Lost and Found Edmonton and Area Tag | Page 2 of 3 | The Ring Finders

White Gold Diamond Pendent Necklace Found Terwillegar Neighborhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a text from Preena on Tuesday inquiring what I charged to find a diamond necklace lost in a back yard.  When I spoke with Preena, she informed me that her daughter was attending her graduation party in a friends back garden.  After asking Preena many questions I agreed to meet up with her the next day.

When I met Preena at the house and she showed me pictures of her daughter with and without the necklace on her!  Preena said that the had searched the back garden with out any luck, and I reassured Preena if the neckless was lost in the garden I would find it!

It took me over one hour to locate the necklace.  Preena was grateful to have the necklace back as the necklace was very sentimental to her.   It was gifted to her by her husband when her third child was born.  Preena had given the necklace to her eldest daughter on her graduation day.

Another happy Client.











Lost Gold Diamond Ring! Royal Gardens Neighborhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Ken emailed me last evening requesting my service to locate his ring which he had lost a week ago at a pickleball court. I emailed him back to have him call me to get more information on his loss.

Ken told me the ring was handed down to him by his mother and had been his father’s ring.  As it was very sentimental to him, Ken spent hours looking for the ring with no luck and had even put a poster up along the court hoping that someone would find it.

Six days had passed and it had still not been found. A friends wife suggested that he contact me through the Ring Finders website.

She told him if someone could find the ring it would be Norm.  At first Ken was reluctant to call but a day later decided that he had nothing to lose. Ken contacted me and we agreed to meet at 4:00 pm today at the court.

At the pickleball court Ken explained to me that once they came off the court,  there was a table set up with hand sanitizer. The sanitizer was very oily and he had walked onto a patch of grass while rubbing his hands together.  This is the area he thought his ring had fallen off, he searched for it and  even had the maintenance man cut the grass with no ring in sight.

With all the players at the court that day and all the gatherings around the table Ken’s ring had been stepped on which made it impossible to see with a naked eye.  It took me less than three minute to have Ken’s ring back on his finger.

Thank you Ken for entrusting me to find your late fathers ring.

Another Very Very Happy Client.

Wedding Band Lost Lacombe Park St. Albert. Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Chris this morning around 8 am requesting my service to locate his lost wedding band. Chris had been throwing snow on his windshield to clean it when he heard a ping  hit the hood of his car.  He realized that it was his ring that had flown off his finger.  Chris and his wife looked for the ring but could not find it, and Chris told me he was about to give up on finding  it when someone contacted him and passed on my name.   He didn’t hesitate to call.

I met up with him around 9:30 am and within 10 minutes Chris had his ring back on his finger. That sure made his day.

Thank you Chris.

Lost Key Fob Terwillegar Park Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Received an e-mail from Curt yesterday afternoon requesting my service to locate his lost house keys and car fob while he was walking his dogs at the park. Yesterday Edmonton was under heavy snow fall warning around 8 inches had fallen which made locating his keys very difficult to find for Curt.

Curt had to walked home, he googled to rent a metal detector and found my Blog page, I called Curt I told him I would meet him at the park within the hour.  Meet up with Curt at the park I asked him when he noticed the keys where missing he told me he had walked approximetly 1/2 a mile into the park he took his gloves out of his pocket and that’s when he realised the keys where gone, I told Curt that would be a good place to start searching with in ten minutes I found his Keys Curt was very happy to have them back in his hand, We all know how expensive those Key Fob are to replace! Thank you Curt.

Another Happy Client.

Lost Wedding Ring While Hunting In Parkland County, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Steve on Saturday asking for my assistance to locate his white gold ring which had been lost in the bush while hunting.  Steve explained that while he was driving out of the bush he got his truck stuck axel deep in muskeg, and had to be pulled out by the landowner.  When he realized his ring was missing  he went back home to get a metal detector.  Steve checked the location he thought the ring was in and after a couple of hours he gave up. He searched the internet on how to find rings and came upon my article in a newspaper and gave me a call.

Since the ring was lost on private land I told Steve I required permission to search his land.  Yesterday we got the ok to search, but in the mean time it had rained and snowed and the temperature had dropped to -28 Celsius over night.  I told Steve I would meet him in the afternoon as the weather was supposed to warm up to -7 Celsius.

