Edmonton Lost and Found Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Promise Ring Lost! Ermineskin Neighbourhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

I received a phone call and text late last night, but I was unfortunately unavailable. I responded with a text message first thing this morning.

Marcus requested my service to recover his lost promise ring, I understand he was brushing snow off his vehicle seat when the ring flew off his finger. He heard it ping inside the vehicle but couldn’t locate it, and then spent an hour searching the parking lot without success.

We arranged a meeting this morning, but a different vehicle was parked where his vehicle had been. After Marcus explained the situation again, I searched inside his vehicle  and immediate area without finding the ring. Marcus then showed me a photo of where his vehicle had been parked, and I determined the ring must be underneath the vehicle that was parked on the spot where his vehicle was last night.

We discussed the possibility of the vehicle owner being a visitor or employee in the complex. I suggested we either contact each office in the complex to find the owner or wait for them to appear, which could take all day.

Fortunately, we were able to locate the owner quickly, and she kindly moved her vehicle. My first sweep with my metal detector located his ring, Marcus was ectatic to have his ring back on his finger.

Thank you for entrusting me to find your ring. It was my pleasure to assist you.

Promise Ring & Wedding Ring Lost Rapperswill Park Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Jamie called me asking if I could help him locate his wife’s rings lost 10 days ago at Rapperswill Park while playing ball with her two boys.  Jamie told me he had purchased a metal detector and been searching every night for three hours for the past 10 days with no luck!

I agreed to do a seach of the area with Jamie so I meet Jamie at the park. He had his detector with him so I asked him to show me how he was using it and I noticed he was swinging the coil to fast and to high off the ground. I did a factory reset on his detector and told him to swing low and slow!

Jamie showed me the approximately the area where they were playing .  The area was roughly 100′ x 100′. I quickly searched the area and had the feeling that the rings where not where Jamie thought they could be so I told Jamie to ask his wife to come out and show us where she felt her rings had fallen,  She pointed out the area where they played and the area where she exited the park.  I  searched the area with Jamie and after three hours of seaching and as the sun was going down, we found the rings.

Jamie was over the moon to have the rings back after so many long stressfull and sleepless nights!

Thank you Jamie, it was a pleasure assisting you to reunite the rings and to have them back on your wife’s finger.




Lost Key Fob Strathearn Neighborhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Received a call late last evening from Andria requesting my service to locate her! One and only key fob that Lawrence lost in the back yard on Thursday while walking form the garage to the house, I agreed told her I would be there at 10 am today.
Meet Andria and Lawrence they showed me the area where the key fob could possibly be I did a thorough search of the area with no luck!
Asked Lawrence to show me again exactly what he was doing and he said he closed and locked the garage door and walked along the side walk that’s when he noticed the fob was missing off his key ring both of them looked everywhere possible for that key fob no Luck.
After about an hour we found the key fob right next to the garage in the snow pile Andria was ecstatic to have her only one key fob back!  her smile says it all.
Thank you Andria and Lawrence for interesting me to locate your key fob.

Lost Key Fob! Kirkness Neighborhood, NE. Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Rob called me to ask if I could locate his truck key fob and a bunch of keys somewhere on his property which he lost while shoveling snow.  Rob told me he had been searching all morning trying to find them but with no luck.

I meet up with Rob and he showed me the area where he was shoveling snow and within ten minutes I handed his key fob back to him.  Rob was very happy to have them back because he had a vision that he was going to have to spend $500.00 to replace the fob.

Another Happy Client!!

Platinum 950 Wedding Ring Lost At Jackfish Lake! Village Of Meota, Saskatchewan.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Evrhetton called me on July 9th requesting my service to find his wedding band in Jackfish Lake!
After asking Evrhetton a few questions, he was certain of the location where his ring fell off in the water. He sent me a picture of the area with a marker of the approximate area where the ring could be.
The Village of Meota Saskatchewan is approximately 400km east of Edmonton and a 4 hour drive for me! Again after asking a few more questions I agreed to do a recovery search for his ring but unfortunately Evrhetton was not able to be there due to work commitments which made the search more difficult for me. I agreed to head out early on Monday morning, the 19th July.
Arriving in Meota around 9:30 am I found the lake calm and had a good feeling about this recovery search. Once the markers were set up I began my search. After 3.5 hours and reviewing the pictures Evrhetton sent me, I called Evrhetton and had him talk me through to the exact location. He said he was beside a sea doo and dove to catch a football and that’s where he was certain his ring came off, or 20 feet to the right of the sea doo. After taking a break and re-evaluating the situation I thought that the ring was possibly further out due to its size and weight. I also determined that by throwing the football with force it was quite possible that the ring had flown further out.
I again rearranged my markers further out into the lake. After a six hour search I received a sweet tone in my ears and said to myself “YES, this has to be the ring! I scooped it up and yes I had a ring! After checking the inscription on the ring 07/27/2019, it was indeed the ring that I was looking for. I met up with Evrhetton today in Edmonton and on his second anniversary 07/27/2021.  He was very grateful I that was able to find his ring and once again his ring is back where it belongs, on his finger. Thank you Evrhetton for giving me the challenge of finding your ring.

