metal detector rental Calgary Tag | The Ring Finders

Cell phones in the Snow. Easy to lose, easy to find

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

Had a call from the father of a young man that had, in anger, thrown his phone out the car window. He spent six hours looking for it. No luck.  Before they called me, it snowed making it nearly impossible to find… unless you have a metal detector.  Using the Find Me app on their phone, they narrowed down the search area. When I arrived, it was only a matter of minutes.

Watch the video for details.

How to find a Lost ring in Calgary

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)


Sometimes I get called to search for an item that « might » have been lost somewhere. When I become that last resort, I conduct a closure search, hoping to find the item but knowing that there is a good chance it won’t be found. In cases like this, I usually ask for a flat rate fee.  Recently I was called up about a lost ring in a parking lot. She was pretty sure she had the ring before she arrived and after running a couple of errands at a couple of locations, she realized it was gone. There was no certainty but she asked me to check the locations where she had parked. I did without success. Later I met with her and searched her vehicle using my endoscope (tiny camera). She had searched the car already but I was able to check all the nooks and crannies. Still not found. When I left, I told her that her ring was not in the locations where I had searched. There were two possibilities. Someone may have picked it up (I left notes at the businesses where we searched) or she may have lost it elsewhere.  Two days later, I received a text with a picture of her ring. She had found it behind some bins in a closet.  Turns out that after my search had eliminated what she believed may have happened, she began to rethink the events surrounding the loss and was able to focus her own search elsewhere. This led to the eventual recovery of her ring.  Just another example of how a recovery specialist can help you.

If you are in the Calgary area, please contact me or if you are further abroad, visit

Lost Wedding Ring Found Just Outside Calgary

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

Marco called me about the wedding ring he lost while cleaning up out back. We talked and it became pretty evident that the ring was there. I just needed to pass my metal detector coil above the ring. It wasn’t a question of « If » but instead a question of « How

long? »   Watch the video to see what happens


Lost Gold Ring Found In A Calgary Backyard

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

She was just throwing the dog a ball. Who knows how many times she threw Ollie the ball, but during one of those throws, her ring went flying. Watch as we return it where it belongs.

Fastest Find of a Lost Ring Using a Metal Detector near Calgary

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

I received a call out from a gentleman that lost his ring while planting the garden in the spring.  Four months later we begin a search. From what he told me on the phone, I suggested we start with his gut feeling. It was a good call.  We had 5000 sq. feet to search and we found it in the first one we searched. Watch the video if you enjoy happy endings.


Lost Ring Found in Calgary’s Kananaskis Playground

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

Sam called me up. Her husband and her went camping in Kananaskis country. A hot day and lead to a dip in the cold creek.  When it was over, his ring was gone.  They spent two days looking for it without any luck and potential cases of hypothermia. When I arrived, we chatted a little and then I got to work. Fifteen minutes later, the ring was back in her hands. Another happy ending.  Watch the video for the full story.

From Sam

« Working with Evan to find our wedding ring was incredible. He’s professional, kind, tenacious, and joyful. His reassurance and skills made our stress flow away and he found it so quickly! Highly recommended! »