In The News Category | Page 105 of 110 | The Ring Finders

Men’s platinum wedding band reunited with owner in chicago, IL

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)


The ring was lost while cleaning out the back of his SUV. He had just transported a grill and it had some residue in the back that he was sweeping out with his hand. I searched the area that he told me that the ring had landed in. He said that he saw it bounce off the grill and it landed in a very specific area. Two and a half hours later, having gridded the area numerous times, NOTHING! I even hunted in all metal. Dug lots of junk.
I basically was giving up and walked over to tell him. The ring was sitting right on the surface in a completely different area!

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14K Mens Wedding band Found in Streamwood, Illinois

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call from a gentleman who had lost his ring while mowing the lawn. When I arrived I asked him what type of mower he used and did it pick up the cuttings. Since it did bag the clippings, I asked him where he dumped the cuttings.He directed me to a compost and said that he had checked it. He pointed to the area that he had checked. I turned on my detector and searched the whole compost. I told him that I detected something metal six inches down. I used my handheld, reached into the grass and pulled out his ring. Total time on site 5 minutes or less.

LOVE this Business!!IMG_1299

Diamond Engagement Ring found in Fire Pit in Batavia Illinois

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call to look for an engagement ring that was lost on the lawn while collecting leaves.

The client was throwing some leaves onto a fire pit and later discovered that her diamond engagement ring was gone. She searched endlessly on her knees an even used a metal detector to search for it. They had dumped the ashes from the fire pit and could find nothing.

I arrived and asked her about what she was doing at the time. I immediately told her to put some water in the fire pit and we emptied the water. Nothing! I search the yard. I gridded it for over an hour, Nothing. Then I went back to the pit. The interior was metal so I could not use the handheld pinpointed. I looked very closely at the silt that remained in the pit. BINGO!!

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Lost Wedding Ring Northwest-Houston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Wedding Ring Recovered Northwest-Houston, Texas


Received a call, regarding a lost wedding ring in the backyard of a residence in Northwest Houston.

The caller Allen was wanting to check on my availability in the event he could not find his ring.

Allen reported he had placed his ring on his cellphone in his backyard, and later when he grabbed his phone the ring flew into the grass.

Allen said he was going to continue trying to find the ring himself, and was going to borrow a Metal Detector from a neighbor.

Allen said he would call ne tomorrow if he was unsuccessful at finding his ring.

I am not sure if Allen’s wife Nikki made him sleep outside that night, but he seemed pretty happy to see me the next day 🙂

Allen had to leave for work upon my arrival, but you can see from the smile on Nikki’s face it was a good day.



























Equipment used:

CTX 3030



Local Man Hunts Your Lost Treasures in Newark, OH.

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

Newark man searches for treasures

Baughman uses metal detecting to reunite people with lost jewelry

NEWARK — Jon Baughman could be considered a modern-day treasure hunter.

But he isn’t in it for fame or fortune. He’s most interested in reuniting people with lost jewelry that is important to them.

For several years, Baughman has spent his spare time using metal detectors and other gear to search for rings in Licking and Franklin counties.

“They are a person’s most precious item, especially when they are passed down from generation to generation,” he said.

“I enjoy giving peoples’ lost treasures back to them.”

A Utica resident, Baughman was inspired to learn about metal detecting from his wife’s grandfather, Ed Collins, and his father-in-law, Jim Jolliff.

Whenever the three men get together, they enjoy going out to parks with their metal detectors and seeing what they find. Baughman has also participated in several seeded hunts, where participants compete to see who can find the most items buried in the ground.

When he discovered the website,, Baughman found a way to turn his interest into a business. is a large database of metal detecting specialists so clients around the country can search for a ring finder in their area.

“The main thing is they are willing to help you out,” he said.

He joined the site in February 2012. Last year he got about 20 calls. So far this year he’s gotten six.

A calibration tech at Abbott Laboratories, Baughman keeps his gear in his truck so he can respond to a call as soon as possible. He travels with several metal detectors, including one that’s hand held, shovels, and scoops to search in sand and water.

