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Gold & Emerald Ring lost at Spanish Banks Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

My wife and I are packing to go to the UK when I get a call from a friend of mine who tells me that his sister just lost her gold & emerald ring that was given to her by her grandmother.

He said they were playing in the water and she felt the ring come off her finger and sink to the sand below. Panic set in then the realization that the ring could be lost for good.

As they were searching for the ring in the water my friend remembered that I had a service that could help find it. When I get the call he explains what happen, of course I head out ASAP.

When I showed up they were having a barbeque and my first thought was I better find that ring because that chicken looks really good!

She walks me to the area the ring was lost, the tide had come in and it was around waste deep. The good thing was that they marked the area and the distance out to where the ring was lost.

After 20 minutes of grid searching the area I got good signal and as I lifted my sand scoop I could see her beautiful gold emerald ring.

Everyone was happy and it was nice to help a friend, oh and the chicken was amazing!!!

I love my job!

If you have lost your ring and want it found …Contact me ASAP

Yellow & White Gold Chainsaw Pendent Found In Surrey BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Years back I get a call from a man who lost what he described as a yellow & white gold chainsaw pendent that was custom made for him as he owned and operated a tree service in Surrey BC.

He tells me that after he and his team cut down a tree in the clients yard they were cleaning up the stump and his pendent fell into the wood chips.

He and his team searched the wood chips for over an hour, even the client came out to search. The next day the man rented a metal detector and searched for a couple more hours, but no luck.

His wife remembered seeing a story on my service in the local newspaper the week before so they contacted me and I was excited to go on a search.

When I arrivedI listened to his story and I started my search in the area he had searched for hours. I got a signal in about 2 1/2 minutes and out from the wood chips came his gold chainsaw.

It was very cool, the yellow gold was the engine and the white gold was the chain and saw. He was so excited and couldn’t believe I found it so fast. You can tell by the smile that he was happy it was found!

I love my job!

If you have lost something and want it found… Contact me ASAP… I’d be happy to find it for you!

Lost… Large gold ruby ring at a duck pond in Langley BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

He lost his large ruby & diamond ring at a duck pond in Langley, he like most others searched for hours trying to find the ring but the very long weeds and muddy ground made it impossible to find.

It laid hidden for a few weeks until the man came across my flyer at the beach for my Finders company and called me, we met… and the search was on.

It was muddy and the weeds were hard to search through but he knew the area it was lost in and it was just a matter of time, a little over an hour and I found his heavy gold ruby ring.

If you are reading this and you’ve lost something and have a good idea where… Call me and I’d be happy to help find it for you!

I love my job!

Chilliwack Gold on the side of the road! Lost ring… Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Here’s a story about a very large gold dinner ring with 17 diamonds that was lost near the side of the road by a golf course in Chilliwack.

I get a call from a lady who was very upset that her husband lost her beautiful diamond dinner ring some where at a golf course in Chilliwack.

She tells me that her and her husband parked by the side of the road and jumped over the fence to play a round of golf. She gave him the ring for safe keeping.

When they got back to their car the ring that she gave her husband was missing from his jean pocket. Panic set in and the next day they rented a metal detector and searched the area that they were parked at for close to 7 hours.

Someone had seen them and asked what they were doing, they replied looking for a diamond ring. The people said if you don’t find it there’s a person that was in the paper who is a professional at finding lost jewellery for people and gave them the number.

They called me and I was excited to search for the ring but because I was working in the film industry I couldn’t get out there till after 12 am as it was a hour and a half drive to Chilliwack.

I could tell she was put off by this so I explained my situation and told her that I could find her ring in the dark so she agreed to meet me.

I arrived after midnight and her and her husband greeted me and we discussed the search area. She said that I didn’t have to search the area where they had parked as they had spent close to 7 hours searching that area with a rented metal detector.

They said that it must have been lost on the golf course, I thought for a second and told them that I wanted to search the area where they had parked as that made the most sense as he would have reached into his pocket to get the keys.

