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Found…Gold cat ring/Lost in the garden/North Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The Cat Came Back!

Thanks for watching…

I love my job!

Lost something? Contact me ASAP

Olympus Camera Found on Seymour Mountain

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

May 11th 2009 Seymour Mountain Ski Resort /Vancouver BC…

Today I was working up at Seymour Mountain and on my lunch break I was walking around searching the area where the main parking lot is and where they push the snow over the side of the road.

I had no metal detector so I was just eye balling the change and things that was sitting on the top of the snow. I found $17.00 in change and a Olympus camera that had most likely been there in the snow for over two months.

The camera seemed to be in good shape and the reason I know it was there for a few months was that the memory stick fit my camera and the pictures were of this person and friends enjoying the snow in the middle of a snow fall, and that would be a while back!

I’m hoping that person will find me so I can return the camera and memory stick with the photos of friends and good times.

If this is your camera please contact me…

I love my job

Front Yard Diamond Ring/Surrey BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)


What would you do to find your lost diamond ring? This lady and her husband cut down some small trees and bushes then they weeded the area and searched on their hands and knees for hours on the side of their yard where they believed the ring was lost.

The next day they were talking to friends that said they should rent a metal detector so they found one to rent and searched for hours. Unfortunately they had no luck in finding the marquee diamond engagement ring.

After giving up and believing that they’d never see the ring again, the lady reads a story about my service  »Finders » in a local paper.
With nothing to lose they call me and tell me about the lost ring.

I’m excited to come out and take a look for the ring, I can tell this gives them a glimmer of hope. When I get there we discuss the area and we talk about the search they did for the ring.

I decide to check the front yard first but they tell me that there’s no way the ring is lost on the front yard. I told them that I wanted to get it out of the way before going into the area that they just searched for two days.

This turns out to be a good call as I find the ring in about 3 minutes…Some times it pays off to follow your gut feeling! They were amazed at how fast I found the ring and where I found it.

Luck some times comes into play and it makes up for the rings that take many hours to find.

Again the smile tells you the story…

I love my job!

Lost something? Contact me ASAP

Thick Silver Wedding Band lost at Pitt lake…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I get a call from a young man and he tells me that he lost his wedding band in the Pitt Meadows area in BC.

He goes on to tell me that he lost it where he was fishing and he knew the exact area at Pitt lake where his large silver ring came off his finger.

I agree to meet him and we drove out together to find his ring, when I get there its full of weeds and the water was ankle deep.

I thought it might be difficult to find the area but he was sure he knew where it was, we didn’t have much time as this is a tidal river and the tide was coming in!

He spots the area and I begin to search quickly, it shouldn’t take long as he was sure this was the area, I thought to myself. After 15 minutes and no ring I started to think maybe we were in the wrong spot.

Just then he calls out to me and said maybe its this spot here…The tide was moving in very fast and it was getting close to my knees now so I knew we didn’t have much time.

I started my grid search in the new area and within 5 minutes I received a good loud signal and there was his ring! He was so pleased and I was so happy that we found it before the water was over my head!

Check out his smile…

I love my job!

Lost something? Contact me ASAP!

Diamond ring lost on soccer field in Surrey BC.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This story is about a lady who called me and was very upset about losing her diamond ring that was given to her by her mother.
Every time I get a call for  »Finders » I get excited about the chance of helping find someone’s ring for them.

Some searches are harder then others and you really don’t know how long it will take until you find it or not. This search was going to be a difficult because after talking to her on the phone she told me that the ring could be lost anywhere on two soccer fields.

When I met up with her at the park she walked over to a part of the field where she was watching one of her kids who was playing soccer. She said that she watched the game for a while and half way through that game she walked her other child to another field for a game.

Throughout the day she was back and forth watching both games and some where in that park the ring fell off into the grass, the question now was… where?

I decided to start my search in the area that she took me to first. That proved to be a good starting point as 15 minutes later I found the ring… I think she was as shocked as I was that the ring was found so fast!…The smile tells you the rest!

I love my job!

Lose something? Call ASAP!

Lifeguard lost his ring in the ocean at 3rd beach in Vancouver…Next day it was found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This Story is about a lifeguard that lost his wedding band while training in the ocean. Years ago I started out by passing flyers to the lifeguards for my ring finders service here in Vancouver, BC.

