriel and his wife were heading out of town, but he put me in contact with his mother-in-law, Leisa. I made the 45 minute drive to Gabriel’s house and was met there by Leisa. She showed me the general area where she thought Gabriel was standing when he threw the bread into the field. There were still pieces of bread in the field to show the direction Gabriel threw.

I searched the field for just over an hour with only a few coin and can slaw pieces, along with extremely mud caked boots to show for it.

After getting the mud off my boots I walked across the street to Gabriel’s front yard. I searched the side to the left of the driveway, and nothing. I went to the side to the right of the driveway, and a few minutes later I got that signal in my headphones that told me, “You found me!” Yes! There it was, concealed by the lush green grass. No digging needed.

I called Leisa back to Gabriel and her daughter’s home. With a straight face I told her that there was no way that Gabriel’s ring was in the field. I told her I searched well beyond the borders where the ring would have landed and didn’t find it. Leisa had a bummed look on her face. I told Leisa I ran my detector over the grass in the front yard, and held the ring up and asked if this looked like Gabriel’s ring. That sad face turned into the biggest smile and may have even brought a few tears of joy. She explained that Gabriel’s wedding ring had been blessed before he married her daughter, and the ring meant so much to them.

Leisa called Gabriel, who was driving out of state and told them the great news. She had them on speaker phone so I could hear the excitement myself. Meeting wonderful people in my beautiful new home state of Tennessee and re-uniting them with their lost treasures is a great thing. It doesn’t get much better.

Lost Platinum Engagement Ring Found in Corn Pit in Wooster, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

Halloween high jinks were in full swing this past weekend in Wooster, Ohio! Kim was enjoying an unseasonably warm fall day with her family at Ramseyer Farms. The day was full of fun and treats, but Kim ended up being on the receiving end of a trick! The culprit? Corn! That’s right, not a person, it was corn…and lots of it! Kim was playing with her 2-year-old daughter in the Corn Barn (a giant corn pit, in a barn) when it happened. (For those who don’t know, a corn pit is like a sand box, except it’s filled with corn kernels!) Anyway, she was crawling through the corn towards her daughter when she felt that unmistakable feeling of a ring slipping off her finger! She immediately started foraging through the corn, but couldn’t find her platinum engagement ring! She continued searching for a while and her dad even went and purchased a metal detector to aid in the search! After a while she decided to search the internet where she found The Ringfinder’s website, which led her to me. I received the call at 5:13 pm yesterday evening. Kim explained what had happened and asked if I would be able to come out and assist. She said the staff at Ramseyer Farms was aware of the situation and that they would keep the lights on and the barn open after hours to allow us to search. The farm was closing at 7pm, so Tammy (my metal detecting partner) and I arrived at the farm around 6:50 pm and met Kim at the main entrance. We made our way back to the corn barn as she filled us in on a few more details about the event. When we got to the barn, we took off our shoes and followed Kim into the corn. She told us about where she was and what direction she was heading when she lost her ring and we got to work! We started out using our pinpointers in the general area she had been and then I decided to do a little bit bigger sweep with my detector just in case it was no longer in the same spot, as the corn barn is a huge attraction at Ramseyer Farms and, as such, it is always packed with kids scooping, digging, rummaging, running and rolling through the corn! While I swept the area, Tammy kept following Kim’s path through the corn with her pinpointer. About forty-five minutes into the search, Tammy had a hit about 6-8 inches deep in the corn, right along Kim’s path. She slowly started sweeping corn away as she worked her way down, keeping her pinpointer on the signal. And then I heard Kim gasp! She had been watching Tammy and noticed the glint right away as Tammy plucked the ring from the corn! Tammy handed the ring to a super excited Kim, we took a few photos and then we all made our way out of the corn. The staff at Ramseyer Farms was wonderful! They were super friendly and accommodating as we searched and celebrated the find, right along with us! What an adventure! Kim got her ring back, Kim’s dad found a new hobby and we got to play in the corn! All in all, a great evening! We’re so glad we were able to turn Kim’s trick into a treat! Just remember, if you visit a corn pit – don’t forget to take off your jewelry! But, if you do forget and lose something, give us a call! 


