sauble beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Two Rings One Search – Lost Ring in Sauble Beach Ontario Canada

About a week ago we received a call from a pretty upset couple who had lost their wedding ring in Sauble Beach. We drove up that day to search and within a few minutes had a strong beep, we instantly dug the signal knowing it would be good and sure enough we pulled up a beautiful gold wedding band.

Excitedly we called back the owner and sent them a photo to hear them respond in a sad tone and say « That isnt my ring » Turns out in the same location we found another wedding band!! We continued the search that night and came out empty handed. We returned a few days later and searched another 6ish hours creating a grid and expanding the search as far as possible in the directions we were told they went. Again we came out without a ring.

At this point we were beginning to wonder where this ring could be, we knew the last chance to find this ring was to call them up and see if they would possibly drive 2 and a half hours to meet us at the location. They both kindly agreed to this and left there home town at 5:30am to meet us on the water at 8:00. My dad and myself new the ring wasnt in the location we had thought it was, the last hope was to have them redo their entire actions from that day and eliminate all the possibilities.

We met them at the beach and began right away by asking many questions,

when did you notice the ring was missing?

Where were you when it fell off?

Did you walk away from the area at any point?


After many questions we figured there was a few options, the ring was lost walking to get food, around their main on land location or it was out further than we had searched due to aggressive waves and a miss communication over the phone in terms of how deep he was actually out.

We gridded off the land with no luck and decided to move out much deeper than we searched previous days, the husband and wife both went out into the water with us (which was not super warm) and within five minutes of searching where he believed it was lost we found this amazing gold wedding band.

Moral of the story is never give up, continue to expand the grid and ask as many questions as possible!

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Lost ring in the water Tobermory Ontario!

Another ring reunited with its owner!

Got up this morning and waited out the weather, 60km wind gust and rain would make for a difficult search. Drove about 2 hours to just before Tobermory Ontario.
The person who lost this ring lived in the USA so we had only a map and what he told us on the email to go by. To make the situation worse the guy had lost the ring roughly 2 weeks prior to finding out about us.
When we arrived at the location another metal detector was there searching… The area wasn’t very big and we knew this wasn’t a good sign. We ventured into the cold water working the area we were told to search. Dad decided to go in to get his other detector and when he was walking back out to the depth we thought the ring was at he got a strong beep and sure enough it was the beautiful platinum ring!

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How to find a lost ring in the sand! (Kincardine / Goderich Ontario)

About a week ago we received a call from a lady who had lost her wedding band just south of Kincardine, ON, Canada on a private beach. She was wake boarding for roughly an hour and when she came back in she noticed the ring was no longer on her finger.
We received the call around 8 at night and knew that making it to search that night would not work as we had a good hour ride to the location. Between work and other obstacles in both of our schedules we came to the conclusion the only time to search for it would be the following morning at 7am.
We woke up shortly before 6am and made it to the beach around 7. The lady who lost the ring showed us a rough idea of where the ring had been lost and we began the search.
I had to be to work by 11 which meant I had to leave the location around 930. This gave us about 2.5 hours to find this ring. After about 1 hour of searching thoughts began going through our mind « time is running out », « could we be searching the wrong location », « is it in the shallow water or deep ». Finally my father got a strong signal in about 6 inches of water and dug up the ladies wedding band!
Awesome to be able to reunite this lady with her ring once again and see the smile on her face when she got it back in her hands!


If you have lost your ring or any item please check out my The Ring Finders page or my FB page


Thanks for reading!

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How To find a Lost Ring on The Beach in Lions Head, Ontario!

I received a call a few days ago from a guy who had lost his wedding band in Lions Head ON. Myself and my father both avid users of metal detectors decided to take about an hour drive up to see if we could locate this item. We soon came to realize that the beach we were metal detecting had some large rocks making for a difficult search. The water depth in this location also dropped off very fast making it challenging to check further into the water. After about a steady two hours of searching as well as using goggles to go under and see if we could locate it by eye we decided to call the search off for the day as we covered pretty much all the area that we believed the ring was lost in. I had my suit about half off when he told us there was one more spot he would like us to search. The family created a rock statue and threw the rocks back in after they were done. I quickly suited back up and went over to the location the rocks had been thrown into. Within roughly a couple minutes I had a very strong beep ringing up at around a 63 on my Garrett AT Pro. I spend a small amount of time locating what rock this beep was coming from. I bent into the water and lifted a rock about the size of a football. Sure enough if his platinum ring and diamonds was not under that rock sparkling in the sun!!

We are very pleased to have helped this gentleman and look forward to many more searches to come!



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How to Find a lost ring in the snow in Sauble Beach & Walkerton Ontario Area

Hello everyone,

My name is Mitchell Clark and am based in Walkerton, Ontario, Canada. I am a new member to the Ring finders and will search areas including Walkerton, Hanover, Sauble beach, Saugeen shores and surrounding areas. I have been finding rings for people for several years in the water,dirt, sand and snow!

Thanks for your time,

Mitchell Clark