Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”
I received a phone call about a lost Engagement Ring which was lost while clearing and cleaning the old plants from the flower beds. She was just doing her normal routine while wear gloves. Then after the job was done the ring was gone. We was able to perform the search the next day. Started the search in the first areas with no luck. Still continued through each flower bed area and the first dump site of two for the plant waste materials. During the search of the second waste plant materials site, I had a hit in the dead plants, as I moved the plants away the hit disappeared which told me the item has fallen down into the older pile. Started moving the debris out of the way and there was the ring that has fallen and hidden itself. She was very happy to have the Ring returned to her.

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”