Although he doesn’t search for lost jewelry in people’s homes, he’ll search any outdoor space, including beaches, parks, lakes and yards.

When customers call, Baughman tries to get as much information about the ring or piece of jewelry as possible. He needs to know where they lost it and how long it has been missing.

If it’s in a public place, such as a parking lot or a park, he has to move quickly. If it’s on private property, he has to get permission to search the area.

When he’s searching for a ring he uses his metal detectors, putting small flags into the ground behind him so he knows were he’s been.

If the jewelry is buried, he has to dig for it, using his hand held detector.

“I’m there to help them and search everywhere I can,” he said. “I keep talking to them and get some more details and some new (information) pops up.”

Baughman works on a reward basis but charges a $30 call out fee to every customer to cover his travel expenses. If he finds the ring, it’s up to the client to decide how much he gets as a reward, he said.

Some of his customers have thrown their rings after a fight with their fiance or spouse. Others have lost it swimming or had it fall out of their pocket.

One woman called him to help her find her husband’s wedding band, which fell off his finger when he was pulling leaves off a rake. She was thrilled when he was able to find it.

He also was able to help a man in Gahanna who lost his ring playing football with his sons and a woman in Mount Sterling who lost two rings in a barn.

Although he’s had many successful finds, there have also been times he couldn’t find the ring.

Some have sunk to the bottom of the lake and others have been picked up by someone else. But he never gives up the search until the customer tells him its over.

“At least they have closure,” he said. “When you have something that’s lost, you want to know if it’s there or not.”

While he’s hunting, Baughman often comes across lots of metal objects, from cans and pop tabs to horseshoes and bottle caps. He picks up what he finds and stores it in a bucket in his garage.

“I was in Scouting, and we leave it better than how you find it, so I always pick it up,” he said.

When it comes to ring hunting, it’s important to be patient and thorough, Baughman said.

“Practice is the biggest thing and knowing your equipment,” he said. “There is a lot of detective work.”

His favorite moment is being able to tell someone he’s found their ring.

Once he returned a class ring to a woman who hadn’t seen it in 29 years. She was so happy she cried.

“You always get that rush when you find one,” he said. “I always get a big smile on my face because I know I made them happy.”


Twitter: @amsjeffries

October 07, 2013

About this series

“Aces of Trades” is a weekly series focusing on people and their jobs — whether they’re unusual jobs, fun jobs or people who take ordinary jobs and make them extraordinary. If you have a suggestion for a future profile, let us know at or 740-328-8821.

Looking for something?

For more info about Jon Baughman, call 740-334-7293 or go to


Jon Baughman, an experienced metal detecting specialist and member of The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service, demonstrates how he uses different metal detectors and equipment to find customers’ lost rings and other objects. / Michael Lehmkuhle/The Advocate

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Jon Baughman, an experienced metal detecting specialist and member of The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service, demonstrates how he uses different metal detectors and equipment to find customers’ lost rings and other objects. / Michael Lehmkuhle/The Advocate












Jon Baughman, an experienced metal detecting specialist and member of The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service, demonstrates how he uses different metal detectors and equipment to find customers' lost rings and other objects. / Michael Lehmkuhle/The Advocate

Jon Baughman, an experienced metal detecting specialist and member of The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service, demonstrates how he uses different metal detectors and equipment to find customers’ lost rings and other objects. / Michael Lehmkuhle/The Advocate


Jon Baughman often finds himself digging up trash instead of precious rings and notes the variety of objects he finds from old horseshoes and bent spoons to beverage can pull tabs. Baughman pockets all trash he finds and disposes of it later. / Michael Lehmkuhle/The Advocate

Jon Baughman often finds himself digging up trash instead of precious rings and notes the variety of objects he finds from old horseshoes and bent spoons to beverage can pull tabs. Baughman pockets all trash he finds and disposes of it later. / Michael Lehmkuhle/The Advocate


Jon Baughman, an experienced metal detecting specialist and member of The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service, demonstrates how he uses different metal detectors and equipment to find customers' lost rings and other objects. / Michael Lehmkuhle/The Advocate