Within 4 minutes I was holding a beautiful big diamond rind…17 diamonds! Before I know it I was being hugged by both husband & wife. They told me that the insurance company had written a check for $6000. but she wanted the ring back! I’m sure the insurance company was happy that ring was found! They refunded her back the reward money that she paid me.

I love my job!

Thanks for reading my stories!

Diamond & Ruby Ring lost at Bowen Island

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This lady in this picture lost her beautiful ruby & diamond ring in the mud and water while walking on a wooden dock along side a lake at Bowen Island. I took the ferry and met her on the Island the next day and she showed me the area the ring fell off into the mud.

This was a tough search as it was deep and thick mud, my only hope was that the ring didn’t make its way down to the bottom. I started my search by lying on the dock at the edge and slowly moving the loop of my metal detector left and right and sliding down the dock inches at a time.

I was hoping to get a signal but it wasn’t looking good as the area I was searching was not the area she thought she lost it at as I worked my way down the dock on my mud grid search.

I had to push hard to get my loop further down then reach my arm down to my loop to make it flat then search, then after 30 minutes I heard the sound I was hoping to hear… I put my scoop down into the mud and after the thirdattempt I was looking at her very muddy ruby ring!

After washing it and giving it back to her, well the smile tells the story!

I love my job!

Visit my website…

If you have lost something and you know the area call me… I can find it

Thanks for reading my stories!

Lost Bling on Kits Beach Vancouver!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call one summer’s night from a young lady that lost her gold heart shaped diamond pendent at the beach while she was playing volleyball.

It was dark out by the time I arrived at Kits Beach in Vancouver, that doesn’t matter to me as I’ve spent many a night searching the beaches.

We meet and discuss the area that she believed the pendent came off, I start my grid search and within 10 minutes I found the heart shaped diamond Bling!

For some reason I was thinking small… When it was in my sand scoop it was huge! You can tell by the smile that she was happy to get it back.

This was a simple search due to the size of the pendent, if it was a smaller size it would of taken a little longer to find.

I love my job!

Visit my website:

Gold Nugget in the dugout… Burnaby

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)
Dugout Nugget
Dugout Nugget

A few years ago I was at my mechanics getting my truck fixed, as I was sitting and reading a treasure magazine Dale came into the room and asked me about the ”Finders” rack card he saw in cab of my truck.

Dale owns the shop and has been friends with my wife since they were kids and fixing her car for many years.

I told him that I treasure hunt and that I started a service to help people find their lost jewellery at beaches, parks, lakes, yard & ski resorts.

He seemed very interested and I could tell that he wanted to ask me a question so I asked if he had lost something.

He laughed and said that he’d lost his refined gold nugget that was made from all of his old gold. I asked where, he said at a baseball diamond in Burnaby.

I told him that I’d take a look for it, he said that it had been lost for over two years and that he saw people metal detecting in that park and that it would be a waste of my time.

I told him that you never know unless you check it out and I’d be happy to do so. He gave me the name of the park and he told me that he put the nugget in his bag before the game and left it on the bleachers.

Later in the game he went to get a shirt from out of his bag, and that’s where he thought the nugget fell out. He also descried the nugget and then drew it on paper and gave it to me.

After I got my truck fixed I drove out to the park to take a look and see if I could find it for him. I found the bleachers and they were metal and light, so I moved them over about ten feet in order to search the area.

After grid searching the area I found a bit of change and bottle caps and pull tabs but no gold… I sat there for a second thinking about where else I should search and just for the heck of it I searched the dugout and within seconds I had the nugget.

It had been in the dugout for two years and no one found it… Talk about luck! I called Dale to tell him the good news and told him where I found it, he remembered at the end of the game putting his bag in the dugout and getting his keys.

I looked at the picture he drew and it matched perfectly! The nugget fit in the picture he drew exactly as if it was traced… I think he missed it…

I received some free work on my truck the next time I took it in…

I love my job!

You can read the testimonial at
Just look for this nugget…

Visit my Youtube page at…

Thanks for reading my story

(Search and we will Find)