Another Happy Client!

Lost Car Keys! Hermitage Park, NE Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Carol requesting my service to find her car keys lost in the tall grass at Hermitage Park. Carol told me how she lost her keys while cutting across green space the grass is about three feet high and very dense which made it hard for her to locate her keys.
Carol and her friend had spent several hours searching with no luck. It was apparent that the keys had to be found because they were the only keys she had for her car and her car was in the parking lot which she would have had a hefty towing bill plus a new set of keys and we all know how costly that could be.
When I met up with Carol she showed me the location where she thought the keys could be. The area was approximately 250’ x 100’ feet of tall vegetation so I was able to follow the trampled path which Carol told me she had taken.
After three and a half hours Carol conceded that her keys could not be found or someone had picked them up. Carol said she was going home, I told her I would continue to search and after about 15 minutes I found her keys outside the search area. I called Carol to tell her the good news.
I must say this search was one of the hardest I’ve done in years and the moral of the story is never give up until you have exhausted all your search area.
Another happy client.

Lost Earring Queen Elizabeth Park Edmonton, Alberta (Found)

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Annette yesterday requesting my service to help her locate an earring that had been lost Wednesday in the park. We agreed to meet this morning.

When I met up with Annette  she said the earrings were very special to her as they were hand made in South Africa and had sentimental value to her.  Annette showed me the area where she had been walking , and that was now covered in fallen autumn leaves  just like her lost earring.

After about a 1  1/2hour search her earring was found and Annette was very happy to have her missing earring back in her possession.

Thank you Annette for entrusting me to help you find your lost earring.


Engagement Ring Lost In Couch. N/E Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Received a call from Christine she had lost her 14k white gold engagement ring on/in  her couch on Saturday evening Christine and her fiancé  spent all day Sunday tearing the couch apart with no luck at all so last evening she called me to ask me for my assistance.

I made appointment to meet Christine this morning at her home when I arrived she looked so frustrated with the whole ordeal about losing her ring, Christine told me it so imperative that I can find her ring because her wedding day is in April. I told her I will do my very best! Christine told me she has a habit of rolling her ring on her finger and that’s when she notice the ring was gone.

Christine showed me the couch and where she thought the ring could be she even thought her little Shih Tzus dog had swallowed the ring? I check her dog with my scanner! She came out clean which made Christine very happy.

I checked the couch cushion check all the crevices between the frame and fabric with my camera in one corner of the couch I spotted her ring tucked in between the fabric and foot of the frame!

 I called Christine over and asked her is that your ring, the joy on her face when she saw the ring was enough for me! another happy client Christine was so grateful to have her Ring back on her finger Thank you Christine for entrusting me to find your ring.



Gold Wedding Band Recovered West Edmonton, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Joseph called me this morning requesting my services.  He explained that he and his wife were out this morning at a park taking photos of themselves in the freshly fallen snow that we just received over night. When they returned home he noticed his ring was missing from his finger.

Joseph quickly went on the internet to locate a metal detector to rent and instead found my blog and called me.  I told him I would be there in one hour. I meet up with Joseph and he showed me the area that they walked to,  which made it easy for me as all I had to do was follow their tracks. Within 15 minutes the ring was back on Joseph’s finger.

Thank you Joseph for entrusting me to find your wedding ring.

Another Happy Client.


Lost Wedding Ring Ritchie Neighborhood Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



IMG_1201 Christy4

I received a call around 3:30 pm yesterday from Dave telling me his wife Christy had lost her wedding ring. She had been doing finger painting with her kids in the back yard and  after she cleaned up realized her ring was missing. They had both looked in the grass and had no luck finding it.

Dave went on the internet to find a metal detector to rent and found The Ring Finders web site, so he contacted me. I told Dave I would be down around 4:30 pm and have the ring back on Christy’s finger.

Christy showed me where she was playing with the kids in the yard, had taken off her ring and set it on the table.  I checked in the grass around the table,  moved the table and chairs out of the way,  and about about 2 feet from the table,  I received a sweet tone,  pulled out my pin pointer and bingo,  there hidden in the grass was the ring.  Without the right tools in hand this ring would never have been found.

Another happy client.  Thank you Christy & Dave for entrusting me and The Ring finders to locate your lost ring.