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Lost Gold Ring at English Bay Beach in Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

It’s Saturday around 5 pm and I just made my wife and I dinner, I’m about to dig in and my phone rings…Lost ring at English Bay Beach in Vancouver… I ask a few question and take a few bites of my meal and I’m on my way to the beach to see if I can find this young mans diamond pinky ring.
I meet a group of young men and one young lady and they tell me how they were playing volleyball and how when he was diving for the ball he felt his ring come off and some of his friends thought they saw something hit the sand…

The young man tells me how special the ring is to him and how it was given to him by his parents and he was the first brother to receive such a gift. I could tell how much it meant to him and how devastated he was by loosing it.

We discuss the area he thought it was lost in and I started my search, close to 30 minutes and no ring…? I sat down a we talked some more about where the ring could have gone and he said he was hitting the ball hard and thought maybe it went further out from my grid…He was right! I extended my grid search and found his ring!

He was speechless when I asked him if this was his ring, and held it up for him to see.

I love my job!

Lost something and need it Found? Call me ASAP 778-838-Find(3463)

Watch the YouTube video below…

Metal Detecting for a lost Diamond Earring/White Rock/Cresent Beach/BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I had a search for a lost diamond earring that was pulled off the ladies ear by her puppy… The lady and her husband took the puppy to the vet to have it ex-rayed to make sure the dog didn’t swallow it.

The ex-rays didn’t show that the puppy swallowed the earring so they searched the area of the garden that they believed it was lost in, but found nothing.

I have to say that earrings are very difficult to locate due to the fact that there is very little gold on the post that holds in the diamonds. That being said I love a challenge, and this earring was bigger then most so I knew I’d get a good signal. This search was closing in on 2 hours and the search area was small but a few plants and shrubs made it difficult.

I was ready to grid search the rest of the backyard because I didn’t find it where we thought it would be, but for some reason I went back to the spot that I’d been searching(with my hands in the shrubs) and this time I received a faint signal and as I started to move some lose dirt out popped the earring.

The earrings were a 10 year anniversary gift and as you can see in the picture above…It made her day that it was found!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call 778-838-Find(3463)

Metal Detecting…For a Lost BMW Car Key in Poco BC…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call from a young lady who found my metal detecting service on the internet today.

She had lost her BMW car key that her husband threw to her but unfortunately he threw it to hard and it landed in the bushes behind her… so they thought.

They had spend over 3 hours searching for the key and the lady had to take a day off work as she only had the one key.

The cost to have a new key cut would of been outrageous! I had to find this key for them!

When I arrived at the location her husband was still in the bushes digging around.

I took my VW key off my keychain and asked if it was similar to the key they had lost and he said it was.

I then asked him to go to the spot from where he threw the key, then I had his wife stand where she was when he threw it to her.

I then told him to throw my key the same way he did with his key… He thought I was crazy because If I couldn’t find my key then I’d be stuck there…But I knew I’d find it with my detector, if need be so.

This proved to be a good thing as I got to see the direction and how far the key flew in the air. It was in the other lot on the other side of the fence, so I started my search there and within 5 minutes I got a good signal and her husband moved the bushes and there was the key!

It wasn’t a diamond ring…But the smile was just as big!

I love my job!

Lost something? Call ASAP


Metal Detecting…Golden Garden/Delta BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This weekend I had a search for a mans white gold wedding band that was lost while gardening earlier in the week. When I arrived at the location I was greeted by a young man named Wes.

We talked about the search area and we decided to start at the back where he had 6 or 8 bags of yard trimmings that were waiting for me to search.

This was a good place to start as the first bag gave me a good solid signal that read ring on my visual display of my detector. We dumped half the bag and the signal was now close to the top of what was left in the bag.

Poking my had around in the bag we both saw the ring at the same time, it was a very fast recovery! Makes up for the searches that take hours…

I love my job!

Lost something sentimental?

Call ASAP -778-838-3463-
Watch the Video on the post below…

Metal Detecting…Gold on the beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Found a white gold wedding band at the beach today at Spanish Banks in Vancouver. You can read the story on the post below…

I love my job!

Thanks for watching…

Metal detecting…Found white gold wedding band on a beach in Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Well the summer is almost here and we had a nice sunny day, it must have been close to 70 degrees.

I received a call from a man by the name of Richard and he told me that he lost his white gold wedding band at the beach (Spanish Banks) in Vancouver.

He told me that he felt the ring come off his finger when he was throwing a football, he marked the area that he was standing in and then searched the internet on his phone for someone to help find his ring.

I think he said he typed in  »ring finders » in Vancouver and I came up a few times, so he called, and I came out to find the ring.

When I got there I was greeted by a friend of Richard’s and he walked me over to where they were sitting on the beach.

I met Richard and he showed me the area and it only took me a little over 30 seconds to find the ring.

I started where he was standing and throwing the football and on my second line of my grid search and my first good signal…I found his ring.

I love my job!

Need help finding a lost ring?

Contact me ASAP!

Thanks for reading my stories!

Metal detecting for a gold cat ring/Lost in North Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Just the other day I get a call from a lady that was desperate to find her gold ring that was lost while gardening at her daughters place.

When I showed up she showed me the area that the ring was lost in and told me that the ring was gold and shaped like a cat.

