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Finding Property Markers

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

I can find Property Markers and Property Pins

Contact: John Volek / Member


Lost Wedding Ring in Florida Lake….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Matt and his buddies made plans one Saturday to play some volleyball out in the middle of a small Orlando lake.  It was a hot day so the water felt cool and relaxing.  Unfortunately too relaxing as the combination of the cool water and activity made Matt’s wedding ring slide right off his finger and into the sandy bottom of the lake.  Matt and his friends spent the next few hours running their fingers through the murky sand trying desperately to find his ring!  Two days later Matt called me and we agreed on a time to meet and conduct a thorough search.

This search required the use of a canoe and kayak plus 4 pvc poles to mark the area in the 4 foot deep water.  Matt had to guess where the net would have been located as they used only temporary poles put in just for the day.  As I grid searched inside the 4 poles Matt maned the sifter.   I would dig each signal and dump the contents into the floating sifter and Matt would locate the target.  We found lots of junk in the soft sandy mud and after an hour of digging and sifting I heard Matt yell—« Here it is!!!! »

It is always a huge thrill to see the glint of gold in one’s scoop or sifter and this time it was extra exciting especially for Matt as he took part in the actual search and find!

Thanks Matt for your help in the search and I am so glad we were able to find your wedding ring.

Mike McInroe  Grateful member of theringfinders.commattimage

Lost Wedding Ring in Daytona Beach Surf….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Late one evening I received an e-mail from Marc asking if I could find his lost wedding ring in the surf at Daytona Beach.  Earlier that day Marc and his family were enjoying the waves when he realized his wedding ring was missing.  He spent an hour or so looking in the sandy surf when he realized it would be next to impossible to actually find it without the use of a metal detector.  Unfortunatly they were to leave very early the next morning for Toronto, Canada and that’s what led him to theringfinders.com.  Thankfully Marc was able to give me excellent directions and a very precise idea as to where he lost the ring.  It took 2 visits to the beach and a total of 7 hours, but miracles do still happen!  The following week I was able to send the ring by UPS and Marc was reunited with his lost wedding band.

I just love it when people’s stories have a happy ending and when vacations are not dampened by the loss of something so special!

Thank you Marc for your generous reward and for passing on the word about theringfinders.com

Lost something recently?  The sooner you call the better!

Mike McInroe proud member of theringfinders.comMarc --Toronto ringphoto-1marc toronto ring

Engagement ring found at Sunset Cliffs

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

       This was quite a day to usher in Spring. First, I find that one of my best friends passed away. RIP Jeff! I find a precious custom made ring for a nice lady, and then my San Diego Aztecs win their NCAA playoff game in overtime. Each emotional and important in their own special way.

      When I contacted Emily, she said that she thought that she had dropped her engagement ring in a patio area of her apartment building and needed help locating it. I loaded up the car with my gear, grabbed my wife, and headed to Sunset Cliffs, an area on the south side of Ocean Beach. When I get to the address, I find it’s an apartment building right on the cliff overlooking the ocean. Nice view! I meet Emily and get the full story on the ring. Her fiance’ had it custom made in Bahrain so it had extra special meaning for their up coming marriage. In fact, they were to have a photo shoot in a few days! Without the ring….well, it just woundn’t be the same. She explained that one of the stones had come loose from the ring so she took the ring off and put it into a zippered pocket in her purse along with her keys. Well, before she could get to the jeweler, an event happened that drew her attention. It seems a person decided to commit suicide by driving their car off the cliff to the rocks below right behind their apartment! Really, I’m not making this up! Naturally, this drew a crowd, Emily included. She had a perfect bird’s eye view from the patio area right above the scene when she decided to grab her keys out of her purse. You guessed it, the ring, unbeknowst to her, came out with the keys and fell somewhere in the landscaping or over the edge of a metal railing that ran around the edge of the steel reinforced concrete patio.

       There were two main areas where she was standing with one being the most likely. I started there and immediately discovered that this wasn’t going to be easy with the rebar in the concrete, the heavy steel railing, and the high bushes in between them. I detected there the best I could with my small coil on my E-trac and then started to work my way over to the other area, thinking that I’d probably be back with my pin pointer to complete the search. There also was a posibility that the ring had fallen over the edge of the railing  and into some iceplant as she had been leaning over it to view the rescue of the driver below. I cringed at that thought as it was almost straight down for 30-40 ft. and without a ladder from below, there was virtually no access. I wound my way to the other viewing area and ran into the same problems….did I mention that this had steel reinforced concrete and huge, rusty, Titaniclike ship railing in the search area? As luck would have it, I got a solid gold ring hit right off the bat but it was mixed with other sounds that were interfering. I swung around 90 degrees and got a better hit free of interference. From that angle, I could just see the edge of a beautiful ring poking out from under a dead leaf. I picked it up and handed it to Emily who understandably was overjoyed. I’m glad I could help in making your upcoming photo shoot and marriage come off as you had planned. Thank you for the reward! Now go get that stone installed! Here’s the lovely ring and Emily’s beautiful smile. Check out that view too!

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Ring recovered in Ada, Michigan

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

photo (4)I got a call from Dawn C. a month ago to find a ring that her Son-in-law lost while playing with his dog in a foot of snow in the back yard. I made arrangements to come out to look for the ring and after trudging through a foot or better of snow I found it was too difficult to swing my detector due to a crust of ice about 6 inches below the fluffy snow. Glen F. had put his ring in an inside pocket of his jacket because he didn’t want to loose it throwing the ball to his dog. When he went back into the house he noticed that the pocket had a hole in it and his ring fell out while in the back yard. The ring was made by an independent jeweler named Michael Perry in Dublin, Ireland, where Glen is from. He made matching rings for him and his wife, Reagan, of grey gold and steel, a type of metal of his own creation.  This was a special loss to Glen. I told him I would be back after a thaw and find his ring. It has now been a month later and it was 45 degrees today and the snow pack has gone down and made it easier to detect. I brought along my detecting friend, Dave B., to help in the search. After about 15 minutes into the search Dave got a signal about 66 on his AT Pro and asked me to check it out because he dug down and couldn’t find anything. I used my Bounty Hunter Time Ranger on ALL METAL mode and got a signal. I dug a little deeper in the hole and there it was about a foot down in the snow. Glen was at work so I asked Dawn, Glen’s mother-in-law to show the ring for our book of smiles. It is always a pleasure to help someone find their lost treasure.