Texas A&M Class Ring Recovered at Navarre Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Loren and his family from Philadelphia, Virginia, Atlanta, Texas and Louisiana had traveled to Navarre Beach for a family reunion. Everyone was having a wonderful time, Loren was throwing the football around with his brothers while cooling off in the water and He felt the ring slide off his finger and disappear in the sand. This ring was special to Loren, his Texas A&M Class Ring that meant a lot to him and he wanted the original back! His wife called a friend who knew the Pensacola area and recommended Pensacola Ring Finders. I was contacted and told them I would help. The ring was lost in chest deep water and the area rather large. It took three and a half hours to find. The family had just about lost faith that it would be found so when found everyone was ecstatic. That’s when Loren’s wife shared with me why it was of the upmost importance that his original ring be recovered. Tradition! Having a worn A&M class ring meant it is always on his finger, a symbols of honor and loyalty to the school, class mates, his education and chosen profession as a Engineer. I’ve a grand daughter going to engineering school at A&M now so we instantly bonded. Loren and his family are the nicest people you ever want to meet. I am glad I met them, could help and wish them the best. Hook Em’ Loren!

Lost Ring Found Orange Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

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Ring Found at Pensacola Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Alex and Cali contacted me asking if I could find Alex wedding ring that he lost in the water at Pensacola Beach. They were afraid of losing it and wanted me to come that night, I said I couldn’t come that night but would meet them at first light the next morning. Both Alex and Cali are Internet Tech Remote workers who do their work where ever they and their computer are. They had recently moved to Pensacola from San Diego. Alex pointed out about where he lost his ring and I started a search. It turned out to be a fairly easy search. After about 4 passes and digging several pop tops and a nickel I found his ring. They were both extremely grateful and I could tell that their worry was relieved. They are really nice people and I am glad I could help.

Lost Ring Found…. AGAIN!!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

My first ring recovery of 2023 is also another kind of first. This is the first time I have been called on to find the same ring for a second time. A little over two years ago Brenda and Henry called me to come out and find Henry’s 1968 University of Alabama class ring that had come off while putting out pine straw at their home in Gulf Shores. Henry had saved my number in his Rolodex so when it happened again in the exact same scenario, he knew who to call. Henry and I were talking to each other and he looked on as I set my machine to the area he was pretty sure that it had come off in. The first tone I got I explained was an iron tone and told him that I was pretty sure I remembered his ring was a 12-36 on my machine. Not thirty seconds later I got a strong 12-32. As I reached down and uncovered his ring, I told him that I wasn’t far off on the number and I would take it after 2 years. 😃. Henry was ecstatic as I gave him his ring back. I told him to keep a close eye on his ring this time but if he lost it again just give me a call and I’d be right there for the next time. It was a pleasure seeing you again Henry, give Brenda my best!

Lost Ring in the yard – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

This was one of my favorite recoveries. Not just because of the unique story but because of the great people involved. I got a call from Marilynn and I could hear her husband David talking in the background. Marilynn began to explain their story and David quickly took the phone. I knew it was going to be an interesting one when David said, “Man, I’m just embarrassed to tell you this”. It turns out that David has been metal detecting for years and the day before he was trying to pass on the love for the hobby. He was having a friend over to check out a detector and David decided to go out in the yard before his buddy got there and plant his very large, solid gold antique wedding band in front of the trash can so he’d know right where it was. Shortly thereafter his friend was finding some pennies and some other bits of metal but he never found David’s ring. Finally David had to spoil the surprise and he told his friend to go over by the trash can and see what he could find. When he still didn’t find it, David took his detector back to find it himself. You can imagine his surprise when he couldn’t find it either and he now had lost his own planted wedding band in the yard. 😳. They ended up trying a second detector and then ultimately spent the rest of the day completely digging up the grass and dirt from about a 5×5’ section of the yard. The next morning, David remembered a friend of his that also detected and thought that maybe he would have some higher grade detectors and got him to come over. Well he did bring two very good machines over but you guessed it, they weren’t able to find it. That’s when they searched the internet and found me. I was intrigued with the story and ended up actually knowing the guy who had gone that morning. I got some info about his settings, etc. from him and told him that now I wanted to find it just so I could good naturedly give him a hard time if I was able to find it. 😃 When I got there, the yard was exactly as described and there was a 5×5’ section in the grass that was torn to pieces down into the dirt. David and Marilynn obviously wanted this ring back. I won’t bore you with too many details but I used a very advanced machine with 2 different coils and we dug up some very deep bits of copper pipe but no ring. All the while, David was adamant that he had placed it right there. I completely believed him but my wife always has a saying that “if they knew where it was, they wouldn’t need me.”  Wise woman!  So I started telling David stories about all the crazy places I had recovered rings for people. We hit it off as we continued to very slowly search that small area. Finally I told David that I totally believed that he had planted the ring there but would he please trust me and let me walk down the yard a bit. He told me I could and I didn’t go another 5 feet before I got a buried tone a few inches deep. He dropped down and popped it out and it was an old penny. I told him that with the size of his ring, that was the sound I wanted to hear. As I stood up I rescanned the spot and right beside it was another tone but only about 2 inches down. David said that we might as well pop out the other penny just to get it out of the way. When his beautiful antique ring came out of the ground he was absolutely thrilled while at the same time perplexed how it got over there. I told him that sometimes it just takes another perspective and that I thought he may have accidentally thrown it over there with a shovel the previous day and that either himself, his wife or the two other metal detectorists could have pressed it into the ground with a boot while they were focused on the other area. Either way, David and Marilynn were beyond thrilled to get it back. David said that my reputation had been on the line but that he was amazed. 😃 Im so glad I was able to help y’all out. No more planting family heirlooms in the yard!  LOL

