Diamond Ring

Rock & Diamon just after recovery

3.5 Carrot Diamond 18K Gold Ring

Got another call from Rick Browne yesterday afternoon, saying that there was a lost diamond engagement ring on the beach, he wanted to know if I wanted to try for it. I Immediately said of course. Off I went in just a half hour we met, loaded up. and started to drive to the beach up north, to meet up with Rock, the husband of Angela, who had lost the ring when she had tripped and fell on some rocks at the beach a few days earlier. When we got there, Rock was so appreciative that we had answered him so fast, and met him within an hour and a half. I asked him how, when, and where it had fallen off of Angela’s finger. He went over the story of how precious this ring really was, and that he had a choice over a Porsche or a Diamond Ring for then his bride to be over 25 years ago. He chose the ring. So we needed to get it back to Rock & Angela if we could. Rick and I went rite behind Rock and watched as he was very optimistic, and wasn’t sure how we were going to make this unfold. I told him no promises but we will give it our best shot. Lets face it, traveling 40 miles to put a 10 inch coil over a half inch ring, that’s buried a foot deep by now is very slim at most to find. Low and behold, Rick made a pass down and I went left, first target was a brass nail, and as I turned around heading back up slope, I had a faint signal, and one foot down, out on top of the sand was the BIGGEST Diamond ( 3.5 Carrots ) I have ever seen, or recovered for someone. Let me tell you, I was actually shaking, although I tried to calm my self down, I just couldn’t, it actually made me shiver as I looked back at Rock, I winked, and gave him the thumbs up, he just couldn’t believe I had Angela’s ring in my hand. He actually ran to me. I yelled to Rick and said OK lets go take some pictures. LOL He just shook his head, and said man what a team we are. P.S. Rick never said how big it was, Maybe that’s a good thing, or perhaps he didn’t know either. I may have been to pressured to find it, Congratulations to Rock & Angela for making what we do so much fun. Leighton