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Military dog tag returned to Highlands Ranch Family

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)
On january 12 I was asked to look for a military dog tag that belonged to a young man named Jordan. It was his grandfather’s dog tag from when he was in Vietnam, unfortunately Jordon’s grandfather passed away this past September. The dog tag was lost the previous weekend either playing football or possibly while sledding. I arrived at their house a little before 9:00 AM and we talked about their efforts to recover the dog tag. Jordan and his family had spent several hours searching the neighbor’s yard in search the mis-placed dog tag with no luck. The neighbors who own the house where the football game occurred also spent several hours searching the yard as well. After nearly an hour of searching my hands were beginning to get numb from the cool temps and the windy conditions, I spotted the dog tag just as my coil passed over it. Jordan and his family were very happy to get this family heirloom back. Mary, Jordan’s mother, commented that she was surprised as to the diligence of my search. I reassured her that when I get asked to search for an item I treat that search as though it is the most important search I will ever conduct.
Dog tag recovered January 12, 2014
Jordan happy to get his grandfathers military dog tag back.

Jordan happy to get his grandfathers military dog tag back.

Lost Class Ring College Station, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Texas A&M Class Ring Bryan College Station, Texas


Received the following e-mail 03-13-2014 Thursday

Hey John,

I got your contact info from the ring finder website. I recently

lost my Aggie ring. I believe it fell off in my neighbors yard, while I was

picking up some trash that had blown into his leaf piles. I’m 99% sure where it

fell. My neighbor gave me permission to look, but I have not been successful.

I’m a veterinary student in college station, tx. What would it cost to have you

drive out here and have a look? Do you know anyone in this area that would be

willing to assist? The ring is very important to me, and had a stone from my

grandmother in it.


Spoke with Kohl on Thursday and he explained the circumstances surrounding the loss of his class ring. Kohl explained the ring was important, but the diamond in his ring had been handed down to him from his grandmother, making it irreplaceable. Kohl and I , worked out some travel expenses issues, and arrangements were made from Sunday morning. I made the 1:45 minute trip out to Kohl’s today meeting him at his residence. Kohl walked the search area with me pointing out the areas he believed he may have lost his ring. The search area was relatively small with several sections of the lawn had exposed dirt surfaces.  I knew if the ring was in the remaining grass or leaves it would be a very fast recovery.


These are the difficult stories; the ring was not in the yard. I worked that lawn so hard I may have killed the remaining grass.

Having searched for A&M rings in the past, I knew the school had a lost and found specific to class rings. Even the local area police departments, having checked this for myself, contact the schools when a class ring is turned into them. I directed Kohl to notify the school, and to continue the search for his ring. Kohl advised he would notify me if he finds his missing ring.


John Volek





Lost Woman’s Wedding Ring in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

Back at the beginning of the year she was having fun with a snow ball fight in her back yard. During the throwing and tossing of snowballs her wedding ring became missing.  She thought that she lost the ring while she was taking off her gloves to clean her glasses. She and friends looked throughout the yard without any luck. Then she found myself though TheRingFinder.com website and was happy that someone was in the area and still finding rings for others. After searching the area, there was the ring tuck down under the grass. She was very happy to have the ring back.


Lost Woman’s Wedding Ring in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”


Lost Woman’s Wedding Ring in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”


Lost Woman’s Wedding Ring in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”


I Lost My Ring, How To Find A Lost Ring

  • from Fredericton (New Brunswick, Canada)

If you are reading this, then your solution is at hand.

Most people, after losing something very precious, valuable or important to them, will Google the two title phrases. Then some think about renting a metal detector and trying to find it themselves. While that is an option, it is not the best or most efficient one.  Let me explain with a little story.

34 years ago, when I bought my first metal detector, I planned to find treasure and get rich. So out to my backyard I went and swung that detector from morning until bed. After 2 days of searching every square inch, and digging every beep, I’d found hundreds of metal bits, and $1.32.

Later in the summer, a family friend was over for dinner and, excited to see my detector in action, threw his chunky college ring into the grass. I attacked the area, proud to show off its capabilities. After 2 hrs of me searching, he took pity on me, walked over and picked his ring out of the very area I’d been repeatedly searching over.

34 yrs later, I’ve upgraded and know my equipment, and how to search properly…and I rarely miss the rings/targets anymore. I have many stories of happy people who are looking, once again, at the very item they thought was lost forever. All because they called or contacted me and let me do what I do best.

Let me help you be reunited with your lost item.

Thanks,  Steve

Keys Found in Franklin, MA

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On Valentine’s Day, I received a telephone call from Kelley, a fellow employee, explaining that she had lost her keys in the company’s parking lot somewhere in the snow.  It was my day off, and another employee suggested that she call to see if I could help.  The company has huge parking lots, so I was concerned that it may have been plowed into one of the huge mounds of snow, but I agreed to give it a shot.  I searched three areas of the parking lot where she thought she may have dropped the keys without any luck.  Finally, I searched around a light pole in the parking lot and found the set of keys.  Kelley said it was the best Valentine’s Day present she could have received!