She bought the ring in Mexico and it was a one of a kind ring that she loved very much. We walked around the yard and when I saw the area I knew it wouldn’t take long to find the ring.

It only took minutes to search the small garden area on the side of the house and when I didn’t find it she was surprised!

I then searched four bags of yard trimmings that she bagged and it wasn’t in there, I went back to the garden area and expanded my search onto the grass and minutes later I found her golden cat.

The smile shows you that she was very happy that  »The Cat Came Back »!

I love my job!

Lost something? Contact me ASAP

Steveston BC/First ring of 2009/Happy New Year!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Its snowing out and cold and I get a call to search for a man’s lost wedding band here in Vancouver. We meet and he takes me to an area where he was at a house party, he tells me that he walked out of the house to the street and flagged a cab.

I search this area to no avail and then he tells me he walked eight blocks home… Realistically we both knew there is no chance, he doesn’t know where or when it came off his finger.

I’m on my way home and I get another call that a man lost his white gold wedding band out in Steveston. I head off in the snow to meet this young man and hopefully find his ring.

When I get there he tells me that he came out of his place and was greeted by a couple of the neighbors dogs, he was petting the dogs and walking down the street where he stopped and petted them some more.

Then he carried on up the road to a restaurant for breakfast, when he was in the restaurant and waiting for his wife he noticed that his ring was gone…

After hours of searching the neighborhood with the help of everyone who was out playing in the snow, he gave up and went inside.

He told me within minutes he was on his computer searching for a way to find his ring. He typed ”I lost my ring in the snow” and up comes a testimonial from a man who had his ring found by a treasure hunter who has a service called ”Finders”

His first thought was there’s no way this service is here in Vancouver… To his surprise it was.

He showed me the area that he first was petting the dogs… no ring. I did a grid search up the street to the second location he petted the dogs… no ring. After a few hours and heavy snowfall we decide to call it a day.

That evening he called to see if I’d come back to search an area that we didn’t check. The next day I drive back out to continue the search, the hardest part is when the person isn’t sure where the ring came off, but he felt strongly about an area that we didn’t search the day before.

The walkway and area where he believed it could be had been shoveled and piled up high on the side. I started searching in the deep powder as the snow was soft and easy to search, but it was deep in spots and some places were too built up to search.

A few hours and no ring, are we in the right spot? The young man was thankful for my help and rewarded me both times I came out to search, which was so incredibly kind as I didn’t find his ring.

A couple of weeks go bye, I believe it was New Years Day, I called him to see if I could do a follow up as the snow had melted, he agreed to meet me.

We check all the smaller snow piles and no ring, we went back to the area that we checked the last time I was there and on the side of the walkway where the snow was piled up I got a good strong signal.

As I bent down to search the snow, I told him this signal sounded good and out pop his hammered white gold ring! I felt so happy for him, I get as excited as the people I find it for, I just don’t show it.

He had a good hunch that the ring would be in this area and he was right!

I love my Job!

You can read the testimonial at

Just look for this ring…

Visit my Youtube page at…

Thanks for reading my story.

Search and we will Find

Tungsten Carbide Ring Found at Jericho Beach… Is it yours?

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I went out the other night at a low tide on one of our local beaches(Jericho Beach) to do a little metal detecting. As I was waiting for the tide to go out I decided to search the dry sand, I received a faint signal and scooped up a Tonnie (Canadian $2.00 coin) that was deep down in the sand.
After digging a few more targets I received another faint signal, this one was deep as it took me three scoops to get it out. It was a ring! It was heavy! But what kind was it… White Gold, Platinum, Silver? None of the above!

This was a first for me in the ring department, its a Tungsten Carbide Ring. Reading up on it, they are becoming very popular and commonly used as a wedding band.

Its a very heavy ring and very smooth, due to the depth it was found at, I’d say 12 inches or more, it makes me believe that it was lost last summer or the summer before.

I like this ring and I’d like to find its owner! The hardest part is just that! Finding the owner. Who ever lost this ring has given up now, who knows, he could of been visiting Vancouver.

Three other items of interest I found that night…

1st… A hat badge from…”The Seaforth Highlanders” Gaelic writing… Cuidich ‘n Rich (Save the King)

2nd… Commemorative Medallion, its hard to make this one out as it was so corroded, on the front is a picture of what looks to be a miner. Alaska Pacific Yukon Exposition 1909 Seattle USA, On the back I can only make out the words… Alaska Nugget. After researching this on the internet, it was Seattle’s First Worlds Fair.

3rd… Along with all the change I found that night, I also found a United States Silver 1880 (One Dime)… Bad shape as its been in the sand for a long time.

Thanks for reading my story!

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Search and we will Find

Diamond in the snow…New Westminster

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Jan 21/09

Today I found a diamond egagement ring for a young lady who lost it on Dec.31/08

This took me over 5 hours and four visits till the ring showed up in a pile of snow on the side of a road.

After grid searching and cutting back the pile of snow I knew I’d have to come back when the snow had melted.

Today was the day as I searched an area on the side of the road where the snow was piled up and got a good signal… and there was the ring!

I drove to where the lady worked and walked into the store to give her the ring, she was very excited and very thankful. I love this job as it makes people feel good and me as well…

You can see the video clip on this discovery on YouTube…

Check out the testimonial on Finders website…

Search and we will Find