Jon Baughman, an experienced metal detecting specialist and member of The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service, demonstrates how he uses different metal detectors and equipment to find customers’ lost rings and other objects. / Michael Lehmkuhle/The Advocate

Platinum Wedding Band Recovered near Wye Mills, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I’m happy to say that the 100% success rate is still going strong!!!!! With that said, I was fairly confident on this occasion that we would find the lost wedding band simply because of the conviction the owner had.  As you have probably seen mentioned many times here at the Ring Finders, being able to describe in detail how, where and when you lost your valuable is the biggest factor when it comes to a successful recovery. Jeff had two of those three things going for him. He was able to describe in great detail exactly where and what he was doing when his wedding band slipped off his finger. Unfortunately Jeff did not hear of The Ring Finders until recently and despite losing the ring almost a YEAR ago, I was able to get it back where it belongs! Jeff was fortunate that this happened in a secluded, wooded area and not a community park, playground or ball field as the result could have been quite different. With that said, if you are reading this and think too much time has passed since you lost your valuable, keep in mind that might not be the case! Here is how things went down in Jeff’s own words…..


It was around a year or so ago when I went hunting near Wye Mills, MD (across the bay bridge). It was getting late in the day when I shot a deer, then had to field dress the deer in the dark. I walked into the woods and threw away the insides of the deer, and then wiped my hands with some old hickory tree leaves. After getting the deer back to my Jeep and driving for a while I noticed my wedding ring was missing! I sadly had to tell my wife that I lost my ring. We both were pretty disappointed, but I had hope because I was going to go back the next day to search for it….on my hands and knees for hundreds of yards. No luck finding the ring, but I still would not lose hope. I knew in my heart it was there in the woods, or somewhere in the field where I was hunting. Every time I would go hunting in that spot, I would always look in the direction of where I thought the ring was.

A year goes by, always thinking what if? I was reading an article on Yahoo about a woman who lost her ring, and how she used « » to find her ring. I immediately thought to myself, this is my chance….no way! I contacted several members and Jim Wagner (who had a 100% success rate) was the first to call. I gave Jim my story, and I said I know it’s there or that’s what my heart tells me. Jim said, « If it’s there, I will find it »!! Wow, was he right! Lance and Jim started their search, and BAM… Jim says to me, your search is over! He found the ring!! I was in tears and so thankful that I never lost hope. I was also very happy that their 100% success streak  is alive and well!

Both me and my wife are so thankful for Jim and Lance! We will always be thankful to both of them for returning the ring in style. I have been telling everyone about these guys. What a awesome end to a search that was going on in my heart! They are simply the BEST, and two of the kindest people I have met. Jim and Lance, you guys are definitely classified as « Lord of the Rings »! Wow……  


Jeff and Senayit


It’s always a great feeling to return a lost item to anyone, but it was a little extra special with Jeff because you could see how much his marriage and the symbol of the marriage really means to him!

Victoria’s Lord of the Rings

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

Victoria’s Lord of the Rings News Review Article click here


Don Marshall wades near Hamsterly beach at Elk Lake last Friday searching for lost rings and jewellery with his underwater metal detector. At right is his scoop and floating sifter. The retired Saanich resident helps people find lost jewellery through, a directory website for metal detector detectives from around the world.
By Edward Hill – Victoria News
Published: September 22, 2013 08:00 AM
Updated: September 22, 2013 08:528 AM


In a surfing wetsuit, headphones on, electronic gear strapped to his body, wading slowly through the water, Don Marshall doesn’t look like other park goers at Elk Lake.

He is in the zone sweeping the shallow murky water with his underwater metal detector, focused on hitting a telltale chirp of treasure buried in silt below. Chances are that of the thousands of people who flocked to Hamsterly Beach over the many hot days of summer, at least a few lost prized jewelery in the water.