Lost Platinum Wedding Band in Cottonwood Heights: Found

This was a fun one! Ryan reached out me while he was in Georgia on a trip. Right before he left, he was in a hurry to clear the recent snow from his driveway and sidewalks. He was at the end of the driveway when the snow blower got clogged and he went to clear the snow that was stuck inside. After cleaning out the clog, he heard the snow blower throw something that sounded unusual. After finishing up, he went back inside and noticed his platinum wedding band was missing. Thinking that the unusual sound from the snow blower was his ring, he went back to search around the mailbox area but nothing.

I went over to Ryan’s house while he was away in Georgia and got all the details via facetime. It was late but after searching the area in question, I didn’t find the ring. I started to expand the search area making sure to cover all areas where snow had been piled up from the snow blower. I was literally on my last few feet of the area when I finally got that unmistakable signal. His ring was was down almost a foot in the snow. I quickly sent Ryan a video and he could not believe where I had found it. He either had lost it earlier or the snow blower threw it about 35 feet from where he thought he lost it. I left the ring with his neighbor so Ryan could get it back as soon as he got home! All in all was a great recovery!

Lost 14k Rose Gold Ring in West Jordan: Found

Kiley reached out to me after realizing she just lost her 14k rose gold wedding ring. She came home and went to bring in the trash cans off the street. The trash can lid was open so she flipped it closed which upon doing, she got some snow on her hands. She went to flick off the snow and heard her ring hit the snow. It was dark and she was unable to see where it landed. It was a beautiful 14k rose gold ring with an Opal and two small diamonds. After searching in the snow, she turned to finding a metal detector and found this page.  I went over that evening in the dark and search for nearly two hours along the tree strip where the trash can had been. I expanded the search area but unfortunately did not find the ring that night. I went home, tested a few small rings my wife has making sure my detector was picking up the signal. It was working great! I also came up with a theory that the ring didn’t actually come off her hand after closing the lid to the trash can but that the lid of the trash can caught her ring and threw it up in the air directly into the street or to the tree strip across the street. I went back the next day and continued to search the area she thought she lost it but after an hour or so, still no ring. I decided to put my theory to action and after just a few minutes directly across the street, I found her ring laying in the tree street about 40 feet away! It just so happened to be Kiley’s birthday so it was a nice birthday surprise getting the ring back to her!

Lost Platinum Ring Found in Goose Creek, Middleburg Virginia

  • from Leesburg (Virginia, United States)

Call Ray at MyGoldFinder for lost items 571.258.7217


I recently received a call from a customer, Chris from Arlington Virginia. He provided a brief description of his situation and asked if it was something I could assist him with, I said « absolutely I can help ».  Chris had taken a short Saturday trip to Northern Virginia to do some fly fishing with a friend. They had picked a beautiful area in Loudoun County, specially Middleburg, Virginia. As Chris was fishing and moving through the creek he had stumbled hands first into the water. He had hit with such force that his left hand was in a lot of pain which caused him to start shaking his hand vigorously to alleviate some of the pain. After returning to his vehicle a short while later is when he realized the ring was gone. As with most of us these days with teleworking we arranged to meet on the following Saturday. With no rain in the forecast we both agreed the water levels should more than likely stay low and calm, that was the hope.

Chris was fishing in a small section of Goose Creek, which is a 53.9-mile-long tributary of the Potomac River, somewhat adjacent to the Goodstone Inn. After a very scenic drive through large sections of horse ranch country, even had to stop once for a few horses and several dozen hounds on the road,  we met on along the roadside of the creek. As we had to trek the path to the spot where he had been fishing Chris donned his waders and I slipped on my wetsuit, a little overkill on my part for a creek, but you never know when you’ll hit a drop off.

Once we reached the area Chris identified where he had fallen I did a quick scan in the running water portion first, then more specifically where he indicated. Within less than 5 minutes the ring came up easily out of the mud and leaves. Chris was astonished it was found so quickly and extremely excited to see his ring again. Jokingly, Chris’ friend had believed the ring was gone forever and that we wouldn’t find it. Always keep hope!!


Chris, glad I could help return your wedding ring!

God Bless