When I met up with Steve at the location where he thought the ring was lost I was glad it had snowed the night before as it gave me an advantage to locate the ring.  I was able to track my foot steps and after about 2 hrs of searching the area with no luck Steve was getting very discouraged  and thought  the ring may have been carried away by his truck tires  somewhere else,  and that it  was pointless continuing the search.  I told Steve that he gives up to soon and told him that  if the ring is near, I will find it.

As dusk was fast approaching,  again Steve wanted to call it quits.  I told him I would get my other detector and do a quick search of the area.  I asked Steve to recall the last time he saw his ring and he told me that he had his hand in the mud and had shaken  his hand near the rear tire.

I expanded my search to about 20 feet from where the truck had been stuck, and heard Steve say  » it’s not here »,  then I heard the sweet tone of my detector!  The expression on Steve’s face was unbelievable.   He was so grateful to have his ring back on his finger.

Thank you Steve.



Lost Iphone X! Water Works Pond! Anthony Henday South East, Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


This morning I received a call from a past client requesting my services to locate an iPhone X which had landed in a pond.

Arman was driving with his friend Tandra along Ellerslie road heading east.   Tandra was on his phone when  suddenly a large bug flew into the cab and when Tundra swatted the bug out of the window, the phone went as well.

Tandra took note of the exact location where the phone landed and they tried to retrieve the phone but the water was about three feet deep and full of weeds.

When I arrived Tundra  showed me the area where the phone had landed and I must say it was a difficult area.  The pond bottom was very muddy and soft and without a metal detector his phone would never of been found.  Tundra was very happy to have his iPhone back.

Another Happy Client

Wedding Ring Lost Abbottsfield Neighborhood Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


After a long three weeks of brutal – 30 Celsius weather, yesterday the temperature rose to -4 Celsius and people took advantage of it.   Stuart called me requesting my service to locate his ring which he lost while on a toboggan hill.  Stuart told me he had raked the area where he believed  the ring was lost and that he also had the kids looking but had had no luck.

Stuart called me to say he would be late so I went ahead and checked the hill. The hill was covered with footprints  but I walked  to where Stuart had raked and that’s where I found his ring.  Stuart arrived within ten minutes and as usual I asked a lot of question.  Stuart began telling me how his hill experience started and said the ring could be anywhere on the hill. I pulled the ring from my pocket and asked him if this was his ring.  He was lost for words and could not believe I had found it so quickly – another happy client.

Thank you Stuart for entrusting me to find your ring.


Yellow Gold Wedding Ring Lost Inglewood Neighbourhood, Edmonton Alberta (Found)

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Lloyd this morning requesting my service to locate his late father’s wedding band which he was wearing while playing ball with his dog in the park. I agreed to meet him at 2 pm.
When I meet Lloyd I asked him a lot of questions regarding the loss of his ring. He told me he had lost the ring 2 weeks ago while throwing a ball for his dog and that he had rented a metal detector with no luck. He even came back a couple of times with a rake and combed the area again. Finally he checked on the internet and found my advertisement. I gave Lloyd my test ring and I told him to throw the ring in the direction he thought the ring had gone. I told him his ring would be found within 10 feet of where the test ring landed and that is exactly where I found his ring. Lloyd was very grateful to have his father’s ring back on his finger. Again thank you Lloyd for allowing me to locate your lost ring.


White Gold Ring Found Montrose Neighbourhood Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Late last evening I received an e-mail from Dakota requesting my service to locate his girl friends lost ring in his front yard. I agreed to meet around 9:30 am this morning.

Dakota showed me the area in which the ring was lost and he told me that he had spent some time looking for the ring with no luck! After asking questions I got my detector and with in five minutes I had the ring back in Dakota’s hand.

Thank you Dakota for entrusting me to locate your lost ring,

Another Happy Client.

Tungsten Wedding Band Found! Ramsay Heights Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Roger e-mailed me yesterday asking if I could help him find his lost Tungsten wedding ring which he had lost last Friday while working to connect a cable line at a Condominium complex.

We arranged to meet this afternoon and Roger showed me the area that he was working at the time he lost his ring.  He told me that he had spent a couple of hours looking in the snow with no luck, so he googled « Lost Ring » and came across the TheRingFinders website and contacted me.  Within 30 minutes his ring was back on his finger.

Thank you Roger for contacting me to find your lost Ring.

Another happy client!