« I listen for the tones. You can tell from the crispness of the sound when it’s pure metal. The tone is very sharp. Rusted nails sound corroded, sound gravelly or growly, » Marshall says. « When you hit a good tone you get excited, but it could be a bottle cap that’s not rusted, or a pull tab. You get all excited and it’s a damn pull tab. »

The retired Saanich resident has been ring and jewelery hunting around Greater Victoria for about three years and has been the mild-mannered saviour for five people this year alone. He’s Victoria’s sole listing on The Ring Finders website, a worldwide directory of metal detectors for hire.

This year Marshall is batting 100 per cent – five calls for help, five located rings, both on land and in water. At East Sooke Park in July, he spent five hours over two days to zero in on a wedding ring lost in shallow water by a woman playing with her kids. A few weeks later at the University of Victoria, he located a platinum engagement ring lost amid grass and trees behind the Student Union Building.

« It is so exciting, really exciting on how excited people are when you find their rings, » Marshall said. « The last one at UVic was a heirloom ring, passed down they told me three or four generations. They were so upset it was lost, and it was a hard one to find. »

Marshall charges $25 for a call out fee to cover gas and takes a reward based on what a client can afford. He’s pulled three valuable rings out of the water at Elk Lake the past couple of years, and advertised the finds on classified ad websites, but nobody came forward.

« It depends on how new (the jewelery) is and the level of tarnish, » he said. « If they are new enough, I’ll advertise them in UsedVictoria and Craigslist to try and get it back to the owner. It’s hard to find the owner of an old wedding ring. »

Last Friday, Marshall was wading in Elk Lake as part of his regular post-summer exploration of popular beach spots. His underwater gear is good to a depth of 200 feet, although Marshall will wade in neck high following the tones. He carries a scoop and a floating sieve to separate the junk from the occasional treasure.

It’s a pastime that requires patience – popular spots can be littered with bottle caps, nails and even bullet casings, all which can twig the device. He’s part of a loose community of about half a dozen people who regularly explore Greater Victoria parks and beaches with metal detectors.

The Saanich fairground manager even allowed Marshall to explore the grounds and target-rich areas under rides. « There’s plenty to find along the towel line in the sand at Willows (beach), » he adds.

Marshall purchased his metal detecting equipment as a way to keep busy after retiring from Telus. The draw, he says, is the mix of being immersed in Victoria’s natural spaces and the quiet solitude of the hunt.

« It was a situation of finding something to do to stay out of the bar, » he said laughing. « And it’s the only hobby that pays for itself. »

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Minelab Metal Detecting Equipment

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Minelab Excalibur II

Recently sent back my Excalibur II for a warranty repair and requested a new replacement instead of a repair on the 10 month old unit.

Minelab service department will be getting a Cherrios (Cheer) Post Card from me this week.

Just received a brand new Excalibur from Minelab today, « Way to Go Minelab »


Lost Ring Rice University Houston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

September 2013

I received a call yesterday from Tova, a student at Rice University in Houston in reference to her lost ring. After speaking with Tova, she explained how she had been playing on one of the schools fitness fields with friends when the ring was lost.

Tova said she was pretty sure of the exact location on the field where the ring was lost.

As the pictures illustrate, it was a good day.

























Equipment Used on this Recovery:

Minelab CTX3030

Minelab Pinpointer Pro


Platinum Wedding Ring found and returned in Lake Shore Park Chicago

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received an email from a young man who lost his Platinum wedding band last Thursday while playing softball in the Lake Shore Park, behind the Museum of Contemporary Art, in Chicago. He had never taken it off in nine years. His weight loss, combined with his enthusiastic softball playing, resulted in the loss on his ring. He had conducted a search himself with his new Ace 150, which he had just purchased from Windy City Metal Detectors in Chicago. He was unsuccessful in his endeavor.

Next step: contact a RING FINDER!

At 6:00 AM I met him at the ball field. He had been playing right-field, but didn’t know if he had lost it while Batting or walking around. The outfield was all lush grass as you can see in the backgound . After 2 hours of searching I located his ring. His comment: « thats just about where I was standing » He has been converted to  a metal detectorist! His wife who had been a little skeptic of finding it, was delighted also.


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