Fortunately he remembered my service and called me after he searched for his ring in the ocean bottom for a few hours with no luck.

I met him at the beach that evening and he showed me the area where he lost the ring, the good thing was he measured out the exact distanced from a log on the shoreline to the area the ring was lost.

I had to wait until low tide later that evening (3am) and thanks to him marking the location it only took me 20 minutes to find.

To date I’m 2 for 2 for helping our lifeguards recover their wedding bands…

I love my job!

If you need help finding your lost ring, contact me ASAP!

Lost…White gold diamond ring/ A gift from her late Grandmother/ Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This ring search was for a young lady who lost the white gold diamond ring that was given to her by her late Grandmother.

While cleaning her balcony she threw a few things down to the ground below to pick up and throw away later. This is when she felt her ring come off and land some where in the grass below.

I listened to her story and it was pretty cut and dry in my mind that the ring would be in the grass close to the items that she threw to the ground.

I started my grid search in this relatively small area of her back yard and after 1 hour and no ring I had to re-think the situation. This should be easy I thought to myself… but why haven’t I found it?

My only thought was that the ring flew over the fence and landed in the neighbors yard, when I suggested we ask her neighbor if we could search her back yard for the ring, she didn’t think it was possible that it ended up there, but she agreed.

After a short time in the neighbors yard the ring was found and the smile was in full view!
« Flick Factor » I believe we never stop learning and life is exciting with the possibilities that await us in every challenge we meet.

I love my job!

Lose something? Contact us ASAP

Lost diamond ring at Harrison Hot Springs…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

My son was out camping with a few friends at Harrison Hot Springs and a girl he went to school with lost her diamond engagement ring at the lake.

She tells me that she put the ring on her towel while she was sun tanning and when she woke up from a short sleep, she got up and shook the towel.

My son, the young lady and her fiancé, searched and searched for her ring, then it hit my son! I know someone who can help! He called and explained the situation and I was on my way to find her ring.

When I showed up they put me the area that the ring was lost in and I started to search. After 10 minutes I knew that the ring was to deep due to the fact that they were digging around for hours searching for it.

I cut back the sand and pebbles and after 10 minutes I found her beautiful diamond ring, needless to say her and her fiancé were very happy.

I love my job!

If you need help finding your lost ring, contact me ASAP!

Gold in the Attic!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

A local newspaper here in Vancouver did a story about my service  »Finders » This always gets me a rush of work as people remember what they’ve lost and wonder if I could find it for them.

This story is about a man who was laying out insulation in his attic and after he was done he noticed his gold coin ring was gone. Thanks to the story that was in the local paper he now had a feeling that his ring could be found.

I showed up to his house and we talk about the search, I explain that it could be difficult due to all the nails in the area that I needed to search. We took a nice sheet of plywood and laid it down to give me something to sit on as I metal detected the insulation. This could take sometime as it was a big area I had to cover.

I was getting a lot of signals for nails as I expected but I kept watching my visual display on my metal detector for a ring signal. That signal came after just 10 minutes and out from the insulation came his beautiful gold coin ring.

I think the owner was in shock as he didn’t think he’d ever see that ring again…

I love my job!

Lost something? Contact me ASAP.

Lost my ring at the park…Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

He was enjoying a sunny day with a few friends and throwing a Frisbee, then with one flick of the wrist his wedding band goes flying into the long grass.

After searching for hours with his friends they give up and head for a business meeting, on his way out of the beach area they noticed my flyer at the lifeguard stand.

With nothing to lose he gives me a call, I take the info and get the exact location and head out to search for his ring. When I get there I check the location to make sure its the spot, then I begin my grid search.

After 20 minutes of grid searching I get a good signal and I bend down to search the grass and out pops his gold ring. I call and tell him the good news and we set up a time and place to meet to get his ring back to him.

As I was packing up to leave I noticed the parks board shows up and starts to cut the grass… It was very lucky I got there first and found his ring because if they cut the grass before I got there, the lawnmower could of hit the ring and sent it flying.

I love my job!

If you need help finding your ring contact me ASAP